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政策科学在创立后形成了一种以科学性为特征的范式,这种范武将敢策活动解读成一种解决政策问题的理性程序.因而自上世纪80年代后期起成为众矢之的,许多学者投身到寻找替代理论的潮流中,由此开启了当前政策科学范武革命的学术丛林景观.本文从突破这种学术丛林的基本假设入手,以关系人假设代替经济人假设,构建了一个敢策过程的关系框架,力图对政策科学理论发展的危机做出具有中国特色的回应.  相似文献   

The “shale gas revolution” raises a host of questions for policy makers and researchers on both sides of the Atlantic. We provide a brief overview of the regulatory environment as it relates to hydraulic fracturing for natural gas in the United States and the European Union. We then pose a set of open questions, which we believe should shape policy and research agendas surrounding shale gas wherever the development of this resource is being pursued or considered.  相似文献   

Television presentation of the 1984 European parliamentary elections is described and compared with equivalent features of the broadcast campaigns of 1979. Arrangements for party broadcasting were broadly similar almost everywhere. But news value judgements were applied more strictly to news bulletin and current affairs provision, typically resulting in reduced attention. Domestic appeals played a greater part in many parties' campaigns this time (in contrast to arguments over European issues). And impressions of weak audience interest were often a focus of comment. The problems of mounting a more satisfying European campaign in the future may depend, however, not on exhorting journalists and politicians to do better, but on a strengthening of the European Parliament in the power structure of the European Community.  相似文献   

基层政策执行会出现偏差已经成为学界的共识,但是对于此问题的分析机制并不明晰,多数研究均是从单一视角予以阐释。通过深入考察易地搬迁中“拆旧复垦”政策的具体执行过程,从自上而下与自下而上相互融合视角入手,讨论“拆旧复垦”政策如何在不同利益主体的互构下发生了转变,为何完美的指标数据与文字背后却发现政策执行陷入模糊或搁置状态。从案例解构结果来看,在发展导向的逻辑下,基层政府通过主动加码寻求搬迁规模最大化以谋求在“数字竞赛”中胜出;在压力型体制的上下博弈中,基层政府采取拼凑应对的模糊执行策略以有效应对自上而下的政绩考核;在不完全信息状态的混合博弈中,政策受众在理性计算之下与基层政府形成了“合谋的沉默”。文章的贡献在于,对基层政策执行偏差的解释没有囿于讨论科层结构的弊端,而是从政策设计本身以及不同利益主体互构的视角出发解读其内在逻辑。  相似文献   

This article provides an evaluation of the impact of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA) of 1996. The evidence clearly shows that PRWORA has had a major impact on the poverty population and the welfare system. The data analyzed identify those policy areas in which positive changes can be identified, along with implementation and design problems that need reform. The data also show that while some states have made considerable progress in implementing the law, many are lagging.  相似文献   

基于市场机制演进的必然性与数字技术赋能的可行性,作为外生冲击的新冠肺炎疫情加速了从工业经济就业范式向数字经济工作范式的转型,这种新工作范式主要体现在从组织型就业向自主型工作转换,从集中型就业向分布型工作转换,从单一型就业向多元型工作转换。新工作范式推动了新工作政策框架的形成发展与优化完善,新工作政策框架主要着力于创造更加稠密的工作市场和促进更加便利的工作匹配,着力于包容更加多元的人力资本关系和提升更加专业的工作技能,着力于提供更加普遍的社会保障和保护更加全面的工作权利,从而能够真正满足人民日益增长的美好生活需要。  相似文献   

魏逸清 《学理论》2020,(11):101-102
坚持自我革命,是中国共产党成功的密码。回顾近百年党史,中国共产党坚持在失败中自我反省、跟随时代浪潮自我革新、自我超越,永不止步于当下现状,才能以自我革命引领社会革命取得伟大成就。分析我们党"两个革命"的实践历程有利于在新时代继续保持自我革命优良传统来推进新的社会革命。  相似文献   

