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推动中国制造向中国创造转变、中国速度向中国质量转变、中国产品向中国品牌转变,是推动消费升级和高质量发展的方向。中国品牌实现了快速发展,稳居世界品牌第二梯队。但中国品牌的世界影响力依然较小、世界顶级品牌依然较少、与国内市场规模不相匹配,仍有巨大的发展空间。通过“内外—供求”框架构建中国品牌建设的理论逻辑,即内部构建双循环新发展格局和外部参与国际竞争、供给侧的技术进步和需求侧的消费升级,共同推动中国品牌建设。品牌技术支撑力不强、与传统文化融合不深、品牌保护意识薄弱、市场营销创新不足、国际化经营水平不高等,是制约中国品牌发展的主要问题。品牌发展是一项系统性工程,推动中国品牌高质量发展需要处理好品牌建设与技术创新、文化传承、营商环境、营销创新与全球化等因素的复杂关系。品牌建设主要通过支撑国内消费升级和吸引境外消费回流来实现。  相似文献   

李秋生 《党政论坛》2008,(17):64-64
一问:部署的工作是否必要? 一些领导和机关主要精力没有放在经常性、基础性工作上,而是一味“创新品牌”、追求“轰动效应”,搞了一些华而不实的东西。“不必要”势,必影响和干扰“必要”,不做不必要的事情,才能把主要精力集中在那些必要的事情上。  相似文献   

当前,在国内市场日益被国外品牌抢占、国际间的品牌竞争日趋激烈的情况下,国产品牌如何才能在市场中据有一席之地呢?在国内,不少企业在高喊振兴民族产业的同时,被迫采用降价的策略。短短一二年里,国产品牌的彩电、汽车、空调、VCD机等纷纷降价,目的大多不是为了什么“振兴”,而只是为其产品和品牌谋得一线生存的权利。与此同时,在国际市场上,国产品牌的产品素以价格便宜著称,极少能登上大雅之堂。那种InadinChina=cheap=rough(中国制造二便宜二粗加工)的观念早已根深蒂固,要消除这种观念还需要很长的过程。面对国内和国际…  相似文献   

品牌国际化对我国企业品牌的影响及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前,企业间的竞争已由产品的竞争上升为品牌的竞争,随着市场的进一步放开,将会有更多的外国品牌涌入。实行品牌战略管理是每一个国内企业参与国际竞争的迫切需要。加入世贸组织后,中国企业经营的复杂性和不稳定性达到前所未有的程度。在现代品牌经营中“只低头拉车,不抬头看路”是极其危险的,所以制定长远和科学的品牌管理战略不仅是必须的而且显得更加紧迫。  相似文献   

芮虎 《党政论坛》2013,(6):34-35
廉价、山寨、不正当竞争,这是崛起中的“中国制造”在世界市场上经常遇到的非议。然而历史总是惊人地相似,如今被誉为世界工业标杆的“德国制造”,曾经遭遇了和“中国制造”同样的非议,  相似文献   

成立于1992年11月的保定高新技术产业开发区是国家54个高新技术产业开发区之一。经过多年发展,已形成了以新能源和能源设备制造产业为特色的产业聚集区和发展辐射区,全力打造的“中国电谷”品牌,已在国内外有了一定的影响和声誉,品牌效应在不断扩大。  相似文献   

“做一个有道德的人”活动是近年来未成年人思想道德建设的—个新品牌,是未成年人道德实践活动的一个重要平台,中宣部领导同志2011年初在中央文明办的总结会议上提出,要把品牌栏目做出活力、特色、权威水平。中央文明办未成年人思想道德建设工作组认真落实,  相似文献   

近年来,江苏省扬州市公路管理处在建树公路服务品牌的过程中,紧贴时代脉搏,不断探索前行,坚持“三创”,实现“三化”,放大了品牌文化效应,先后建树了一批以蒋王收费站“温馨通道”品牌、高邮公路管理站“邮乡阡陌服务组”品牌、宝应公路管理站“畅行荷乡”品牌为典型代表的“公路服务品牌”,进而不断弘扬社会主义核心价值理念,推出特色服务新举措、展示公路品牌新形象,提升文化建设新水平,增强公路行业软实力,为扬州公路交通事业健康发展提供了强力助推的正能量。  相似文献   

