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‘放下便是’与‘放不下’黄福群老舍先生生前创作时,曾经自己规定任务每天写两千字左右。但就这样的指标他还是不能很好地完成,有时候三天连一个字也写不出,面对着稿纸不知如何下笔。写不出东西往往使作家痛苦万分,同样,一旦文思泉涌来不及写时;也会使作家烦恼不安...  相似文献   

On reading Primo Levi’s Holocaust memoir If This is a Man, one is immediately struck by its literary quality, and especially its generous use of Dante’s Inferno, both of which point to the more general problem of Holocaust witnessing. This paper focuses on Levi’s reasons for using Dante’s poem in particular to communicate his experience. Levi’s choice of Inferno is pointed, not only because of the obvious trope of existence in Hell, but also because Levi conceived of Auschwitz as an experiment designed to destroy the “human,” created in part, at least in the West, by Dante’s poem. What I will be suggesting is that Levi emphasizes the distinctions between his and Dante’s experiences by including in his conversation with Dante’s Inferno (paradoxically) his rejection of that conversation. There may or may not be something “human” which persists after Auschwitz, and the only way to ask this question, without preconceiving an answer, is to dramatize silence. The resultant ambiguity urges readers to, as Levi puts it, “participate in” the events described and/or dramatized.
Sharon PortnoffEmail:

《三国志·吴志·孙亮》里记述了这样一件事: 孙亮有一次要吃生梅,让宦官到内库去取蜜浸梅。蜜取来后,孙亮发现蜜中有鼠屎,就召来管内库的官吏查问。管库的官吏一见蜜中的鼠屎,吓得体如筛糠,连连叩头,回答不出一句话来。对君主的事情如此马虎,这还了得,管库官吏限看就要大祸临头了。  相似文献   

Political Behavior -  相似文献   


The police restructuring efforts in Bosnia and Herzegovina driven by the international community, using in particular the leverage of European integration, attempted to achieve a reform that would transform a very fragmented police system into a de-politicized single structure and ended in the signing of a rather weak political agreement. The main reason why the process proved to be so difficult was that police restructuring touched upon the fundamentals of a delicate ethno-political power-sharing model in a post-conflict situation. But also, the approach chosen by the international community had serious deficiencies as the international community was far from speaking with one voice, thereby limiting its leverage.  相似文献   

Journal of Chinese Political Science - China’s public policy research community has long been dominated by large state-run research institutes, but in recent years financially and...  相似文献   

今年4—5月份,广州市穗港澳青少年研究所采用随机抽样的方法,对广州市216名18—35岁的青年进行了热点调查。接受调查的有来自各行各业的青年工人、青年干部,还有区、街的青年。调查内容主要是了解广州青年在1995年度最为满意的、以及目前最为关注的热点问题。  相似文献   

新‘官’上任先‘拾柴’江西王水宝领导干部到了新的工作单位,想把工作干好,并干出政绩来,于是上任伊始便革新图治,方案措施频频出台。这种做法于情于理无可厚非。但也有些新“官”,上任伊始,情况还不熟悉,便盲目地烧起了不切实际的“三把火”,结果适得其反。前段...  相似文献   

很长一段时间以来,在不少地方出现了一种对干部重用轻管,“用”“管”脱节的怪事,严重地腐蚀了干部队伍,贻误了一些能力很强,培养潜力很大的干部的健康成长,在一定程度上阻碍了各项事业的发展。 怪事一,明知不对,也不过问。一些领导同志,对一些干部身上存在的不良现象,看在眼里,记在心中,但就是打不开情面,不敢理直气壮地开展批评,总是采取事不关己,高高挂起的态度。一是明知不对,不敢过问。因为是熟人,有的甚至关系比较密切,对待他们身上的缺点和不足,刚开始时还会很委婉地进行劝说,一旦当事人没有什么反映,就再也不敢去提醒,怕伤了和气。二是明知不对,不去过问。很多同志,自我要求“较严”,对发生在别人身上的问题,总有一种好也好,歹也好,都是别人的事,与自己没有任何关系,不去管为妙,  相似文献   

一、1998年深圳市经济体制改革进展情况1998年,是深圳市贯彻实施《全面建设比较完善的社会主义市场经济体制纲要》的第一年,全市围绕国有企业改革这个中心环节,大力增创体制改革新优势,在调整所有制结构、转变政府职能、完善市场体系、深化社会保障制度改革等方面都取得了一定进展。1.继续发展以公有制为主导、多种经济成分共同发展的所有制体系。(1)市有关部门对改善投资环境,促进各种所有制经济平等竞争问题和内地外贸企业到深圳投资问题进行了调研,起草了《关于进一步改善投资环境,促进各种所有制经济共同发展》的调…  相似文献   

