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美国作为英国的殖民地,其法律自然源于英国法。关于到何时为止英国法才被美国继承,并被承认为美国法一部分,有三种说法:到殖民地建设为止;到独立战争开始为止;到独立为止。无论哪一种主张,在它所指的时间内,英国法作为特定州的法,都成为拘束人们行为的权威。而在那以后,英国法和实行英、美法的其它法域(包括其它州)的法成为同样有说服力的权威。更具体地说,英国法有多少移植到了美国呢?不仅有最狭义的普通法,而且有包括衡平法、制定法在内的广义的普通法。这里的普通法,首先是柯克和布莱克斯东所主张的古典的普通法。这是英…  相似文献   

美国于1776年宣布独立,此前100多年问。逐渐都成为英属殖民地。并主要受英国普通法支配。普通法有别于成文法,不以成文法律文本为载体。而是隐藏于法官在普通法院判决的案件时所发表的意见之中,法官没有多少成文法律可效忠,而是采“遵循先例”的原则。建国后,美国的法律领域出现了摆脱普通法统治的呼声。并形成了旨在排除普通法的制订成文法典的实践活动。史称“法典化运动”。  相似文献   

在承认和执行外国判决领域,美国法经历了州法逐渐取代联邦普通法的发展变迁,并由此陷入国家利益与州利益难以兼顾的困境,这对中国具有多重意义:在司法协助层面,人民法院裁定是否承认和执行美国判决,须以判决作出州的州法为依据;为便利中国判决在美国得到承认和执行,相关当事方可制定针对性的诉讼策略。在立法层面,美国法困境表明在该领域制定全国统一的规则体系极为重要。在相关公约的缔结层面,国内法困境使美国有推进缔约的现实需要,这对我国制定缔约方案特具价值。  相似文献   

<正> 亚非各国宪法监督制度渊源于其宗主国之宪法理沦与实践,通用英语法语各国之宪法监督制度始建于英属法属殖民地时期。不列颠君主制设有枢密院,有权宣布不符合殖民地宪章或普通法的殖民地议会通过的条例非法无效。非洲通用英语的国家之宪法最早由英王钦赐,由宗主国法学家主持制定。这对在一些国家推广宪法监督制度起了决定性作用。亚非各国宪法监督制度为宗主国政治上限制殖民地议会立法活动的目的服务。各国宪法监督制度,经过民族独立运动虽然尚未从旧的宪法监督框架完全摆脱出来,但已开始发生较大变化,现正为着确保宪法的至高地位、维护各该国政局稳定、保护本国公民合法权益发挥着应有作用。本文仅就亚非各国宪法监督机构及其形式和程序问题作如下初探和研究。  相似文献   

<正> 一、无过错离婚制的开始一九六八年英国和加拿大承认婚姻破裂为离婚的依据。一九七○年美国加州捷足先登成为美国第一个这样做的州。加州的家庭法随之被修改,离婚程序被简化。现在美国人对离婚起了一个新名词,把它叫做"婚姻的  相似文献   

作为世界资本主义的发源地,英国可能是极个别的至今仍未实行“三权分立”宪法制度的资本主义国家;作为世界范围内有重要影响的法律制度之一的“普通法系”的创始国,英国的普通法律制度在仅有一海峡之隔的欧洲大陆的影响,却远不如在亚洲、美洲、澳洲等历史上英属殖民地国家深刻。即使在同属联合王国的苏格兰和北爱尔兰,普通法系影响的蛛丝马迹也找不到;它们实行着完全不同的法律制度。所以,人们常说的英国普通法律制度实际上指的是通行于英国英格兰和威尔士的以普通法为基础的法律制度,而从这个意义上讲,英国是一个法律制度不统一的…  相似文献   

蓝若兰 《中外法学》1991,(3):62-65,45
<正> 加拿大是英联邦的成员国,实行联邦制的国家结构形式.其法律制度,除魁北克省属于大陆法系外,其他九省和两个地区都沿袭了英国的法律传统,具有以普通法系为主的两大法系长期并存的明显特征.加拿大的联邦制起源于1867年的《英属北美法》,突破了英国传统的单一制格局,是一项富有加拿大特色的创举. 一、加拿大的法律传统从历史上看,加拿大在相当长的时期内都以英属北美殖民地和英帝国自治领的面貌出现在世界舞台上,其国家主权是经过了一系列演变才逐步获得的.因而,英国的法律制度对加拿大产生了多方面的无可置疑的  相似文献   

