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西方国家选民问责政府的路径分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
政府问责是责任政府的必然要求。西方国家的选民通过直接路径、间接路径和复合路径三种类型的方式来向政府问责。这三种类型的问责路径与西方国家的选举活动和选举制度密切相关,选举对政府问责有着很大的影响。西方国家的选举与政府问责的关系对我国的选举制度、人民代表大会制度和政府问责制度的完善有可借鉴之处。  相似文献   

诚信是市场经济的基石,是社会文明的象征。国家公务员掌握着国家和政府的行政权力,执行国家公务,组织管理各项行政事务,肩负着“治国”的历史使命。国家公务员地位的特殊性决定了公务员应成为整个社会诚信的示范者,严格遵守诚实信用,才能培养、推进和营造全社会的诚信环境,市场经济才能走向成熟和完善。中国正在推进公务员诚信体系建设,学习和借鉴西方发达国家在公务员诚信体系建设中的经验,对于开阔我们的思维视角、积极推进我国公务员诚信体系建设无疑是有重要意义的。本文从西方发达国家公务员诚信体系建设的理论基础、将理论转化为实践的具体方法以及给予我们的启迪三个方面进行了阐述。  相似文献   

宪政视角下的中国公共行政发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于现代国家制度建设尚有待完善,我国公共行政学界在追踪西方学术前沿,致力于进行管理主义和政策主义公共行政研究的同时,有必要继续重视并阐发宪政主义公共行政理论。如果我们立足于从宪政视角完善有限政府的制度框架,公共行政发展将会收到事半功倍的效果;如果一味地依赖于管理主义或政策主义公共行政理论,则会事倍功半、欲速则不达。就宪政视角的公共行政规范看,中国有必要加速推进有限政府、法治政府、分权政府、诚信政府和透明政府的制度建设。  相似文献   

构建和谐的诚信制度体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文论述在现代市场经济条件下,构建和谐的诚信制度体系,需以利益关系为基础,从制度上根治诚信缺失的顽症.建立完善的产权制度、信用制度、国家信用管理制度、相关法律法规制度、政府诚信制度、诚信道德教育制度等,以促进社会主义和谐社会的健康发展.  相似文献   

随着我国社会主义市场经济制度的不断完善,社会公众对政府诚信建设的愿望愈加迫切,尤其在加入世贸后,国际做法开阔了国人的视野,推进政府诚信建设、提高政府公信力已经成为社会公众的普遍共识。党和国家审时度势,提出了打造诚信政府建设、提高政府公信力的战略要求。  相似文献   

2002年,国家司法部下发了关于建立律师诚信制度的意见,提出律师及其执业机构应当提供诚信服务。对于什么是诚信,往往认为仅指道德规范,是诚实信用、童叟无欺。笔者认为,“诚信律师”的概念,完整地包括了国家、社会和当事人对律师素质的综合要求。  相似文献   

深圳正在进行的审批制度改革意义非同小可,它是对计划经济时代的政府职能的变革,是政府职能深层次、高难度的变革。一、审批制度:计划经济时代的行政遗产审批制度是计划经济时代政府管理的主要方式,中国的审批制度与一般性的政府审批是不同的。政府审批是当今世界上所有国家普遍采用的一种行政管理方式,但在不同国家、不同时期,政府审批的性质与作用是不同的。政府审批在行政管理学中,叫做“行政许可”,它是一种行政行为,一种行政管理方式。在西方的行政管理中,审批只是一种辅助性的行政管理方式,它构成不了一种制度,因而不是政…  相似文献   

许琳 《学理论》2009,(32):27-28
社会信息化、经济全球化、政治民主化是新时代的世界发展趋势,其影响着生活的方方面面,而传统的政府治理模式开始难以满足新时代的要求,于是以美国为代表的西方发达国家,相继启动电子政府的建设计划,从而掀起了全球范围的政府信息化浪潮。其中我们不难发现,虽然各国在电子政府的建设过程中,起步有早晚、国情亦各异,但是重视制度建设,重视政策手段和法律手段运用,成为共识。日本作为较早着手建设电子政府的国家之一,为实现电子政府的目标进行了一系列的制度建设。本文通过梳理日本电子政府的发展过程,整理各种相关制度,分析其制度的利弊得失,试图为我国电子政府的制度建设提供必要的警示和有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

