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Bad History     
If history is a sort of radar for the ship of state, then the machine has broken down, just at the point where Gordon Brown, trained as a historian, takes over control. Caught up in the best-seller business, popularised on TV, it has come to reflect metropolitan commercial drives, the obsessions of The Hitler Channel or the 'publish or be damned' ethos of the Research Assessment Exercise. Fashionable discourses about identity and postmodern consumerism, and the palsied traditions of Fogeydomboth remote from the basic business of getting, spending and governing-may offer a niche-marketing future, but are more likely to speed the vessel towards the rocks.  相似文献   

"历史向‘世界历史'的转变"是马克思、恩格斯论证"唯物史观"最重要的论据之一.在<德意志意识形态·费尔巴哈>章"未誊清稿Ⅲ"开头的两个片段中,他们详尽地描述了由城乡分离→行会制度的建立→商人作为一特殊阶层的出现→工场手工业的产生→人口跨国度的迁徙和"流浪"→"商业和工场手工业集中于一个国家的现象"→大工业的发展与垄断等各个环节次第过渡的历史进程.正是对这些细节的描摹和勾勒昭示出"唯物史观"的思维主线、思考重点、擅长领域和诠释界域,更提供了我们透视招致其之后坎坷命运的内在理论根由.因此,不应该把"唯物史观"对历史的解释简单化、极端化.  相似文献   

M. Kazin 《Society》2018,55(6):526-528

This article explores what the diversification of British political history might look like. Building on an expanded definition of citizenship and attention to ‘ordinary’ politics, it suggests several questions which might diversify political history's content and approach. Whom do we count as political actors? Who has access to democratic processes and where does politics happen beyond these processes? To what forms of political thought do we attend? Drawing on examples from my own research on refugees and asylum seekers in modern Britain, and on the wider field of modern British history, I demonstrate the possibilities of diversification as a way to enliven political history's future.  相似文献   

History Lessons for Reinventors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

王桂芝 《学理论》2010,(7):70-71
宏大叙事的历史观是指重视历史进程的客观规律性,认为任何事物的发生都有一个最初本源和最终的目的,历史向着最终的目的进行有规律的发展与变化,并且在历史发展的过程中任何活动、事件的发生都有其因果关系方面的依据,即具有客观必然性,这是一种具有客观性、目的性、机械决定论和本源主义等特征的历史观。  相似文献   

最近,历史虚无主义甚嚣尘上,甚至蔓延到学校的校园之中。作为思想政治理论课的《中国近代史纲要》,让学生树立正确的世界观是十分必要的。掌握历史唯物主义历史观是反对各种非科学的历史观的前提;而认识历史虚无主义是进行思想政治理论课教学的前提,也是对其运用历史唯物主义史观进行批判的前提。  相似文献   

Communes and communal thought are an essential part of the history of democracy. By recognizing this we can re-discover the connection between democracy and local, small-scale self-government, and see that democracy has a communitarian as well as a liberal foundation.  相似文献   

In this paper, we explore the connections between intepretivism's core and its peripheries in both geographical and epistemological terms, by tracing the relationship between interpretivism and Australian political scholarship. In this task, we draw on some of the most celebrated and influential work on Australian politics—by political scientists but before them historians and anthropologists—to show how the approach typically undertaken by these researchers echoes key tenets of interpretivism, especially through an interest in subjective beliefs and experiences, a desire to uncover and bring to life richly contextualised detail, and a commitment to the abductive linking of theory and practice. As such, we suggest that the spread of this counter identity to interpretive researchers in Australia risks manufacturing a sense of methodological antipathy, marginalising the work of interpretivists from mainstream political scholarship.  相似文献   

历史单位问题是历史哲学研究的重要问题,它在很大程度上关涉到对历史哲学研究对象的理解。在历史哲学史上,诸多西方哲学家对这个问题进行过探讨,但都存在着这样那样的问题。传统的历史唯物主义教科书对这个问题的研究同样也存在诸多疏漏。今天,我们应当对马克思历史哲学的研究单位即社会有机体予以新的反思,以推进我们对唯物史观的认识,打开我们对历史认识的新视界。  相似文献   

Dennis  Kavanagh 《Political studies》1991,39(3):479-495
This paper examines the changing relationship between the study of history and the study of political science. It reviews the tensions which produced a divorce between the two subjects, particularly in the United States when behavioural political science was dominant. It then examines five areas in which history has enriched the study of politics: as a source of material; as a demonstration of the links between the present and the past; as a body of knowledge to test theories; as a means of analysing political concepts and as a source of lessons. It concludes that the links between the two subjects today are strong, but that the contribution of history is more as a body of knowledge than as a set of distinctive methods.  相似文献   

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