1950年、1980年两部婚姻法以及2001年修正后的婚姻法,虽然都将"登记"作为婚姻成立的形式要件,根据不同时期的国情,婚姻法对事实婚姻采取了不同的态度。经历了一个由绝对承认到相对承认,再由相对承认到绝对不承认的过程调整婚姻家庭的法律必须建立在生活的基础上,尽量满足人了门的婚姻自主权,但极度自由将会导致社会秩序的混乱和国家伦理的丧失。因此,笔者以为,我国婚姻法应在坚持现有的登记制度的同时,在新的条件下赋予事实婚姻法律效力。  相似文献   

朱志晟 《河北法学》2011,29(2):180-183
英国的区际判决承认与执行制度在坚持传统和与国际接轨中不断地发展和调整,最终形成了独具特色的建立在原审国身份基础上的区分式立法模式;在实体法律层面上英国主张适用统一的成文法和基本相同的普通法制度;在程序法律层面上则是尽量放宽能够得到承认与执行的判决范围、放松区际判决承认与执行的条件、简化区际判决承认与执行的程序。  相似文献   

历史上,印度妇女地位十分低下。但在19世纪英属印度殖民地时期,殖民当局出于自身统治需要等因素实行了一系列有关妇女的立法改革措施。这些立法改革冲击着印度社会的传统习俗,明显提升了妇女地位,推动了印度社会的发展。  相似文献   

This article suggests that any approach to the issue of access to higher education in the United Kingdom not view the approach of the United States in the recent University of Michigan cases as providing appropriate guidance. It is the author's assertion that the United States Supreme Court has failed to recognize the present effects of a long history of deliberate racial segregation of higher education in America and the affirmative duty of public higher education to remedy the effects of America's unique system of racial segregation. Specifically, the Supreme Court's jurisprudence has abandoned the interests of the victims of a judicially sanctioned exclusion of African-Americans from public higher education during most of the 20th Century, and has instead supported equal access only to the extent that it furthers the university's own interests in so-called ‘diversity’. This disregard for the history of American racial segregation is inconsistent with the Constitutional principles announced in Brown v. Board of Education and the federal judicial decisions which secured and advanced the mandate for racial equality announced in Brown v. Board.  相似文献   

民事伴侣关系法律认可的现状及其立法模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
熊金才 《河北法学》2007,25(5):65-70
在人类历史的长河中,民事伴侣的地位在不同的时代及不同的文化背景中虽有所不同,但总体而言是被禁止、被压制或被忽视的.然而,自20世纪末至今的短短不到20年的时间里,民事伴侣关系已在5个国家获得完全法律认可,在16个国家的全国范围内及6个国家的部分地区获得承认,民事伴侣平权运动取得了前所未有的进展.在5个法律认可民事伴侣关系的国家中,荷兰、比利时、西班牙及加拿大采用了婚姻式立法模式,即承认民事伴侣关系为婚姻关系,并适用婚姻法的相应规定.而英国则采用了伴侣式立法模式,即制定<民事伴侣关系法>以规制民事伴侣关系,从而创设了一种在形式上不同于异性配偶身份的新的民事伴侣法律身份.  相似文献   

The Canadian legal profession emerged from the confluence of two distinct traditions: the American and the English. The colonies of British North America followed the pre-revolutionary American model of a unified legal profession, according to which all lawyers could practise as barristers and solicitors. American and Canadian lawyers pursued a client- and market-driven, eclectic type of practice that was receptive to innovations – such as the large law firm, the contingency fee, and university legal education – that were strongly resisted in England. On the governance side, however, Canadian lawyers created an indigenous but English-inflected model whereby professional self-governance was delegated to a statutorily-created body that had the power to compel all lawyers to join if they wished to practise law. With their commitment to client-centred service and strong governance, Canadian lawyers long enjoyed a cooperative and productive relationship with provincial governments, unlike the adversarial one characteristic of the United States or the long benign neglect of the legal professions by the English state. It is argued that this historical pattern may help to explain the continuing strength of the self-governance model in Canada at a time when it is being questioned and radically reformed elsewhere in the common law world.  相似文献   

对物诉讼与我国的船舶扣押法律制度   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
向明华 《河北法学》2006,24(4):121-124
对物诉讼源于罗马法,却只在英国得到延续,并在其海事诉讼中得到巨大发展.随着英国殖民者将对物诉讼制度带到其殖民属地,移植法律与本地法律互相作用,逐渐发展出英美法系各国目前各具特色的扣船制度,其中最有代表性的莫过于英美两国的对物诉讼制度.我国的扣船制度既坚持了对人诉讼的传统,又大胆吸收了对物诉讼制度的合理内涵,反映了国际船舶扣押立法中对人诉讼与对物诉讼相互融合的良性发展态势.  相似文献   

