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Roberto Esposito is an influential Italian political philosopher engaged in a renewal of the Foucauldian project of an ontology of the present. In his recent book Bíos, he rereads biopolitics through the lens of his paradigm of immunization (Esposito, 1998, 2002) and tries to explain how, in modernity, a politics of life ‘continually threatens to be reversed’ into a politics of death. His philosophical analysis is profound, and his genealogical reconstruction of the modern superimposition of politics and life innovative. However, his claims are weakened by his usage of a very abstract notion of biopolitics, which fails to take note of the current impact of scientific programmes on the human condition and the emergence of new biopolitical figures. The review suggests that lack of any interest toward the history of science as well as toward more empirically-oriented analyses remains a serious shortcoming of influential political philosophers.  相似文献   

《Patterns of Prejudice》2012,46(3):34-38

Avriel Butovsky received his MPhil from Oxford University in 1984. He is now a Research Assistant at the Institute of Jewish Affairs.

The trial and conviction of Ernst Zundel has fuelled demands for a tightening of the relevant articles of the Canadian Criminal Code which deal with hate propaganda.  相似文献   

Scholars have long debated whether John Stuart Mill became a socialist, as he claimed in his Autobiography . This article strengthens the case that he did, ironically, by examining Mill's longstanding adherence to a labor-based justification for private property in means of production. Even while he developed sharp criticisms of capitalist property relations based on democratic principles of individuality and freedom, Mill held on to this labor justification, which partly offset his growing socialist sympathies. But relatively late in life, Mill reconsidered and discarded the labor justification and began to argue for a more explicit utilitarian analysis of the relevant questions, thus bolstering the importance of his democratic critiques of the system of private property. A recognition of the slow gestation of Mill's views on the labor justification enriches our understanding of his thought on socialism versus capitalism and provides an insight into how he applied utilitarianism in a practical context.  相似文献   

钟永生 《学理论》2009,(19):94-97
综观王阳明一生的学思历程,“万物一体”思想贯穿于阳明一生,是阳明致良知说的核心思想。阳明一生都在努力追求实现“成圣”和万物一雄的终极价值理想。阳明万物一体思想的提出和展开,是为了解决“成圣”的基本问题。阳明成圣的终极价值追求,最终归向的是万物一体的圆融境界。  相似文献   

姚桂湘 《学理论》2012,(24):119-121
历史上关于抗击八国联军的爱国将领,当时镇守天津大沽炮台的守将——罗荣光之死的说法有战死、病死、噎死、仰药死、吞金死五种之多,孰是孰非,莫衷一是。到底哪一种说法正确,至今尚无明确定论。通过查阅史料和走访罗荣光家乡的老人,并对之进行认真分析和反复比较,特别是对罗荣光家乡的实地调查,以及对"文革"中亲眼看到罗荣光坟墓被掘开,亲眼看到罗将军头骨的鸦溪村民的走访,结合史料,去伪存真,最终得出结论,罗将军是为保卫天津大沽炮台而光荣战死的。这对还历史以真相,还英烈清白之名,亦是有益的。  相似文献   

柴玉洁 《学理论》2009,(9):129-131
莫言的作品在历史背景下述说着中华民族的过往,它能深入到我们选择性遗忘的历史图景让我们在其作品的死亡意识和生殖崇拜下去解读莫言及其作品的生命意识,他以鲜明的色彩,大胆的叙述去体悟大地民间的生命强力,莫言代大地立言,去为失去话语权的人们唱响生命的悲歌。  相似文献   

This article investigates how colonial attitudes towards race operate alongside official multiculturalism in Canada to justify the legally exceptional exclusion of migrant farm workers from Canada's socio-political framework. The Canadian Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program is presented in this article as a relic of Canada's racist and colonial past, one that continues uninterrupted in the present age of statist multiculturalism. The legal continuation and growth in the use of non-citizens to conduct labour distasteful to Canadian nationals has provided an effective means for the Canadian state to regulate the ongoing flow of non-preferred races on the margins while promoting a pluralist and ethnically diverse political image at home and abroad. In the face of a labour shortage constructed as a political crisis of considerable urgency, the Canadian state has continued to admit non-immigrants into the country to perform labour deemed unattractive yet necessary for the well-being of Canadian citizens while simultaneously suspending the citizenship and individual rights of those same individual migrant workers. By legislating the restriction of rights and freedoms to a permanently revolving door of temporary non-citizens through the mechanism of a guest worker programme, the Canadian state is participating in the bio-political regulation of foreign nationals.  相似文献   

