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日本教育学研究的发展史,以研究范式为划分标准,大致分为"翻译教育学""日本教育学""战后教育学"及"冷战后教育学"四个阶段。但纵观整个日本教育学的研究进程,研究范式的因袭与转换反映了日本教育学研究的一种思考动向,即"批判性"思维。这种思维,一方面在一定程度上阻碍了其教育学研究的继承性,另一方面却也推动了日本本土教育学的构建历程,使得日本教育学脱离了"欧-亚"二元对立的范式陷阱,开始走上独立教育学的构建之旅。  相似文献   


In the 1970s much of the literature on the role of married Japanese women presented a picture that roles should be clearly demarcated and segregated by gender. According to this ideal a man's main role is to earn a living, whereas a married woman's primary role is to run the household, manage the family finances, and look after the welfare of the family. Fundamental to this gender role segregation was the notion that women had a natural aptitude for matters relating to the home and to the family, and that a woman's most important and rewarding role was that of nurturing her family. This view lies behind the complete interdependence and role complementarity that characterize the Japanese husband-wife relationship.  相似文献   


This article offers a historical analysis of the emergence of the political party field in post-independence Morocco and makes the case for a bottom-up approach that pays close attention to actors’ cultural dispositions, capabilities and the constraints imposed upon them by emergent fields. It starts by briefly introducing the conceptual toolbox of Bourdieusian field theory, underscoring the analytical strengths of the concepts it includes. Drawing on a qualitative analysis of both primary and secondary sources, the article then deploys the aforementioned concepts to trace the historical processes that shaped the emergence of the Moroccan political party field. In doing so, this article suggests a novel approach to the study of political parties that emphasizes the importance of adopting a bottom-up perspective, and the need to go beyond mono-causal explanatory accounts.  相似文献   

Reflection on the past and its implications shaped German policy towards the European Union during the early 1990s. Helmut Kohl's post‐reunification foreign policy rhetoric reveals two prominent historical themes: that European integration is a ‘question of war and peace’, and that German unity and European unity represent ‘two sides of the same coin’. In the post‐Cold War context, both themes served to orient and legitimate his European policy. They informed Kohl's strong support for the realisation of the Maastricht Treaty. And they were central to his efforts to maintain domestic political support for deeper integration.  相似文献   


Few would deny that the Soviet occupation has had an effect on post-restoration policy making and implementation in Latvia. Indeed, many commentators of post-Soviet politics insist that we must come to terms with the Soviet to understand the post-Soviet. In our view, the effects of the Soviet legacy on the policy process are clearly apparent in post-restoration Latvia, specifically in the area of language education policy. This article argues that both Soviet and post-Soviet policy making and implementation can be characterized in three ways: duplicity, a Soviet ethos, and “professionalization”. In what follows, we first engage with the Soviet policy process in general and the 1958–59 education reforms specifically. Based on interviews with education professionals, teachers and parents, we then analyze Latvian education laws and their implementation in 2004, highlighting the legacy of Soviet governance.  相似文献   

Hughes  Lotte 《African affairs》2005,104(415):207-224
Current struggles for power, land and resources in Kenyan Maasailandcan only be understood in a one hundred-year context, by returningto the forced moves and land losses of the 1900s and closelyexamining subsequent complaints about their alleged illegalityand long-term impacts. Drawing upon archival research and oraltestimony, this article explains why the Maasai community'ssense of loss and betrayal is so enduring. Maasai grievancesstem from a feeling that they have been betrayed by the British,from the political ambitions of particular Maasai leaders, andfrom historical divisions between different groups of Maasai.Entangled with all these reasons for grievance is the use ofhistory and myth in constructing nationalist and bounded identities.  相似文献   

Organizational change processes involve many stakeholders, but the roles of capital owners and managers have not received enough attention in research on organizational change. Exploratory research results in Estonia elucidate how the interplay of owners and managers influences strategic change efforts in an organization operating in a rapidly changing transition economy. In addition to linking theoretical approaches to organizational change and development to corporate governance challenges in transition economies, this article uses data from interviews with 26 prominent decision-makers in Estonia to highlight the differences between foreign and domestic owners in controlling managers in the strategic change processes.  相似文献   


This article ascertains the underlying causes of the persistence of unsustainable settlement patterns and trends in post-apartheid South Africa. Despite positive development planning policy intentions in the post-apartheid South Africa, glaring deprivation and spatial inequality has persisted. The article is grounded in a chronological analysis of demographic, functional and regional economic dynamics at the different epochs of South Africa's history as well as the settlement policy and planning intentions. Its main finding is that the persistence of unsustainable settlement patterns and trends in post-apartheid South Africa is largely a result of misplaced settlement policies and strategies. They give knee-jerk responses to global, regional, national and local dynamics shaping settlement patterns and trends. The recommendation is that development planning initiatives should be informed by the dialectics of settlement facets at local, regional, national and global levels for them to deal decisively with the historical problem of unsustainable patterns and trends.  相似文献   

李志明 《欧洲研究》2012,(4):109-122,7,8
自治管理机制是德国社会保险制度中的一项重要组织原则,它是基于德国社会与政治领域深厚的自治传统以及政府对于直接介入社会保险治理的谨慎态度下产生的,其历史悠久,可追溯至德国著名的"1881年11月17日帝国诏书"。作为一项不断经历变革的机制,自治管理在整体性质上保持了连续性,只在具体内容及生效空间上发生一些变化。时至今日,虽然在各个社会保险项目中的表现不尽相同,但是自治管理机制仍包含着诸如法律上独立管理主体的存在、相关方的民主参与以及社会保险机构内部事务的自治三项基本内容。尽管中德之间在现实国情以及历史传统上迥然不同,正处在社会保险制度定型并走向法制化关键时期的中国仍能从德国社会保险自治管理体制中汲取养分,用以改善中国社会保险的组织治理。  相似文献   

经贸关系维度在国际关系结构中的地位日益重要.本文在假定国家对外战略具有security-benefit-power三重目标的基础上,首先分析了经贸关系影响国家间关系的机制,说明了在俄欧美关系中经贸纽带影响力的衡量方法,进而探讨了经贸关系对俄欧美三方关系结构的影响.结论认为,全球化时代的国际关系互动中,经贸关系的重要性日益突出.  相似文献   

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