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姜运华 《中国司法》2009,(6):100-104
美国是当今世界现代化、城市化水平最高的国家之一,其高度自治、民主管理、多方参与的社区运作机制,预防控制社区非稳定因素的相关措施,在一定程度上为管理现代社会、完善公共管理、增强社会控制力提供了有益借鉴。本文结合自己在美国马里兰大学、马里兰州住房和社区发展部学习培训的经历,试作一些分析和思考。  相似文献   

National drug policy has recently been a source of much debate and discussion in the United States. This paper provides a comparison of the key components of the respective drug policies that have been developed in the United States and in the Netherlands. It is argued that the Dutch approach has generally produced more desirable outcomes than have U.S. efforts, and that policy planners here should consider adopting and/or modifying several of these methods for local application.  相似文献   

The Danish prison system is recognized worldwide as a model incorporating the most progressive principles of punishment. This article is the result of the author's research in Denmark undertaken to clarify the foundations of Danish penal philosophies. Findings suggest that penal practices are the outcome of a complex interaction of social and criminological theories. Formulated in an atmosphere that minimizes the emotionalism and politicization of crime, Danish crime control policies represent a pragmatic and reasoned approach to dealing with criminal offenders. Prison conditions reflect the social and political attitudes regarding the causes of crime and the treatment of marginal citizens.  相似文献   

Professor Whitford finds that the small-case procedure of the United States Tax Court, unlike most other small claims courts, provides a meaningful avenue of redress for taxpayers contesting small amounts and appearing pro se. The success of this procedure is attributed to the unique dispute'posture" of the Tax Court petitioner and to the extensive resources assigned to the small-case procedure by both the Tax Court and the chief counsel to the IRS. This special Tax Court invention is not likely to be replicated in courts of more general jurisdiction. Lack of political support will prevent allocation of resources sufficient to make pro se litigation work. The expenditure of such resources in the Tax Court apparently reflects a felt need to legitimate the tax system by providing fair disputing procedures.  相似文献   

美国与德国都是联邦制国家也是奉行宪法至上的国家 ,两国的法院体制都必须适应这一特点。比较两国的法院体制的基本特征 ,分析这些特征产生的原因并进而探讨法院在维护联邦制中的作用。  相似文献   

芬兰、荷兰的司法鉴定体制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙业群 《中国司法》2007,(8):103-105
一、芬兰司法鉴定体制(一)芬兰司法鉴定体制芬兰分中央、省、市、镇四级行政设置。司法鉴定体制和管理体制是分散的。全国刑事司法鉴定机构主要有4个,一是隶属内政部的国家犯罪实验室和全国25个罪犯调查中心,主要从事刑事技术鉴定。二是隶属财政部的海关实验室,主要从事与税收有关的鉴定。三是隶属于国家社会公共事务和健康部的药品研究所,主要从事酒精和服用违禁药品分析。它是欧盟资助的测试机构,承担欧盟醉酒、违禁药品标准制定,与芬兰内政部、德国、法国等官方都有合作。四是隶属教育部的大学法医学,主要承担尸体解剖、诊疗、法医病理、…  相似文献   

规范暂缓起诉——以美国缓起诉制度为借鉴   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
虽然近年来全国各地基层人民检察院推行的暂缓起诉违背了现行<刑法>和<刑事诉讼法>的规定,但是暂缓起诉既可以节约司法资源,也有利于犯罪嫌疑人改过自新.本文认为,应该由中央司法体制改革领导小组制定统一规范暂缓起诉的法规,在制定该法规时,应该适当借鉴美国缓起诉制度的合理因素,明确规定暂缓起诉的适用对象、条件、暂缓起诉协议的内容和暂缓起诉的效力及其监督机制.  相似文献   

1. The rule Of LawIt includes a they of remenized or established statutes, rulesand regUlations to which all citizens are subject and which areapplied objectively by judgeS acting through established procedures. Under it the rights of citizens will be upheld by law.2. Seperation of PowersEach of three branches of govement has seperate and distinctresponsibilities and functions. The legislative branch makeslaws, the executive branch enforces these laws; and the judicialbranch interprets the …  相似文献   

The past two decades have produceda profound increase in imprisonment in theUnited States, resulting in a prison populationof two million and expenditures of over $35billion annually on corrections, while otherimportant government services are underfunded. Imprisonment is highest for minority maleslargely because of the War on Drugs, which hasalso dramatically increased the incarcerationof women and created nearly 1.5 millionchildren having a parent incarcerated. Inresponse to this trend, the American Society ofCriminology (ASC) directed the ASC NationalPolicy Committee (NPC) to draft a policy paperon the incarceration issue. This articleexplains the main ideas, themes, andrecommendations of the full policy paper. Itanalyzes the sources and effects of theincreased use of imprisonment, drawingattention to the negative effects of excessiveincarceration. The paper and itsrecommendations reflect a concern that the ASCneeds to set a research agenda that isindependent of the federal government andconventional wisdom. The NPC hopes this paperwill stimulate a healthy and much overduedebate on the role of the ASC in public policyin general, and the merits of widespreadincarceration in particular.  相似文献   

郭天武 《中国司法》2005,(9):102-105
美国的保释制度是在继受英国的保释制度的基础上发展而来的。以保释是原则,羁押是例外为指导思想,并把保释权上升到宪法的高度,反对预防性羁押。近年来,随着犯罪率高升,美国开始对保释权有所限制。一、保释制度在美国的缘起美国学者关于保释内涵的理解直接来源于英国。从17世纪中叶开始,英国政治学、法学思想对美国的法律制度的确立产生很大的影响。尤其是有关自由、民主、法治、分权与制衡等学说与理论深深刺激了酷爱自由清教徒移民者,鉴于对政治国家仍然心有余悸以及对其不信任心理依然存在,注重个人基本权利的保护和反对酷刑的思想意识迅…  相似文献   

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