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Some fundamental incentive effects are analyzed which result from alternative insolvency law arrangements. Thereby ex-ante effects, which refer to decisions before the occurrence of the insolvency—in particular the credit decisions and the use of credit, are distinguished from ex post effects, which refer to the time after insolvency has begun—in particular the utilisation of the seizable assets of the debtor. A brief discussion of some fundamental criticism of the former West German bankruptcy and composition regulations follows and the essential changes of the new Insolvency law which has come into effect on January 1, 1999 are presented. Finally a procedure is discussed which could contribute to the solution of some further existing incentive problems.  相似文献   

赵小鸣 《法学论坛》2006,21(2):43-48
权利冲突问题一直以来都是法学研究的一个热点,同时也是一个难点,而多数人权利与少数人权利的冲突问题,则可以说是难点中的难点。因为处理不好,它有可能导致民主制度的颠覆或多数人的暴政等问题;另一方面,我们的法治实践中确实又已经出现了相关问题。该如何面对?思考的结果,应坚持冲突的必然性原则,并优先保护高位阶的权利,这也是我们的法治实践所可能采取的一种解决方案。  相似文献   

秦永峰  李风林 《行政与法》2008,1(2):122-125
人权概念是人权学说中最为困难、最为混乱的一个问题。法治国的刑法必然会引入刑法的人权保障机能。刑法的人权保障范围限于对被告人人权的保障和对一般人人权的刑法保障。  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyse the relative efficiency of the Portuguese defence industry with a stochastic frontier. In so doing we consider whether government subsidies have, in fact, resulted in an increase in the technical efficiency of the Portuguese defence-sector companies and whether there is a governance environment to enforce the desired improvement in efficiency. We find that the results are, at best, mixed, leading us to conclude that the incentive regulation introduced by the Ministry of Defence is not achieving its aims. Moreover, governance issues are not on the government agenda. Therefore, we propose a policy revision to enforce efficiency, based on a governance environment framework.JEL M14, D72, K22, K33  相似文献   

诚信:权利神圣的生长点——一个异域诚信故事的启迪   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“权利神圣是我们坚定的信念 ,为权利而呐喊是我们永恒的责任”已成为法学的时尚。本文着意说明权利神圣的生长点。无论从个体契合角度、社会认同角度 ,还是国家确认角度 ,诚信都应当而且必须被理解为权利神圣的起始、基点和保障 ,即权利神圣的生长点。  相似文献   

易继明 《河北法学》2005,23(8):20-25
在中国民法典制定进程中,单行法模式也是一种较为现实的选择。全国人大常委会2004年10月15日委员长会议审议稿《中华人民共和国物权法(草案)》采五编制结构,虽不失严谨,但也是作茧自缚。物权法在总体设计上应该采取较为松散的结构模式。一种可供选择的总体结构包括12章和附则,依次为:通则,所有权,关于土地、矿藏、森林、草原、江海湖泊等自然资源的使用,地役权,居住权,典权,抵押权,质权,留置权,让与担保,优先权,占有,以及施行法。作为一部单行法,物权法在第1条中规定立法目的是有必要的。草案第1条规定基本上体现了物权法的价值取向,但也有失宽泛。建议将该条修改为:“为了保护物权权利人的民事权益,明确物的归属,充分发挥物的效用,制定本法。”  相似文献   

近现代宪政运动是近代资产阶级革命的产物,但它是自古希腊以来西方政治法律文明发展的必然产物,是西方古代宪政文化要素在近现代的高度整合的结晶,是西方宪政文明发展的近现代形态。因此,要全面把握近现代宪政的内在本质、生成机制,必须深入探讨近现代西方宪政运动生成和发展的深刻的历史文化机理,从而为我国当代社会主义法治国家和宪政国家建设提供有益的历史文化启迪。  相似文献   

“两权重叠”是目前矿业权领域中普遍存在但尚未妥当解决的重大现实问题。“两权重叠”问题的症结是煤炭和煤层气两个不同矿业权权利行使之间的冲突与矛盾,而矛盾形成的根源则是国家在设置两个矿业权之初,未能认识到客体的特殊之处和权利的实现问题。相邻关系和权利瑕疵是实践中“两权重叠”涉及的两个主要法律问题。  相似文献   

