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Colin Davidson was the British consular official in Japan during and after World War I delegated to run intelligence operations in the country on behalf of the British Indian security authorities. Davidson's original target, Indian revolutionaries based in Japan, soon expanded to include their clandestine links to powerful Japanese political patrons, violating the spirit of the Anglo-Japanese Alliance (1902–23). Davidson's expertise on Japan, combined with intelligence on Japanese ultranationalist support of Indian independence, proved crucial for confirming suspicions about secret Japanese intent against the British Empire, contributing to the decision not to renew the Alliance.  相似文献   


In the 1990s, Japanese views of China were relatively positive. In the 2000s, however, views of China have deteriorated markedly and China has increasingly come to be seen as ‘anti-Japanese’. How can these developments, which took place despite increased economic interdependence, be understood? One seemingly obvious explanation is the occurrence of ‘anti-Japanese’ incidents in China since the mid-2000s. I suggest that these incidents per se do not fully explain the puzzle. Protests against other countries occasionally occur and may influence public opinion. Nonetheless, the interpretation of such events arguably determines their significance. Demonstrations may be seen as legitimate or spontaneous. If understood as denying recognition of an actor's self-identity, the causes of such incidents are likely to have considerably deeper and more severe consequences than what would otherwise be the case. Through an analysis of Japanese parliamentary debates and newspaper editorials, the paper demonstrates that the Chinese government has come to be seen as denying Japan's self-identity as a peaceful state that has provided China with substantial amounts of official development aid (ODA) during the post-war era. This is mainly because China teaches patriotic education, which is viewed as the root cause of ‘anti-Japanese’ incidents. China, then, is not regarded as ‘anti-Japanese’ merely because of protests against Japan and attacks on Japanese material interests but for denying a key component of Japan's self-image. Moreover, the analysis shows that explicit Chinese statements recognising Japan's self-identity have been highly praised in Japan. The article concludes that if China recognises Japan's self-understanding of its identity as peaceful, Japan is more likely to stick to this identity and act accordingly whereas Chinese denials of it might empower Japanese actors who seek to move away from this identity and ‘normalise’ Japan, for example, by revising the pacifist Article Nine of the Japanese constitution.  相似文献   

石岩  兰政  柴歌 《侨园》2014,(10):F0002-F0002
##正##9月29日,辽宁省暨沈阳市人民政府,在沈阳香格里拉大酒店举行盛大国庆招待会,庆祝中华人民其和国成立65周年。副省长邴志刚出席并致辞,沈阳市副市长黄凯主持招待会。参加招待会的有,省及沈阳市外事、侨务部门的负责人、工作人员,各国驻沈阳总领事馆总领事夫妇及随员,外国专家,在辽宁投资兴业的部分侨商代表等。本刊记者全程采访了招待会的盛况,特刊登几幅图片,以飨读者。  相似文献   

近年来,互联网在我国社会生活中已经占有举足轻重的地位,网络媒体已经成为社会媒体中不可或缺的重要成员。网络媒体以其时效性、交互性、广泛性的特征改变了传播媒体受地域、时间的限制的传统传播方式。但是,随着网络媒体的发展,一些损害警察形象的负面消息也充斥在互联网中。本文通过对网络媒体的分析,解读了网络媒体宣传对警察形象的影响,同时提出了一些树立警察良好形象的建议。  相似文献   


This article uses extensive fieldwork data to focus on the question of how Chinese and Japanese companies are competing in neighboring countries of Asia, and what economic forces will shape their future growth in the region. It begins by briefly discussing the history of Chinese and Japanese investment in the South and Southeast Asian regions. It traces the development of Japanese overseas investment policies, as well as China's more recent ‘Going Out’ government program to encourage overseas flows of capital. It then builds on prior political economy work as it uses case study focuses, with primary data based on the author's fieldwork research in several nations of Southeast Asia and in India, of the two key sectors of automobiles and electronics. It compares and contrasts the investment strategies of companies from each country, as well as the successes and failures of investments in the industries. It finds that Japanese companies’ advantages lie in industries utilizing advanced technology and management skills. Though the Japanese continue to lead in many areas, including automobiles, they have begun to face competition and potentially reduced profits in vital manufacturing areas. Meanwhile, Chinese overseas companies have made significant advances in the consumer electronics sector, using low prices and good quality, though overseas automobile investments have gained little traction. The article concludes that, if the Chinese can improve their product quality, capitalize on improving managerial skills and a deeper level of experience in the region, and establish brands they can sell with reliable distribution networks, Japanese companies could face losses to their Asian neighbor in these important parts of the continent they have dominated for decades.  相似文献   

