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Book Reviews     
Book Review in This Article:
THE P olitics of R egulation Edited by James Q. Wilson
T he G reat B illion D ollar M edical S windle By Keith Alan Lasko, M.D.
A merican L aw of M edical M alpractice By Steven E. Pegalis, J.D., and Harvey F. Wachsman, M.D., J.D.
H idden V ictims : T he S exual A buse of C hildren By Robert L. Geiser  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book Review in This Article:
G ood L ife /G ood D eath : A D octor's C ase F or E uthanasia and S uicide . By Dr. Christiaan Barnard
A M atter of L ife . By Robert Edwards and Patrick Steptoe
G enetics and the L aw II. Edited by Aubrey Milunsky, M.B.B.Ch., M.R.C.P., D.C.H. and George J. Annas, J.D., M.P.H.
L egal A spects of H ealth P olicy : I ssues and T rends . Edited by Ruth Roemer and George McKray
F ederal R egulation : H ospital ATTORNEY'S DESK REFERENCE. By the American Society of Hospital Attorneys
I ndustry W age S urvey : H ospitals and N ursing H omes , S eptember 1978  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
I ntroduction to L aw and the L egal S ystem
B usiness L aw —P rinciples and C ases —F ifth E dition
A rbitration of L abor -M anagement D isputes
D ata P rocessing C ontracts and T he L aw
T he N ominalistic P rinciple : A L egal A pproach T o I nflation , D evaluation and R evaluation
T he B enchwarmers : T he P rivate W orld of T he P owerful F ederal J udges  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
P ain and P rofit : T he P olitics of M alpractice . By Sylvia Law & Steven Polan
J ean's W ay . By Derek Humphry
S alesman S urgeon . By William Mac-Kay
P roblems in H ospital L aw (3d Edition). By David G. Warren
M edicolegal A spects of H ospital R ecords . (2d edition). By Emanuel Hayt  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book review in this Article
E mergency C are and the L aw
L aw and E mergency C are . By James E. George
B ad B lood . By James H. Jones
T he R ights of D octors , N urses and A llied H ealth P ro . F essionals . By George J. Annas, Leonard H. Glantz, and Barbara F. Katz  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book Review in This Article:
L aw and E thics in the P ractice of P sychiatry . Edited by Charles K. Hofling, M.D.
M ale P ractice : H ow D octors M anipulate W omen . By Robert S. Mendelsohn, M.D.
N urse P ower . By Karen O'Rourke and Salley Barton  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book Review in This Article:
T he B itter P ill : D octors , P atients , and F ailed E xpectations . By Martin R. Lipp, M.D.
S cience and C onscience . By Milton R. Wessel
R ights and R esponsibilities in M odern M edicine : T he S econd V olume in a S eries on E thics , H umanism , and M edicine . Ed. by Marc D. Basson  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
T ender M ercies , by Rosellen Brown
P sychiatrists and the L egal P rocess : D iagnosis and D ebate , edited with commentary by Richard J. Bonnie, LL.B.
F orgive and R emember : M anaging M edical F ailure . By Charles L. Bosk
T he S wine F lu A ffair : D ecision -M aking on A S lippery D isease . By Richard E. Neustadt and Harvey V. Fineberg  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
T he M edusa and the S nail . By Lewis Thomas
B roca's B rain . By Carl Sagan
A P rivate B attle . By Cornelius Ryan and Kathryn Morgan Ryan
S mall F utures : C hildren , I nequality , and the L imits of L iberal R eform . By Richard H. de Lone for the Carnegie Council on Children  相似文献   

