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Power Couple     
<正>The upcoming Meituan-Dianping merger will result in a dominant O2O presence—but will the move be successful?By Zhou XiaoyanTwo of China’s biggest online-to-offline(O2O)service providers have decided to take measures to avoid a price war,opting to join forces in order to become a  相似文献   

正FIFTEEN months–that’s how long it took Tang Boqing and his wife Zeng Xiaolan to produce a seven-minute and 23-second-long 3D animated film.But it seems these long months of hard work have been worth it;the short film titled Entrance Exam became an instant hit among Chinese netizens after being uploaded to video websites.Featuring  相似文献   

在刚刚过去的8月份,孟昆玉,这个被称为"北京最帅交警"的小伙子,成了网络上最火的"80后".和许多近年来"一夜成名"的红人一样,孟昆玉也是首先通过网络跃入公众视野的.  相似文献   

THE Chinese government has made serious efforts in recent years to upgrade the standard of English language learning (a core subject) in its high schools. One measure has been to invite native speakers to China to teach oral English. Here is the story -along with a few thoughts and reflections- of a married teaching couple partway through a 12-month teaching contract in western Hunan Province.  相似文献   

<正>What is the life like for a family with 13 disabled children? A Canadian-Korean couple, Zheng Ande and Zheng Zhuli, have such a special family full of love w...  相似文献   

Callfordonationleadstomassiveshipmentsofmedicaltexts.ATacelebrationinApriltomarktheAnvalofthe50thcontainerofbooksdo-natedtoChina,DoctorJordanM.Phillipsdescribedhisndssionwiththree"C"s-contribution,commit-mentandconsistencyThe74-year-oldU.S.physicianandhiswifeMaryhavecollectedmorethan1,000tonsofmedicalbooksforChinasince1981.Thedonationsincludethreendl-lionmedicalbooksandnumerousvideotapesandfilmsformedicaleducationanddemonstfations,cov-eringthelatestdevelopmentsinmedicalscienceandtechnolog…  相似文献   

构建夫妻共同债务规则的现有观点具有违背婚姻本质之缺陷。建立科学完备的夫妻债务制度,除秉承符合婚姻本质原则、交易安全与婚姻安全衡平保护原则、方便适用原则、重点突出和科学合理原则外,内容设计上应形成"四横三纵两类一轴"的制度体系,即统摄夫妻财产制、家事代理权、夫妻合意、债权人善意四大横向要素与夫妻共同债务的认定标准、夫妻债务的举证责任、夫妻债务的清偿原则三大纵向要素,兼顾合同之债与侵权之债,突出区分共同债务与个人债务界限。在夫妻共同债务立法模式上,既不宜采取列举模式和例示模式,亦不能完全照搬概括模式,以采用"修正型概括模式"为宜。夫妻债务法条内容设计应当简明扼要、通俗易懂、语义明确、避免歧义。  相似文献   

《<婚姻法>司法解释(二)》第24条存在"三大错误"与"保护债权人的虚假功能",之后出台的相关司法解释无法从根本上解决问题,支持第24条的"内外有别论""婚后所得共同财产决定论""有利于保护债权人"等理论也无法自圆其说。2018年1月18日起施行的最高人民法院《关于审理涉及夫妻债务纠纷案件适用法律有关问题的解释》废止了以婚姻存续关系(或财产共有关系)推定夫妻共同债务的规则和举证规则,确立了除夫妻合意外,一方负债必须用于家事需要才能构成共同债务的规则。在适用该解释时应注意其并未确立"共债共签"原则,部分内容有待完善,需要正确处理该解释与第24条的适用关系以及该解释的溯及力问题。  相似文献   

文章对公安队伍管理长效机制建设过程中如何有效建立考核激励机制,进行了深入的探索。从体现江泽民同志在"7·1"讲话中提出的"尊重人、理解人、发展人"的思想高度出发,运用现代管理的科学理念,提出了管理的目的,不是管死管住,而是激励激活的观点。并对考核激励机制应着力解决的问题,应注意把握的原则,进行了分析和研究。  相似文献   

中国独生子女:规模、差异与评价   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
本文根据统计资料,分析了我国社会中独生子女人口的规模;通过对现有研究结果的比较,指出独生子女与非独生子女之间的差异是一种随独生子女的年龄变化而变化的现象,并且这种变化的总的趋势是二者之间差异逐渐缩小。论文还对如何正确认识和评价独生子女提出了作者的看法。  相似文献   

Integrating healthy relationship and marriage education (RME) into child welfare services is a relatively recent initiative. Guided by the theoretical work in child welfare training evaluation, the current study describes the development and testing of a new RME training for child welfare professionals. Based on data collected from 272 trainees, results from structural equation modeling indicate a linear association between learner attitudes and newly acquired knowledge and skills to perceptions of training usefulness, which, in turn, influenced implementation of RME skills with clients. Implications for the delivery and evaluation of programming, in general and specific to RME, are shared.  相似文献   

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