一、我国当前政府绩效评估体系中存在的问题 1、政府绩效评估尚未形成制度。西方发达国家绩效评估的应用,普遍建立在新公共管理理论和政府再造实践的基础上。而当代西方国家公共管理中所蕴含的分权化管理、责任机制、结果为本、顾客导向等理念及其方法,为政府绩效评估提供了有效应用的制度基础和技术支持。从西方发达国家绩效评估的实践来看,他们已将绩效评估作为政府机构的法定要求。并建立和踺全了相应的评估机构。相反,从当前我国政府机构改革的进程看,我们国家对政府绩效评估。  相似文献   

政府诚信指政府在履行职责的过程中,以诚实守信作为规范和约束自身行为的道德准则。它是政府行为所产生的信用在社会民众中的心理反映,在客观上表现为公众对政府行为的满意度。政府诚信对于强化政治合法性,树立社会诚信具有极为重要的意义。既有的政府诚信研究主要基于行政伦理的分析,而通过外部性、交易费用、制度等新制度经济学的核心概念和理论审视和研究政府诚信,有助于深化对政府诚信的认识和探寻矫治政府诚信缺失的对策。  相似文献   

实现现代化,乃中华民族百多年来不懈探索追求的目标,但只是及至改革开放后的当下中国,社会转型中的现代性特质才得以渐趋明朗。然而,有着迥异于西方发达国家社会背景的中国,具体的现代化路径必然有其自身的独特性。文章以义乌为分析范例,通过对这里地方政府行政逻辑逐渐趋向"善治"的嬗变为描述依据,试图揭示在我国现实的政治经济体制框架下,地方政府是如何在制约与主动建构之间逐渐走向现代性的制度均衡。作为其中的核心议题,则重在关注地方政府与民间经济力量之间共容利益机制的形成及其对建构治理型政府不可小觑的积极影响。  相似文献   

"省直管县"已经成为行政体制改革的大趋势,但是我们并不主张全国范围内统一实施省直管县。中国与西方国家有很大的区别,西方国家的体制并不一定适应中国的具体情况,不应一切西化。政府层级变化是一个自然的发育过程,只可顺势而为,不可强力推行。在"省直管县"改革过程中各省可因地制宜,自主选择;应该注意把握改革的方式、节奏和速度,切忌操之过急,搞一刀切。  相似文献   

Anti‐corruption watchdogs form an important part of integrity measures in Australia's system of government. Integrity theory places anti‐corruption watchdogs in a fourth branch of government and as a part of a national integrity system as a way of understanding how they detect and prevent corruption and promote integrity. Integrity theory claims that an important part of the oversight of watchdogs occurs through judicial review of watchdog decisions by the courts. However, it fails to recognise the unique limitations when undertaking judicial review of watchdog decisions. This article submits that it is important to recognise these limitations to properly assess the effectiveness of a national integrity system and a fourth branch of government. The article explores the unique limitations of the court's ability to hold watchdogs to account and offers suggestions for managing these limitations.  相似文献   

Trust in government is foundering. Ethics codes have limited utility in bolstering public trust, and a clear correlation between such codes and changed behavior must still be established. They are a means for external oversight, but they do nothing in terms of providing an internal moral compass. To rebuild trust in government, employees must also act with integrity. Actions that are both ethical and carried out with integrity are necessary—neither is sufficient. Acknowledging this, the Dutch Tax Administration undertook a two-pronged approach focused on the management of integrity as a means to codify the operational ethics of the organization, as well as to foster shared values and behaviors. This approach is noteworthy because it guides behaviors while retaining street-level discretion. It also is the first step toward creating a bureaucracy of mutual relationships that creates an ongoing moral consciousness serving both democracy and efficiency not only through control, but also through self-reflection, interaction, and association.  相似文献   