历经时间的淤积和空间的统合之后,秦汉以空前盛大之气象绍继三五,弘开百代.恢廓弘大的时代蕴育了司马迁对时空全面而深刻的自觉.这种自觉是整体一统且以人为本的,通过有限的生命个体和所处之时代对无限时空的反思,以及对时空间断性和连续性的分析,形成自己的时空观,完成有限对无限的超越.这种超越也正是他的时空观的理性照耀.  相似文献   

One of Prime Minister Blair's last speeches was on his governments relationship to the media, and the at times damaging impact of the 'sensation hungry media' on every aspect of public life, many of whom were too frightened to take on the 'feral beasts'. He argued that his government had to attempt to deal with the media power, that 'spin' is an attempt to handle that power, that the media attack private life and that in the end the media must manage themselves. The piece includes his speech, the revealing questions and answers, and commentary on them by a series of distinguished journalists and academics.  相似文献   

Canada has been a world leader in administrative reform, eager to experiment during turbulent times in public administration. Public Service 2000, an attempt to instill the Canadian public service into a people- and results-oriented management culture, has been widely heralded as among the boldest of recent Canadian administrative reforms. Results from implementing PS2000 were expected within a decade of its 1990 launch. Halfway through that timeframe, the results are surprising, complex, contradictory and paradoxical. For example, in the second year of implementation, the longer term solutions of PS2000 conflicted with a financial crisis demanding fast results, and PS2000 principles, throughout implementation, contradicted certain traditional public service values. Reflecting on their experience, individuals who participated in PS2000 confirmed lessons in the extant literature, and suggested lessons specific to Canadian circumstances. PS2000 has been an unavoidable and much-needed effort to reform the Canadian public service, though perhaps inevitably it fell short of expectation. Yet, inside opinion remains mixed, seeking rationalist explanations, and expressing dissatisfaction over the progress of implementation. PS2000 has been absorbed into a much broader plan to reinvent federal government administration and the role of the state in Canadian society. Continuing difference of opinion may well call for a more fundamental change in administrative and managerial doctrine, especially with respect to launching future comprehensive administrative reform projects.  相似文献   

This article examines the legal and philosophical grounds which are used by the nation state of Canada to dispossess aboriginal people who have not ceded land through treaties. Using the Innu people of the Labrador‐Quebec peninsula as an example, my thesis is that, far from being a neutral doctrine of rights and citizenship, liberalism functions as a magical, yet ethnocidal, instrument of colonial domination and land usurpation. I demonstrate this by looking at the way in which policies such as Comprehensive Land Claims and Environmental Impact Assessment, ostensibly for the protection of the Innu and other aboriginal peoples, predetermine that land will be legally ceded and ways of life based on it exterminated. The roots of this approach are traced through an examination of the imposition of sovereignty in colonial policy and its continued assertion in Canadian court cases, including the recent Delgamuukw decision. In conclusion, I draw attention to the affinities between the ideas of contemporary liberal theorists of citizenship and the rhetoric and policies of the Canadian state. As a positive proposal, I suggest that outstanding aboriginal land claims in Canada should be treated as the ‘Canada claim’, and that new processes for their resolution which do not presume Canadian sovereignty be established.  相似文献   

雷蒙德·卡佛是美国当代文坛一位颇有声誉的作家,其短篇小说名扬世界。作为20世纪70年代美国短篇小说复兴的主要推动者之一,卡佛的作品和创作风格沿着其人生发展轨迹,由前期简约主义中呈现的残酷现实感逐渐转变为后期闪现的人性光芒。通过叙述策略的分析来解读其代表作《大教堂》中的不可靠叙述及反映出来的隐含作者,可以探讨其创作风格的变化及其现实意义。  相似文献   

