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丁俊萍 《理论探索》2020,(2):23-29,35
党的领导原则是当代中国的最高政治原则;党的领导制度是中国特色社会主义最根本的领导制度,是中国特色社会主义的制度之源;党的领导制度体系是中国特色社会主义制度及国家治理体系的核心构成和关键所在;党的集中统一领导制度与党的全面领导制度是当代中国的根本领导制度;坚持和完善党的领导制度体系,内在地包含不忘初心、牢记使命制度和全面从严治党制度。党的十九届四中全会站在国家治理现代化的高度,对坚持和完善党的领导制度体系作了部署。正确理解和贯彻落实这一部署,需要进一步认识和把握党的领导重大原则与党的领导根本制度的关系,党的领导制度体系与中国特色社会主义制度和国家治理体系的关系,党的集中统一领导制度与党的全面领导制度的关系,不忘初心、牢记使命制度与全面从严治党制度的关系。  相似文献   

The Italian election of April 1948 represented the first occasion on which the CIA intervened to influence events abroad. Understanding of the operation has been shaped by three dissimilar approaches that have been critical, celebratory, and stressed continuity. These approaches have, in turn, fuelled a series of useful myths around the episode. Agency declarations of greater ‘openness’ after the Cold War promised to advance historiographical debates on this – and other – interventions through the declassification of records, although proved a false dawn. This article offers an alternative method to analyse the case through a broader international frame of inquiry that considers CIA action in the context of both American and Italian efforts during the election. In so doing, it challenges the useful myths around 1948.  相似文献   

理解“基层”,是科学展开基层治理的观念前提。从静态的结构语境来认知“基层”,偏离了这一概念的反身性特征。基层概念的行动语境,是国家与社会的互动。行动语境中基层概念的语义,是国家与社会的互动界面:界面主体是既需要“对上负责”又需要“对下负责”的基层干部;界面实体是兼具政治属性与社会属性、效率性治理需求与多元渐进演变特征的公共事务;界面载体是兼具国家建构性与社会进化性的规则。从国家与社会互动界面来理解基层概念,为科学认知基层干部、基层事务、基层规则,提供了方法论启示。理解基层主体、载体与实体的有机联系,需要从行动统合的视角来理解基层治理,以基层党建引领基层治理现代化。  相似文献   

深入理解按贡献分配理论 ,需要把握分配与生产、按贡献分配与按要素分配、按贡献分配与市场经济、按贡献分配与现行主体分配制度、按贡献分配原则与具体分配模式、活劳动贡献与其他贡献、要素与产权、贡献与收入等八个方面的关系。  相似文献   

In this paper, we explore whether the specific design of a state's program has contributed to its success in meeting two objectives of the Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP): increasing the health insurance coverage of children in lower income families and doing so with a minimum reduction in their private health insurance coverage (crowd-out). In our analysis, we use two years of Current Population Survey data, 2000 and 2001, matched with detailed data on state programs. We focus on two populations: the eligible population of children, broadly defined--those living in families with incomes below 300 percent of the federal poverty line (FPL)--and a narrower group of children, those who we estimate are eligible for Medicaid or SCHIP. Unique state program characteristics in the analysis include whether the state plan covers families; whether the state uses presumptive eligibility; the number of months without private coverage that are required for eligibility; whether there is an asset test; whether a face-to-face interview is required; and specific outreach activities. Our results provide evidence that state program characteristics are significant determinants of program success.  相似文献   

国外劳动领域的质量探讨:就业质量的相关范畴   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
国外劳动领域的质量探讨早在20世纪70年代就已初露端倪,从美国的"工作生活质量"(QWL)到国际劳工组织(ILO)的"体面劳动"(Decent Work)和欧盟的"工作质量"(Quality in Job),再到近期的"高质量就业"(High-quality Employment)和就业质量指数(EQI),就业质量的概念一步步地完善丰富,蕴涵了多方面内容.促进劳动领域的质量改进,对劳动者、工作组织和整个社会都有着重要意义.对于全球各大经济体来说,在就业质量改进方面都存在着一个重大的挑战,即如何将劳动力市场的安全性与灵活性以同样有利于劳工和工作组织的方式有机结合起来.  相似文献   

Baake  Pio  Borck  Rainald 《Public Choice》2000,102(1-2):77-91
In this paper we use a simple median voter model to analyze the effects of tax systems with differing degrees of progressivity. We find that relatively high taxes on middle incomes have two important advantages: On the one hand, they help to ensure that all citizens are better off than they would be in a world without government, and on the other hand, they reduce the tax level chosen in the election. Therefore, the progression in the middle income range not only ensures that Wicksell's requirement of ex post efficiency of the tax system is achieved, it may also increase social welfare.  相似文献   

实行经济结构的战略性调整,推动两个根本性转变,保持国民经济持续、快速、健康发展 ,是党的十五届五中全会确定的一条主线,也是我省“十五”规划中的一项重要内容。与前 几次结构调整相比,新一轮的调整之所以是“战略性”的,是因为这次调整是在短缺经济基 本结束、传统产业普遍供过于求的背景下进行的“升级型”调整;是在经济全球化趋势加快 ,我国即将加入WT0的背景下进行的“适应型”调整;是技术进步加速,正在对经济全局产 生革命性影响的背景下进行的致力于技术创新的调整;也是在社会主义市场经济体制初具雏 型、改革进入攻坚…  相似文献   