《The Modern law review》1972,35(4):434-448
Book reviewed in this article: Accidents , Compensation and the Law . By P. S. Atiyah The High Court of Delegates . By G. I. O. Duncan The Restraint of Trade Doctrine . By J. D. Heydon The Conflict of Laws . By J. H. C. Morris , D.C.L. F.B.A Copinger and Skone James on Copyright . Eleventh edition. By E. P. Skone James , M.A., Barrister. Terrell on the Law of Patents . Twelfth edition. By Douglas Falconer , M.B.E., B.SC., William Aldous , M.A., and David Young , M.A. Locus Standi and Judicial Review . By S. M. Thio , LL.M., PH.D. Canadian Constitutional Law in a Modern Perspective . Edited by J. Noel Lyon and Ronald G. Atkin . Reflections on the Constitution and the Constituent Assembly . By L. J. M. Cooray , LL.B.(Cey.), PH.D. (Cantab.) The Legal Régime of Hydrospace . By E. D. Brown . The Human Right to Individual Freedom . Edited by Luis Kutner . Primitive Law , Past and Present . By A. S. Diamond .  相似文献   

《The Modern law review》1982,45(3):346-368
Book reviewed in this article: Real Property and Real People . By K. J. Gray and P. D. Symes . Enacting a Bill of Rights : The Legal Problems . By Joseph Jaconelli . Property in Social Continuity : Continuity and Change in the Maintenance of Property Relationships through Time in Minangkabau , West Sumatra . By Franz von Benda -Beckmann . Disputes and Negotiations : A Cross -Cultural Perspective . By P. H. Gulliver Cases and Materials on Corporations and Associations . By A. Afterman and R. Baxt Company Law : Cases , Notes and Materials . By E. E. Palmer , D. D. Prentice and B. L. Welling Law and Social Control . Edited by Eugene Kamenka and Alice Erh -Soon Tay . A History of English Prison Administration . Vol. I 1750–1877. By Sean Mc Conville . Sales and Sales Financing in Canada : Cases and Materials . By M. G. Bridge and F. H. Buckley .  相似文献   

《The Modern law review》1967,30(5):591-606
Ethics in Medical Progress: A Ciba Foundation Symposium. The Constitutional History and Law of Southern Rhodesia 1888–1965. By Claire Palley. Uganda: The Development of its Laws and Constitution. By H. F. Morris and James S. Read. Deutsches Staatsangehörigkeitsrecht. By Alexander N. Makarov. Civilians and the NATO Status of Forces Agreement. By G. I. A. D. Draper. The Doctrine of the Legal Equality of States. An Inquiry into the Foundations of International Law. By P. H. Kooijmans. Les Conditions de Recevabilité des Requêtes Individuelles Devant la Commission Européene des Droits de L'Homme. By Anne-Marie Nay-Cadoux. European Institutions. Co-operation, Integration, Unification. Second edition. By A. H. Robertson, B.C.L. (Oxon.), S.J.O. (Harvard). Resale Price Maintenance. Studies edited by B. S. Yamey. Principles of Local Government Law. Third edition. By C. A. Cross, M.A., LL.B. An Outline of English Law. By H. K. Black and D. J. Latham Brown. The Law of Real Property. By R. E. Megarry, Q.C., M.A., LL.D., and H. W. R. Wade, LL.D., D.C.L. Third edition. Archbold: Criminal Pleading, Evidence and Practice. Thirty-sixth edition. By T. R. Fitzwalter Butler and Marston Garsia, Barristers-at-Law. The English Bar: A Priesthood. By Barnett Hollander.  相似文献   

《The Modern law review》1971,34(2):227-240
Book reviewed in this article: Principles of Sentencing . By D. A. Thomas Principles of Scottish Private Law . By David M. Walker Industrial Law in Scotland . By Isaac P. Miller Jurisprudence . By R. W. M. Dias . Third Edition Introduction to Legal Theory . By John D. Finch . Equity . By George W. Keeton and L. A. Sheridan . The Tide of Divorce . By William Latey, q.c Bankruptcy Law and Practice . By G. H. L. Fridman , I. Hicks and E. C. Johnson International Law , being the collected papers of Hersch Lauterpacht, q.c. ll.d ., f.b.a . Systematically arranged and edited by E. Lauterpacht, q.c  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
M alpractice and O ther M alfeasances . By Stanley M. Rosenblatt
T he S pectre of M alpractice . By H. Barry Jacobs
T he C are & M anagement of T he S ick and I ncompetent P hysician . By Robert C. Green, George J. Carroll
T wins . By Bari Wood and Jack Geasland (New American Library, New York
T he B aby in the B ottle . By William A.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book Review in This Article:
H eartsounds . By Martha Weinman Lear
B efore T he B est I nterests of T he C hild . By Joseph Goldstein, Anna Freud, and Albert J. Solnit
P hysicians ' L icensure and D iscipline . By Frank P. Grad and Noelia Marti
R ounds . By Frederick Busch  相似文献   