In the current American debate over national health insurance an examination of the Canadian governmental experience is very instructive. Canada is enough like the United States to make the effects of Canadian health insurance policies rather like a large natural experiment. The Canadian experience—universal government health insurance administered by the ten provinces with some fiscal and policy variations—can be used to predict the impact in the United States of proposed national health insurance plans on the medical care system, and the reaction of mass publics and national policymakers to these effects.The central purpose of the Canadian national health insurance was to reduce and hopefully eliminate financial barriers to medical care. In this it succeeded. But it also produced results which Canadian policymakers never anticipated: essentially unexpected side-effects on cost, quality, organization, and manpower distribution of the particular national health insurance program adopted. It should be cause for concern, the article concludes, that most of the prominent American national health insurance proposals resemble the Canadian program in failing to provide a single level of government with both the means and incentives to curb the inflationary effects of national health insurance. The lesson from Canada is that unless the system has very strong anti-inflationary mechanisms and incentives built into it, national health insurance will feed the fires of medical inflation despite great formal governmental authority to control it.  相似文献   

In the mid-1960s the controversial ideas of media guru Marshall McLuhan hit France like a cyclone. ‘Macluhanisme’ is the summarization of the basic tenets of his theory and marks the paradoxical mire into which one was thrown by engaging with them. For to criticize McLuhan was to resist his truth by rationalization. Criticism. also put one in the position of being labelled a counter-revolutionary since McLuhan aligned himself, albeit rhetorically and despite his conservative politics, with counter-cultural tendencies. Moreover, he was condemned by university professors as a charlatan, but widely supported by media workers. This support exposed the political issue of who was, in French intellectual life, in a position to authenticate ideas. This study traces the effects of macluhanisme through the work of the sociologist of the media and administrator Jean Cazeneuve, the cultural theorist Jean Baudrillard, whose debts to McLuhan are well-recognized but little explored, and Roland Barthes, with whom McLuhan met in Paris to discuss (but never accomplished) a collaborative project.  相似文献   

The extent to which citizens vote in accordance with their own principles and priorities has been proposed as an important measure of a democracy's health. This article introduces a new method of evaluating the ability of individuals to vote for the political party with policy positions closest to their own – to vote “correctly”. Following Lau and Redlawsk (1997), a “correct vote” is defined as the vote choice individuals would make under conditions of perfect information. In other words, a vote is “correct” if it is cast for the party that a voter should vote for, based upon a fully informed comparison of his or her policy positions with those of the parties contesting an election. Voters' policy preferences are estimated here using election study data, and the positions of parties are derived through data from the Comparative Manifestos Project. For illustrative purposes, this new method is applied to the 2004 Canadian federal election. Correct voting rates are calculated by comparing voter and party positions in seven dimensions of political competition, accounting for the relative importance of each dimension. While this study's data are exclusively Canadian, the approach introduced is applicable to other settings.  相似文献   

小斯当东是近代中英关系史中最具代表性的人物之一,他的商人、外交使节、议员等多重身份,使得他的经历富有故事性。他于1856年完成的《小斯当东回忆录》极具史料价值。从小斯当东的履历、小斯当东与中国、小斯当东与《大清律例》的翻译、小斯当东的英国议员经历等角度出发,可以展现《小斯当东回忆录》一书的主要内容,并勾勒出小斯当东在中英交往初期所发挥的独特作用。  相似文献   

Ferrel Heady died on August 16, 2006, at his home in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Together with Fred Riggs, he is widely known and respected as one of the founders of comparative public administration. In this tribute to our friend and colleague, we touch on the highlights of his distinguished career as a scholar, an academic administrator, and a person who lived up to his own high standards of honesty and integrity in every aspect of his life. We assess his body of work, attempt to summarize its significance, and reproduce comments about him sent to us by his friends and colleagues. This tribute is accompanied by reflections on Ferrel written by Fred Riggs.  相似文献   

Aaron Wildavsky 《Society》1993,31(1):80-83
Aaron Wildavsky was until his recent death Class of 1940 Professor of Political Science and Public Policy and a member of the Survey Research Center at the University of California, Berkeley. A brief appreciation of his life and work follows.  相似文献   

Charles Taylor's engagement with Marx and the Marxist tradition has been relatively neglected in the literature on his work. This is a strange omission, because he was not only a pivotal figure in the development of the New Left, but also wrote many pieces which critically engaged with the main principles of Marx and Marxism. This paper re-examines Taylor's engagement with Marxism and thereby exposes a neglected element in his political philosophy. The following themes emerge: the self; Taylor's conception of the affirmation of ordinary life; democracy; ecology; and religion. In one area at least, the affirmation of ordinary life, a crucial element of Marxism is retained and positively endorsed by Taylor. In relation to the other themes, while he raises important issues for Marxist theory, he is, at times, far too quick to dismiss Marx's arguments and also misses similarities between those arguments and his own work.  相似文献   

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