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遗体捐献立法中的几个问题   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
近年来 ,捐献遗体工作的意义和难度引起了人们的关注。一些地方在开展立法调研 ,以期规范和推动该项工作的顺利健康发展。本人曾经参加过上海市红十字会和市卫生局联合开展的《上海市遗体捐献条例 (草案 )》(以下简称《草案》) ①的研究、讨论和修改等工作。现就其中的一些主要问题谈谈本人的看法 ,以抛砖引玉 ,对我国的遗体捐献立法工作有所裨益。一、立法的必要性和可能性1.必要性。通过立法将遗体捐献的立法过程建立在开放民主科学的基础上 ,促使人们思想观念的变化和社会主义精神文明的发展。捐献遗体看似小事 ,似乎容易 ,实际上关系到…  相似文献   

朱应平 《证据科学》2001,8(2):66-68
近年来,捐献遗体工作的意义和难度引起了人们的关注。一些地方在开展立法调研,以期规范和推动该项工作的顺利健康发展。本人曾经参加过上海市红十字会和市卫生局联合开展的《上海市遗体捐献条例(草案)》(以下简称《草案》)的研究、讨论和修改等工作。现就其中的一些主要问题谈谈本人的看法,以抛砖引玉,对我国的遗体捐献立法工作有所裨益。  相似文献   

郭天武 《政法学刊》2006,23(6):10-15
英美法国家与大陆法国家有关保释概念的表述并不相同,相应的两大法系对于有关保释的具体制度上存在着很大的差异。但是无论是英美法国家,还是大陆法国家对于现代保释理念的理解是相同的,即现代保释是一种权利、是一种有条件释放、是一种可能导致惩罚的承诺、是一套完整的诉讼程序。这种现代保释的理念与制度对于我国保释制度的构建具有指导意义。  相似文献   

Anthropometric technique commonly used by anthropologists and adopted by medical scientists has been employed to estimate body size for over a hundred years. With the increasing frequency of mass disasters, the identification of an isolated lower extremity and the stature of the person it belonged to has created problems for the investigation of the identity of some of the victims. In spite of a need for such a study, there is a lack of systematic studies to identify fragmented and dismembered human remains. The purpose of the paper is to analyze anthropometric relationships between dimensions of the lower extremity and body height. Analysis is based on a sample of middle class male (N=203) and female (N=108) adult Turks residing in Istanbul. The participants are mostly students and staff members of a medical school, and military personnel. Measurements taken are stature, trochanteric height, thigh length, lower leg length, leg length, and foot height, breadth, and length. Of the five variables entered into the regression analysis, all but foot breadth participate in the analysis with leg length as the first and followed by thigh and foot lengths, and finally foot height in males (R(2)). There were also individually calculated formulae for some of these measurements which provided smaller R(2)-values. Student's t-test to assess if there was any intraobserver error in measurements take by individual anthropometrist did not show such any statistically significant difference. In conclusion, the study suggested that estimation of a living height can be made possible using various dimensions of the lower extremity. One must consider differences between populations in order to apply functions as such to others.  相似文献   

如果把刑事诉讼法看作宪法的测震器,那么强制措施就是公民宪法权利的试金石,作为世界各国刑事诉讼中不可或缺的部分,强制措施承担了诉讼保障的角色,同时也是刑事司法程序所"必须承受之重"--对人身权利、自由的严重侵害.  相似文献   

利用脚手长及相关部位推测身长的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨脚长、手长及相关部位与身长的相关关系。对 489名男女青年进行了脚长、脚掌宽、手全长、食指长、中指长、小指长和身长的测量 ,并将测量数据输入计算机中进行回归分析。结果表明 :男性各项指标与身长具有一定的线性关系 ,呈直线正相关。其直线回归方程包括 :(1) y =93 5 5 + 3 2 6x (用脚长推测身长 ) ;(2 ) y =130 79+4 18x (用脚掌宽推测身长 ) ;(3) y =76 15 + 5 33x (用手全长推测身长 ) ;(4)y =10 8 6 1+ 8 76x (用食指长推测身长 ) ;(5 )y =94 85 + 9 47x (用中指长推测身长 ) ;(6 ) y =12 0 79+ 8 6 8x (用小指长推测身长 )。女性手全长和中指长两项测量指标与身长具有一定的线性关系。其直线回归方程包括 :(1) y =119 86 + 2 44x (用手全长推测身长 ) ;(2 )y =12 9 89+ 4 0 8x (用中指长推测身长 )。女性的脚长、脚掌宽、食指长、小指长等 4项测量指标与身长的线性关系不明显 ,其推测身长的方程式不宜应用  相似文献   

The structure of hairs from the head, chest, armpits, and pubis of residents of Latin America (Bolivia, Salvador, Panama, Ecuador, Chile, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Peru, Brasil, and Mexico) has been studied. New data on macro- and microscopic characteristics of hairs of the population of the above countries were obtained (color, shape, length, thickness of hair; number of cuticle lines; characteristics of hair layers, shapes of transverse sections, etc.).  相似文献   

The morphology of hairs from the head, beard, chest, armpits, and pubis was studied in indigenous population of Sudan, Sierra-Leone, Cote d'Ivoir, Ruanda, Nigeria, Gambia, Kenya, Uganda, Burundi, Zaire, Southern African Republic, Angola, Benin, and Guinea Bissau. A total of 327 hair specimens were examined. A number of new parameters of hairs were determined: thickness, number of cuticle pattern lines per mm, optic edge pattern, cuticle patterns, methods for detecting the cortical and medullar layers, width of hair layers and their transverse sections. The resultant morphological signs are new specific signs for African residents (Negroid) which can be used in forensic medical studies for identifying the race appurtenance of hairs.  相似文献   

姚岚 《证据科学》2007,14(1):I0029-I0037
第三章我国器官捐献匮乏的成因分析 一、国内外器官捐献立法回眸 在器官捐献立法方面,外国及我国地方的情况见表1.  相似文献   

第三章我国器官捐献匮乏的成因分析 一、国内外器官捐献立法回眸 在器官捐献立法方面,外国及我国地方的情况见表1.  相似文献   

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