Thomas Schwartz 《Public Choice》2008,135(3-4):353-373
A standard conclusion of theorists who model bargaining as a non-cooperative game is that the party designated to make the first move—the formateur party—will determine the bargaining outcome. Most empirical studies of parliamentary coalition formation have paid surprisingly little attention to the formation process. In this paper we model government formation as a two-stage unordered discrete choice problem that better reflects this process. The first step involves the selection of a formateur party, and the second involves the choice of partners by the predicted formateur. We evaluate several hypotheses for the two stages, using a data set of all cabinets formed in the Western European countries from 1970 to 2006. In our analyses of formateur selection, we find that party size is clearly the dominant feature. In the second stage, we show that when predicting government composition it is fruitful to add information drawn from a first stage analysis.  相似文献   

CHRIS SKELCHER 《管理》2005,18(1):89-110
Political and managerial processes are creating polycentric networks that transcend the traditional ideas of jurisdictional integrity in state-centric systems. Jurisdictional integrity refers to the political and legal competence of a unit of government to operate within a spatial and functional realm. An intrinsic element of jurisdictional integrity in a democratic system is that citizens are enabled to give consent to and pass judgment on the exercise of authority by that governmental entity. The concept of jurisdictional integrity is shown to apply differentially in relation to the traditional institutions of government in comparison with the emergent complex of quasi-governmental agencies, special purpose bodies and multi-organizational collaborations. Distinctions are drawn between club, agency and polity entities within this emergent organizational field. Problems to be faced in the design of institutions for network governance under conditions of polycentrism are identified and solutions reviewed. The potential of consociationalism to enable collective decision making across a polycentric system is highlighted. Informal norms are shown to be essential in enabling such a system for network governance to operate effectively.  相似文献   

Establishing a model of public administration distinct from those of Western countries has been a long standing hope of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and Chinese government. Using the Creating a National Healthy City (CNHC) campaign as a case study, this article demonstrates evidence for an emerging authoritarian integrative governance model (AIGM) in China. Given their limited and scattered resources in terms of both bureaucratic structure and geography, local government officials cannot effectively complete the numerous tasks transferred to them from higher‐level government offices. Therefore, relying on an authoritative system to integrate dispersed resources has become a rational solution. The emergence of AIGM is more contingent upon the weighing the political risks that originate from competition between different political ideologies, environmental feedback on the failure or success of solutions to bureaucratic problems are considered less significant, which furthers allow the emergence of AIGM to be an inevitable consequence. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Abstract.  This article provides a systematic comparative overview of party governments in 11 Central Eastern European countries. The review is based on the compilation of a cross-national data set on post-communist party governments from 1990 to 2003. The presentation of the data is organised in the same way as the party government data for Western democracies presented by Woldendorp et al. in 1998. Thus, the data provide empirical grounds for further comparative research on party governments in Central Eastern European countries, as well as among Central Eastern and Western Europe.  相似文献   

中国政府行政改革的“两难抉择”及其应对理路   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
在推进现代化的历史进程中,后发展国家在不同的发展阶段上都会面临国家与社会、政府与市场“两难抉择”所引发的多种公共政策困境。在“第三步”发展战略时期,中国政府行政改革所面临的政策困境及其应对理路主要集中在五个方面,即大政府与小政府、强政府与弱政府、大众政府与精英政府、国际化政府与本土化政府、经济政府与均衡政府。  相似文献   

清除官场不良潜规则是深入推进反腐倡廉建设的必然要求和应有之义。官场不良潜规则干扰并影响反腐倡廉建设,它在一定程度上加大了反腐败斗争的难度,使得干部廉洁自律的各项规定不能真正落到实处,阻碍了建设廉价政府目标的实现。清除官场不良潜规则,推进反腐倡廉建设,必须坚持贯彻落实依法治国基本方略不放松。建设法治政府,积极推进廉政文化建设,必须建立真正意义上的现代官僚制,切实维护和增强制度权威性,完善权力监督体系,提高政务公开透明度,加强公务员的伦理建设。  相似文献   

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