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The left-right dimension plays a crucial role in how political scientists think about politics. Yet we know surprisingly little about the extent to which citizens are able to position themselves on a left-right dimension. By analysing non-response on left-right self-identification question from seven waves of the European Social Survey (N = 295,713), this study demonstrates that citizens’ ability to position themselves on the left-right dimension depends on the political system they live in and its history. Citizens in countries with lower levels of elite polarization place themselves on a left-right dimension less often, this difference is partiularly pronounced for citizens with high levels of political interest. Citizens in countries with a recent authoritarian history were unable to place themselves on the left-right dimension more often. These findings show the importance of political socialization for left-right self-identification.  相似文献   

The degree of ideological congruence between citizens and their elected representatives is an important feature of democratic systems of government. A long tradition of literature has examined the ideological linkages between citizens and governments, often drawing attention to the differences (or lack thereof) in congruence across different types of electoral systems. Previous research has largely relied on aggregate-level measures of ideological congruence, such as the ideological distance between the position of the median voter and the government. We turn our attention here to how congruence relationships are perceived by individual voters, and how the perceptions of congruence may vary across electoral system types. This individual-level measure of ideological congruence is important in that individual-level, rather than aggregate-level, congruence has been shown to influence other outcomes such as citizen satisfaction with democratic performance. We expect electoral “winners” – those who voted for a party that entered government – to perceive greater ideological congruence between themselves and the government compared to electoral “losers”. We expect this effect to be stronger in majoritarian systems where political competition takes place primarily between two parties, than in proportional systems where electoral losers are more likely to receive a proportional share of representation. We test these expectations by estimating random-effects regressions of perceived individual-level congruence using data from 54 elections held in 23 democracies included in the Comparative Study of Electoral Systems (CSES). The results provide consistent support for our expectations. Electoral winners in all types of electoral systems perceive greater ideological congruence between themselves and the government, and this effect is stronger in majoritarian systems.  相似文献   

In Angola where poor and scattered communities extend over great distances, an efficient transport system is very important. Nevertheless, in the post-war context its reconstruction has an ambivalent character. On the one hand, it is an indispensable part of the process of economic reconstruction and development where it is possible to identify complementary linkages influencing the dynamics of road and railway reconstruction that can reduce poverty. On the other hand, the post-war transport economy, like the war transport economy, is a site of private accumulation and change where social stratification goes in parallel with increased socio-economic inequality and unfavourable conditions in the labour transport market. The infrastructural reconstruction process is not fulfilling its potential for generating domestic linkages or multiplier effects through wage employment of Angolans. The creation of employment and other income earning opportunities have been limited, meaning that communities might lack the financial capacity to make use of the transport network. The ambivalent character of the modernisation of the transport system was already a feature in the first half of the 20th century as the transport network's creation of regional and national spaces with new centres and peripheries established a new hierarchy of social groups and gave rise to significant cultural changes. The effects of roads, railways, and other new means of transport were experienced in very different ways by different actors (means of wealth as well as poverty; inroads of repression as well as paths to personal liberation; and as tools of fragmentation as well as of unification).  相似文献   

Many European countries (including Germany, Belgium, France, and England) were faced with industrial decline, creating a new issue in the territories: Brownfields sites inside or on the periphery of industrial cities. The post-industrial contemporary vulnerability involves prospective and strategic planning choices in terms of rehabilitation, requalification, or in terms of destruction of the existing heritage. The research targets North-West European mining area brownfields requalification via the paradigm of territorial resilience with a view to a socio-economic revitalisation. What can be the vectors of a sustainable territorial recovery and what are the resilience indicators of those traditional industrial regions of Europe? By such research, the imperative commitment of political players and citizens to carry out a long-term proactive resilience of a space system to a major industrial heritage is demonstrated. Even if governance is not the only factor of territorial resilience, it remains a major sign in its vulnerable territories.  相似文献   

Electoral turnout has been declining at national elections in almost all Western democracies. European Parliament (EP) elections have followed the same trend. We utilize a previously suggested method for separating the effect of generation, age and period and show that a major part of the decline can be attributed to the difference in turnout between pre- and post-baby-boomer generations though there are substantial differences across countries. Age has a curvilinear effect on turnout even when generation is taken into account, but the age composition has remained relatively stable over time. We utilize the estimated coefficients to predict future changes in turnout as a result of the expected shifts in the generational and age compositions over the next 30 years. The results point to a continued decline in turnout to EP elections – especially between the years of 2020 and 2040.  相似文献   