This article compares the life course transitions and household statuses of Canadian and American women and men in late nineteenth-century Canada and the United States. Using a set of integrated census data from 1871 Canada and the United States in 1880, the article suggests that household status differences between the two nations centered on gender. Canadian and American men timed or experienced their own transitions into and out of marriage and household headship at similar ages and to a similar extent. Demographic and economic differences between Victorian Canada and the United States, however, produced distinctions in Canadian and American women's life course transitions and household status: for Canadian women, older ages at first marriage, and the prolongation of the duration of the status, spouse of the household head. For their part, American elderly women more frequently lived as single and widowed heads of households than did their Canadian counterparts.  相似文献   

U.S. citizens who marry foreign nationals may petition for their spouses so that the couple can reside permanently together in the United States. The guidelines set forth in the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Adjudicator's Field Manual provide guidance to immigration officials for determining whether to grant or deny spousal petitions. Previously, the Adjudicator's Field Manual imposed a requirement that transgender individuals undergo costly and dangerous sex reassignment surgery in order to qualify as married for the purposes of a spousal petition. However, revisions to the Adjudicator's Field Manual issued in April 2012 provide transgender binational couples the opportunity to remain together in the United States without forcing one partner to undergo sex reassignment surgery. Given the history of discrimination against transgender individuals under U.S. immigration law, these revisions are a significant step in equality for transgender couples. Although these revisions provide many transgender binational couples with a means to remain together in the United States, this Note proposes that, to continue on the path toward equality for transgender couples, special guidelines should not be applied to marriages involving transgender partners if their marriage is deemed a valid heterosexual marriage in the state where solemnized. The goals of U.S. immigration law and compliance with the federal definition of marriage can be achieved without implementing individualized guidelines for transgender binational couples.
    Key Points for the Family Court Community:
  • Transgender spouses of a binational couple should not be subjected to additional guidelines when submitting spousal petitions that, if granted, would afford the couple the opportunity to reside together in the United States
  • Transgender individuals should not be subjected to disparate treatment solely because the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services seeks to enforce discriminatory provisions of the Defense of Marriage Act
  • A marriage should be recognized by immigration law if it is a valid marriage under the law of the state where the marriage was celebrated
  • In order to achieve U.S. immigration law's mission of family unification, nontraditional couples should be afforded the same opportunity to remain together in the United States without additional scrutiny

This article compares the life course transitions and household statuses of Canadian and American women and men in late nineteenth-century Canada and the United States. Using a set of integrated census data from 1871 Canada and the United States in 1880, the article suggests that household status differences between the two nations centered on gender. Canadian and American men timed or experienced their own transitions into and out of marriage and household headship at similar ages and to a similar extent. Demographic and economic differences between Victorian Canada and the United States, however, produced distinctions in Canadian and American women's life course transitions and household status: for Canadian women, older ages at first marriage, and the prolongation of the duration of the status, spouse of the household head. For their part, American elderly women more frequently lived as single and widowed heads of households than did their Canadian counterparts.  相似文献   

Can and should political liberals recognize and otherwise support legal marriage as a matter of basic justice? In this article, we offer a general account of how political liberals should evaluate the issue of whether the legal recognition of marriage is a matter of basic justice. And, we develop and examine some public reason arguments that, given the fundamental interests of citizens, could justify various forms of legal marriage in some contexts. In particular, in certain conditions, the recognition of some form of legal marriage may be the best way to protect the fundamental interests of women as citizens in freely chosen associations. Or, it may be that, in certain conditions, to secure the social conditions necessary for gays, lesbians and bisexuals to be free and equal citizens, some form of legal marriage can or should be recognized.  相似文献   

在人类婚姻制度的发展历程中,印度的婚姻制度的发展是比较独特的,它随着印度社会的变化而演化,先后经历了从古代的种姓婚姻到中世纪的伊斯兰教婚姻,从近代英国统治下的婚姻变革到独立后的婚姻制度现代化,其发展道路坎坷曲折,其转变的过程既反映了印度时代的变迁,也明示着人类社会的进步.  相似文献   

在19世纪美国社会发展的过程中,尤为引人注目的是政府对西部的开发,美国的西部与我国西部面积相当,19世纪初尚是一片荒凉的地域,当时的美国还是世界上的弱国,然而,美国用不到一个世纪的时间完成西部的开发,改变了社会面貌,为美国发展成为经济强国奠定了基础,政府为开发西部所采取的出售土地、发展交通、鼓励移民等措施,对今天我国西部开发仍具有借鉴的意义。  相似文献   

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