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Book Review     

Book Review     
Kerry Brown 《亚洲研究》2013,45(2):312-315

Book Review     

Book Review     
Book reviewed in this article: Jaime Suchlicki. MEXICO: From Montezuma To Nafta, Chiapas, And Beyond. Andrés Oppenheimer. Bordering On Chaos: Guerrillas, Stockbrokers, And Politicians And Mexico'S Road To Prosperity Shirley Christian, (ed). INVESTING AND SELLING IN LATIN AMERICA. Shawnee Mission, KS: Hemisphere  相似文献   

Book Review     
《Central Asian Survey》2004,23(1):95-97

Book Review     

Books reviewed in this article: Milton Viorst, What Shall I Do With This People? Jews and the Fractious Politics of Judaism Daryl Champion, The Paradoxical Kingdom: Saudi Arabia and the Momentum of Reform Simon Henderson, The New Pillar: Conservative Arab Gulf States and U.S. Strategy Akbar S. Ahmed, Islam Under Siege: Living Dangerously in a Post‐honor World Nathan J. Brown, Palestinian Politics After the Oslo Accords  相似文献   

庄国土教授在其新著<华侨华人与中国的关系>中,分别对1949年以后中国政府与台湾当局的侨务政策分阶段进行了评析,总结其经验教训,是非得失,为我国今后的侨务工作提供了有益的启示.本文为此书这部分内容的书评.  相似文献   

泰国泰中学会副会长林光辉先生的著作《碧城风云录》一书 ,生动地展现了二战前后泰国华人家庭和社会的历史 ,是全面了解和认识二战前后泰国华人社会的必读书  相似文献   

暨南大学东南亚研究所王子昌教授的新著《东盟外交共同体:主体及表现》,以专题的形式对东南亚国家的独立和东盟成立以来的整体外交进行了系统梳理,研究了东盟是如何通过整合自身力量形成外交共同体并在此基础上与外界进行交往的历史.该书不仅在宏观叙事上把握得当,具备较高的学术价值,而且还通过对具体案例的研究展示了其潜在的应用价值,是东盟外交领域一本具有开创性意义的研究专著.  相似文献   

东南亚伊斯兰是当代伊斯兰世界的一个特殊组成部分,<当代东南亚伊斯兰:发展与挑战>一书首次对其进行了全面介绍.该书围绕东南亚伊斯兰的本土化与现代化进程,对东南亚伊斯兰的发展历程予以了多学科视角下的评介,也对东南亚极端势力等影响当代东南亚伊斯兰发展的因素进行了审慎客观的论述.该书资料翔实,立论严谨,是一部具有学术价值的开创性著作.  相似文献   

<东南亚历史文化与现代化>是梁志明先生的一部新作,内容涉及东南亚历史、殖民主义史、华人与华侨、越南的改革以及战后东南亚国家的发展等问题,凝聚着作者的心血与智慧,从中可以窥出作者在东南亚历史文化与现代化研究上的成就与贡献.  相似文献   

21世纪是亚洲崛起的世纪,然而,西方人对亚洲的崛起持反感的态度,并感到恐慌,进而退化成保护主义.在<新亚洲半球:权力东移势不可挡>一书中,纪梭·马布巴尼以亚洲人的眼光,描述了亚洲的崛起及其对世界的影响,对世界权力重心的持续东移做出了深刻的分析.作者告诫西方,接受亚洲崛起的现实,并与之携手合作,才是明智之举.同时,他也告诉我们,当西方发生变化时,新亚洲应该如何响应.本文是对<新亚洲半球:权力东移势不可挡>的评论.  相似文献   

Matthew Amengual, Politicized Enforcement in Argentina: Labor and Environmental Regulation. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2016. Figures, tables, appendix, notes, bibliography, index, 286 pp.; hardcover $99.99, ebook $80. Matthew C. Ingram, Crafting Courts in New Democracies: The Politics of Subnational Judicial Reform in Brazil and Mexico. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015. Maps, figures, tables, appendixes, bibliography, index, 392 pp.; hardcover, $110. Russell Crandall, The Salvador Option: The United States in El Salvador, 1977–1992. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2016. Photographs, maps, figures, list of organizations, bibliography, index, 698 pp; hardcover $99.99, paperback $39.99, ebook $32. Luis Fernando Angosto‐Ferrández, Venezuela Reframed: Bolivarianism, Indigenous Peoples and Socialisms of the Twenty‐First Century. London: Zed Books, 2015. Appendix, bibliography, index, 312 pp.; paperback, ebook. Fábio de Castro, Barbara Hogenboom, and Michiel Baud, eds., Environmental Governance in Latin America. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. Tables, figures, map, bibliography, index, 350 pp.; hardcover $31, ebook. Eduardo Alemán and George Tsebelis, eds., Legislative Institutions and Lawmaking in Latin America. New York: Oxford University Press, 2016. Figures, tables, notes, bibliography, index, 296 pp.; hardcover $90, ebook. Joseph S. Tulchin, Latin America in International Politics: Challenging U.S. Hegemony. Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 2016. Bibliography, index, 235 pp.; hardcover $60. Kevin P. Gallagher, The China Triangle: Latin America's China Boom and the Fate of the Washington Consensus. New York: Oxford University Press, 2016. Tables, figures, bibliography, index, 256 pp.; hardcover $27.95, ebook.  相似文献   

Book reviews     

This article is a case study of Kaliningrad's political elite's attempts to make Kaliningrad the ‘Baltic Republic within the Russian Federation’, and the fact that this regional programme was perceived by observers from Moscow and neighbours as leading to the creation of the ‘Fourth Baltic Republic’. The geopolitical and historical peculiarities of Kaliningrad, and their impact on Kaliningrad's regional programme, are also discussed. The article will conclude by arguing that although the Baltic Republic slogan is fading, Kaliningrad's ambitions and desire to remain an ‘actor’ are not.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed in this issue. The Balfour Declaration: The Origins of the Arab‐Israeli Conflict , by Jonathan Schneer. “This Time We Went Too Far”: Truth and Consequences of the Gaza Invasion , by Norman G. Finkelstein. After War: The Political Economy of Exporting Democracy , by Christopher J. Coyne. Turkey, Islam, Nationalism and Modernity: A History, 1789–2007 , by Carter Vaughn Findley. The East Moves West: India, China, and Asia's Growing Presence in the Middle East , by Geoffrey Kemp. Arab Economies in the Twenty‐First Century , by Paul Rivlin  相似文献   

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