政策的终结与“终结的政策”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
政策终结实质上是决策者的再决策行为。政策终结有利于节省政策资源、提高政策效率和优化政策系统。但是,当前我国政策终结失范影响了政策终结工作的推进,从而影响了改革的进程。因此,尽快建立与健全“政策终结的政策”是推进政策终结顺利进行的根本。  相似文献   

徐世杰 《理论探讨》2005,4(2):111-115
在大革命中,由于中共还处于幼年的不成熟阶段,对于马列主义的理论掌握得不够准确、完整,对中国革命的特点尚缺乏深刻的认识,还不善于将马列主义理论同中国革命的实际结合起来,即没有完全掌握和运用马克思主义学风。因此,在革命的紧要关头,党的领导机关没有能够领导全党巩固和发展革命的胜利成果,反而采取一再的妥协退让政策,使革命遭到失败。在土地革命战争时期,以毛泽东为代表的中国共产党人在反复实践的基础上,发扬了马克思主义的优良学风,把马克思主义理论与中国革命的实际相结合,逐步探索出了一条比较符合中国实际的土地革命路线和政策,使党在工农武装割据的条件下发展壮大起来。  相似文献   

Giuseppe Eusepi 《Public Choice》1995,82(3-4):307-324
Italian public broadcasting service (RAI) has had a monopoly until the middle of the 1970s. The peculiarity of public monopoly in broadcasting is its tendency to secure political rather than economic rents. The dangers that public monopoly causes to consumers (viewers-listeners), has not emerged at least until the mid-seventies for the simple reason that broadcasting has been conceived under the ideological umbrella of public good rather than in terms of opportunity costs. A law limiting monopoly has taken fourteen years to be passed so that the proliferation of private radio and television stations has orgininated the subrogatory intervention by the Constitutional Court. From 1975 to 1989 regulation has tended to perpetuate RAI's monopoly, in a context which was very different from the one in which the RAI was established. It is no wonder, therefore, that reforms have been motivated by RAI's financial crisis in the seventies and eighties, and not by political choices. The 1990 law puts a stop to public monopoly in broadcasting giving rise to what now appears to be a duopoly, but which in 1990 to many seemed to introduce a contestable market able to respond to both consumers' demand and technological innovations more efficiently, so ensuring more freedom of information.  相似文献   

大数据与政府治理革命   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
政府治理模式经过三个重要的演进阶段,即农业社会的统治、工业社会的管理和信息社会的公共治理。政府治理模式的每一次演进归根结底是社会生产进步和技术发展所推动的结果。在向后工业转变过程中,大数据将信息技术的发展推向前所未有的高度,它不但成为一种技术,而且是一种资源和能力,并为新一轮的政府治理变革带来革命性的影响。这种影响集中在两个方面:一是大数据重新塑造社会治理环境,即大数据拓展了政府治理的环境空间,使之更具有公平、民主、包容和共享等价值;同时也深刻地改变组织与个人的思维与行为方式。二是大数据重新塑造现代公共生活,即大数据拓展了传统公共生活空间范围,使公共生活的主体普遍化,创造了公共生活的新型权力等。这也促使政府治理的新变革:一是结构重构,即大数据使得封闭的官僚结构进一步走向扁平化和开放化;二是流程再造,即在公共服务流程方面强调多元主体共同创造公共价值;三是决策优化,即促使公共政策的议程设定更加科学及时,以及场景化决策成为可能。  相似文献   

Recent political turmoil has focused international attention on Egypt, yet there is little awareness of the country’s stateless populations—those who lack legal nationality to any state—or the challenges they face. Individuals in situations of protracted statelessness are denied their right to a nationality, resulting in an array of additional rights violations. Such violations include denied freedom of movement, equality before the law, and access to economic and social rights. Drawing from two years’ of fieldwork data, this study highlights the plight of those who are unable to achieve legal status in a country with harsh punishments for illegal presence, entry, and exit. It also evaluates potential solutions for eliminating statelessness in Egypt and protecting the rights of stateless populations. As Egypt seeks to move beyond revolution, it is vital that the government addresses the pervasive and systemic inequalities that deny individuals their right to a nationality.  相似文献   

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