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卧底侦查是指有公务员身份的警察.为了瓦解组织犯罪而化名潜伏到犯罪集团里的侦查活动。与卧底侦查相关的概念有诱惑侦查、卧底人、线人等。诱惑侦查俗称"钓鱼",是指侦查机关为逮捕犯罪嫌疑人,以实施某种有利可图为诱饵,暗示或诱使其实施犯罪,待犯罪实施时或结果发生后,拘捕被诱惑者。卧底人(又称普通卧底者)是指没有公务员警察身份的人,以自己的真实身份  相似文献   

万毅 《法律科学》2010,(4):142-153
对于诱惑侦查而言,“机会引诱”因本为合法之侦查取证行为,故其所获证据当为合法,可作为法庭审判定案之根据;但“犯意引诱”作为一种违法侦查行为,一旦成立,则应当排除其所获之全案证据。违法诱惑侦查,系国家制造犯罪,已经逾越侦查犯罪之必要程度、违反宪法对于基本人权之保障、对于公共利益之维护并无意义,因其在性质上已经属于极端严重的违法侦查行为,因此,对于违法诱惑侦查所获之证据,无论言词证据,还是实物证据,均应一律排除。如果被告在审判中提出其遭受侦查机关违法诱惑侦查的抗辩时,类似于被告提出其遭受警方刑讯逼供的抗辩,应由检察官承担证明该阻却犯罪成立事由不存在的举证责任,且由于该事实为直接影响被告罪责之实体事实,因此,举证时应当适用严格证明法则,并应证明至排除合理怀疑(高度盖然性)的程度。  相似文献   

程雷 《证据科学》2012,20(5):557-564
技术侦查手段在我国侦查实践中正在不断扩大适用,作为一项打击犯罪的尖锐武器,其所获得的信息与材料却基本上不允许用作证据使用,这一做法既不利于打击犯罪与不利于保障人权。2012年修订的《刑事诉讼法》部分地解决了这一问题。本文在分析成因与实践作法的基础上,对修正案的规定进行了评析与展望。  相似文献   

张冰茜 《法制与社会》2014,(15):133-134
2013年3月26日浙江杭州"5·19强奸致死案"的平反向社会暴露了我国刑事侦查行为中的种种弊端,本案中一个神奇的警方线人袁连芳成为酿成冤案的关键。如今,线人侦查作为技术侦查的手段之一,新修改的刑诉法已确立了其合法地位,而诱惑手段作为线人侦查方式中的一种,具有其特殊性。本文将从线人身份与诱惑方式两个角度切入,重点通过对不同诱惑侦查方式的探讨,简要论述线人侦查取得证据的证据能力问题。  相似文献   

2012年刑事诉讼法,将实践中长期使用的技术侦查纳入刑诉法进行确定,成为法定的侦查措施之一.一方面赋予技侦取得的证据直接使用的资格,另一方面让技术侦查从"幕后"走向"台前",有利于对其监督.近年来技侦证据使用问题较多,本文将对技术侦查、技侦证据及其使用展开论述,探究技侦证据的使用.  相似文献   

附带监听是指侦查机关在进行一个合法监听时,附带地、偶然地监听到监听许可记载的犯罪对象和犯罪行为以外的其他犯罪信息,包括四种类型.本文认为我国法律对附带监听所获材料的证据能力进行了规范,但仍存在不足,可通过确立相关适用原则、建立“关联性”规则等来予以改善.  相似文献   

新刑事诉讼法首次对技术侦查措施作出规定。所谓技术侦查措施是指侦查机关为了侦破特定犯罪行为,经过严格审批后采取的一种特定技术手段,主要包括电子侦听、电话监听、秘密录像录音、计算机网络信息监控、派遣秘密侦查员等侦查行为。技术侦查所得证据材料不仅具有一般证据所必须的客观性、关联性和合法性三个基本特征,还具有一定特殊性。一、技术侦查所得证据材料的特点一是高科技性。技术侦查措施与传统侦查手段的  相似文献   

技术侦查证据使用问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着技术侦查手段的广泛应用,技侦证据在司法实践中的具体使用问题受到了法学理论界和实务界越来越大的关注。为解决实践中的各种问题以及规范技侦证据在诉讼中的具体应用,2012年新《刑事诉讼法》明确规定了技侦证据的法律效力以及技侦证据使用的具体规则和法律程序。本文就该规定的相关修改背景、具体内涵进行了评析和论述,并就其未来具体实施可能出现的问题提出了相关的意见和建议。  相似文献   

In this paper we examine the legal aspects of the forensic investigation of peer-to-peer networks. Organisations may encounter instances where employees have used peer-to-peer software for a variety of types of computer misuse including the dissemination of copyrighted materials or indecent images, or instances where peer-to-peer software has been involved in the transmission of malware for malicious or criminal purposes. In this paper we examine the process of the forensic investigation of peer-to-peer networks, and the issues relating to obtaining digital evidence from such peer-to-peer networks.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine the legal aspects of the forensic investigation of mobile telephone applications. Mobile telephone applications might be involved with a variety of types of computer misuse including fraud, theft, money laundering, dissemination of copyrighted materials or indecent images, or instances where mobile telephone applications have been involved in the transmission of malware for malicious or criminal purposes. In this paper we examine the process of the forensic investigation of mobile telephone applications, and the issues relating to obtaining digital evidence from mobile telephone applications.  相似文献   

