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This article will first examine the approaches used by the courts in making custody decisions that involve homosexual parents; second it will review the assumptions commonly made about homosexuals and the effect homosexual parenting has on a child, and how these rationales are in fact used to justify a denial of custody or the imposition of restrictions on the homosexual parent; third, it will discuss what implications the courts' treatment of this issue has for legal practice.  相似文献   

This article describes a parent education program for high-conflict families in the Multnomah Country Circuit Court, Portland, Oregon. The method emphasized an educational approach teaching conflict resolution skills. This course was rooted in the tenets of cognitive restructuring: if parents think differently about the other parent and their shared task of raising their children, they will feel differently, and they will act differently. The authors beleived many of the difficulties between parents were caused by the negative perception of the other parent created during the spousal relationship. They also believed the key to successful co-parenting is to reframe these perceptions emphasizing cooperation and joint problem-solving. Furthermore, they believed as the cooperation and joint problem-solving improvement would have a positive, reinforcing effect. Finally, the authors believed parents must learn to separate conflict in the spousal role from conflict in the parenting role.  相似文献   

State legislatures and courts continue to struggle with the issue of providing reunification services to mentally ill parents. Recent case law highlights the lack of uniformity among the states and the courts in establishing a standard for a state's duty to provide reunification services to mentally ill parents. This article examines how inconsistencies among the courts work against mentally ill parents in their pursuit of family reunification. Furthermore, the article discusses the inadequacies of servcies offered to mentally ill parents. The author argues that society and mentally ill parents benefit from imposing a duty on provide reunification services to mentally ill parents.  相似文献   

This article reviews a program designed in response to high-conflict parents who have protracted family law cases and have been referred to dependency court due to child abuse allegations.  相似文献   

Reconnecting a child with an absent parent is a complex process. This article describes variables influencing the reconnection and proposes a seven-stage model for supporting successful reconnections. Case examples illustrate the discussion. Ethical dilemmas for practitioners and courts involved in reconnections are outlined. Guidelines for working with reconnections and directions for future work are proposed. Experience with the model underscores the importance of maintaining a child-centered focus and timeline, understanding safety and risk issues and implementing an appropriate safety plan, the critical role of assessment and support services, and the value of consultation and teamwork.  相似文献   

Parents who were never married to each other are increasingly court-ordered to mediate disputes over their children. The author reviewed 441 cases of divorcing and never-married parents to compare their experiences with family mediation. Client situations, adjustments in mediator behavior, and outcomes of mediation such as mediation did occur and agreements reached were compared. Factors external to mediation had a different impact on never-married parents than on divorcing parents. The review indicated never-married parents had a higher no-show rate than that of divorcing parents, yet when never-married parents did appear for court-ordered mediation, they reached agreements at the same rate as divorcing parents. Surprisingly, the never-married parents with a history of violence were more likely to appear for appointments and reach agreements. Overall, with modifications in mediator assumptions and behavior, divorce/family mediation appears to be useful to never-married parents.  相似文献   

Few pieces of legislation in recent years have been heralded with such enthusiasm as the Children Act 1989, in force in England and Wales as of October 14, 1991. This article looks at the philosophy and principles underpinning this radical landmark in family law, outlines the new provisions in both public and private child care issues, and considers some of the implications and dilemmas for social workers, lawyers, and the courts.  相似文献   

“Services for Children of Incarcerated Parents” provides an overview of the history, design and outcomes of human service programs provided for children of prisoners in the United States. The article examines services based in correctional settings and services sited in the community, using examples from the core programs and projects conducted by the Center for Children of Incarcerated Parents from 1990 through 2010. An analysis of the utility of specific services to children and families, and the effectiveness of those services in improving child outcomes is provided.  相似文献   

This article describes the variety of educational programs found in courts throughout California. It is the product of a 1-year study of these programs, and the article catalogues the effects of one state in providing educational programs for families going through divorce. The article describes the range of possibilities for courts to select the program best suited to their needs.  相似文献   

Family court professionals are increasingly involved with divorces between parents of autistic children where the parents themselves may also have either diagnosed or undiagnosed autistic spectrum disorder (ASD). Yet, there have been no published guidelines for the court professionals who are managing these cases (National Autistic Society, 1991; Singer, 2003 ). The goal of this article is to familiarize divorce professionals with the growing phenomenon of autism and to delineate specific recommendations for the management of these cases in the family law context.  相似文献   

