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最近,浙江省衢州市市委书记蔡奇到省会杭州推销20几个“衢州保姆”。对这件事,衢州有人评论说,市委书记应该琢磨大事,管全局,搞些沽名钓誉的小事,有失身份。但本人对蔡书记的所为拍手称快。 群众利益无小事。凡是涉及群众切身利益和实际困  相似文献   

党的十二届三中全会《决定》指出:“社会主义的根本任务就是发展社会生产力,就是要使社会财富越来越多地涌现出来,不断地满足人民日益增长的物质和文化需要。”深圳青年提出了:“时间就是金钱,效率就是生命”这个口号。经过实践证明,这个口号是完全符合党的《决定》的。过去,人们把“时间就是金钱,效率就是生命”,视为资本主义的特产,似乎社会主义可以不讲时间,不讲效率。因此,“上班磨洋工,下班打冲锋。”成了一种通病。诚然,资本家提出了类似的口号,但他们是为了从工人身上榨取血汗,攫取更多的剩余价值。我们社会主义却是要创造出比资本主义更高的劳动生产率,使生  相似文献   

“法治中国论”从理论上来讲可以分解为三个层面,即:一个统领概念、一组理论纲要、一套思想体系。  相似文献   

地域文化是在流变过程中发生发展,渐演渐化,从而逐步构成其特定风貌。 园林可称“住”之文化,然而在吴地之所以足称独特的文化遗产,并非仅仅属于遮蔽风雨所需,它原是“城市山林”演化而来的“市隐”心态的产物。 吴地人文传统中有一种玩物而不丧志的品性。守持大节之关键时刻,视死如归,决不辱志,绝不偷生。  相似文献   

<正>The concept of "Made in Internet" was introduced by Jack Ma,Chairman of Alibaba Group,at the 2017 Global Netrepreneur Conference held in Hangzhou,capital of east China’s Zhejiang Province,on July 11."Made in Internet,"according to Ma,is the overall progress in technologies,operations,products and services that industries and companies of all types can realize in the new retail era by using the  相似文献   

王晶  陈美秋 《人民政坛》2008,(12):34-35
2008年对于中国大多数企业而言,真是不轻松的一年。连续数年的低通胀、高增长的黄金时代告一段落,经济下降周期终于来临。而正当中国企业因各种原因处境艰难的时候,金融危机不期而至并波及中国,其对实体经济的影响逐渐显现。在这样一个危机四伏的环境下,企业的出路在何方?本刊就世界金融“风暴”背景下中国企业科技创新之路的话题。对话十一届全国人大代表、新大陆集团总裁王晶。  相似文献   

“人体免疫系统不正常会引起很多疾病,比如类风湿关节炎就是由于免疫系统反应过高导致的;如果反应过低,则会使人体的抵抗力减弱。蚂蚁对免疫功能的影响非常奇妙,能使弱者增强,强者减弱,不仅类风湿病,治疗所有免疫系统失调性疾病都有广阔的应用前途。“人的关节滑膜缺锌也会导致类风湿关节炎。每1000克蚂蚁含锌120到130毫克,从补锌的角度来看,食用蚂蚁最为理想。“蚂蚁是一座微型营养库,它含有人体所需的50多种营养成分,28种氨基酸,多种矿物质和化合物。“蚂蚁是一种天然药物,能够帮助人们抵抗风湿、癌症、过敏、炎症,还能平喘…  相似文献   

‘茹都’庆元纪行毛传书香菇市场。浙江人往往把浙南边远的山区小县庆元称为“浙江的西藏”,因为这个县处于闽浙边界,地僻、山高、路遥。故一说去庆元,不少人心里都有点担忧。受这个影响,我这次庆元之行,出发之前在精神上也作了点准备。可是到了庆元,却完全是另一种...  相似文献   

Do you have what it takes to convince angel investors to fund your project? After living over seas for several Ayear s,Mr.Li,who requested anonymity,returned to China withthe goal of establishing an Internet company.Within a yea r,his company has grown so…  相似文献   

