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四名重刑犯杀害监狱警察,从监狱大门越狱脱逃,引起了社会各界的关注。中央领导高度重视,公安部发出通缉令,警方立即展开搜捕行动,并调动了一架小型飞机在空中搜索。经过67小时的搜捕将越狱罪犯捕获。本案非常典型、复杂,在预备、实施既遂、后续逃跑过程中,四名越狱罪犯犯下了累累罪行。笔者认为,以本案脱逃越狱的性质为切入点,立足于本案共同犯罪的整体基础,从脱逃越狱犯罪的整个发展过程来看,本案应该定性为故意杀人罪、组织越狱罪及后续行为构成的诸多罪实行数罪并罚。以此案来审视我国现行《刑法》的相关规定,应设立越狱罪。  相似文献   

樊文 《法学研究》2011,(3):112-137
1979年以来我国刑事立法和司法忽视或遗忘了刑法的特征与内在价值,高估了刑法影响人的行为的可能性,刑法一直保持着在功能化方向上的惯性,刑罚结构和刑罚适用面临着重刑主义的突出问题。我国的犯罪控制存在着惩罚主义的结构特征,然而惩罚主义的意愿和努力,并没能有效遏制犯罪规模和犯罪的总体严重程度迅猛发展的势头。在刑事政策和刑罚体系的主导思想没有做出重大调整前,刑罚轻缓化的改革仍然任重道远。  相似文献   

This survey study attempted to address two research questions: (1) whether female inmates with either singular mental illness or singular substance abuse/dependence disorders were more likely to break institutional rules in prison than their disorder-free counterparts; and (2) whether female inmates with both mental illness and substance abuse/dependence disorders (CODs) were more likely to engage in misbehaviour than either disorder-free or singularly disordered women during the course of their confinement. The current study employed a sample of 643 female inmates and the data for analyses contained information on inmates’ CODs, mental and substance abuse/dependence disorders, and pre-prison and prison experiences. The results showed that female inmates with CODs committed the most misconduct in prisons, but no significant effect was found on prison misconduct among inmates with singular disorders and disorder-free female inmates. Possible explanations for these results were suggested, and public policy implications were discussed in the concluding section.  相似文献   

侵占罪疑难实务问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赵秉志  周加海 《现代法学》2001,23(5):97-102
本文对侵占罪的若干疑难实务问题进行了研析。文章认为 ,侵占罪之“拒不退还”或者“拒不交出”的要件 ,应当于侵占人第一次以某种方式明确向财物所有人、占有人或者他们所委托的人以及有关机关表示其拒不退还或者拒不交出侵占物的意思时即已成立 ;在任何情况下 ,对侵占罪都不能以公诉形式提起诉讼 ;侵占罪是即成犯而不是继续犯 ,其追诉时效期限应当从侵占人表明其拒不退还或者拒不交出侵占物的立场时起算 ;侵占案件中的被害人在法定的民事权利保护期限内未主张要求侵占人返还侵占物的 ,并不影响他提起刑事诉讼的权利 ,只是他不能再同时提起附带民事诉讼 ;检察机关不能对一审尚未生效的有关侵占案件的判决提起抗诉。  相似文献   


Little is known about the trends of indecent images of children (IIOC) offences, as UK criminal justice figures are unavailable within official crime data. This study aims to explore the rates of conviction and the relationship between IIOC offences and child sexual abuse offences from 2005/2006 to 2012/2013. The results indicated a continuing increase in offences of take, permit, distribute IIOC, rape of a child under 13, sexual activity of child under 16 and abuse of children through prostitution or pornography. Six out of a possible 17 correlations were significant, with the strongest correlation found between take, make, distribute IIOC and rape of a female under 13. Explanations for the findings are discussed and the utility of comprehensive prevalence figures for different stakeholders involved in addressing this crime issue.  相似文献   

刑法修正案(七)“组织、领导传销罪”的解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
非法传销活动是我国改革开放后市场经济活动尚未完全纳入法律调控时期出现的一种经济失范现象,并随着我国经济发展的速度和规模愈演愈烈,已经严重影响到经济和社会的稳定,为此刑法修正案(七)增补组织、领导传销活动罪这一新的罪名。然而,正是因为两级最高司法机关曾经的司法文件对该种行为有截然相左的意见,所以在刑法修正案(七)明确了该种行为的罪名。那么如何正确适用法律的规定,不仅仅是司法问题,更有必要在理论上对其进行必要的解读。  相似文献   