《The Modern law review》1976,39(3):356-368
Crime , Criminology and Public Policy —Essays in honour of Sir Leon Radzinowitz. Edited by Roger Hood . Royal Commissions and Departmental Committees in Britain . By T. J. Cartwright . Courts and “Trials : A Multidisciplinary Approach . Ed. by M. L. Friedland . Law of Minors . By David J. Harland . Property Law : Cases and Materials . Second edition. By R. Sackville and M. A. Neave . Land Law : Cases and Materials . Third edition. By R. H. Maudsley and E. H. Burn . Capital Transfer Tax . By Wheatcroft and Hewson . The Owen J. Roberts Memorial Lectures : 1957–1974. The Socialist System of State Control . By L. Torok . Translated by L. Décsényi and G. Dienes, revised by G. Pulay. Casebook on Indian Constitutional Law , Vol. 1. By Durga das Basu . The Constitution of India . By V. N. Shukla . Sixth edition by D. K. Singh . Judicial Review of Legislation . By V. S. Deshpande . Our Constitution Defaced and Defiled . By N. A. Palkhivala .  相似文献   

Book Review Department in this articles:
ANATOMY OF THE LAW, L on L. F uller  相似文献   

《The Modern law review》1975,38(5):589-608
English Law —The New Dimension . By Sir Leslie Scarman . The Hamlyn Lectures, 26th Series. 1974. Legal Values in Western Society . By Peter Stein and John Shand . The Politics of Rights : Lawyers , Public Policy and Political Change . By Stuart A. Scheingold . Government and Law : An Introduction to the Working of the Constitution in Britain. By T. C. Hartley and J. A. G. Griffith . Changing Prisons . By J. E. Hall Williams . Progress in Penal Reform . Ed . Louis Blom -Cooper . Bentham and Legal Theory . Edited by M. H. James . English Land Law . By Michael Harwood . Family Property and Financial Provision . By J. G. Miller . Tribunals and Government . By J. A. Farmer . Administrative Law . By Zaim M. Nedjati , LL.B., Barrister, Advocate. Williams' Law Relating to Wills . Fourth Edition. C. H. Sherrin LL.M., Ph.D., and R. F. D. Barlow , M.A. International Organisation : Law in Movement . Edited by J. E. S. Fawcett and Rosalyn Higgins . Aerial Hijacking as an International Crime . By Nancy Douglas Joyner . 1974. The Illegal Diversion of Aircraft and International Law . By Edward Mc Whinney . 1975. Police Powers in England and Wales . By L. H. Leigh . Products Liability . By S. M. Waddams .  相似文献   