<正>Authorities in Beijing decide to build a subsidiary administrative center in the east of the city Beijing will move some local industries and functions unrelated to its role as the country’s capital to the suburbs and neighboring Hebei Province and Tianjin.The announcement was made at a meeting of the Beijing Municipal Committee of  相似文献   

Cross-strait agricultural trade should have a promising future, but obstacles remain "Suppose every mainlander eats a mango. That would amount to 1.3 billion man-goes, far exceeding the total output of mangoes in a year in Taiwan," Lien Sheng-wen, a member of the Kuomintang (KMT) Central Standing Committee and son of Lien Chan, former chairman of the KMT, said during a Taiwan fruit promotion event in Shanghai in  相似文献   

1332年“一二八”事变后,在上海抗击日寇侵略的第十九路军被蒋介石调到福建参加反共内战。1933年11月,在全国抗日反蒋高潮影响下,驻守在福建的十九路军将领陈铭枢、蒋光鼐、蔡廷锴联合国民党内李济深,第三党黄琪翔等势力公开宣布与蒋介石决裂,在福州成立了“中华共和国人民革命政府”,并与中国工农红军订立了抗  相似文献   

不久前,我偕高雄四川同乡会常务理事兼总干事舒德忠先生,飞澳洲悉尼市参加我曾资助留学的王劲松先生开业典礼。逗留期间,能有幸与一批海外华人责英相应酬。餐叙闲聊中,有位知名民运人士突然问我对“台独”的看法如何?坐在我右侧的是位报社社长,他先接口替我回答说:“‘杨先生是位坚决反对‘台独’的人士。我一看在座20多人中,有大陆去的,也有台湾去的,里面有没有“台独”分子、谁是“台独”分子?我并不清楚。于是,我就加以补充说道:“承社长先生抬爱,把我说成坚决的反独人士,但我要声明,台湾宣布独立,定会引发两岸情势紧张…  相似文献   

Pragmatism has been a leading feature of Communist Party policies since Mao Zedong's death. The attitude to religion has been something of an exception with many restrictions to the freedom of religion stipulated in the constitution. In recent years, while stressing the ‘harmonious society’, there has been a change in the view of religion. Recognizing the ‘spiritual vacuum’ in China after Mao, the party has seen the need for a controlled spiritual development that could also support the economic development. However, in this process the party has tried to control not only religious activity but also religious content and to use it for its own purposes. This is in direct opposition to Marx and Lenin's views on ‘religion as opium’ and indicates that the party is de facto using ‘a reversed opium theory’.  相似文献   

中英两国政府草签的关于香港问题的联合声明公布后,全中国人民,包括五百多万香港同胞在内,欢欣鼓舞;世界舆论包括英国朝野人士在内同声赞誉,认为用和平谈判方法解决香港问题,为和平解决当今世界各项历史争端问题树立了良好的榜样,因而具有十分深远的意义。和平解决香港问题这一决策的理论基础是‘一个国家、两种制度’的科学设想。邓小平同志曾经说过:‘中国有香港、台湾问题,解决这一问题的出路何在呢?我看只有实行一个国家、两种制度。’‘一国两制’这个设想的内涵就是在中华人民共和国一个国  相似文献   

The Davos forum explores implications of regulations amid discussions of a newworld economic order The 40th World Economic Forum,  相似文献   

‘水饺皇后’的创业史[香港]张葭萍臧建和(左)与剧中的“水饺皇后”合影。1994年初我来港工作后不久就赶上过春节,很想吃上北京过节必食的水饺。没想到在一个聚餐会上还真的吃到了水饺,味道之好令我赞不绝口。朋友告诉我,这誉满香港的“北京水饺”,是一位以前...  相似文献   

In a Starbuc ks shop in Beijing at the end of 2004,a 30-something man named Yang Bo could be found wor king on his laptop every day with a cup of coffee at hand.A few months late r,he launched a website called Douban.com,whi c h now many Interne t us e r …  相似文献   

CCTV’s annual Spring Festival Gala is no longer a must to watch on the eve of the Lunar New Year,but merely one of various entertainment choices open to the Chinese  相似文献   

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