彭辉 《比较法研究》2022,(1):101-115
前互联网时代的既有数据确权立法无法有效映射信息时代对于数据权利的实质性诉求,现有学术研究亦对新型数据权属的阐释和论证力有不逮,数据确权已成为数字化转型亟待解决的基础性理论研究问题。数据权属体系的构建,应遵循数据产生及其市场运作的底层逻辑,以实现数据产业健康可持续发展、维护数据权益相关方利益平衡为目标,将数据权属赋权于在数据生成与利用中处于核心驱动地位方为准则,避免数据权利内容及界限过于模糊、笼统,以此缓解激励数据生产与降低个体隐私权侵害风险之间的内在张力,形成个人用户、平台企业、政府国家之间对于数据权属的内容和边界的合理界分,构建社会公众、网络平台、政府国家数据治理共建共治共享的格局。  相似文献   

2006年的中国权利研究,著述颇丰,学术研讨频率密集且范围广泛,呈现了多元化、立体化的趋势。人权研究生机勃勃,平等权是当下社会生活和权利研究中的一个关键词,农民、农民工等弱势群体的权利保护则是与平等权密切相关的热点问题。传统的权利研究继续深入,新兴权利的研究与日俱增,权利本位理论正在向现实论证扩展,有关权利的理论日益丰满。  相似文献   

权利的社会本原——在社会冲突与社会合作的视野下   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在权利产生、存在与发展的动态过程中,权利的实现能吸纳或者消解相当一部分社会冲突, 促成一系列社会合作,使社会秩序得以形成、维系并协调发展。社会冲突在伸张主体利益的同时,有利于提升权利意识;其在重划利益格局的同时,有利于创设新的权利规范。社会合作所具有的消除社会冲突、促进社会有序的功能为权利的实现提供了可能性,安全、和平、有序的社会状态有利于权利的实现。而且, 社会合作为权利的实现增加了有效性。在社会合作中,行为规则的确立和行为理性的运用使行为结果具有可预测性,从而降低了行为成本,增加了权利实现的顺畅性和有效性。  相似文献   

"亲亲相隐"与尊重人权:我国刑事政策之理性抉择   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据刑法第310条的规定,窝藏、包庇罪,是指明知是犯罪的人而为其提供隐藏处所、财物,帮助其逃匿的行为,或者作虚假证明予以包庇的行为.不管窝藏、包庇者与犯罪人之间是什么关系,只要实施窝藏、包庇行为的,都要受到刑事制裁.实际上,这样的法律就是对人提出了这样的要求:当你的亲属犯罪的时候,你为了维护法的权威和尊严,必须要牺牲亲情.这种规定的合理性需要探讨.本文根据古今中外关于"亲亲相隐"制度的规定,结合我国因否认此制度而给现实社会带来的危害,分析了现阶段确立"亲亲相隐"制度的合理性,最后提出"亲亲相隐"原则刑事立法化的具体建议.  相似文献   

刘箭 《河北法学》2008,26(6):137-140
我国现行刑法规定的强奸罪和强制猥亵、侮辱妇女罪及猥亵儿童罪,对女性和儿童的性权利给予了充分的保护。但是对14周岁以上的男性性权利保护问题,刑法却存在盲点。通过具体案例,对男性性权利问题进行详细的分析,并针对现行刑法的缺失,提出两种模式的完善方法。  相似文献   

夫妻共有股权行使纠纷在近年来引发广泛关注。我国夫妻共有股权行使的内容既包括资产收益权、管理性权利等基本权能,也包括处分权。婚姻法与商法规范在夫妻共有股权行使条件上存在差异,前者强调夫妻双方"一致意见",后者要求由公示方行使股权。将不同行使主体、条件和内容进行组合,行使效果存在明显区别,其中公示方擅自处分共有股权的法律效果引发了较大争议。商法和婚姻法规范既有交集也有差异,在法律适用上存在规范竞合。为解决夫妻共有股权行使过程中遇到的问题,需要更精细化的规则:第一,在公示上实现商法与婚姻法兼容;第二,在管理权行使上,商法规范具有特殊性,应当优先适用;第三,在行使处分权尤其是公示方擅自处分股权的问题上,婚姻法要求的夫妻一致意见具有特殊性,应当将商法与婚姻法综合运用以完善现有规则;第四,针对公众公司股权行使应保障商法优先。  相似文献   

