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家明:前几天你到哪里旅游了?Jiāmíng: Qián j? tiān n? dào n?li l?yóu le?Jiaming: Where did you go traveling a few days ago?吉瑞:我去了一趟少林寺,见识了一下正宗的少林功夫。Jíruì: W? qù le yí tàng shàolínsì, jiànshi le yíxià zhèngzōng de shàolín gōngfu.Jerry: I went to shaolin Temple to see authentic shaolin kungfu. 家明:你真不愧是武术爱好者。听说少林寺的历史很悠久。Jiāmíng: N? zhēn búkuì shì w?shù àihàozhě. Tīngshuō shàolínsì de lìsh? hěn yōuji?.Jiaming:…  相似文献   

conversation 吉瑞 : 先生,请问 去 北京大学 体育馆 怎么 走? Jíruì: Xiānsheng, qāngwèn qù Bāijāng Dàxué Tāyùguān zānme zāu? Jerry: Sir, do you know the way to the Peking University Gymnasium? 行人:一 直 往 前 走, 到 十字 路口 往 北 拐 就 看到  相似文献   

家明:今天晚上国家体育馆有体操比赛,"水立方"有跳水比赛。Jiāmíng:Jīntiān wǎnshang GuójiāTǐyùguǎn yǒu tǐcāo bǐsài,"shuǐlìfāng"yǒu tiàoshuǐbǐsài.你想去看体操还是去看跳水比赛?我可以帮你去买票。Nǐxiǎng qùkàn tǐcāo ha(?)shìqùkàn tiàoshuǐbǐsài? Wǒkěyǐbāng nǐqùmǎipiào. Jiaming:There's a gymnastics competition at the National Indoor  相似文献   

ConversationA:你好,需要帮助吗?Nǐ hǎo, xūyào bāngzhù ma?Hello! Do you need any help?B:是 的, 你 知道 奥运会 主场 在 哪 吗? Shì de, nǐ zhīdào àoyùnhuì zhǔchǎng zài nǎ ma? Yes. Do you know where the main Olympic venue is?80 CHINA TODAY March 2007 A:你 是 说 “鸟巢” 吧 ? 沿 这 条 路 直 走, 五 分钟 就 到 了。 Nǐ shì shuō “niǎocháo” ba? Yán zhè tiáo lù zhí zǒu, wǔ fēnzhōng jiù dào le. You mean the “Bird’s Nest”? Walk straight along this road. It’s a …  相似文献   

new Words 1、越野滑雪 yuèyě huáxuě cross-country skiing 2、冲刺 chōngcì sprint 3、日间比赛 rìjiān b盲sài daytime competition 4、预赛 yùsài preliminary competition 5、全速 quánsù top speed 6、掷铁饼 zhì tiěb盲ng throw discus 7、跨栏技术 kuà  相似文献   

家明: 你 在 看 什么 呢? Jiǐmíng: Nǐ zài kàn shénme ne? Jiaming: What are you looking at? 吉瑞:快 来, 这 场 比赛 很 精彩。 Jíruì: Kuài lái, zhè chǐng bǐsài hǐn jǐngcǐi. Jerry: Come, the match is fantastic. 家明: 什么 比赛? Jiǐmíng: Shén  相似文献   

Conversation Useful Sentences New Words 玛丽:对不起, 请问 水上 项目 什么 时候 Mōlì: Duìbuqō, qōngwèn shuōshàng xiàngmù shénme shíhou 举行? jōxíng? Mary: Excuse me, do you know when the aquatic events are scheduled? 陈丽: 每天 都 有。星期一 是 第一场。 Chén Lì: Měitiān dōu yōu. Xīngqīyī shì dìyīchōng. Chen Li: They’re held daily, starting from Monday. 玛丽: 什么 时候 开始? Mōlì: Shénme shíhou kāishō? Mary: What time do they start? 陈丽: 下午 2 点。 女子 …  相似文献   

If you have时间(shíjiān),time,I will take a moment to explore时间观念(shíjiān guān niàn),Chinese notions of time.The character for时(shí),time,originally written时,is a compound of three elements:日(rì),sun or day,土(tu),derived from止(zh),advance,and寸(cùn),meaning"take hold of"in ancient times.The four seasons are called四时(sìshí).When followed by间(jiān),space,it forms the word时间(shíjiān),which  相似文献   

玛丽: 李东, 你 经常 锻炼 身体 吗? M lì: L D ng, n j ngcháng duànliàn sh nt ma? Mary: Li Dong, do you regularly take exercise? 李 东: 不 经常 锻炼。 L D ng: Bù j ngcháng duànliàn. Li Dong: No, not regularly. 玛 丽: 你 喜欢 什么 运动? M lì: N x huan shénme yùndòng? Mary: What kind of sport do you like? 李 东: 我 喜欢 跑步。你 呢? L D ng: W x huan p obù. N ne? Li Dong: I like jogging. How about you? 玛 丽: 我 喜欢 游泳。 你 会 游泳 吗? M lì: W x huan yóuy ng. N huì yóuy …  相似文献   

