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This article seeks to build a bridge between the criminological tradition of research on hard-to-reach groups and sensitive topics and the tradition of critical research on radicalization. As a result of the hard-to-reach character of so-called radicals themselves, the article analyzes interview experiences with ‘professionals’ working within the prevention of radicalization and other actors. This article discusses the experiences connected to the preparation and unfolding of the interviews on the sensitive topic of radicalization and illustrates how interviews and questions designed to gather knowledge about radicalization processes among Muslims in Denmark often became a discussion about the concept of radicalization itself. This article shows that making use of the concept of radicalization is problematic in interviews as it is embedded in the Danish political discourse on immigration, Muslims and Islam. This article reflects on researcher positionality and how being a white ethnic Danish researcher might have caused an underestimation of how problematic the concept is to people directly involved with it, and that speaking from such a researcher positionality also can make the concept of radicalization seem even more problematic.  相似文献   

Berk (Statistical Inference and Meta-Analysis, 2007) asserts that the results of inferential statistics make scientific sense only if the data to which they are applied were actually generated through random sampling from a defined real population. Because meta-analysis data are not generated in that manner, he claims that the statistical conclusions of meta-analysis are fictional and suggests that conventional research review procedures be used instead. This rejoinder argues that Berk’s position on statistical inference represents a narrow literalism that he fails to justify and that does not reflect the way inferential statistics are used or generally understood in contemporary practice. Consequently, his critique has little significance for meta-analysis or any of the other widespread forms of social science research that apply inferential statistics in similar spirit. Berk’s advocacy of conventional literature reviews omits any explanation of how they would avoid the well-documented deficiencies of that approach or be conducted in a manner that offers any advantage over meta-analysis.
Mark W. LipseyEmail:

著作权集体管理问题可以说是我国著作权法研究 和实务中的一个瓶颈问题。自1992年我国第 一家集体管理机构——中国音乐著作权协会成立以来,著作权集体管理问题即深受关注,但1990年的《著作权法》对此并无规定,1991年的《著作权法实施条例》第7条、第49条和第54条也只是零星提及。2001年的新修订《著作权法》增设第8条,确立了集体管理组织的非营利性和独立的诉讼主体地位,但该条  相似文献   

章梅娟 《行政与法》2007,(6):122-123
2006年是我国打击商业贿赂的专项年,通过一年的努力,该项活动取得了一定的成绩,但也凸显了许多问题。特别是对商业贿赂几个法理性问题存在着一定的模糊认识。本文力图从我国现行立法加以阐释区别,以更好地打击此类犯罪。  相似文献   

药品侵权的构成以药品存在缺陷为前提;药品之缺陷应当包括设计缺陷、警示缺陷、制造缺陷3种情形;药品合格的证明标准是具体使用的药品本身不存在缺陷,而不是某个批次的药品具有合格证书;药品质量的证明责任应当由药品的生产者承担.  相似文献   

THOMAS MAUTNER 《Ratio juris》2010,23(3):411-427
This paper discusses the place of philosophical naturalism in the philosophy of law, with special reference to Scandinavian Realism. Hägerström originated a non‐cognitivist analysis of certain fundamental legal concepts, but he also proposed an error theory. The two approaches are incompatible, but were not always clearly distinguished. Among his followers, Olivecrona and Ross gradually abandoned the latter, at least from the late 1940s. Many accounts of their views are unclear, because the presence of these two kinds of analysis, their incompatibility, and the gradual abandonment of one, has often been overlooked. A corollary of the discussion is that there are some important corrigenda in the entry “Naturalism in legal philosophy” in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.  相似文献   

麻宝斌 《行政与法》2001,3(6):67-70
在几十年的实践中,我国的村民自治既取得了伟大成就,也暴露出许多问题.要落实村民自治权,必须从理论上澄清认识.从性质上说,村民自治是一种社会民主,是广大农民实行直接民主的一种基本监督.从村民自治的发展规律出发,当前的主要任务是实现从权威性自治向代表性自治的转变.  相似文献   

通过对留置权的特征、成立要件、效力、如何行使等问题的阐述,使读者从民法学角度对留置权有一更明确的认识,从而在司法实践中更好地适用留置权。  相似文献   

随着犯罪分子反侦查能力的不断提升,其对现场痕迹的破坏伪装程度也越来越高,现场传统物证提取及利用效率逐渐下降.微量物证量小体微,甚至作案人也不易察觉,若能对犯罪现场微量物证加以利用,定能为侦查破案提供有效帮助.考察其基层应用情况,存在技术设备缺乏,技术人员微量物证意识不足,技术水平低下等问题,必须寻求有效对策,推进微量物证技术更好发展.  相似文献   

关于药品侵权的几点思考--一起注射疫苗过敏案件评析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
药品侵权的构成以药品存在缺陷为前提;药品之缺陷应当包括设计缺陷、警示缺陷、制造缺陷3种情形;药品合格的证明标准是具体使用的药品本身不存在缺陷,而不是某个批次的药品具有合格证书;药品质量的证明责任应当由药品的生产者承担.  相似文献   

在“有”与“无”之间——法学方法论杂谈   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,方法论成了法学界的热点话题,不仅在法理学或法哲学圈子里,在这之外的法学圈也是如此,只是稍稍滞后一些。法学方法论的问题通常是研究法理学或法哲学的学者所关注的问题,主要是作为一个学术问题来对待,并未走出纯学术的范围,与部门法研究进行充分地对话。以前,即使法理学界也并未像现在这样集中关注于方法论问题,  相似文献   

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