《The Modern law review》1967,30(1):102-120
The Worker and the Law. First edition. By Professor K. W. Wedderburn, M.A., LL.B. The Restrictive Practices Court. By R. B. Stevens and B. S. Yamey. Sale of Goods. By G. H. L. Fridman, B.C.L., M.A. (Oxon), LL.M. (Adelaide). Casebook on Sale of Goods. By E. R. Hardy Ivamy, LL.B., PH.D. Charlesworth's Company Law. Eighth edition. By T. E. Cain, M.A., Barrister-at Law. Essentials of Mercantile Law. By Kenneth Smith and Denis J. Keenan. International Law. By D. P. O'Connell. The Sources and Evidences of International Law. By Clive Parry. Rights in Air Space. By David Johnson. The Law and Practice of the International Court. By Shabtai Rosenne. The Constitutions of the Australian States. Second edition. By R. D. Lumb, LL.B.(Melb.), D.PHIL.(Oxon), Senior Lecturer in Law, University of Queensland. Law and Orders. By Sir Carleton Kemp Allen. Third edition. The Language of the Law. Selected and edited by Louis Blom-Cooper, assisted by Edward Jackson, with a Foreword by Lord Radcliffe. The Rent Act 1965. By Ashley Bramall, M.A., Barrister-at-Law. Matrimonial Offences with particular reference to the Magistrates' Courts. By Lionel Rosen, LL.M., PH.D.(lond.), Solicitor Second Edition. Politics and Law. By Gerhard Leibholz, Justice Associate of the Federal Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe, Professor at the University of Göttingen, Titular Professor at the College of Europe at Bruges.  相似文献   

The Enforcement of Morals. By Patrick Devlin. Legal Systems and Lawyers' Reasonings. By Julius Stone. Law in Society. By Geoffrey Sawer. [London: Oxford University Press. Clarendon Law Series: edited by H. L. A. Hart. Advocacy in Our Time. By O. C. Mazengarb, C.B.E., Q.C., M.A., LL.D. Salmond on the Law of Torts. Fourteenth edition. By R. F. V. Heuston, M. A., LL. B., Professor of Law in the University of Southampton, of Gray's Inn and King's Inn, Dublin, Barrister-at-Law. Jurisdiction and Illegality. By Amnon Rubinstein. Die Erforschung des Sachverhalts im Prozess. By Erich Döhring, Professor at the University of Kiel. A Casebook of Administrative Law. By J. A. G. Griffith and H. Street. Tribunals and Inquiries―A Guide to Procedure. By Neville D. Vandyk. Capital Gains Tax. By G. S. A. Wheatcroft, assisted by A. E. W. Park and John E. Talbot. Corporation Tax. By Peter M. B. Rowland and John E. Talbot with Annotations to Finance Act 1965 by S. Michael Young and John Silberrad. Disarmament and International Law. By Allan Gotlieb. United Nations Forces. By D. W. Bowett with the assistance and collaboration of Dr. G. P. Barton, H. C. Carnegic, Wing-Commander A. E. Cobus, J. G. Collier, M. Hardy, Dr. Rosalyn Higgins and Professor L. B. Sohn. The Theory of Nationalisation. By Konstantin Katzarov. Criminal on the Road. A Study of Serious Motoring Offences and those who commit them. By T. C. Willett. Curtis and Ruoff on The Law and Practice of Registered Conveyancing. Second edition. By Theodore B. F. Ruoff, C.B.E., Chief Land Registrar. Banking Law for Trustee Savings Banks. By C. L. Lawton, Barrister-at-Law. The Practitioner's Guide to Hire-Purchase Cases. By Harold Brown, Q.C. The Mercantile and Industrial Law of Scotland. By J. J. Gow. The Quantum of Damages in Bodily and Fatal Injury Cases. Second edition. By M. M. Corbett and J. L. Buchanan. Law Relating to Hospitals and Kindred Institutions. Fourth edition. By S. R. Speller, O.B.E., LL.B. Introduction to Modern Hindu Law. By J. Duncan M. Derrett, M.A., PH.D., of Gray's Inn, Barrister-at-Law, Professor in Oriental Laws in the University of London, Tagore Professor of Law for 1953, University of Calcutta. Le Droit de Visits des Parents Séparés de leurs Enfants en Suisse, en France et en Allemagne. By Maurice Marthaler. A Deliktuális Felelösség a Társadalom és a Jog Fejlödésének Történetében (Delictual Liability in the History of the Evolution of Society and Law). By Ferenc Mádl. Das Deutsche Seerecht. First edited by Georg Schaps and others. Third edition. By Hans Jürgen Abraham. Criminal Law in Nigeria (excluding the North). By C. O. Okonkwo and M. E. Naish.  相似文献   

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