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Netherlands International Law Review -  相似文献   

Since the moment the United Nations was created, the Americans have had certain expectations of it, which logically follow from their past.  相似文献   

The United Nations Sanctions Ordinance is the primary legalbasis of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR)for implementing the United Nations Security Council's resolutions.However, there are concerns that the Ordinance is potentiallyviolating the separation of powers in its delegation of regulation-makingauthority to the executive. There are also criticisms againstthe expediency of the Ordinance as a mechanism for enforcingSecurity Council sanctions. Against this background, this paperattempts to examine the separation of powers doctrine, its placein HKSAR's constitutional system and its relevance to the Ordinance.On the issue of expediency, this paper focuses on the scopeand speed of implementing the sanctions, and the human rightsand criminal justice problems it involves. For comparative purposes,references are to be made to the law of the USA, Canada andSingapore.  相似文献   

Asset freezes are since 2000 being applied by the United Nations (UN) Security Council (SC) to non-state actors. This came about as a 'mutation' of the sanctions program initiated by Resolutions 1267 (1999), 1333 (2000) and 1390 (2002): currently the targets are only supected terrorists or terrorism financiers.
This 'mutation' has created perplexities and problems, namely for the EU, which enforces UN SC Resolutions by a combination of first and second pillar methods. The main problem concerns issues of fundamental rights, currently being litigated.
The debate on the compatibility of the current practice of UN SC asset freezing within EU law takes place amidst a fundamental lack of clarity as to the exact purposes and operational objectives of such freezes. It is argued that this practice amounts to an ad hoc (para-)criminal procedure measure, enacted by political bodies rather than courts, and without judicial oversight.
The current UN SC practice of asset freezing against non-state actors breaches the right to judicial review, as well as the presumption of innocence. If this practice it is to continue at all, methods that make it fully compatible with the rule of law must be adopted. Especially, their renewal ad aeternum should not be possible.  相似文献   

Terrorism was first confronted as a discrete subject matterof international law by the international community in the mid-1930s,following the assassination of a Yugoslavian king and a Frenchforeign minister by ethnic separatists. The League's attemptto generically define terrorism in an international treaty prefiguredmany of the legal, political, ideological and rhetorical disputeswhich plagued the international community's attempts to defineterrorism in the 50 years after the Second World War. Althoughthe treaty never entered into force following the dissolutionof the League itself, the League's core definition has beenhighly resilient and has influenced subsequent legal effortsto define terrorism. While the League's 1937 Convention forthe Prevention and Punishment of Terrorism is often referredto obliquely in international legal discussions of terrorism,the drafting of the Convention has seldom been intensively analysed.By closely examining its drafting, this article elucidates howthe drafters of the Convention agreed on a definition of terrorism,and why they rejected alternative definitions. In doing so,it hopes to refresh and enliven current international debatesabout definition in the wake of the United Nation's 60th anniversaryyear, which saw renewed emphasis placed on the quest for definition.  相似文献   

Abstract: The definition of food security now most commonly used, that of the 1996 World Food Summit, bears considerable resemblance to the definition of the right to food. Yet a right-to-food based approach to food security is distinct from other approaches to reducing hunger and malnutrition and complements food security considerations with dignity, rights acknowledgment, transparency, accountability, and empowerment concerns. It is based on an a priori commitment to the value of human dignity and makes the individual an agent of change in a way that enables him or her to hold governments accountable and to seek redress for violations of his or her rights. A right-to-food approach is not based on vague and replaceable policy goals subject to periodic redefinition, but on existing, comparatively specific and continuously becoming more precise obligations undertaken by governments. Therefore, the right to food cannot only be regarded as a means to achieve food security, but must be seen as a wider, more encompassing, and distinct objective in itself. Realizing the right to food should, furthermore, be part and parcel of rights-based approaches to development that aim to implement all human rights obligations which States have committed themselves to under human rights law.  相似文献   

Restorative justice and its related terms moved from the background of ancillary sessions to the floor of the United Nations Congress. This article documents and discusses the transfer of local policy to the international arena using the UN forum and restorative justice as a case study. First, a historical timeline traces the three influential forces, (1) the United Nations forum, (2) the non-governmental organization (NGO) activities, and (3) the individual Member States’ activities, behind the restorative justice movement onto the UN agenda. An integrated modification of Blumer’s process of collective problem definition is used as a framework to analyze the policy formation. Finally, the context of how future researchers may make use of the process is analyzed by comparing the traditional research development framework to Blumer’s policy framework. A need for wide spread implementation and outcome evaluations are needed as the policy is implemented is among the key findings.  相似文献   

In September 2005, the UN General Assembly adopted an ambitiouslist of reforms of the UN structure, mandate and agenda. Ifimplemented, it is going to be the most radical reform of theUN to date. Yet, the International Court of Justice, the principaljudicial organ of the organization, has been largely ignored.This Report suggests that States should take advantage of thereform-mood at the UN to consider also some essential reformsof the ICJ. These include: Should the Security Council be enlarged,then UN member States should consider expanding the membershipof the ICJ, too; judges should not be allowed to be re-electedand their tenure should be increased to 12 years; age limitsshould be introduced; the number of female candidates to beelected should be increased; intergovernmental organizationsshould have capacity to be a party in contentious proceedings;the new Human Rights Council and certain international courtsand tribunals should be given the power to request advisoryopinions.  相似文献   

联合国反恐全面公约中的武装部队问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
黄瑶 《法学研究》2009,(2):166-182
如何规范一国武装部队的行为是制定联合国反恐全面公约的最大难题之一。武装部队在武装冲突及执行公务中的活动,应否受该公约的管辖?各国在此问题上难以达成共识。分歧的主要原因在于各国在国家恐怖主义的概念以及全面公约与国际人道法的关系问题上看法不一。为使全面公约尽早得以通过,可以明确规定国家武装部队在武装冲突及执行公务中的活动以及民族解放部队的活动均免受全面公约的管辖。因为即使不适用全面公约来约束武装部队的行为,国际人道法和国际刑法等其他相关国际法规则也可对此种行为进行管制。  相似文献   

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