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Today the American press focuses on what might be called the domestic consequences of United States policy toward Korea. We read about the troop withdrawal issue, the unfolding Korea Lobby scandal, and, perhaps, Korean Central Intelligence Agency (KCIA) activities within the U.S. The following supplement, however, reminds us of the far worse consequences of American and Korean policies for those who remain within Korea. It was the U.S. CIA which helped to set up the KCIA, thereby providing to the diffuse authoritarianism of the Rhee regime period (1948–1960) an organizational weapon which has kept Park in power through sixteen years of Korean dissent and upheaval: it is the south Korean people who continue to suffer the consequences. It was the Johnson and Nixon administrations which sanctioned what amounted to bribery, first to get the south Koreans to commit troops in the Vietnam War, and then to keep them there as Nixon and Kissinger prolonged the war. It was the Nixon administration which kept a conspicuous silence when Park in 1972 ripped up the old constitution, did away with even the fiction of procedural democracy, and instituted a frankly authoritarian regime.  相似文献   


The return of the generals to power in Bangkok last year, after only three short years of civilian rule, brought fears that Thailand would be Asia's Chile. Political repression was harsh and swift, and the international circumstances surrounding the coup pointed to at least partial United States responsibility.  相似文献   


The word dalit in Marathi, the language spoken by 50 million people in the state of Maharashtra in Western India, means “downtrodden,” “ground down,” or “depressed.” A caste-less word which ex-Untouchables have chosen for the new school of literature they have created, it includes all those who have suffered from the religio-social system. Short stories by ex-Untouchables began to appear in the 1950s, but the great swelling of creativity — poetry, novels, short stories, plays — appeared only in the late 1960s. The school is acknowledged by the Marathi literary establishment as a new and important development in the long history of Marathi literature. It represents a new voice, and its themes are protest, grievance, pride — and often revolution.  相似文献   

按照东部印度尼西亚和西部印度尼西亚的划分,印度尼西亚的创世神话呈现出一些不同的神话特质,也透露出不少值得关注的文化信息.这都是地理、民族、外来影响等因素共同作用的结果.  相似文献   

西方女权主义国际政治理论述评   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李英桃 《美国研究》2001,15(4):43-63
20世纪80年代末,西方女权主义者将社会性别分析与国际政治研究结合起来,开创了女权主义国际政治这一学科.本文主要介绍了西方女权主义国际政治理论产生的历史背景;学科发展的历程,包括三个主要发展阶段及其阶段的主要研究成果;以及西方国际政治理论的三个主要流派.文章在最后对西方女权主义国际政治理论进行了评价.  相似文献   

HOWES  F. N. 《African affairs》1946,45(180):152-153
While going through old records at Kew, Dr. Howes discoveredsome papers which shed and interesting light on the earliestdays of attempts to establish cacao on the West Coast. He haswritten this note at our invitation.  相似文献   

John King’s introduction to this section surveys the development of Latin American film studies in the UK over the past 25 years. All three papers explore the interplay between local and global factors in the development of Mexican cinema. Andrea Noble introduces the work of Carlos Monsiváis and discusses the role that early and Golden Age cinema played in the processes of modernisation in Mexico. Carlos Monsiváis pays particular attention to the image of the city in recent Mexican cinema, exploring the use of language and the depiction of sex. Geoffrey Kantaris offers a number of theoretical pathways into an exploration of contemporary cinema in Mexico, analysing how ideas of place and identity are disrupted by the crisis of the nation state in a globalised, postmodern world.  相似文献   

Introduction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
CenouveaunumerodelaRevueduCentredeHautesEtudesFrancaises,consacrealaprotectionsocialeenFrancenemanquerapasd'interessernombredelecteursenChinedcesystememondialementcalibreetquelquefoisenvie,estsouventmalconnuenraisondelacomplexitydesonorganization.Cothemeestdepuisplusieursannees,ancoeurdespreoccupationsdetonsIcsFranCalsetdeleursgouvernementssuccessifs,etcenouveaunumeroduC.H.E.F.,quinepretendpasdl'exhaustivite,feradecouvririesprincipauxaspectsd'unsystbmccomplcxe,destine"dgarantiriestravaill…  相似文献   

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