Press curiosity to report on legal proceedings has been a salacious feature in history of mass media. Pre-trial comment, media coverage of press proceedings and the protection of privacy of the defendant are some of the main legal issues which are raised by the ambiguous relation of media to court proceedings. The Internet revolution and the emergence of the blogosphere have added a new dimension to the analysis of these legal issues. A balance between freedom of expression and the guarantee of a fair unprejudiced process has to be achieved in the context of application of legal mechanisms of protection of the justice’s authority, such as contempt of court. As regards the question of media coverage of the court proceedings, the decision of the UK Supreme Court on May 2011 to permit television coverage of its hearings demonstrates an important shift as regards how publicity is perceived by the administration of justice in the UK, while there is a certain disparity between national legislators in the way they deal with this issue at a European level. The legal question of the protection of the defendant through the effective guarantee of the presumption of innocence and, consequently, that of a fair trial is often combined with the debate about the right of the defendant’s privacy not only when there is a pressing social need for information to the public before or during the court trial but also many years after the end of the legal proceedings.  相似文献   

One of the most striking recent developments in education in the Netherlands is the shift of powers from the central national level to the local level for several education policy fields, most notably for the policies aimed at reducing social and education disadvantages and those aimed at the integration of non-nationals into Dutch society. In this article, the influences from European and international law on this Dutch development are being discussed. The conclusion is that there must be a European influence on the contents of national policy matters as such in a general manner, but that the legislation influence stays behind in development.  相似文献   

宋代别籍异财法鲜活的时代特色为:由唐及宋初的妇女奁产不在兄弟财产析分之列,发展到北宋仁宗时的非因父祖财产及因官自置财产,不在论分之限;由唐及宋初的父母服阕后的合用析户,发展到北宋中前期的父母葬后即可辄析家产;由唐及宋初的父母主持不脱离户籍的生分,发展到南宋时期的父母在世,兄弟之间的完全别籍异财;由唐代对别籍异财者的严禁与刑罚,发展到宋代对别籍异财者的逐渐认同与宽容。宋代别籍异财法特色的生成不仅与家庭个体的财产权利意识高涨、已婚妇女的推动有关,更与家产争讼有关;其嬗变历程无疑为我们深刻认识宋代法律的近世化转型提供了一种崭新的视角,亦昭示了法律须随社会变动而变动的法律哲理。  相似文献   

In the past two decades, therapeutic jurisprudence (TJ) has become one of the most important theoretical approaches to the law. But, there has, as of yet, been puzzlingly little written about the relationship between TJ and international human rights law. To be sure, there has been some preliminary and exploratory work on the relationship between TJ and international law in general, but virtually nothing on its relationship to international human rights law in a mental disability law context. This paper seeks to focus on this lack of consideration, to speculate as to why that might be, and to offer some suggestions as to how to infuse some new vitality and vigor into this important area of law and social policy.  相似文献   

《行政强制法》第43条规定关涉的行政强制执行时间限制与拒绝给付禁止之规定透射出这样的利益博弈:公民权的保障与行政权的限缩、个人利益的凸显与公共利益的隐退。由此足以解读立法者设置该条的旨意。该种立法内容设计存在正当性瑕疵:从宏观上来看,存在与该法同一章节预置规则相冲突之嫌;从微观来看,内容设计之科学性不足。基于此,行政强制执行时间与手段限制的革新应以"抑公扬私"的立法理念为导向探求行政强制执行时间的限度;从法律依据、适用条件、程序设置等方面规制拒绝给付制度。  相似文献   

Legal context: Although traditional medicine constitutes a component part ofthe identity of the cultural communities concerned, this formof intangible cultural heritage is vulnerable in a globalizingworld where little place is left for the protection of beliefsystems. Key points: While much has been written on traditional knowledge and IPrights, less scholarly attention has focused on the culturaldimension of traditional medicine. Further, no solution hasbeen reached on the best way to ensure its protection. Thiscontribution attempts to establish a linkage between differentsectors of international law, addressing the complex interplaybetween traditional medicine, intended as a special form ofintangible cultural heritage, and international knowledge governance. While the TRIPS Agreement adopts only proprietary approachesto knowledge governance, it has been questioned whether, inthe case of pharmaceuticals, other non-proprietary approacheswould be preferable. Different approaches will be put forwardand the Draft Treaty on Medical Research and Development willbe considered. This would provide a better framework for safeguardingand diffusing traditional medicine. Practical significance: Protecting and promoting traditional medicine may help curingdiseases spread all over the world. Thus, beyond its culturalaspects, the practical importance of traditional medicine liesin its capacity to promote the right to health and human dignity.  相似文献   

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