崔季 《学理论》2012,(20):117-118
随着我国监狱警察职业化建设进程的加快,监狱警察的责任和使命更加艰巨,压力和挑战陡然而生。因此,要明确职业化建设的主要内容,从客观环境、主观感受角度剖析职业化建设新生动力不足产生的原因,有效防止职业倦怠。  相似文献   


In November 2004 a Chinese nuclear submarine cruised into Japan's territorial waters near the Okinawa Islands. In response, the Japanese government dispatched several Japanese naval ships and planes to chase the Chinese submarine until it navigated into international waters. This event, which potentially could have become the first exchange of fire between Japan and China since the Second World War, illuminated increasingly problematic security relations between the two neighbouring countries in the twenty-first century. In fact, deterioration of Sino-Japanese security relations is not a recent phenomenon but has already been evident since the mid-1990s, when Japan imposed a series of economic sanctions on China. Between 1995 and 2000 Japan had suspended its foreign aid to China in protest against: China's nuclear weapons tests; China's large scale war game including the launch of missiles across the Taiwan Strait; and Chinese naval activities in disputed areas in the East China Sea. This article looks at Sino-Japanese security relations since the mid-1990s through three case studies of the aid sanctions imposed by Japan on China. It clarifies the domestic political and bureaucratic interests that motivated aid sanctions and determined the decision-making process leading to these sanctions. The article argues, that with certain politico-security interests, Japanese governments actively used foreign aid as a strategic instrument to counter provocative military actions by China in the East Asian region since the mid-1990s. Despite the limited influence that Japanese aid sanctions have actually had on Chinese military behaviour, Japan's strategic use of foreign aid has undeniably created a new dynamism in security relations between the two neighbouring great powers in Asia.  相似文献   

英国铁路警察是具有 178年历史的现代化的警察队伍 ,在长期的发展沿革中形成了独具特色的运行机制和管理体制等 ,将中国铁路公安机关与之进行比较研究 ,可以扬长避短 ,取其精华 ,更好地服务于中国的公安事业  相似文献   

作为一门人文应用型学科,大学语文是语言的工具基础教育与人文审美教育的综合。但是,目前公安院校大学语文教学中却普遍存在着“重人文、轻实用”的语文能力培养缺位现象。拟在申论考试视野下,反思和重新定位公安院校大学语文教学,这对提高学生综合素质和就业竞争力有着至关重要的意义。  相似文献   

From 1932 to 1945, Imperial Japan secretly developed the largest state biological warfare (BW) programme of its time, which was unique in its use of biological weapons in warfare and in its inhumane experiments on captive Chinese civilians. After Japan’s surrender, US military intelligence teams searched for any evidence of BW activities, whilst sharing all it could find with its close partner, the UK. Despite the UK offering little intelligence material in return, it secured detailed US intelligence reports on Japanese BW war crimes, and colluded with the United States to keep these Japanese war crimes a secret.  相似文献   

香港警队的职业建设在很多方面都值得我们学习借鉴,如潜移默化的价值观教育宣传、精益求精的敬业精神和高效负责的工作态度、警察安全第一的理念和切实关爱的保障措施、系统严密的内部管理机制、执行制度与监督制度执行互为一体的工作模式、警民一体的联防之策等。对此进行思考探讨,将对我们的警队建设工作大有裨益。  相似文献   

刑警语言是侦查人员用以与犯罪嫌疑人及其他人员交往、传递信息、交流思想并受刑侦工作制约的专门语言。重视对刑警访谈能力和讯问艺术的训练,强化刑警语言交际能力的培养,是提高刑警执法水平和办案技能的当务之急,是新时期刑警专业素质建设的重要课题,是提升刑警队伍侦查破案水平和战斗力的必然要求,是解决“说不过,追不上,打不赢”问题的迫切需要。  相似文献   

