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创业板市场是专门为具有高成长、高风险特征的高科技企业投资者的退出和企业进一步发展进行融资的场所。发展和建设创业板市场 ,是完善我国市场体系的必要步骤。  相似文献   

樊晨翔 《理论探索》2023,(3):115-122
作为中国经济最具活力的一环和资源高效配置的重要平台,中国资本市场扮演着越来越重要的角色。发展资本市场是满足资金供给方和需求方发展的迫切需要,是拓宽居民投资渠道和财产性收入来源的迫切需要,是健全宏观经济治理体系的迫切需要。党的十八大以来,我国多层次资本市场体系不断健全,资本市场与实体经济良性循环发展,全面注册制改革稳步推进,资本市场开放程度不断提高。但与国外成熟资本市场相比,我国资本市场尚属于发展中的新兴市场,依然存在着发展规模和成熟度不足、市场结构不合理、市场功能不强、法律体系不完善等多方面的制约因素。因此,需要通过扩大资本市场规模,规范资本市场结构,健全资本市场功能,完善资本市场法律体系等路径,推动我国资本市场平稳健康发展。  相似文献   

林红 《学理论》2009,(4):68-70
区域资本市场是我国建立多层次资本市场的重要组成部分,柜台交易作为产权市场的高端形式,可以采取证券化、标准化和连续化方式进行。设立柜台交易市场有利于进一步丰富我国多层次资本市场体系。为此,本文提出要充分利用中央赋予的“支持海峡西岸和其他台商投资相对集中地区的经济发展”的政策,在培育地方资本市场方面进行先行先试,以台资企业产权交易为突破口,以柜台交易为平台,全面推进海峡西岸区域资本市场的建设与创新。  相似文献   

应对世界金融危机中的政府与市场   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
政府与市场的关系问题,长期以来一直是一个争议问题。关于市场导向与政府调控之争,随着此次世界金融危机的爆发再一次成为争论焦点。这次世界金融危机的真正根源在于政府与市场相脱节,在于政府这只“看得见的手”的无度使用。无论是我国应对世界金融危机所采取的一系列已见成效的措施,还是改革开放以来我国社会主义市场经济改革所取得的成就与经验都表明,市场和政府的作用都非常重要,缺一不可,必须将两者有机结合起来而决不可时立起来。  相似文献   

资本市场在我国国民经济发展中发挥着重要作用,资本市场的稳定健康发展与资本市场税制密切相关.从我国资本市场税制现状看,它在增加财政收入、抑制投机行为、缓解社会分配不公等方面发挥着积极作用.然而,我国现行资本市场税制还存在许多缺陷,在一定程度上阻碍了我国资本市场功能的发挥,限制了我国资本市场的长远发展,研究资本市场税制优化问题具有重要的理论价值和现实意义.  相似文献   

张晓丽 《学理论》2009,(31):78-79
消费作为拉动经济增长的重要经济手段,对当前我国经济的稳定发展起到了重要作用。就我国居民消费的市场来看,存在着消费品已进入买方市场、城乡消费市场差距仍然存在、地区间消费水平差距较大等特征,所以加快城乡一体化市场的培育就成为目前要着重建设的关键。  相似文献   

民航业战略性重组的目标是提高市场集中度和形成分层竞争的市场格局,最好是能使我国有一两家具有国际竞争力的大型航空公司、多个较大较强的干线航空公司和更多的小型支线航空公司,实现目标的手段是兼并、股权转让和对资不抵债企业实施破产  相似文献   

政府与市场的法律思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着中美关于中国加入WTO谈判的结束,中国加入WTO已经提到了议事日程了。中国加入WTO肯定是机遇和挑战并存的局面。如何利用机遇、迎接挑战是摆在我们面前的一个重大问题。 WTO以国际经济自由化为其宗旨和目的。经济的自由化,其实质就是消退市场中政府行政的权力,强调市场的自由竞争、限制政府的干预。我国加入世贸之后,我国所承担的作为WTO成员国的义务肯定会对我国现有的经济、法律体制产生巨大的冲击。而这一切的中心问题是政府与市场的重新定位的问题。  相似文献   

