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涉及群众利害的事业能否顺利完成,全凭众人是否能够达成共识。日本教育改革的呼声起于20世纪70年代初。20世纪80年代中曾根内阁作为国家任务去抓。设置临时教育审议会确定改革的基本方针。在首先确定议事规则、关键概念的含义后开展具体审议。临教审内部各个分会间,临教审与内阁高层、与社会各界通过各种会议以及征文、发行刊物等方式,收集和扩散各种意见和看法,通过3年审议提出4次报告,内阁以最终报告为基础确定了教育改革大纲。充分的讨论和争辩是达成共识的有效途径,寻求共识虽然费时但保证了决策慎重。在社会共识基础上的决策可以避免朝令夕改、最大限度减少决策失误造成的无可估量的损失。  相似文献   

《潘佩珠自判》呈现出了东游运动前后潘佩珠对日认识的变化。赴日前,潘佩珠认为日本是同文同种的新兴强国,期望日本军事援助越南。东游运动失败后,潘佩珠认为日本背弃了黄种人和亚洲,是个重强权、轻道义的国家。他对日本国民素质则始终赞赏,以之为越南人的学习对象。  相似文献   

论欧盟法的性质及其对现代国际法的贡献   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
包括建立欧盟的国际条约、欧盟自己制定的各项立法以及欧盟各国的相关国内法在内的欧盟法是现代国际法发展的突出表现,这种发展不仅表现在欧盟法扩大了现代国际法的调整范围,还表现在欧盟法在国际法和国内法的转化机制上创设了一种自动模式。通过这种自动的转化机制,将欧盟由一个国际组织渐次演变成一个统一的国家。欧盟法对现代国际法的贡献必将对国际法发展的历程产生重要影响。  相似文献   

在全球一体化的大背景之下,平成时期的文学呈现出多样化的走势。特别是在叙事手法和格调上显示出有别于昭和文学的显著特征。文章从"平成文学诞生的社会背景"、"平成文学的多样化走势对叙事格调的影响"、"作品叙事方式的变化"和"J文学的定义"四个方面对平成文学的叙事手法进行解析,从而试图对平成文学的叙事策略与艺术效果加以把握。  相似文献   

詹姆斯·威尔逊是美国独立、制宪时期的著名政治家、法律家,曾担任大陆会议代表,签署过《独立宣言》,并参与了费城制宪,对制定1787年宪法贡献颇大。他还领导了宾夕法尼亚州批准新宪法的斗争,促使宪法顺利通过。宪法生效后,他又出任最高法院大法官,担任费城学院法学教授,解释和传授新宪法。威尔逊在苏格兰长大,深受苏格兰启蒙思想影响。从他对宪法的理解可以看出,苏格兰启蒙思想也是美国宪法的重要思想渊源。  相似文献   

日本民事取证制度一直以来都以文书提出命令制度为主导,但当事人照会制度在新民事诉讼法中的增设,打破了大陆法系国家民事取证制度中法院参与的惯常做法,受到了日本学界与实务界的普遍肯定。在近年对民事诉讼法所进行的若干次修改中,日本立法机关又对当事人照会制度以及先前的文书提出命令制度等进行了改革与完善,逐渐形成了独具日本特色的民事取证制度体系。就长远来看,日本在民事取证领域仍将继续保持法官职权进行主义的取证模式,但其中会呈现出愈益浓厚的当事人主义色彩。  相似文献   

诗琳通公主对中泰关系发展的贡献   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中泰友好关系源远流长.1975年中泰建交以来两国传统友好关系得到了全面发展.诗琳通公主为此做了大量的工作,为促进中泰友好关系的发展作出了杰出的贡献.  相似文献   

In comparing Switzerland and Japan with respect to intergovernmental relations, differences are more obvious than similarities. Switzerland is a strongly federalist country. In contrast, Japan was clearly centralist in the past, and despite continuing decentralization reforms, it is usually still considered to be so today. The influence of the lower levels of government on the national legislative process remains comparatively low in Japan. Its centralized political structure seems to fit Japan's homogeneous culture, while on the other hand Swiss federalism has proven to be apt for the integration of minorities and for respect of cultural diversity. In spite of obvious basic differences, intergovernmental relations in these two countries face similar challenges: the concentration of human and economic resources in urban areas, the weakening of sub‐national parliaments, and financial strain.  相似文献   

This article discusses Japan's contribution to world peace both in the past and in the future. Japan's domestic, historical, and strategic circumstances shaped its concept of comprehensive security focused on international economic cooperation since the 1970s. Three decades of constructive relations with neighbors, including reconciliation with Southeast Asia built a strong foundation for Japan's new security role, one driven by new domestic and external imperatives. The article also documents the evolution of Japan's security policy and role in international peacekeeping, and concludes by arguing that Japan–ASEAN partnership is a key component of Japan's new security role, including permanent membership in the United Nations Security Council. In developing this new role, it is critically important that Japan engages its neighbors in ASEAN (and elsewhere) to gain their support for this new role.  相似文献   

Timor-Leste began the democratic transformation process in the beginning of this century with a heavy past legacy of external domination. Since then, it has been experiencing many difficulties in its path towards democracy especially in what concerns one critical issue: the respect for the rule of law. Focusing on two important pillars of the rule of law—justice and security—this paper seeks to understand why has been so difficult to establish the rule of law in Timor-Leste.