魏宏斌 《河北法学》2011,29(12):138-143
一国的犯罪构成理论应当与该国刑法规范的犯罪成立要件形成动态的符合关系。无论维持、改良还是重构我国犯罪构成理论,规范的犯罪成立要件都是一个不能回避的视域。比较我国与德国、瑞典、芬兰刑法规范犯罪成立要件,具体免责事由的缺失是我国刑法规范的犯罪成立要件最大的不足。完善我国犯罪构成理论,应当从发展我国刑法免责理论、完善刑法免责立法开始。  相似文献   

德、日刑法定罪模式与刑法机能的实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
逄锦温  杨林 《现代法学》2003,25(6):99-103
定罪机制是刑法与社会联为一体的中介 ,是刑法机能实现的重要途径。德、日刑法定罪模式是一种构成要件论的定罪模式 ,只有顺次通过构成要件该当性、违法性、有责性三重判断的行为才能认定为犯罪行为 ,保障了被告人及其他人的自由 ;同时 ,在构成要件该当性、违法性、有责性的判断过程中 ,通过有意识地放弃刑法干预特定领域内的行为的方式 ,保护了社会的进步和发展。促进刑法人权保障机能的实现是德、日刑法定罪模式促进刑法机能实现的主流  相似文献   

论交通肇事犯罪人的特点及刑事责任   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
莫洪宪  曾彦 《北方法学》2009,3(3):63-68
交通肇事犯罪人属于一般自然人主体,具有与传统犯罪人不同的性格特征,交通肇事犯罪人在主观上是过失心态。行为人交通肇事后逃逸是我国刑法规定的加重处罚情形,交通肇事犯罪人的共犯是我国刑法规定的特殊处罚情形,交通肇事后行为人遗弃被害人的,应当按故意杀人罪或故意伤害罪处罚。应当从刑事立法、刑事政策、犯罪学理论三方面入手,加强对交通肇事犯罪人的预防和惩处,有效防止交通肇事罪的发生。  相似文献   

张勇 《河北法学》2006,24(5):44-46
中外刑法中有"立法定性、司法定量"和"立法既定性又定量"两种犯罪定量模式,两者各有利弊.但传统的法文化与现实法体系的冲突注定了在我国刑法典中对犯罪进行"立法定量"的合理性和现实性.只有将"立法定量"与"司法定量"协调统一起来,犯罪定量才会得以实现.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to (a) examine the role of Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) and Conduct disorder (CD) in predicting recidivism, while controlling for childhood arrest, perceived neighbourhood crime frequency, alcohol consumption, age and gender, and (b) explore the relevance of these factors in predicting risk of recidivism for males and females separately. Participants were 669 ex-prisoners identified in the National Survey of American Life. Results revealed that gender, CD and average daily alcohol consumption predicted recidivism. When separate models were estimated for males and females, only average daily alcohol consumption was predictive of female recidivism. By comparison, recidivism was significantly predicted in males by CD in youth and childhood arrest. ODD was also negatively associated with recidivism in males. Consequently, targeting variables identified as significant predictors of recidivism for both males and females, or males, is unlikely to be an optimal way of reducing repeat offending.  相似文献   

马荣春  周建达 《时代法学》2012,10(2):31-36,59
在我国刑法学中,社会危害性理论的刑法学地位问题一直在争议之中。有学者将社区犯罪观和刑事和解观作为新的突破口,试图将社会危害性理论予以消解,以期最终将社会危害性理论从我国刑法学中清除。但是,由于包含着诸多曲解,故这一清除不仅没有实现,反而可被用来加固社会危害性理论在我国刑法学中的地位。  相似文献   

