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陈粒 《创造》2008,(6):76-77
“我会到大自然中去观察一朵花,看风吹来的时候它的叶子往哪边倒……最好的插花不像是插出来的,它就像是自己长出来的。”  相似文献   

艺术家:798的过客?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国的《新闻周刊》每年都会评选年度世界城市,在2003年,北京首次入选,原因之一就是因为有“798厂”艺术区。该刊认为,798艺术区的存在和发展,证明了北京作为世界之都的能力和未来潜力。  相似文献   

BOTH my husband and I have decent jobs. As public servants, we work from 8 am to 6 pm for a salary that supports a decent but frugal life. As a reward for our hard work, I got a promotion, and my husband was  相似文献   

Art Matters     
Beijing's Huajiadi community of contemporary artists may have disbanded, but its impact and the commercial success of its artists have been enormous.  相似文献   

LEGEND has it that, around 2,000 years ago, a Japanese monk named Hui'e made a pilgrimage to Wutai Moun-tain, a sacred Buddhist site in Shanxi Province. There he obtained a statue of Guanyin, Goddess of Mercy, with the intention of taking the figure back to Japan. After setting sail to a gentle breeze and fine ripples, a raging storm erupted as the vessel approached Zhoushan Archi- pelago in present-day Zhejiang Province. After the tempest subsided,  相似文献   

CLAD in a dark-blue suit and a red tie, Antonio Laspina looks relaxed, smart and businesslike. "I've keenly felt the changes in China over the past seven or eight years," he says, looking outover Beijing's CBD from his 38th floor office in the Jingguang Center. Nothing encapsulates these changes better than this view over the burgeoning skyscrapers of China's capital.  相似文献   

Beginning in the 1980s, higher incomes and greater job opportunities in China's large cities have been enticing growing numbers of farmers into becoming migrant workers. “An important reason why the United States attracts so many immigrants is its ample.job opportunities and high incomes due to its high level of economic development: The population drifting from rural areas into cities in China is similar, ” said Wang Meiyan, an associate researcher with the Institute of Population and Labor Economics at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS).  相似文献   

LIU Ye‘s paintings are a surrealistic blend of fantasy and reality. His canvases are a conglomeration of images of happy childhood and of catastrophic events unrelated to daily life. They combine to express a dread of reality. Liu beckons his viewers to join in the games of this visionary world,playing whatever roles they see fit. A girl and boy dressed in sailor suits look bemused, and two youths that magnetize the viewer‘s attention are in an obscure relationship. Spears, pistols, telescopes, pictures and books are all life‘s toys to Liu, the kind of life envisioned by postmodern artists and espoused by French philosopher Derrida.  相似文献   

BEIJING St. Paul's Cakes is a local bakery that offers delicious and healthy cakes and pastries to its customers. The main in- gredient in the company's success, its owners believe, is the premium-quality, high protein wheat flour that they import from Canada. According to Zeng Liying, vice  相似文献   

TME and the seasons in China's coun-tryside pass according to the agricultur-al Lunar Calendar, and at least one festi-val is celebrated each month. Most important is Spring Festival (chunjie), when whole families reunite to celebrate the transition from winter to spring. At this time the indoor walls of all freshly scrubbed dwellings are decorated with papercuts and works of cal-  相似文献   

The right to freedom of mar-riage has always been promot-ed and protected in China, and since the 1980s the increasing numbers of seniors have made their second marriage an issue of social concern.  相似文献   

Governor Lingle ofHawaii AddressesZhongshan UniversityWhen Governor of Hawaii LindaLingle's delegation arrived in Guang-dong Province in June 2005, it wentstraight to Zhongshan, also known asSun Yat-sen, University. Commencingher talk with the Hawaiian greeting."Aloha," Linda Lingle went on to say:"Dr. Sun Yat-sen was and still is wellknown in Hawaii. Our decision to visitthe university named in his honor is ourway of showing respect for this greatleader and revolutionary."Linda Ling…  相似文献   

李雯 《创造》2008,(4):98-101
2008年2月28日,在这样一个偶尔落雨的下午,点点凉意,却很清新,和心情一样。有幸约到了这样一群人,据说他们是云南当代艺术的新锐力量,据说他们都是艺术家,据说他们都爱玩。  相似文献   

Liang Yiyong's landscape paintings touch us with their stunning grace and with a refined beauty conveyed in the village houses, mountains and rivers in the autumn and winter seasons-the type of delicateness often seen in paintings by artists from southern China. As a painter from the north, however, Liang draws on the strengths unique to north China artists, which is translated into vigorous color.  相似文献   

September 2005 marks the 40th anniversary of the establishment of Tibet Autonomous Region. In anticipation of the event, our August issue carries a series of reports on the region and its people. Tibet's unique natural and cultural environment is a source of fascination to people both inside and outside of China. As overseas Ti-hetan scholar Jambyang Norbu observes, the fondly perceived image of the "Roof of the World" is that it is the Shangri-La of nature, culture and Tibetan Buddhism.  相似文献   

IN 2010, Chinese American comedian Joe Wong headlined the annual Radio and Television Correspondents' Association dinner in Washington with American Vice President and other dignitaries at hand.  相似文献   

丁尘馨 《台声》2004,(7):54-55
“你听到我温柔的声音,却没听出我创伤的感情。你只看见我表面的事情,从来不会走进我的内心。”——蔡琴演唱(摘自关锦鹏电影《地下情》主题歌)  相似文献   

AT a time when the surge of avant—garde fine art isin abeyance,the art world has been drawn into theimpetuosity of instant—gain lucrative art.Persecerance and honesty in an artist are,there—fore,to be valued.Having emerged from the MiyangStudio,Duan Xiucang has never forgotten his artistic,modem ink and wash roots,and has maintained an his—  相似文献   

The mistake about artists of my genera- tion is believing that we were only in- fluenced by the 'cultural revolution.' We were aware of history before that time and there were many cultural iconsfrom which to draw influence.  相似文献   

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