This paper develops the issue of economic transition linked to a democratic transition that a developing country, Tunisia, is living following the revolution of 2011. Tunisia has made a profound change, it is currently developing new institutions, however, it is not an annuitant country, its activities and economic performances depend on political stability and the choice of the implemented politico-economic system. The question is whether the operating political forces will affect the direction of structural changes, thus toward a transition of breakage or the direction of adaptive transition. Neo-liberalism, practiced for 30 years, has developed an entrepreneurship structured as small and medium enterprises, whose performances are variable according to the sector and the state role. With the revolution, the country entered in a phase of political, social, and economic instability. A new constitution is passed, the political system installs the multiparty system, the country has a tradition of openness to the rest of the world, the challenges are numerous and the question of the role of the state in the economic sphere is very acute. The analysis is based on the observation of facts and the review and analysis of data relating to politics and economy, observed in the period before the revolution and after the revolution.  相似文献   

Parallel to the advancements in information and communication technologies, certain risks and security problems also arise, one of which is the authentication problem. In order to control who can have access to information sources, it is of utmost importance to develop an advanced authentication mechanism. It is through this mechanism that one can protect personal information, and prevent unauthorized access to the information or services provided. Likewise, this mechanism can block unauthorized persons to change or release information that is not public. All the work being undertaken in this field can be named as access control. The concept of authentication is among those concepts that have been studied for a long time in Turkey in the context of rapidly growing e-transformation efforts. In the process of e-transformation, the transformation circle is completed by first defining the concept of modeling business processes, followed by the formation of automation process, and lastly, providing services in electronic medium.  相似文献   

As a goal pursued by human beings, a harmonious society can be constructed through a bottom to up social construction mechanism and top to bottom social mobilization mechanism. A healthy social construction mechanism can promote social wealth and allocate it impartially by jointing production of member of society and cooperation-benefit. At the same time, a good social mobilization mechanism, on the other way, makes the members of society reach a harmonious consensus by social mobilization and social civilization. In order to create these two types of mechanisms, public administrators need to develop mechanisms to promote cooperation and develop cooperation productivity. These mechanisms include social trust mechanism, information sharing mechanism, supervision and restraining mechanism and the mechanism for the distribution of interests.  相似文献   

The Royal Project, established in 1969, has responded to His Majesty's initiative to help the hill tribes in growing useful crops which enable them to have a better standard of living. In 1992, the Royal Project was transformed into Royal Project Foundation in order to become the public organization that can be operated efficiently as a private company. After that, the Royal Project Foundation Retail Stores or "Doi Kham" were set up to help distribute products and produces from the project and its members. However, the Royal Project Foundation Retail Stores are currently lacking of adequate marketing information to help management make the right and more aggressive decision. Therefore, this research was conducted in order to explore the consumers' behaviors and their reasons towards the purchase from "Doi Kham". Furthermore, consumer clustering and characteristics of each group are discovered. A survey of 341 current customers from 2 most crowded branches--Don Muang International Airport and Farmer Market in Bangkok--was done using self-administered questionnaire. The data obtained was then analyzed by using factor analysis, chi-square test, ANOVA and cluster analysis. The results show that majority of customers are women aged between 24-50 and having income more than 20,000 baht (around $606) a month. Most of them bought the Royal Project Foundation products from "Doi Kham" directly instead of the private-owned stores. More than one third of samples shop more than twice a month and spend moderately around 100 to 499 baht. The most popular products are temperate-climate vegetables, followed by agricultural processed food and temperate-climate fruits consecutively. Main reasons that the consumers buy the products are the product quality, standard labeling, helping welfare of farmers and hill tribesmen and brand credibility respectively. For marketing factors, the most important factor influencing the purchase is product quality and safety, followed by convenience of shopping, pricing, store service, store layout/displays and promotion consecutively. Three groups of clusters are obtained--"traditional buyers", "service-oriented buyers" and "price-concerned buyers".  相似文献   

