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Oscar Lewis 《Society》1969,6(7):10-19

The Israeli government's hesitation during the Second Lebanon War (2006) and before the 2009 Gaza War to launch widespread ground operations that might result in the loss of the lives of hundreds of Israeli soldiers sparked criticism that the government had become overly sensitive to soldiers' lives. This criticism contended that the government considered the soldiers' lives more valuable than the lives of civilians. How can this inversion be explained? I argue that the political reality differs from the normative one, ranking soldiers rather than citizens higher on the hierarchy of risk. The hierarchy of risk on which the state positions its citizens and soldiers results from the encounter between two variables: the degree of choice available to those whom the state designates for possible death, and the political cost resulting from the choice, especially when the state fails to justify their death. The higher the group's rank in the hierarchy, the more protected it is because the state tries to minimize its exposure to risk. When the state cannot mitigate the tensions inherent between its duties toward groups placed on the highest rungs in the hierarchy, it may use excessive lethality that claims more civilian casualties from its enemy.  相似文献   

Robert Barry 《Society》1992,29(5):25-28
He has written widely on issues of moral theory, medical ethics, and moral theology. He is author of Medical Ethicsand co-editor of Set No Limits.He is currently completing a book titled The Distant Edge of Lifewhich examines Roman Catholic teaching on rational suicide.  相似文献   

Foiketing (Parliament) slates that for the last 30 years it has been Danish policy not to accept nuclear arms on Danish territory (including ports). The government is urged to inform visiting naval ships of this.
Hereatter the Ting (Parliament) proceeds to the next item on the agenda.
Proposal fur motivated agenda set forward by The Social Democrats on April 14 1988  相似文献   

马克思主义哲学中国化研究的基本内涵可分为狭义和广义两个层面,其广义内涵是由狭义内涵拓展、深化而来的,如马克思主义哲学中国化的意义与价值、内外关系、理论创新与新形态构建、哲学对话与融合、传统文化的现代转型与重构、当代中国哲学建设等都属于广义内涵的马克思主义哲学中国化研究的范畴。当前应特别重视广义的马克思主义哲学中国化基本内涵的研究,这一研究将有可能突破所谓马、中、西的哲学学科界限,即有可能围绕着广义的中国化内涵这个主题,三大哲学在这个焦点问题上深化对话、增进理解甚至达成中国化的基本共识。中国化是一个内涵极为丰富、深刻和具有前瞻性的范式,具有极大的包容性,应该是整个当代中国哲学研究的方法论原则和致思取向,是现代中国学术和民族文化身份的基本形式。  相似文献   

我国高校实施通识教育应从推广和普及通识教育理念、精心构建通识教育课程以及构建通识教育人才培养模式方面进行改进。具体措施包括成立专门机构协调安排通识课程;改革通识教育教学方法,推进学制、学分制改革;加强通识教育师资队伍建设,整合校内通识教育教学资源,利用校外资源,提高教学质量与效益;营造良好的校园文化氛围。  相似文献   

王莹  苏明 《学理论》2008,(22):84-85
物权法定原则,也称物权法定主义,它以罗马法为肇端,是大陆法系各国物权立法的基本原则之一。该原则明确指出了法律在物权种类和内容上对当事人私法自治的限制。在明确该原则的定位和历史起源的前提下,我们更应该认识到物权法定主义的正当性在于物权自身的本质特征和交易安全的需要性基础。毋庸质疑,该原则的一定刚性不仅是财产法领域私法自治的重大例外,使得人类认识能力的有限性缺陷暴露在迅速发展的经济浪潮中,从而抑制社会进步。那么,如何在坚持该原则的前提下扬弃、突破、创新、以臻完善,就成了当前形势下探讨该原则的根本意义所在。  相似文献   

Doctor of death     
Thomas E  Hosenball M 《Newsweek》2007,150(3):38-40

Zimmerman  Joseph F. 《Publius》1998,28(1):71-89
State attorneys general are major participants in intergovernmentalrelations in the United States. This article presents six modelsthat may explain their interactions with each other and teststhree hypotheses associated with two models. Their interactionscomport with the cooperative and the innovation-diffusion models.Only limited evidence supports the hostility model and its associatedhypothesis. No evidence supports the mercantilist and competitivemodels. The response from only one attorney general suggestedhis actions are based on the benign neglect model. The conclusionis drawn that the cooperative activities of the attorneys generalhave produced a more harmonious federal system in terms of enforcementpolicies.  相似文献   

Choosing death     
Begley S  Starr M 《Newsweek》1991,118(9):42-46

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