The article initially provides a generic picture of the rule of law as an important dimension of the United Nations peacekeeping operations. It also aims to outline the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) capacity in strengthening the processes of peacebuilding and reforms in Timor-Leste, as well as on ensuring the credibility and integrity of institutions, such as the courts and the national police, which are serious challengers to the country's future. It concludes by providing some thoughts that can help to determine whether Timor-Leste is ready to look after its own security after 2013.  相似文献   

本文主要从农业、商业、矿业、建筑业、养蚕和剿丝业等几个方面分析阮氏政权时期华侨华人对越南经济发展的贡献.中国移民移居越南,是更大范围的传统农业文明内部的人口流动、资源开发和技术传承.他们没有而且也不可能打破或超越传统的生产方式,创造出工业文明所创造的物质财富和精神文化成就.  相似文献   

This article surveys American literary responses to the rise of Japan as an economic power during the period from the late 1970s to the early 1990s, and examines how these responses were anticipated in the writings of the South African author Laurens van der Post. Paying particular attention to van der Post’s autobiography, Yet Being Someone Other (1982), I suggest that the author’s formative experiences aboard a Japanese trading vessel in 1926, coupled with South Africa’s close-knit trading relationship with Japan in the 1980s, enabled a perspective on Japan’s economic ascendancy that was markedly less reactionary than those in the USA. By emphasizing the historical contexts that held true at the time of publication, I situate Yet Being Someone Other in a framework that deliberately circumvents—without necessarily confronting—van der Post’s preferred version of his life story. Rather than “recovering” the author’s ‘place in the canon of South African literature, this article is intended to incorporate the author’s work into ongoing discussions of the representation of Japan and the Japanese in twentieth-century Anglophone writings.  相似文献   

明末清初,明代思想文化典籍陆续传入日本,逐步对近世日本思想文化产生影响,本文概述明代兵书与善书对近世日本的影响。兵学思想方面,戚继光的《纪效新书》、《练兵实记》等一批明代兵书于这一时期传入日本并流入民间,成为这一时期日本知识分子的一个重要思想来源。一些民间知识分子开始解读、研究戚法中"节制"等重要概念与选兵、练兵的做法,并在此基础上开始了兵制改革的思考。明代善书在近世日本社会传播过程中,其中的佛教、道教思想与日本神道思想发生了冲突,民间知识分子在介绍传播善书时,运用日本的传统信仰与习俗重新解释善书,善书由此逐步为日本民众接受。研究明代思想文化在近世日本社会传播普及的历史,可以重新认识近世日本在理解与接受明代思想文化过程中进行选择、重新解读与吸收融合的史实。  相似文献   

当今日本社会离婚现象透视   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
日本作为一个东方国家,深受儒家思想影响,有着一套传统的家族制度体系。但是自20世纪90年代以来,日本社会的离婚率持续攀高,甚至超过某些发达的资本主义国家,成为离婚大国。当今日本社会的离婚,呈现出数量多、年龄段偏高、女性占主导地位等一些新的特点。离婚热的出现,不再只是一个孤立的社会现象,它对个人、家庭乃至整个社会都有着直接的影响,由此引发出一系列的家庭和社会问题。针对这一现象,日本政府和民间组织纷纷行动起来,期望人们能够慎重对待婚姻,降低离婚率,从而稳定家庭与社会。  相似文献   

日本是目前世界上少有的民族、国民和语言的构成相对单一的国家。然而,一百多年前,处于幕藩体制下的日本列岛还是一个由68个藩国组成的语言(口语)不通的列岛。日本的语言政策在这一百多年间经历了怎样的演变过程是值得研究和深思的。通过从(1)"国语"的出现和确立;(2)国语(标准语)的推广和普及;(3)战后的国语改革;(4)日语的国际化这四个方面梳理这一百多年来日本语言政策的演变路径,有助于了解日本的社会变革以及语言文化变迁,并从中获得历史启迪。  相似文献   

Since 1992, experts and officials from the United States and Japan have been meeting regularly to discuss a wide range of ongoing, emerging, or unresolved issues relating to nuclear weapons, nuclear proliferation, and nuclear power. Steven Miller of the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard University and Ryukichi Imai, Distinguished Research Fellow of the Institute for International Policy Studies, Tokyo, provide an account of this collaboration, a central focus of which has been concern about what would happen with the Soviet nuclear arsenal.  相似文献   

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