曲波 《学理论》2008,(14):20-22
从十一届三中全会到党的十七大,中国改革开放已经走过了整整30年。30年带给我们每一位中国人太多的变化,也带给世界太多的变化,中国的30年改革开放让世界都看到了它正在以自己的方式崛起,由一个农业大国转变为一个工业大国。但是,随着越来越多的“中国制造”在国外屡屡受到不公平的待遇,让我们明白了我们还不是一个真正的工业大国、强国,30年的“世界加工厂”换不回来尊严,要想不被歧视,要想在国际上有足够分量的话语权,我们就必须发展工业,使中国从“制造大国”变为“制造强国”,而装备制造业作为工业的基础.更需要振兴。  相似文献   

什么是有中国特色的社会主义?任登第当前干部和群众思想上的一个热点和难点问题,就是究竟什么叫有中国特色的社会主义?这个问题不解决,我们就不能有效地排除“左”和右的干扰,放开手脚搞改革。不是马克思模式的社会主义什么是有中国特色的社会主义?为了正确回答这个...  相似文献   

What happens when political party branding is modeled according to the preferences of either voters or party members? Employing the concept of brand identity and the analytical GAP model, this empirical study details the consequences of brand management decisions by political parties using the example of the two biggest parties in Germany. Strategic branding decisions have an impact not only on voting probabilities but also on their internal conflict potential, such as when a branding decision conflicts with the internal image a party maintains among its members. It thus can be highly beneficial for a political party to encourage its members to communicate their image of the party to other voters.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to organise and simplify the concept of brand response. It is a development of the authors' semiotic approach to the concept of brand, which uses a triadic model based on the Peircean levels of analysis of the sign. The original model distinguishes three levels: identity, object and response. This article briefly describes the first two levels and goes into more depth with regard to brand response. From the theoretical point of view, the authors' approach inverts the survey method used to ascertain positioning, image and value of the brand. Firstly, brand response is associations occurring in the minds of the reporting agent. Associations create awareness, and not the other way round, which is the concept underlying the current theory of brand equity. From the point of view of practice, it is the authors' belief that the main contribution made by the triadic semiotic model applied to brand response is that of the importance of “firstness”, i.e. the most immediate response possible. It is with a concern for ease of application that this article hopes to contribute by making brand analysis and assessment more intelligible. This article should be seen as an exploration into the possibility of simplifying the analysis of brand response. Its originality lies in the effort to return to the very reason for the existence of branding. The authors are convinced that by choosing differentiation as the guiding principle of their approach they have valorised what is essential, which is sometimes lost in more complex modelling.  相似文献   

The current study reveals that Indian voters' political brand experiences positively influence their engagement and trust in a political party. Voters' addiction to political parties mediates the relationship between their party engagement and voting intentions. Thus, political marketers should increase voters' party brand addiction for proper conversion of party engagement in the ballot box. Although voters' political brand trust directly influences their voting intentions, interestingly, their political brand addictions indirectly influence the relationship between brand trust and voting intentions. The findings advocate that political marketers should ensure positive political party experiences to ensure voters' engagement with the party. Positive party experiences increase voters' trust in the party further. Another critical input for political marketers is the role of political brand addiction, which the study findings corroborate. Political brand addiction develops a set of loyal voters for a party and guarantees those voters' support for the party.  相似文献   