随着网络时代的迅猛发展,公安队伍中出现了大量的与互联网有关的违纪违规问题,加强民警"网上"与"网下"管理成为当前队伍管理的迫切需要。要加强民警的思想政治教育,经常性地给民警敲警钟;要完善监督管理机制,全面规范民警"网上"言行举止;要调动单位、家庭、社会等各方力量,加强对民警"网上"行为的监督制约。  相似文献   

日本行政指导及其对我国的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
二战后,行政指导在日本的经济社会发展中产生、盛行并彰显了其重要作用.在我国市场经济的不断成熟与完善的过程中,有必要借鉴、吸收日本行政指导的做法,为我国治理模式民主化和效能化服务.本文主要分析了行政指导在日本盛行的基本原因与基本经验,并简要论述了日本行政指导对我国的启示.  相似文献   

媒介素养是指人们面对媒介各种信息时的综合能力的展现。公安院校开设媒介素养教育相关课程,不仅要培养与提高预备警官理解与运用媒体发展自身,更好地为公安事业发展服务的能力,还要培养预备警官与媒体打交道(即媒体应对)的能力,对于公安院校深化教育教学改革、适应时代发展需要,促进预备警官健康成长、全面发展,提高公安队伍综合素质都有着重要意义。拟在论述公安院校开设媒介素养教育相关课程意义的同时,对教学内容以及教学实施中应注意的问题进行探讨,希望找出提升公安院校媒介素养教育教学质量的途径。  相似文献   

现代法治的核心是制约国家权力,保障公民权利。建立在市场经济基础之上的法治政府必然要求规范、限制警察权,从而最大限度地保障公民权。随着传统体制向社会主义市场经济的转型,我国当前警察权力结构体系中与建设法治政府目标不协调的方面日益凸显。因此,从对警察权的规制入手,探讨以建立社会主义民主法治为目的、以市场经济要求为导向的警察权的重新构建就显得非常重要。  相似文献   

公安机关采取有效对策应对网络公共关系危机,是警察公共属性的体现,有利于密切警民关系,赢得公众的支持配合,这是公安机关履行职责、完成任务的重要保障。借鉴泰州公安机关应对网络公共关系危机的有益经验并正视其不足之处,研究我国公安机关应对网络公共关系危机的有效对策,有助于恢复公安机关的受损形象,强化公安机关的执法权威。  相似文献   

The Japanese decision to surrender on 15 August 1945 created an extraordinary and unique situation in the Chinese province of Manchuria. Within hours of the Japanese surrender, a number of special American intelligence teams parachuted into Manchuria to gain information on the POW’s and Soviet intentions for postwar Asia. This paper will examine on what occurred when Soviet and American military personnel met in Manchuria. Both sides had very different goals and aims for the end of war. For the small American force assigned to locate and identify Allied POW’s, their mission exemplified the already strained relations between the United States and the Soviet Union. For nearly every instance of cordial and joyous meetings between the two sides there were equally difficult confrontations and misunderstandings. These encounters offered a preview into the coming Cold War in Asia.  相似文献   

Although claimed as an important value assimilating factor within public administration, transformational leadership's effect over value congruence receives limited empirical investigation. Furthermore, the underlying mechanism and boundary condition of this effect are underspecified. Drawing from an interactionist perspective whereby value congruence is the joint product of situational influence and individual characteristic, this study investigates the relationship between transformational leadership and value congruence focusing on the mediating role of goal clarity and the moderating role of public service motivation (PSM). The analysis of data collected from a sample of 420 Chinese police officers indicates that goal clarity partially mediates the relationship between transformational leadership and value congruence. In addition, PSM moderates the relationship between goal clarity and value congruence such that the relationship is stronger when PSM is high. Finally, theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   


The implementation of foreign direct investment (FDI) policies in China shows that domestic considerations were not the only factors shaping the course of China's opening up to the world economy. Foreign response was often taken into account as the Chinese government felt its way through the process of reform. Focusing on Japanese FDI in China, this article explores the liberalization of China's FDI regime and traces the impact of China's negotiations with and accommodation to pressure from foreign business and governments.  相似文献   

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