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Much of the discussion of the bar's "public interest" effort has centered on the apparent unwillingness of lawyers, including young lawyers, to pursue public interest rather than traditional careers. To the extent that it is agreed that public interest work should be increased, the problem has been viewed as one of supply of lawyers rather than one of demand for their services. In this paper, just the opposite is argued; a variety of evidence is brought forth to suggest that the current public interest effort is limited mainly by the number of jobs available in that sector. In this light, various methods of increasing the funding of the public interest sector, and hence the number of jobs, are reviewed.  相似文献   

林应钦 《中国司法》2007,28(2):40-42
公益诉讼问题已经引起广泛的重视,律师参与公益诉讼的实例不断增加。然而,在目前的法律框架下,律师在公益诉讼中的地位和角色并未超脱传统的诉讼代理范围,有些律师甚至不惜以被侵权者的身份获得原告的诉讼资格。在法律上确认公益诉讼的适格原告无疑是公益诉讼制度建立的根本问题,律师的专业优势与社会作用使其成为担任公益诉讼适格原告的必然选择。  相似文献   

重新认识法律职业:律师与社会公益   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐卉 《中国司法》2008,(3):43-46
经过20多年的恢复与重建,我国的律师事业获得了重大发展,各项制度得以确立并逐步走向完善,律师从业人数也初具规模,律师行业的整体素质也有了较大的提高。但是长久以来在中国,作为维护私权、旨在实现其所代理的客户利益的律师,似乎与社会公共利益之间并无关联且相去甚远。然而,这一现象究竟是法律职业的共性还是中国转型期的特性?律师与社会公共利益之间究竟有无联系?从国家与社会公益的视角看,究竟应当怎样看待法律职业?本文拟就这些问题,作初步的探讨。  相似文献   

Yoav Dotan 《Law & policy》1999,21(4):401-425
Cause lawyering is often criticized for creating an untenable tension between the professional obligations of the lawyer to the individual client and the lawyer's ideological commitment to public causes. I sought to test empirically the validity of this argument by comparing the relative success rates of political lawyers and non‐political lawyers in defending their clients' interests in litigation concerning house‐demolition orders before the Israeli High Court of Justice. I found that the general success rates of political lawyers in the research population were significantly higher than those of non‐political lawyers. These findings can serve as an additional support for the various arguments in favor of cause lawyering.  相似文献   

阚肖虹 《中国司法》2009,(11):71-72
2003年8月,扬州市被司法部确定为当时全国唯一的地市级公职律师试点城市。六年多来,扬州公职律师在实践中积累经验,在总结中提高水平,在探索中努力创新,在规范政府和部门行政执法行为、提高政府依法管理社会经济文化事务水平、推进地方法治建设等方面发挥了积极作用,形成了独具特色并运行良好的“扬州模式”,得到了扬州市委、市政府主要领导的充分肯定。  相似文献   

Every year, the Practice Groups of the American Health Lawyers Association assemble a Year in Review summary of the leading developments in case law, legislation, and administrative actions affecting healthcare. This Article provides a comprehensive overview of these developments. The introduction presents a "Top Ten" list of the year's most noteworthy developments. The remainder of the Article is divided into fourteen topical areas, and offers a brief overview of issues in those areas. Overall, these various developments demonstrate society's efforts to balance accountability, efficiency, and affordability in the delivery of healthcare.  相似文献   

Rural Lawyers     
《Russian Politics and Law》2013,51(4):371-381
For several years now, the USSR Ministry of Agriculture has been taking steps to improve the role of the legal services at collective farms, state farms, and agricultural agencies. The legal service, considering the importance of employing legal means to improve economic achievements and adherence to law in farming enterprises, is regarded as an equal component in all activity to carry out the tasks posed collective farms, state farms, and agricultural bodies by the Twenty-Fourth Congress of the CPSU.  相似文献   

Health Information Privacy and Public Health   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

通过国际视角分析,本文研究了澳大利亚的法律体系、公共卫生法律的内涵以及公共卫生职能的法律界定,为进一步研究澳大利亚依法为国民提供基本公共卫生服务奠定基础。  相似文献   

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