The broken windows thesis suggests that disorder is a key part of a cycle of community decline that leaves neighborhoods vulnerable to crime. Some recent research has challenged this thesis by finding limited support for a direct relationship between disorder and crime. However, others argued that such studies ignore the indirect pathways posited in the thesis. The current study sheds light on this debate by examining the relationships between disorder, fear of crime, and collective efficacy and finds support for the relationships suggested by the broken windows model. However, the findings also suggest that the model is overly simplistic and needs to consider other mediating factors in addition to fear. Additionally, the findings show that perceptions of disorder may have different impacts for residents of an area vs. people who work at a business in the area. Implications for theory and policy are discussed.  相似文献   

目的探讨在进行法医精神病学鉴定中精神分裂症患者的智力状况及刑事责任能力的关系。方法采用韦氏成人智力量表中国版(WAIS-RC)对138例精神分裂症患者进行测试,并与其相应的刑事责任能力进行Pearson相关分析。结果精神分裂症患者的全量表智商为±s=74.59±14.716;言语智商为±s=80.89±14.077;操作智商为±s=70.27±15.427。经统计分析发现:言语智商和操作智商(F=26.786,P=0.000)有显著性差异;各项智力结果与刑事责任能力相关性均不存在统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论精神分裂症患者平均智力水平在正常范围之下,边缘状态与轻度损害之间,但在法医精神病学鉴定中,其刑事责任能力与智力状况不存在相关性。  相似文献   


In this study, the internal reliability and construct validity of the recently adapted Swedish version of the Novaco Anger Scale (NAS-1998-S; Lindqvist, Dåderman, & Hellström, Social Behavior and Personality, 8, 773–788, 2003), as well as its scale correlations with demographic and criminality variables, were investigated. Construct validity was established by assessing the correlation pattern of the scales of NAS-1998-S with concurrent scales of similar and distinct constructs. Ninety-five male violent prisoners, ranging in age from 18 to 67 years, participated. The results demonstrated good internal reliability, consistent intrascale relationships, and appropriate construct validity of NAS-1998-S. The number of previous convictions had a moderate negative relationship with the capacity of control. Age and education correlated negatively with the NAS-1998-S scales, except Regulation. In addition to psychometric issues, the results were discussed from a clinical perspective on the offender population.  相似文献   

近年来,我国知识产权犯罪及申诉数量持续上升,我国知识产权刑事再审案件中呈现检察院抗诉占比低、检察院抗诉理由多为"量刑畸轻"的基本特征。"法律监督"与"诉讼监督"的关系,外在表现为上位概念与下位概念,内在表现为体与用之联系。基于知识产权刑事案件的特殊性,检察机关实施诉讼监督在刑事诉讼各阶段均面临不同程度的困境,一方面在宏观上须从思想观念、机构设置、立法等多层面进行设计,以加强体系建设、保障诉讼监督机制有效运行;另一方面在微观上须创新、改进监督措施以破解各诉讼阶段主要监督困境。具体而言,为了破解诉讼监督困境,可以通过建立行刑衔接机制,完善监督程序;规范细化涉案金额认定,严格核实兜底罪名;加强司法鉴定检察监督,打造诉讼监督专家团队;建立执行信息报告制度,实施执行情况同步监督等方式实现。  相似文献   

刑法国际化:内涵·成因及其表现   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
苏彩霞 《现代法学》2002,24(5):150-153
刑法国际化就是指刑法发展进程中各国相互吸收、彼此渗透、趋于接近、共同前进的趋势 ,这一趋势有其深刻的经济、社会、法律和其他方面的原因。并且 ,刑法国际化的趋势在我国现行刑法典中已有所体现。  相似文献   

Many studies reported high prevalence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and reading disability (RD) among delinquent adolescents. Very few have examined their psychosocial outcomes. The present study compared the psychosocial outcomes and delinquency outcomes in Chinese juvenile delinquents with ADHD symptoms (AS) and/or RD. Delinquents with AS (n = 29), RD (n = 24) and their comorbidity (n = 35) were recruited from juvenile institutions along with typically developing controls (n = 29) from local schools; all completed questionnaire on psychosocial characteristics and delinquency outcomes. Participants with AS were associated with poor academic orientation whereas participants with RD were characterized with negative main effects across all psychosocial constructs being tested. The comorbid group performed similar to the RD group yet it exhibited a significantly higher delinquency severity. The present findings provide a better picture of the unique psychosocial profile associated with different groups, allowing for better matching for future identification and intervention programme.  相似文献   

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