Parenting plan evaluators are expert witnesses who offer their opinion. Courts in common law jurisdictions generally do not accept evidence of an opinion as it is not considered to be reliable evidence from which to establish a fact. An exception to that general principle is expert opinion evidence. In short, an opinion from a person with specialized knowledge or expertise about the area in which they are an expert may be sufficiently reliable to form an evidentiary basis from which to make a finding of fact, provided the opinion meets certain criteria. These criteria will be discussed in this article, as well as what is relevant, reliable and persuasive evidence. The relevant legal principles will be examined in an historical and contemporary, theoretical and practical context. The authors reflect on their considerable experience as consumers of expert evidence and apply this to parenting plan evaluations, as well as considering future challenges in the field.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2021,61(5):542-554
This study investigates the effectiveness of forensic evidence in UK volume crime investigations. The main aim was to identify characteristics of forensic evidence that influence its effectiveness in converting detections into criminal charges, as well as to critically consider the effectiveness of a recent service level agreement (SLA) implemented by Wiltshire Police, which aimed at reducing CSI attendance. The sample consisted of 445 police recorded cases received from Wiltshire Police. Presence or absence and location-related characteristics of fingerprint, DNA, and footwear evidence were evaluated on the effectiveness of forensic evidence and examined within the contexts of different volume crimes. Results showed a high level of correlation in converting detections into criminal charges where the presence of DNA, footwear, and multiple evidence types was recorded; and a positive correlation between forensic evidence ineffectiveness and presence of fingerprints, particularly in residential burglaries. Differences between individual offence types were expressed. The most prominent feature influencing the effectiveness of forensic evidence was found to be related to the movability of the exhibit associated with the recovered evidence, with DNA recovered from non-movable items presenting the strongest effectiveness. Cases processed after the implementation of the SLA did not show significant differences in forensic evidence effectiveness as compared to cases processed prior to the SLA, however, they demonstrated a lack in effectiveness of DNA evidence. The findings of the current research provide a better understanding of the contextual influences on the potential of forensic evidence and can support improvement of crime scene screening and CSI resource deployment.  相似文献   

目的采用声、光、电瞬间感应触发的高速闪光成像装置,以普通数码相机拍摄物证瞬间变化形态,提高物证检验的有效性、客观性;方法研制专用摄影装置,包括触发装置、延时器和超高速闪光灯等组件。进行物证瞬间状态摄影实验,研究运动物体瞬间形态的拍照技术方法;结果本实验装置原理简单、有效。最高记录瞬间成像速度小于0.5μm。可以用于常规物证瞬间变化的成像摄影记录。  相似文献   

鉴定人角色定位是鉴定人制度中的一个基本问题,它决定着鉴定人的制度设计及鉴定人在诉讼中的权利、义务以及责任的承担。从比较法角度看,英美法系国家的专家证人属于证人,具有党派性的特征。大陆法系国家在鉴定人角色定位问题上有不同的观点。通过梳理发现,这些观点可总结为证据方法说、证据调查说和折衷说三种。在我国,经过民事诉讼立法及相关司法解释的相继出台,鉴定人定位问题的脉络越来越清晰。2019年12月,新《民事证据规定》颁布,鉴定人定位的明晰成为理解、适用新《民事证据规定》鉴定人制度的前提。术语上的届分、内容上的区别是制度完善的基础,双重属性下其他专家制度的配套适用也是问题解决的路径。  相似文献   

本文综述了对于asp类型网站的电子取证知识及应用技术。分别从ASP网站结构、IIS信息及日志文件的获取、网站文件内容的取证、后台数据库信息的获取几个方面展开进行介绍。  相似文献   

The possibility of investigating pieces of material evidence of biological origin after exposure to various factors is evaluated. The possibility of detecting proteins of liquid media of human organism by electrophoresis in polyacrylamide denatured gel is investigated. The method is intended for identification of biological material in a state of grave destruction. Methodology of such studies is proposed. The data indicate that the structural integrity and qualitative composition of the spectrum of main serum proteins are retained after combined exposure to damaging factors and complete destruction of blood cells.  相似文献   

目的对当前我国电子物证检验中提取到的海量数据信息的取证难题进行探讨。方法对数据文件中海量数据信息的特点及其传统取证方法进行分析研究。结果提出开发专用工具软件进行海量数据文件的提取。结论利用专用提取工具软件可以对常见数据文件中有规律性的数据内容进行读取、计算、查重和汇总,使海量涉案数据文件的检验从传统的人工方式转变为计算机的自动处理。  相似文献   

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