In reflecting on the case of the South Caucasus (Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia), one of the most popular perspectives is its lack of a common identity. The main argument is that it is a culturally diverse region with old-fashioned, ethnically exclusive nationalism. From this point of view, the process of the formation of a European identity in the region acquires particular importance. A European identity could act as a catalyst for bringing the region together. This identity could be considered as based on much more than just political orientation but fundamentally grounded in common values. This comprehensive integration in the South Caucasus can be achieved through the formulation and acceptance of a common political identity based on the political orientations of the South Caucasian States and their citizens. The main question that this study tries to answer is how people in the South Caucasian countries identify themselves in terms of a European identity. A suitable analysis is increasingly important at both the micro and the macro levels. The author examines the people's attitudes in the three South Caucasian states toward Western culture, states, and organizations, drawing on opinion polls conducted by the Caucasus Research Resources Center (CRRC). The author seeks to analyze attitudes toward the West in the South Caucasus on a macro as well as on a micro level. The author seeks also to provide a much-needed analysis for decision making, based on empirical data that help understand public opinion toward the European Union (EU) in the countries of the South Caucasus, and that can contribute to the refinement of integration strategies.  相似文献   

The paper focuses upon the issues of knowledge, innovation and sustainability concerning the implementation of voluntary environmental policies in Greece, and in particularly, through assessing the implementation of environmental management systems (EMS). The first part of the paper refers to the theoretical background of EMS, presenting selected aspects from the approaches of the new economic geography and the new regionalism and from ecological modernization theory. In the second part, the implementation of EMS in Greece is highlighted, mainly focused on the profile of the enterprises, the sectoral and regional distributional pattern and the main problems during the implementation. The third part presents the main results of the empirical research on the impact of EMS implementation, concerning sustainability (e.g., water and energy savings, alternative renewable resources, sound waste management), innovation (e.g., product or process innovation) and participation. The role of knowledge, during the process of implementation of EMS, is analyzed in the forth part of the paper. In the last part, recommendations for future policies are described, aiming at promoting strategies of EMS in urban areas and enchasing the role of local government.  相似文献   

Economics is the youngest of all sciences. Its task is to identify the secondary consequences, but it requires a perception of general consequences, including effects which are brought by an implemented or proposed economic policy not only to a certain special interests in short periods of time but also to a general interest for long periods, which somewhat contradicts the assumptions of many economic doctrines. Thus, the current state of economics or management science is difficult to be called autonomic. Economists "have opened" the domain previously reserved for "hard indicators" on the human aspects of the assessment of effectiveness. What is more, the discovery of regularity in the sequence and independence of market phenomena, in particular, a markdown role of the "invisible hand of the market" and "government interventionism" put into question the validity of the dogmas of traditional British or American schools, as a consequence of the operation of schools with the teaching of economics. This paper is the attempt to show the failure of the most popular scientific economical schools, including neoclassical ones in the area of human performance, comparing with Austrian School principles.  相似文献   

The continuous integration development trend of China urban agglomerations will not only further promote economic development but also cause the loss of the natural buffer zone which could protect the regional environment, leading to the combined effects of environmental pollution. Hardin's "Tragedy of the Commons", "Prisoner's Dilemma", Olson's "Logic of Collective Action", and other theoretical models demonstrated the tragedy result of ineffective governance of regional ecology. Clear property rights, centralized governance, social autonomy, and competitive-collaborative model based on comparative advantage of the organization are four kinds of "system solution" for regional ecological management, providing scientific management tool for urban agglomeration management in different regional contexts.  相似文献   

This study sets out to analyze and evaluate the implementation of a system for the regulation and control of social policies ("Social Comptrollership") involving civil society so as to reinforce the mechanisms for ensuring transparency and responsibility in the government's operation of social programs and the execution of public works Here is presented the analysis of the Federal Rural Housing Program (in Spanish: "Programa de Vivienda RuraF') that is aimed at providing accommodation to families in situations of severe poverty living in communities described as suffering from "high or very high levels of marginalization". The main conclusion of this research, which is based on a series of interviews with aid recipients, the officials and the social organizations involved, is that the regulatory aspects of this system for controlling social policies are not effective, since they lack mechanisms for enforcing the sanctions set down for participants who do not respect the agreements they have entered into.  相似文献   

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