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心智障碍者即是成年人监护制度的主要适用对像,也是《联合国残疾人权利公约》第12条的调整对象。《公约》第12条倡导的尊重心智障碍者人权和自由的观点受到国际社会的普遍认可与尊重,但《公约》第1号《一般性意见》对《公约》第12条的解释确属脱离实际,导致我国国内对成年人监护的争论此起彼伏,无行为能力制度是否有存在的必要、监护是否应与行为能力相脱离、是否应以支持决策全面取代监护是各方争议的核心问题。在厘清争议的前提下,未来应通过司法解释对《民法总则》的相关内容做出细化规定。  相似文献   

传统民法强调行为能力欠缺宣告是成年人监护得以设置的必经程序,该制度设计在很大程度上剥夺和限制了行为能力欠缺者在民事活动领域的行为自由,这不利于成年人监护制度功能的有效发挥.实际上,成年人监护制度的主要目的是为了保护监护对象的人身和财产权利,与监护对象有无行为能力并无必然联系,行为能力欠缺宣告制度不应成为成年人监护设置的前提.  相似文献   

完善紧急状态立法保障公民的宪法和法律权利   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
紧急状态是危及一个国家正常的宪法和法律秩序、对人民的生命和财产安全构成严重威胁的正在发生的或者是迫在眉睫的危险事态。如何在紧急状态时期始终坚持依法办事的原则,是衡量一个社会法治化水平的标志。为此,世界上绝大多数国家都注重通过宪法和法律来确立国家的基本紧急状态制度,以保障宪法所规定的公民基本权利,通过赋予国家机关必要的紧急权力,来建立有效的应急反应机制,迅速恢复宪法和法律秩序,最大限度地保证人民的生命和财产安全。另外,还有一些国家依据宪法关于紧急状态的规定,制定专门的紧  相似文献   

Cohen and Felson??s (Cohen and Felson American Sociological Review 44(4):588?C608, 1979) routine activity theory posits that for a crime to occur three necessary elements must converge in time and space: motivated offenders, suitable targets, and the absence of capable guardianship. Capable guardians can serve as a key actor in the crime event model; one who can disrupt, either directly or indirectly, the interaction between a motivated offender and a suitable target. This article critically reviews the literature on guardianship for crime prevention. Our specific focus is two-fold: (1) to review the way guardianship has been operationalized and measured, and (2) to review experimental and quasi-experimental evaluations and field tests of guardianship. Research on routine activities has had an uneven focus resulting in the neglect of the guardianship component (Reynald Crime Prevention and Community Safety 11(1):1?C20, 2009; Sampson et al. Security Journal 23(1):37?C51, 2010; Tewksbury and Mustaine Criminal Justice and Behavior 30(3):302?C327, 2003; Wilcox et al. Criminology 45(4):771?C803 2007). Evaluations of guardianship-related interventions demonstrate support for the theoretical construct; however, high-quality field tests of guardianship are wholly lacking. Implications for theory and research are discussed.  相似文献   

谭玲 《政法学刊》2002,19(4):76-79
亲权作为身份权的一种,是父母基于身份关系对未成年子女所生之权利,原则上不得由他人代为行使,但日本民法第833条和第867条则有例外规定,即父母均为禁治产人时,其亲权应由父母的法定代理人代为行使。法定监护是监护的一种,它归于民事主体制度,是指根据法律的直接规定而进行的监督、保护等民事活动。立法例上,一些国家既规定亲权又规定监护,而另一些国家只规定监护。法定代理是基于法律的直接规定而进行的代理,它兼具民事主体与民事法律行为双重内涵,是各国法律均予规范的内容。民法理论上,亲权、法定监护和法定代理三者之间在诸多方面存在着牵连与叠合,同时又具有严格的界限和适用范围,它们对民事法律制度的协调与完善起着互补作用,是民事法律制度不可或缺的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

