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PEOPLE say that it is greatto have a few foreignfriends in China, whomay be useful as lan-guage consultants, guarantors foroverseas travel or study, as well asadmission to the hedonistic yup-piedom of Sanlitun-the mostvibrant bar district in Beijing.Some go as far as to monopolizetheir foreign friends' trust and playthe role of broker for the length oftheir stay in China. I have a Frenchfriend, but he has, unfortunately,been in Beijing for over ten years,and knows even more Chinesepeople t…  相似文献   

After emerging from the economic doldrums, developing economies are now confronted with a new danger-a flood of international hot money. But how has the speculative capital circumvented regulatory controls and what are the consequences concerning the stability of the developing world? Zhao Zhongwei, a senior researcher with the Institute of World Politics and Economics at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, discussed these issues in an article recently published in the China Securities Journal. Edite...  相似文献   

近年来,我国进口的增长速度在不断加快;但同时,资源进口上的种种失误也造成一些严重的亏损。在今天的国际环境中用好钱(进口)可能难于多赚钱(出口),当前需要重新思考国家的进口战略。  相似文献   

THE ancient city of Chizhou is less known among An-hui province’s famous scenic and historic cities,such as Huangshan which is site  相似文献   

这是美国一个主要的网上职业登记机构在全国范围内对年轻人和不安于现状的人的工作态度进行调查时得出的主要结论。在全国3000名接受调查的大学生和最近毕业的人中,当问及他们的职业目标时,几乎有三分之二的人说,与经济因素相比,他们更重视生活方式。当问及他们最想得到何种福利时,35%的人说“灵活的工作时间”;股票期权列第二,有19%的人选择这一项;排在第三的是两项更贴近人身自由的福利:更多的假期和家居远程工作的能力,各有13%的人选择这两项;有12%的人希望得到更好的医疗计划。只有9%的人最优先考虑一份“高额签约奖金”。对…  相似文献   

肖典 《长江论坛》2003,(6):50-52,55
从上个世纪以来,洗钱犯罪就已经成为全球瞩目的犯罪之一,要遏制洗钱活动的日益猖獗就必须充分了解其本身的含义及其产生的根源所在.本文从洗钱犯罪的含义、立法渊源和导致其产生的上游犯罪着手进行论述,并着重阐述了《刑法修正案(三)》对本罪所作的修改,以期对遏止洗钱犯罪尽绵薄之力。  相似文献   

<正>On the cusp of the G20 summit in Hamburg,Beijing Review interviewed Alexandra Voss,Delegate of German Industry at the German Chamber of Commerce in Beijing,and discussed with her Sino-German economic cooperation as well as the expectations and experiences of German companies in China.  相似文献   

<正>Enhanced assistance program proves effective in its first-year operation Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region,previously known as a vast,remote and underdeveloped land in China’snorthwest,has become one of the country’s hottest investment destinations.  相似文献   

A new round of corporate mergers and acquisitions(M&As)is on the way.On September 6,the State Council announced that it would require companies in the automobile,iron and steel,cement,machinery manufacturing,electrolytic aluminum and rare earth industries to accelerate M&As.  相似文献   

Online story reading and writing sites are booming in China During the day, Ren Yuan, in his130s, works as a software devel-' open But at night he is a novelistwho updates his serial Internetstory, which will be consumed by tens of  相似文献   

王晓燕 《理论月刊》2004,(10):51-53
桑巴特、齐美尔与韦伯对资本主义社会发展的动力和矛盾都有着自己的观点,又各自存在着一定的局限性。对他们的观点进行比较分析,有助于我们更详细深入地了解资本主义发展过程的复杂性。避免一元论、简单化的资本主义发展观;同时由于他们的观点互相对立又互相补充,对当今资本主义社会也能生发较强的内在解释力。  相似文献   

Lesson23EnvironmentalProblemsAreGettingMoreSerious(Situation:Maryfindsthatsomefoodsaremarkedwiththewords"greenfood"atthemarket.Shedoesn'tunderstandandcomestoaskWangYun.)玛丽:王云,请教一个问题,“绿色食品”指的是什么?王云:更确切的定义我也说不好,一般把绿色食品理解为没有受到污染的食品。玛丽:那么,没有标“绿色食品”的很可能是有污染的,对吗?王云:你说得很对,所以我们吃蔬菜、水果的时候都要认真清洗、削皮。玛丽:经济发展了,但是环境问题越来越严重了。王云:是啊,环境破坏给人类带来越来越大的影…  相似文献   

Smarter Money     
正China tests sovereign digital currency as it eyes further digitalization China has started testing its governmentbacked digital legal tender,digital currency and electronic payment (DC/EP),in some regions before it is widely applied to replace paper notes and coins in circulation,the digital currency research institute of the People's Bank of China (PBC) revealed in an  相似文献   

Money Hub     
正Shanghai is set to become the focus of global financing Fang Xinghai,Director of the Shanghai Financial Service Office,is hard at work on one goal:By 2020 Shanghai will be aninternational financial center in tandem with the national economic strength and the international status of the renminbi. The overall plan was announced by  相似文献   

Many local shoppers are buying merchandise as gifts, especially around traditional Chinese festivals. Olympic souvenirs are considered a generous and tasteful choice.  相似文献   

正For the past three decades, Xiamen has formed a multi-layered comprehensive open economy covering SEZ, bonded port area, Taiwan-invested zone, export processing area, bonded area and hi-tech park. By sticking to special policies, flexible measures, opening and reform, Xiamen has become an important concentration area for overseas investment and an important gateway for outbound trade and opening to the outside world.  相似文献   

The year 2010 concludes with several fresh entries in China's book of honor: the Shanghai World Expo set a record of 70 million visitors; China overtook Japan as runner up for the world's largest GDP, second only to the U.S.; and the World Bank escalated China's voting clout to 4.42 percent, the third largest in the organization. Amid the cheers and plaudits for these achievements are complaints and grumblings that can't be overlooked.  相似文献   

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