Useful Sentences New Words 1、界外球!天 啊,空门 他 都 没有 踢进去。 Jièwàiqiú! Tiān a, kōngmén tā dōu méiyǒu tī jìnqù. Offside! Oh my, an open net and he didn’t score. 2、罚点球。小心点儿! Fá diǎnqiú. Xiǎoxīndiǎnr! Penalty kick! Watch  相似文献   

Conversation 1: Watching the Opening Ceremony家明 : 这 个 位置 真 不错 . Ji míng: zhè ge wèizhì zh n búcuò. Jiaming: We’ve got nice seats.吉瑞 : 是 啊 , 可以 看 得 很 清楚。 Jíruì: Shì a, k y kàn de h n q ngchu. Jerry: Yes. We can have a clear  相似文献   

Happy Holidays     
正As we know,Chinese people are diligent and love to work,but vacations and holidays are also a constituent part of their lives.In recent years,they have enjoyed more frequent and longer holidays.Days of are arranged according to传统节日(chuán t ng jiérì)traditional festivals.假期(jiàqī)are holiday breaks,and taking a holiday is to休假(xiūjià).When the Chinese are of work,they take a vacation away from home,that is,出行(chūxíng).There are many Chinese expressions for travelling,such as旅行(l  相似文献   

教练 (jiàoliàn) coach 领队 (l ngduì) the leader of a sports team 裁判 (cáipàn) referee 助理教练(zhùl jiàoliàn)trainer 冠军 (guànj n)champion 亚军 (yàj n) runner-up 季军 (jìj n) third place at a sports event 运动员 (yùndòngyuán)athlete 新 北 京, 新 奥运 奥林匹克运动会 (àolínp kè Yùndònghuì)Olympic Games 冬季/夏季奥运会 (d ngjì/xiàjì àoyùnhuì) winter/summer Olympic Gam 跑道 (p odào) lane 运动场 (yùndòngch ng)sports stadium 队伍 (duìwu)procession 创纪录 (chuàng jìl…  相似文献   

课文 Kèwén Text (一) (Yī) Part One A.王麗,這是你家的照片吗? Wáng Lì,zhèshì nǐ jiā de zhàopiān ma? Is that a picture of your family, Wang Li? B.是的。 Shì de. Yes, it is. A.這是誰? Zhè shì shéi?  相似文献   

Leisure in China     
正New arrivals in China often get the impression that Chinese are工作狂(gōng zuòkuáng),workaholics.Yet,there is quite a bit of空闲(kòng xián),leisure,in China.Surprisingly,the Chinese love to休闲(xiūxián),relax,perhaps even more than we do.They love to spend their time养花(y ng huā),tending l owers,养鸟(y ng ni o),raising birds,or even养蛐蛐儿(y ng qūqur),keeping crickets.Chinese people are also fond of休闲活动(xiūxián huódòng),leisure games,notably麻将(májiàng),mahjong,whose pronunciation comes directly from the Chinese.The Chinese also  相似文献   

Conversation家明:咱们租自行车游览北京好吗?Jiāmíng: Zánmen zū zìxíngchē yóulǒn Běijīng hǒo ma?Jiaming: How about renting a bicycle to look around Beijing?吉瑞:不错,我听说这里很多人是骑自行车上班而不是开车,我认为这样很棒。  相似文献   

正To reach the destination,we i rst have to start.千里之行始于足下(qiān l zhīxíng sh yúzúxià),a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.When we travel we say上路(shàng lù),hit the road.At the i rst十字路口(shízìlùk u),crossroads,let’s head for首都(sh u dū),the capita city.Beijng is also nicknamed首堵(sh u d),most congested,thanks to a pun on首(sh u),i rst,and堵(d),congestion.We use人来人往(rén lái rén w ng),passengers come and go,and车水  相似文献   

Conversation露西 : 星期三 有 什么 水上 项目 吗 ? Lùxī: Xīngqīsān yēu shénme shuēshàng xiàngmù ma? Lucy: Are there any aquatic events on Wednesday? 陈丽 : 晚上 有 水上 芭蕾 和 跳水。 Chén Lì: Wēnshang yēu shuēshàng bāléi hé tiàoshuē.  相似文献   

LESSON 2Conversation马克:王明,你 今天 有空 吗?M kè: Wáng Míng, n j nti n y ukòng ma?Mark: Wang Ming, are you free today? 王明:有 啊!你 有 什么 事儿 吗?Wáng Míng: Y u a! N y u shénme shìr ma?Wang Ming: Yes! What’s the matter?马克:我 想 去 租 个 房  相似文献   

Conversation吉瑞:你这件外套很漂亮,很适合你。 Jíruì:Nǐzhèjiàn wàitào hěn piàoliang,hěn shìhénǐ. Jerry:Your coat looks nice.It fits you well.  相似文献   

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