This article explores the impact of novel change in the ethnic composition of Americans’ local context on their attitudes toward immigrants and immigration policy preferences. Adapting the “defended‐neighborhoods hypothesis” regarding residential integration and black‐white interracial relations to the context of immigration and intercultural relations, this article advances the acculturating‐contexts hypothesis. This hypothesis argues that a large influx of an immigrant group will activate threat among white citizens when it occurs in local areas where the immigrant group had largely been absent. This theoretical argument is explored within the context of Hispanic immigration and tested using national survey and census data. This article demonstrates that over‐time growth in local Hispanic populations triggers threat and opposition to immigration among whites residing in contexts with few initial Hispanics but reduces threat and opposition to immigration among whites residing in contexts with large preexisting Hispanic populations.  相似文献   

During the 1990s, Western comparative fascist studies underwent a process of consolidation. A growing number of scholars agreed to and now use various forms of a more or less consensual definition of fascism as an extremely nationalistic and revolutionary ideology. In contrast, the conceptualisations and applications of 'fascism' in post-Soviet Russia are contradictory continuing Soviet misuse of the term. Increasing anti-democratic tendencies in Russian politics and society suggest closer attention by Western scholars to putative post-Soviet fascisms.  相似文献   

To date, electoral systems are conceptualised as setting an ‘upper bound’ to, or defining a ‘carrying capacity’ for, the number of parties or lists, and their effect is assessed at the district level. This article adds to the empirical study of electoral systems by analysing a vast database of district-level electoral returns. The argument focuses on the demand and supply of viable electoral candidates, which are conditioned by the interplay of strategic entry (by the party rank and file) and strategic voting (by the electorate). Drawing on a database of almost 18,000 electoral districts taken from 15 West European countries, the empirical analysis yields a number of insights: most specifically, (1) district magnitude only becomes binding and effective when a higher social demand meets a lower carrying capacity of the electoral district; (2) the provision of upper tiers undermines the emergence of Duvergerian equilibria within the primary electoral districts.  相似文献   

选举竞争不但勾心斗角,选举腐败也层出不穷。美国参与选举腐败的行为主体有集体性的利益团体,也有单独作案的个体选民,在腐败形式上表现为故意制造选民缺席投票、贿买选票、选举作假等。美国选举中的腐败问题是钱权交易系统化过程的表现,政治献金成为催生选举腐败的重要推手。虽然美国从立法上对选举中的政治献金作了比较严格的限制,但在司法实务中受到联邦法院判决的影响,政治献金一直未能从选举腐败中杜绝,利益的牵扯及利益集团的操控导致美国的选举腐败禁而难止。  相似文献   

Using data from the 1980 U.S. presidential election, we investigate the extent to which voter expectations about candidate electoral success and margin of victory are subject to systematic biases. In particular, we examine the extent to which candidate supporters overestimate their choice's likelihood of success. After finding a rather dramatic bias in the direction of wishful thinking, we review alternative explanations of this phenomenon, including a model based on nonrandom contact networks and one based on preference-related differences in expectations about exogenous variables that could affect the election outcome.  相似文献   

目前刑法理论界对刑法中行为的概念存在不同的界定。分析这些界定发现,行为概念实与犯罪成立体系关系甚大,行为概念不但在犯罪成立体系内部和外部研究会存在不同,而且行为概念的机能发挥一定程度上也受犯罪成立体系影响。我国刑法中的行为概念界定应充分考虑我国现有犯罪成立体系的特点。  相似文献   

基于问责的语义分析与学理阐释可知,作为机制的问责是指问责对象有义务就其行为、政策或职责表现等向问责主体告知、回答、解释与证明,如果问责对象存在失责行为则应接受问责主体的惩罚或制裁。政治以公共决策为重要内容,以行使公共权力为主要方式。在此意义上,可将狭义的政治问责界定为政治官员有义务就其在公共决策与推动公共政策执行中的行为与绩效,向社会公众、代议机关或执政党告知、回答、解释与证明,如果存在违法或不符合民意等失责行为,则应承担政治信任流失甚至公共决策权力丧失的后果。此外,政治问责与行政问责、民主问责、公共问责、社会问责等相关概念既有区别又存在交叉重叠,对其进行比较分析,有助于促进问责领域概念使用的规范化。  相似文献   

品牌文化:我国NPO亟待树立的精神支撑   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着经济全球化的迅猛发展和我国市场经济的逐渐成熟,我国的市场竞争已从产品竞争越来越表现为品牌竞争。品牌作为走向市场的通行证,被企事业视为市场营销与竞争的“利器”,而文化则是品牌的重要标志和灵魂。与政府、企业同分天下的非营利组织急需树立NPO品牌文化这一精神支撑。  相似文献   

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