经过十几年的努力,我国资本市场尤其是证 券市场建设取得了很大进展,走过了市场经济先行国家几十年以至上百年的路程。在利用资本市场推进改革和加快发展方面,也进行了积极的探索。企业间的购并活动也较为活跃,成为推动企业改组的主要途径。但是不容忽视的是,我国资本市场尤其是证券市场至今仍然存在着一些亟待解决的十分不利于国有资本结构改革也不利于资本市场自身发展的问题。 第一,市场发育不平衡,覆盖范围不全面。股票市场发展较快,而债券市场和中长期信贷市场的发展则相对滞后,适合不同层次企业证券融资和股票流动需要的多层…  相似文献   

戴鸿广  邢增艺  潘文娣 《学理论》2009,(24):103-104
本文阐述了信息不对称使信贷市场产生了逆向选择,分析了信息不对称下信贷市场的效率状况;指出银行为弱化逆向选择效应而实行的信贷配给,使信贷市场产生配给均衡。信贷配给均衡比信贷市场的瓦尔拉斯均衡能提高资源配置效率,改善社会福利,但仍未实现帕累托最优状态。本文最后讨论了提高我国信贷市场效率、降低金融风险的政策启示。  相似文献   

关于破产管理人在破产程序中的法律地位问题,历来争议颇多,众说纷纭,由于英美法上的破产管理人的信托人地位鲜有内部争议,因此很多学者认为我国可以借鉴英美破产立法观点,以信托关系为基础为破产管理人定位。  相似文献   

Huizhong Zhou 《Public Choice》1995,82(3-4):225-241
This paper emphasizes that political behavior of interest groups is a result of economic calculation, and therefore is affected by the market conditions under which they operate. We develop a two-stage game to link political and market decision-making. We find that if unproductive rent-seekingdirectly contributes to rent-seekers' market operations, then their lobbying efforts will be excessive if the number of outsiders is relatively large, restrained if it is relatively small. If rent-seekingdirectly impairs rent-seekers' market operations, the above described behavior will be reversed. The analysis also reveals that as wasteful rent-seeking may increase rent-seeker's production cost, market competition shifts production from now less efficient rent-seekers to their non-rent-seeking rivals. Welfare gains from this shift may overshadow the direct waste of influence activities.  相似文献   

The most recent response of our universities to the challenge presented by the urban crisis—the domestic problems that show their dramatic symptoms in our cities—has taken the form of new graduate programs in the policy sciences. They are widely diverse in course content, teaching methods, measures to assure experiential inputs and devices for survival in the standard discipline-oriented university climate, but all have the common purpose of improving the quality and enlarging the quantity of both public policy practitioners and analysts.These pioneering activities are growing in an atmosphere of intense intellectual debate and self-examination. How best to design and conduct them with respect to these input parameters, appropriate overall roles for universities in policy science training, the nature of more rational decisionmaking as a process, and the roles of policy science-trained analysts and practitioners in it and in promoting it, are all under lively examination and discussion.What has thus far received relatively little attention is the nature of the decision universe in which the products of these programs, the graduates, will need to perform if they are to have impact. In this paper that universe and the relationship of the university to it are characterized in simple market terms. Doing so suggests that the most pressing problems for policy science lie on the demand, not the supply, side of the market. It will take the best efforts of policy scientists to address them successfully.  相似文献   

The concept of market failure was originally presented by economists as a normative explanation of why the need for government expenditures might arise. Gradually, the concept has taken on the form of a full‐scale diagnostic tool frequently employed by policy analysts to determine the exact scope and nature of government intervention. For some time, economists have known that the market failure idea is conceptually flawed. The authors of this article demonstrate why this is so, employing concepts drawn from the perspective of transaction costs. In a review of empirical studies, they further show how the market failure diagnostic leads analysts to make generalizations that are not supported by facts. Transaction cost analysis helps to explain the underlying processes involved. © 1999 by the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management.  相似文献   

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