This article highlights the findings of a survey of court-connected programs for divorcing parents in the state of Michigan. Program and attendance information is given, and a typical program in Michigan is described. Program development and implementation issues, such as goals and program material, program management, court-mandated attendance, and program evaluation are discussed.  相似文献   

This study offers the first research data on the interest of divorcing parents in marital reconciliation. A sample of 2,484 divorcing parents was surveyed after taking required parenting classes. They were asked about whether they believed their marriage could still be saved with hard work, and about their interest in reconciliation services. About 1 in 4 individual parents indicated some belief that their marriage could still be saved, and in about 1 in 9 matched couples both partners did. As for interest in reconciliation services, about 3 in 10 individuals indicated potential interest. In a sub‐sample of 329 matched couples, about 1 in 3 couples had one partner interested but not the other, and in 1 in 10 couples both partners were interested in reconciliation services. Findings were consistent across most demographic and marital factors. The only strong predictors of reconciliation interest were gender, with males being more interested than females, and initiator status, with far greater interest among those whose partner initiated the divorce. These findings are discussed in terms of attachment theory and future prospects of divorce services.  相似文献   

In a court-mandated, child-focused class for divorcing parents, parental mastery of skills taught were evaluated both immediately after the class and 6 months later. Parents perceived the classes to be realistic and useful. Skills were effectively learned and were maintained over the evaluation period. Parents reported that they were successful in dramatically lowering exposure of their children to parental conflict. Relative to a comparison group of parents divorcing the year before the classes were initiated, parents completing the class were better able to work through how they would handle difficult child-related situations with their ex-spouses and were willing to let their children spend more time with the other parent. Few gender differences were observed—mothers perceived the class as more realistic; fathers showed greater improvement on some skills. Similarly, interest level in further training was not predictive of class benefits, suggesting that enthusiasm for parenting training is probably not essential.  相似文献   

In one of two samples discussed in this article, 41% of 24 consecutively referred latency-age children were aligned with one parent in a divorce. In a separate sample of 20 families, both parents of aligned children were more rigid, naively defended, and less emotive than were parents of nonaligned children. Aligned children preferred the more emotive, problem solving, and outgoing of the two parents. Aligned children were less adept at conceptualizing complex problems than were nonaligned children, but they were more self-confident.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether participation in an educational program for divorcing parents is associated with a lower incidence of relitigating divorce-related decisions over time. A systematic review of court records indicated that couples who attended this program (n = 159) in central Illinois were just as likely as those in the control group (n = 43) to relitigate over a 6-year period. Furthermore, county-wide rates of relitigation increased from 2 years before to 3 years after the program's introduction. However, reports obtained from participating families suggest that the program may serve an important function for families in which there is a high risk of triangulating children into postdivorce conflict.  相似文献   

Estimates are that there are between 1.2 and 3 million people who are in same-gender partnered household relationships in the United States. Although there is less certainty about the number of parents among these couples and the number of single-parent gay and lesbian families, all research shows that a growing number of gay and lesbian as well as bisexual and transgender individuals are choosing to be parents. A sound body of empirical literature has demonstrated that the sexual orientation of a parent is irrelevant in terms of a person's ability to parent and has no lasting effect on the psychological adjustment of the person's children. Nevertheless, a majority of states in the United States place considerable legal hurdles in the face of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) individuals who would like to be parents, as do many countries around the world, and the social context of contemporary society creates a number of special issues that the forensic evaluator or psychologist may encounter when asked to make a custody, adoption, or other fitness to parent assessment with LGBT parents. This article presents an overview of these issues and moves beyond theory to provide specific recommendations for evaluators working with LGBT parents.  相似文献   

This research is a study of domestic mediation outcomes of a group of indigent clients served by a grant awarded to Family Development Services at Fort Hays State University by the Kansas Supreme Court Dispute Resolution Council. The period studied was September 1998 through December 1999. There was a total of 29 mediation cases included in the study. The results demonstrated that domestic mediation with indigent clients is equally as effective as domestic mediation with nonindigent clients. Several dependent variables were examined in respect to positive correlations with mediation outcomes.  相似文献   

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