一个时期以来,大街小巷,茶余饭后,人们津津乐道地谈论巩俐,称赞她在电影《秋菊打官司》中的出色演技。人们一改对电影的冷漠态度,千方百计的搞票,以睹巩俐的银幕风采。 巩俐成了国内最受人关注的一位电影明星。从九月起至年底,巩俐主演的四部电影:《秋菊打官司》、  相似文献   

This article argues that Japan’s growing activism in promoting multilateral regional security arrangements since the early 1990s stems from the country’s adoption of the ‘multi-tiered approach’; a new policy perspective that packages different types of coordination among region states, including bilateral, multilateral, and minilateral or subregional, in a layered, hierarchical manner. The significance of the approach explains why Japan has retained its enthusiasm for promoting multilateral arrangements, despite continuous criticism of their effectiveness and significance, as well as the marked decline in Japan’s economic power to support financially the country’s activism in regional institution-building. Meanwhile, the multi-tiered approach also explains Japan’s effort to maintain and strengthen its bilateral security relationship with the United States during the last decade. Four factors – a perceived change in the regional security order, growing self-recognition of major-power status, the legacy of history, and constitutional constraints – worked essentially to lead Japanese policy-makers to settle on a multi-tiered approach as a desirable policy choice in shaping the country’s security policy in post-Cold WarAsia.  相似文献   

《Strategic Comments》2019,25(3):i-iii
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appears most likely to form Israel’s next government following its election on 9 April, although it is unclear how stable such a government would be. Further elections within the next two years are quite possible. Whatever the outcome of the election, Israel’s next leader will be forced to address a range of serious and interrelated strategic challenges.  相似文献   

这些年,各级党委及组织人事部门在用人上都强调注重实绩,注重实绩成为社会共识。然而,就在这一片强调实绩声中,也弹出了几许不和谐的音符,这就是越来越严重的实绩个人功利化倾向和建树实绩中的走样变形问题。 一个时期以来,干部队伍中出现了像一些体育运动员单纯追求金牌一样的实绩观偏转观象,把建树实绩完全看成是一种求取功利的官场个人行为,甚至把实绩当作在个人升迁留转中向组织讨价还价的敲门砖和筹码。个别领导干部,为了达到这种个人目的,不惜杀鸡取卵,饮鸩止渴,牺牲长远利益;不惜以邻为壑,转嫁负担,损人利己,从而造成大量的短期行为、违法乱纪行为和消极腐败现象,给改革开放和经济建设以及人民群众的根本利益带来极大的破坏和损害。 一些领导干部的实绩观和建树实绩的手段,严重背离中央当初强凋“注重实绩”的初衷,这是有其多方面原因的。首先,是个别领导干部本身思想政治素质较差,革命事业心不强,为人民服务的思想树得不牢,小资产阶级个人主义的世界观没有得到彻底改造,经不住市场经济条件下各种名利权  相似文献   

This article contributes to the existing criticism of the positive emphasis on user participation in service innovation as co-creation by examining employee resistance to user-driven innovation. The empirical base comprises interviews, document studies, and observations from a project that focused on implementing a user-initiated idea in public care services in Norway. To discuss employee resistance to innovative user ideas, a power perspective is included by drawing on the Foucault-based theory of identity regulation and discourse. Employees resist the required identity regulation by distorting the initial innovative idea to align with their problem representations, which is facilitated by entangled discourses. The power relations embedded in the different parties’ subject positions emphasize how governing the user side is incompatible with being governed by the users. The article contributes to our knowledge of service innovation and the co-creation of value by demonstrating discursive mechanisms for twisting value propositions.  相似文献   

’93世界风云撰文:本刊国际编辑室图版:除署名外均为本刊电视照版西雅图会方儿中美首脑正式会晤11月20日亚太经济合作组织领导人非正式会议在美国西雅图举行。这是该组织成立4年来第一次最高领导人聚会,共有亚太地区12个主权国家的国家元首和政府首脑及中国台...  相似文献   



Commentaries on Brunner and Willards professional insecurities  相似文献   

会标图案为圆形,由一只绿色鸽子衔着桔黄色飘带,飘带上是白色的“’95BEIJING”的字样。绿色鸽子图案是联合国第四次世界妇女大会的标志,象征着女性、平等。飘带为“C”形,是英文“中国”的第一个字母,表示中国是联合国第四次世界妇女大会的  相似文献   

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