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船舶与一般的物不同,船舶的拟人处理使其具有一定自然人的属性。伴随着船舶的拟人处理,以及船舶的"拟责任主体"色彩,使涉及船舶的案件在确立管辖时更容易发生冲突。随着社会的进步,航运的风险降低,以船舶作为责任保证的需求也在降低。国际立法及国内实践均有淡化船舶拟人处理的倾向,船舶拟人处理的减弱也会使船舶扣押的机会收窄,自然会对扣船引起的管辖冲突的解决起积极的作用。对船舶的拟人处理的原因,船舶拟人处理对管辖权的影响,国际立法及司法实践对拟人处理淡化的倾向,以及对管辖冲突解决的作用进行论述。  相似文献   

本文以语音自动话者识别系统为平台,对实际案件中出现频率较高的10种伪装语音类型进行自动话者识别测试。通过对20位发音人的正常语音和10种类型伪装语音的话者辨认和话者确认测试,分析不同语音伪装类型对自动话者识别的影响。该结果对于深入认识伪装语音的特性及其话者识别研究具有重要意义,也为自动话者识别技术的改进提供了参考。  相似文献   

The experience of hearing a voice in the absence of an appropriate external stimulus, formally termed an auditory verbal hallucination (AVH), may be malingered for reasons such as personal financial gain, or, in criminal cases, to attempt a plea of not guilty by reason of insanity. An accurate knowledge of the phenomenology of AVHs is central to assessing the veracity of claims to such experiences. We begin by demonstrating that some contemporary criminal cases still employ inaccurate conceptions of the phenomenology of AVHs to assess defendants' claims. The phenomenology of genuine, malingered, and atypical AVHs is then examined. We argue that, due to the heterogeneity of AVHs, the use of typical properties of AVHs as a yardstick against which to evaluate the veracity of a defendant's claims is likely to be less effective than the accumulation of instances of defendants endorsing statements of atypical features of AVHs. We identify steps towards the development of a formal tool for this purpose, and examine other conceptual issues pertinent to criminal cases arising from the phenomenology of AVHs.  相似文献   

首先对国际公约以及国内外立法中有关船舶碰撞概念的相关规定进行了评述,对理论与实践中存在的分歧与争议进行了归纳与比较,继而对船舶碰撞概念进行了解析与界定。在此基础上,对《中华人民共和国海商法》关于船舶碰撞概念中存在的问题与不足进行了归纳与梳理,提出《中华人民共和国海商法》在定义船舶碰撞概念时应扩大碰撞船舶的适用范围,理顺第165条与第170条之间逻辑关系的立法建议,并据此提出了具体的条文修改模式。  相似文献   

在现行法律中很难找到专门针对船舶挂靠经营的规定,这使得关于船舶挂靠经营过程中产生的侵权责任的意见难以得到统一。北海海事法院对2000年发生的一起船舶碰撞纠纷进行了审理,其中涉及对船舶挂靠经营侵权责任的处理,该判决对上述问题的解决提供有益的帮助——船舶挂靠经营是一种合法行为;就挂靠人经营中所致的侵权责任,挂靠人与被挂靠人都是责任主体,并应承担无限连带责任。  相似文献   

从正当性视角出发,以当事船扣押和姊妹船扣押为研究对象,分析立法和司法在船舶扣押程序中与正当性相关联的因素,指出船舶扣押程序存在的合法性及合理性问题,提出船舶扣押的正当性标准.对禁止重复扣押之立法正当性进行解析,并对允许重复扣船的三种情形进行正当性考察,提出判断其是否具备正当性的三个标准.  相似文献   

从海盗赎金的双重性质看船东与货主的博弈   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
船东遭受的索马里海盗赎金损失,同时符合海难救助和共同海损的构成要件。从船东单方利益看,船东支付赎金的行为是海难救助,但此主张无法使船东从海难救助制度中获益。若主张共同海损,船东可从船舶保险中获赔,获得共同海损的多种担保方式,对无法从货主处实现的共同海损分摊可从船东保赔协会获得补偿,甚至船货同属一人时,该主张亦成立,这符合船东的利益;从船货利益的一致性看,这符合船东与货主的共同利益;从行业特征来看,作为海上运输的参与者和受益者,货主与船东一起分担海上风险,这符合海运业发展的客观要求。共同海损的主张是船货双方利益博弈的结果,体现了海商法为平衡船货利益和维护海运业发展在这背后所进行的调整。  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(4):897-906

