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李春霞 《当代亚太》2012,(5):97-120,159
越南官方媒体《人民报》关于中国的报道变化反映了越南官方对中国认知的变迁,这种认知变迁进而影响到越南的对华政策行为。近十年来,越南官方的中国认知正经历着从榜样到伙伴、从关注低级政治领域向关注高级政治领域以及从追赶到平等的变迁。作为同一地区同时崛起的两个邻国,中国与越南基于意识形态和政治制度的双边关系正逐渐向基于各自国家利益、为应对共同挑战和促进彼此发展的双边关系转变。因此,中国在实施睦邻政策时也应适当调整思路与措施,加强低级政治领域的利益捆绑并增进两国人民间的多层次交往。  相似文献   

Focusing on the social movement that resisted the privatization of health care in El Salvador in 2002–3, this article asks how the movement's multisectoral composition influenced news coverage of the health care policy debate. Specifically, it examines whether the diversity of perspectives in the alliance was reflected in the media's source selection and framing of the policy issues. A content analysis of Salvadoran newspapers' coverage shows that the media relied mainly on just two movement actors to represent the antiprivatization position: the striking doctors and the leftist opposition party. It also reveals that a period of elite dissensus on the policy issues opened a temporary opportunity to insert movement messages in the coverage. The study indicates that a multisectoral alliance does not enhance movement influence through the news media, though broad alliances confer strategic advantages for the movement's broader communication work.  相似文献   

Universities are subject to profound changes of political management. The article endeavors – from a comparative point of view – to assess to what extent the new managerialism and the new public management respectively have infiltrated governmental strategies and modified existing governance models of higher education. This is done by, first, developing a revised heuristic framework of governance models; second, by assessing the merits and problems of the new managerial governance model in comparison with other governance models; and, third, by using empirical evidence of countries. Political-institutional factors are discussed in order to explain for variations in strategies and success of implementing the new governance model. It is concluded that there are two dangerous paths of future university development: universities have to learn how to avoid either permanent immobilism or becoming mere market-driven organizations with calculate frameworks.  相似文献   

全球环境治理“领导者”的蜕变:加拿大的案例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谢来辉 《当代亚太》2012,(1):118-139
加拿大长期以来曾是西方发达国家中积极领导全球环境治理的典范,一度也是全球气候治理的积极参与者,但是近年来却俨然蜕变为气候谈判中的"拖后腿者"。发生这种转变的原因究竟是什么?本文通过国际和国内、政治与经济多个层面的分析发现,除了美国因素以外,加拿大国内的经济形势变化和政治体制是导致其战略变化的主要原因。20世纪90年代以来,油砂大规模开发和原油出口(特别是对美国的市场依赖),导致加拿大在气候变化问题上处于比较劣势;而相关利益集团的游说,正好与加拿大松散的联邦制等制度因素相结合,导致了加拿大气候政策的转向。从这个层面上看,经济利益的变化和政治决策制度特征共同成为决定国家气候或环境战略的主要因素。在某种程度上,这一案例也反驳了发达民主国家因其制度因素必然成为全球环境保护积极支持者的命题。  相似文献   

This study aims to provide insights into how and why a dominant party system emerges after an era of multipartyism. Conceptualising the emergence phase of a dominant party system within the framework of Sartori's ‘predominant party system’, it elaborates the causal weight of different theories within the Turkish context through a comparative-historical analysis. Comparing the case of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) with the Justice Party (AP), it argues that perceptions of an incumbent's good economic performance and lack of centrifugal intra-party conflicts are two crucial factors that lead to the emergence of a dominant party system after multipartyism. Restrictive electoral rules and existing social cleavages, however, create a favourable setting for this outcome.  相似文献   

Bo  Zhiyue 《East Asia》2008,25(4):333-364
The Seventeenth National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), held on 15–21 October 2007 in Beijing, produced some interesting changes to the balance of power among different factional groups in Chinese politics. Compared to the balance of power among factional groups generated as a result of the Sixteenth National Congress of the CCP five years earlier, the four major factional groups had different experiences. In terms of power index, the Shanghai Gang, a factional group affiliated with Former General Secretary Jiang Zemin, declined substantially; the Qinghua Clique, graduates of the Qinghua University, also declined significantly; the Princelings, children of former high-ranking officials, however, increased a great deal; and the Chinese Communist Youth League (CCYL) Group, a factional group closely associated with General Secretary Hu Jintao, witnessed substantial expansion. In terms of group cohesion index, both the Shanghai Gang and the Qinghua Clique shrank significantly; the Princelings increased somewhat; and the CCYL Group expanded substantially.
Zhiyue BoEmail:

Zhiyue Bo   is a Senior Research Fellow at the East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore. He obtained his Bachelor of Law and Master of Law from Beijing University and his Ph.D. from the University of Chicago. He is the author of Chinese Provincial Leaders: Economic Performance and Political Mobility since 1949 (Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, 2002) and China’s Elite Politics: Political Transition and Power Balancing (Singapore: World Scientific, 2007). He would like to acknowledge the East Asian Institute, NUS, for its financial support for this project, participants in the panel on “The Future of the CCP” at the 66th Annual National Conference of the Midwest Political Science Association in Chicago in April 2008 (especially Shanruo Ning Zhang) for their helpful comments, and two anonymous reviewers for their insightful suggestions.  相似文献   

The Making of a Party System: Minor Parties in the Australian Senate. By Zareh Ghazarian (Clayton, Victoria: Monash University Publishing, 2015), pp.233, AU$49.99 (pb).  相似文献   

中国西部地区之所以落后,主要的原因是政府与企业之间的关系规则不能适应市场经济发展的需要,削弱了该地区企业的竞争力。中国-东盟自由贸易区对中国落后地区发展的意义,主要的不在于具体提供了多少商业机会,而是这种商业机会的扩大为落后地区的制度创新提供了一个重要契机和强大动力。  相似文献   

考察郑州、武汉、合肥和大南昌都市圈这四大中部地区都市圈,从边际消费倾向、需求收入弹性、需求价格弹性三个方面比较其核心城市消费结构,发现大南昌都市圈核心城市中城镇居民的生活水平逐年改善,正在由以生存型消费为主的基本阶段跨越到以发展型消费为主的注重消费质量的阶段,但其进度略落后于其他中部省份单中心都市圈的核心城市。大南昌都市圈要实现赶超,需着重增加城镇居民收入和提升供给产品质量,充分发挥消费空间,通过消费驱动的核心城市经济增长引领都市圈的发展。  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of the Canberra Commission in terms of consolidating and influencing the agenda on international negotiations towards the elimination of nuclear weapons. The Commission's Report is significant for two main reasons. First, it represents a unique form of disarmament diplomacy by the Australian Government which combined the post-Cold War international climate of security cooperation with the foreign policy aspirations of an activist middle power. Second, the Report refutes the strategic, technological and political arguments against nuclear elimination in a comprehensive and convincing manner, arguing that without elimination, the world faces increased threats of nuclear proliferation and nuclear terrorism. This paper thus concludes that the Canberra Commission has been instrumental in strengthening the taboo against the possession, testing or use of nuclear weapons.  相似文献   

Balducci  Giuseppe 《East Asia》2010,27(1):35-55
In recent years an increasing number of works on EU international actorness have begun to focus on notions of “normative, value-driven external policy”. However, the majority of these works tend to uncritically analyse EU foreign policy without considering its internal complexity and the existing national, supranational and intergovernmental dynamics. This paper first sheds light on these issues by proposing an original theoretical and analytical framework to study European, rather than merely EU, normative foreign policy. Secondly, this paper attempts to empirically apply such a framework in the specific case of European human rights promotion in China. What emerges is that in the case of China, and Asia more broadly, Europe appears more as a normative trap, where the interaction of EU institutions and member states originate policies not in line with the EU human rights normative basis.  相似文献   

Twenty years after governments across Latin America began implementing neoliberal reforms in earnest, concern is growing about their impact on the quality of democracy in the region. This article examines this issue in the case of Mexico by exploring how patterns of political participation, especially among the rural and urban poor, have changed since the implementation of free market reforms. It asks whether the institutional innovations associated with free market reforms make it easier or more difficult for the poor to participate in Mexico's political process. The answer is not encouraging. Despite democratic openings, the new linkages between the state and citizens established as a result of the transition to a free market development model stifle the voice of the poor not through the threat of force or coercion, but by creating obstacles and disincentives for political mobilization that affect the poor more severely than other groups.  相似文献   

Liao  Janet Xuanli 《East Asia》2008,25(1):57-78
The Sino-Japanese dispute over the East China Sea maritime resources was triggered by the unsettled maritime boundary and the territorial dispute over the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands. The dispute has been ascribed by many to intensified competition between China and Japan over energy supply. However this article attributes the fundamental cause of the conflict to power politics and political distrust, which are deemed to have the key role in preventing the two governments from finding a solution. The article analyses the origin and the causes responsible for the Sino-Japanese dispute over the East China Sea gas exploration, and then proceeds to investigate the diplomatic dialogues to reveal the key obstacles in the process.
Janet Xuanli LiaoEmail:

Dr Janet Xuanli Liao   is Lecturer on International Relations and Energy security Studies, at the Centre for Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Law and Policy (CEPMLP) of the University of Dundee. Her research interests include China’s foreign policy decision-making, energy security and China’s international energy policy analysis, and Sino-Japanese political/energy relations. She also teaches a module for postgraduates on International Relations and Energy and Natural Resources. Dr Liao by training is specialized on international relations and China’s foreign policy decision-making. She co-hosts the CEPMLP’s PhD programme and also teaches a module on International Relations and Energy and Natural Resources.  相似文献   

This article examines the continuing salience of the territorial cleavage in Bavarian party politics. It does so through an exploration of the Christian Social Union's (CSU) mobilisation of Bavarian identity as part of its political project, which has forced other parties in Bavaria to strengthen their territorial goals and identities. Parties have articulated different constructions of ‘Bavaria’ to rival the CSU's dominant nation-building project. However, they have been unable to portray themselves as ‘standing up for Bavarian interests’ due to the constraints of the state-wide parties to which they belong. As an exclusively Bavarian party, the CSU has no such constraints. Indeed, the CSU's core aim of strengthening Bavaria's position vis-à-vis the German federation may be viewed as akin to that of the Convergència i Unió in Catalonia, Spirit in Flanders or Plaid Cymru in Wales. Like these parties, the case of the CSU in Bavaria demonstrates that sub-state territorial mobilisation has as much to do with negotiating autonomy within the state as seceding from it. To that end, the CSU provides a valuable case of how a regionalist party operating within a multi-level political system has sought to influence the regional, state and European levels to obtain a comparative territorial advantage.  相似文献   

The historiography of Pahlavi Iran has been unduly influenced, in the words of Cyrus Schayegh, by ‘a methodological statist’ paradigm based on the assumption that the state, dominating society, strove to implement radical Westernization while society’s role was passive and reactive—and that society did not exercise substantial influence on Pahlavi policy-making, in particular during the period covered here, 1967–1979. Consequently, a large gap between state and society emerged and in 1979 the monarchy was overthrown. This article argues that this paradigm needs revision given its inadequate attention to the changes the shah made in the state’s discourses on Westernization and Iranian authenticity and national identity in response to a growing societal and intellectual backlash to Pahlavi Westernization. The Rastakhiz Party and its publications played the key role in this emerging Pahlavi anti-Westernism. The article shows that these changes were more substantial and impactful on the state’s discourses on national identity and the West than has been assumed by existing literature.  相似文献   

The Lebanese Kataeb Party (Hizb al‐Kata'ib al‐Lubnaniyya) is the most important example in the Arab world of an organised mass party which is nationally based and competitive. In a country renowned for its individualism and shifting political allegiances it has maintained and increased its solidarity and discipline. In a polity averse from long‐term, coherent, detailed planning it has consistently applied these principles without losing short‐term flexibility. From an overwhelmingly Maronite base in a society moulded by sectarianism it has followed a non‐confessional policy of national advancement, not least for regions where Maronites do not form a majority. And while remaining a competitive party, independent of the state, it has attempted to perform many of those roles of state‐ and nation‐building which are typical of single parties. It is with the Kataeb's self‐appointed duties towards the state that this paper is concerned.  相似文献   

The research note comments on W. Veenendaal's article “A Big Prince in a Tiny Realm: Smallness, Monarchy, and Political Legitimacy in the Principality of Liechtenstein”. It is argued, inter alia, that the phenomenon of “princely self‐restraint” should not be underestimated in Liechtenstein's constitutional reality. The character of the microstate's actual political system strongly depends on the individual personality of the Reigning Prince . A strong monarch who acts as a political actor with his own agenda should not be conceptualized as a neutral traditional leader. From the perspective of many citizens of Liechtenstein, the principality's political system is legitimate since it combines traditional authority and legal‐rational authority in a unique way. Largely due to the powerful role of the government, the microstate is characterized by consensus‐oriented hierarchical governance. Elite surveys can be seen as a useful instrument to overcome some of the methodological pitfalls of the elite interview approach.  相似文献   

The allusion to presidentialism in relation to the status, role and meaning of a prime minister's position is almost invariably skewed towards positive, purposive and expansive interpretations of strong executive authority. This study examines the negative and critical dimensions of the presidential attribution, and analyses the nature of its appeal as a device for organising and rationalising political dissent. The incidence and conditions of its usage in political argument during Tony Blair's premiership are reviewed. As a consequence, seven strands of usage are identified in the selection of presidentialism as a focus of opposition. In assessing the relative strengths and weaknesses of the presidential critique, the analysis not only shows its utility in drawing upon other sources of complaint, but also demonstrates its limitations in the delegitimation of executive authority.  相似文献   

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