Political marketing advances by engaging with new and advanced concepts from both of its parent disciplines. One of the most recent fields of brand research—the study of the human brand—is taken into the political marketing arena in this essay. Human branding is an emergent topic in mainstream marketing. The value as a brand of a person who is well-known and subject to explicit marketing communications efforts is being investigated in many fields. The concept has clear prima facie value in political marketing, where the role of a political leader as part of the political marketing offer has been recognized extensively. Politics is also a unique context given the relationship between leaders and parties, each of which has some unique brand associations. The process of exploring the application of human branding in politics also provides a context in which some of the interactions among party and leader, human brand, and organizational brand can be explored and further developed. Among the conclusions are that political party leaders require brand authenticity as an advocate of the party policy platform and brand authority to command the organization and deliver on the policies being advocated. Implications for party and campaign management are outlined.  相似文献   

李海玲 《学理论》2011,(27):69-71
":和"是中华文明的根,是延续中华文明的一根线,它内在的强大生命力使它在新时代又重焕发光彩。2006年中共中央提出构建和谐社会,由此带来了"和"文化研究的高潮。那么,"和"的起源是什么?什么是"和"?"和"在中华传统文化中居于什么位置?如何评价"和"?"和"有什么用?诸如"和谐"之类与"和"有关的词还有哪些?对以上问题进行了深入挖掘和思考。  相似文献   

This article looks at how global and local values are interformed in the linguistic signs of global brands transposed in China. The data under study here consist of a variety of American global brand transpositions collected from Chinese websites, newspapers, magazines, and television. A close examination of these Chinese transpositions reveals that American brands are transposed in three different methods: phonetic, semantic, and phonosemantic. Drawing on the social semiotic approach, this study attempts to explicate the specific ways in which the Confucian views of the interconnection between sign and reality are signified in the globally stylish signifiers of the US brands. It is argued that global brand transposition is a process of semiotic construction in which global and local cultures converge into a unique system of signification in China.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether five English political parties are differentiating themselves based on the brand personality they are communicating through their websites. The relative brand positions of five English political parties are analyzed using Aaker's brand personality scale. The text from each party website is analyzed using content analysis and a dictionary-based tool. The results are plotted in relation to one another on a correspondence analysis map. We find that the two main dimensions on which parties’ brand personalities differ relate to the trade-offs between communicating competence and communicating sincerity and between communicating sophistication and communicating ruggedness. We find that parties’ brand personalities are distinctive, with the exception of the Green Party, and that the position of one party, the United Kingdom Independence Party, is particularly distinctive. Our research uses Aaker's existing framework for thinking about brand personalities, rather than creating a new framework for politics. By using an existing framework, we are able to use tools developed in other disciplines and show their usefulness for the study of political marketing.  相似文献   

There is an important volume of reflections on the theoretical and methodological proximity of semiotics and brand. I emphasize the texts of Lencastre and Corte-Real on brand myopia, Perez on brand expression and the proposition of a brand analysis model based on TGS de Peirce, and Mick with his studies of branding, marketing, and advertising, among others. However, the constitutive tension of the sign-brand, in its complexity as a media phenomenon determined by the sign object, pulsates in harmony with the emotional, associative, and cognitive relations it is able to generate in the interpreting minds. Brand as a complex sign, detached from the shackles of marketing management, grows toward the performing hybridism of digital technologies and arts, finding its interpreters – open-minded, active, and desirous of constant negotiations of meaning – in countless semioses. The purpose of the present article is to show that the sign strength of contemporary brands lies in their ability to index consumption based on advertising metadiscourse that reveals its audiences' social values and the objectual power by which it is determined. To this end, the study integrated knowledge of the semiotic analysis of the expressions of twenty international brands in the fashion, food, and technology industries, and the systematization and analysis of their value offers.  相似文献   

A product is simply something that is material or substance of some kind. In order to be transformed into a brand with its own code of meanings and system of rhetorical allusions, it needs to be semiotized. And the marketing and advertising industries have become semioticians in this sense, semiotizing a product by assigning it a name, a visual sign (logo), a system of language forms (slogan, taglines, etc.), and then textualizing the brand by creating appropriate ads and commercials for it. This paper will show how this network of semiotizing events coheres into an overall macrotext to produce the brand as a sign system.  相似文献   

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