Correctional health care has improved tremendously over the past 25 years. This rejoinder is a response to an article published in Justice Quarterly by Michael Vaughn and Linda Smith, in which they assert that the quality of correctional health care is suspect in correctional settings, and that an examination of one jail's problems with health care delivery revealed a “penal harm medicine” movement. We call into question such an assertion, claim that the penal harm medicine hypothesis cannot be proven by the data presented by Vaughn and Smith, and state that many of their conclusions are tenuous and harmful to correctional health professionals. We offer an analysis of their claims and suggest a more balanced view of correctional health care.  相似文献   

船舶救助报酬不是债,而是物。船舶救助报酬既不是船舶的附属利益,也不是船舶所生之法定孳息。船舶所有人享有的救助报酬是使用船舶和船上人员劳动所带来的收益,是一种使用利益;船长和船员救助报酬的性质是劳动报酬;承租人船舶救助报酬的性质是租金损失的补偿。  相似文献   

Subjects' recognition of their own voice, the voice of a person they had a conversation with, and the voices of two people they heard converse, were compared. They listened to or conversed with each voice for five minutes and then attempted to recognize each voice from among 26 voices saying the same test phrase. In general, subjects recognized the voice of their conversational partner better than the voices of people they had listened to passively. They did not recognize their own voice better than that of their partner. Subjects who recognized their own voice always identified it without error. Although subjects correctly identified other voices they correctly recognized, they also falsely identified voices they falsely recognized. These results are discussed with respect to their practical implications for voice identification by witnesses in legal proceedings and with respect to current theories of memory.  相似文献   


A robust finding from the eyewitness literature is that children are as accurate as adults on target-present lineups from the age of five years, whereas they continue to make an erroneous false positive identification from a target-absent lineup up until around fourteen years of age (Pozzulo, J. D., & Lindsay, R. C. L. (1998). Identification accuracy of children versus adults: a meta-analysis. Law and Human Behavior, 22(5), 549–570). The current study explores whether the same pattern occurs when voices are used instead of faces. A total of 334 participants from six age groups (6–7-year-olds, 8–9-year-olds, 10–11-year-olds, 12–13-year-olds, 14–15-year-olds and adults) listened to a 30 second audio clip of an unfamiliar voice and were then presented with either a six person target-present or target-absent voice lineup. Overall, participants were more accurate with target-present than target-absent lineups. Moreover, performance on target-present lineups showed adult-like levels of attainment by 8–9 years of age. In contrast, performance on target-absent lineups was extremely poor, with all age groups tending to make a false identification. Confidence was higher when participants made correct rather than incorrect decisions for both types of lineup and this did not change with increasing age. Given these results, both child and adult earwitness evidence needs to be treated with considerable caution.  相似文献   

为介绍建造中船舶所有权意义、归属、登记、抵押、保险及贷款等之法律问题,两岸虽然对建造中船舶之意义相同,但因其所有权之归属、立法例不同,文章系以台湾"民法"之观点加以比较分析,对船舶完成后所有权之移转方式予以剖析,以及特别介绍台湾"海商法"定造人之继续建造权及建造中船舶之登记,并就各国之抵押制度加以比较说明,最后就建造中船舶之保险与贷款予以介绍说明,以供业界实务上应用参考。  相似文献   

为介绍建造中船舶所有权意义、归属、登记、抵押、保险及贷款等之法律问题,两岸虽然对建造中船舶之意义相同,但因其所有权之归属、立法例不同,文章系以台湾"民法"之观点加以比较分析,对船舶完成后所有权之移转方式予以剖析,以及特别介绍台湾"海商法"定造人之继续建造权及建造中船舶之登记,并就各国之抵押制度加以比较说明,最后就建造中船舶之保险与贷款予以介绍说明,以供业界实务上应用参考.  相似文献   

探讨目前最典型的船舶融资结构及相关法律文件,分析贷款银行所需考虑的法律与实践方面的问题,以及在实务操作中银行行使船舶抵押权时应当考虑的因素。  相似文献   

船舶融资的法律与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨目前最典型的船舶融资结构及相关法律文件,分析贷款银行所需考虑的法律与实践方面的问题,以及在实务操作中银行行使船舶抵押权时应当考虑的因素.  相似文献   

根据国际法理论,条约在内国法上的效力由一国国内法予以规定。面对目前中国国内法规定对于船舶油污损害公约在中国的适用位阶和适用边界并不明确的问题,一种适当的解释方法应当是:与船舶油污法规相比,在中国,船舶油污损害公约应当优先适用,并且这种优先效力当然及于涉外情形。不过在非涉外情形下,立法意旨和倾向表明国内法应当予以适用。  相似文献   

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