As a matter of social policy, providers should place a top priority on educating colleagues and the public, including lawyers and the courts, so that there is genuine understanding that certain medical conditions, like anencephaly and brain death, cannot be ameliorated, changed, or improved through medical treatment even though the patient may continue to breathe with mechanical assistance for years. If health care professionals do not articulate and adhere to clear, universal standards of practice in this area, the courts will continue to define the duty of the medical profession, and, as Baby K illustrates, that is not acceptable.  相似文献   

Adult guardianship is a coercive exercise of the state's power over an innocent individual, justified only by: 1) the ward's incapacity; and 2) the need to protect the ward's well-being. The raison d'être of guardianship is to improve the well-being of the incapacitated ward. Studies of actual guardianship proceedings have long indicated serious ongoing concerns with the process. Repeated revisions of statutes have attempted to improve guardianship procedures, with some success. However, relatively little attention has been paid to the actual effect of guardianship on the well-being of respondents and wards, when the system functions as intended. The presumption that guardianship, when not abused, is in the best interests of an incapacitated adult is called into serious question by empirical research into the role of internal locus of control and autonomy on human well-being. Indeed, a wide range of data indicates that guardianship itself can have significant negative effects on the physical and mental well-being of respondents and wards. The guardianship system must be reformed to maximize the therapeutic effects of guardianship and to minimize the unnecessarily anti-therapeutic effects. I examine the effects of guardianship from a therapeutic jurisprudence perspective and propose and analyze modifications that could enhance the therapeutic effects of guardianship.  相似文献   

Families who find themselves in the middle of child protective proceedings have three possible outcomes: (1) the family can reunify; (2) parents voluntarily surrender their parental rights; or (3) the parents have their rights terminated. While it seems we should support children in the second and third scenarios equally, having funding sources such as the Kinship Guardianship Assistance Program (KinGAP) only available to children of parents whose rights are terminated, does the opposite. This Note proposes amending the eligibility requirements of KinGAP to include children of parents who surrender their parental rights which would encourage positive safe placements for children.  相似文献   

监护制度中的核心内容是监护人的确定。双方通过意定产生监护人,充分彰示出未来的被监护成年人的自由主动之意愿,宜称之为成年人自主监护。成年人自主监护制度远承罗马法法是为人而设之理念,近展我国本土关注未来的被监护成年人意愿之理念。从罗马法的成年人非自主监护和保佐模式到20世纪以来成年人自主监护的多种模式,揭示了立法对被监护成年人意愿的日渐尊重。我国民法典有关成年人自主监护的规则亟需体系化,成年人自主监护的缔约双方资格、监护人的条件、监护人主观同意与客观可能、双方合意的形式等规则应当细化。监护约定内容的限制规则、成年人自主监护登记备案规则、监护监督人规则、监护人报告规则、有偿监护规则等成年人自主监护规则的完善,不仅是理论研究的对象而且是立法完善的重要内容。  相似文献   

This article examines the recent decision of the Full Court of the Family Court in Re Marion dealing with the question of sterilisation of intellectually disabled minors and in particular, the question of whether a parent or guardian can lawfully consent to a sterilisation operation upon an intellectually disabled minor or whether court approval is required before such an operation can lawfully be performed. The article goes on to critically examine legislation in force in various Australian jurisdictions concerning involuntary sterilisations and substituted consent as well as legislative reforms that have been proposed in this area.  相似文献   

A qualitative analysis of the annual quantity demanded and quantity supplied of judicial services in each of the 21 circuit courts comprising the court system of the State of Illinois is presented, and resource allocations problems relating to the provision of court services are considered.  相似文献   

WTO法是适应经济全球化的发展而产生的,规范成员方政府行为的多边贸易法律体系。在大多数成员方转化适用WTO法的条件下,行政立法必然分化出新类型的行政立法——涉外经济行政立法,即有权行政机关为了调整涉及其他国际法主体所肯定的,具有其法律意义因素的经济关系而进行的行政立法。此种新类型的行政立法是经济全球化的必然产物,具有显著的特征和重要的功能。  相似文献   

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