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Etymologies are often encountered in Vedic prose, in Brāhma?as and early Upani?ads. Though they have received a fair amount of scholarly attention, Vedic etymologies still present a challenge to interpreters. To respond to it, I critically review previous interpretations, and focus on three case studies, Aitareya Brāhma?a 1.1.2, B?hadāra?yaka Upani?ad 1.3, and Chāndogya Upani?ad 6.8. In my interpretation, I emphasize the need for a contextual reading, foreground Vedic etymologies’ complexity and sophistication, and call attention to the variety of purposes they serve to achieve as well as to Vedic etymologists’ agency. Supplementing conventional interpretations concentrating mostly on their religious-magical aspects, I describe Vedic etymologies as discursive devices used by Vedic authors to further their thoughts and agendas.  相似文献   

Journal of Indian Philosophy - Deeply rooted in the Vedic tradition, animal sacrifice is a controversial issue associated with a larger discourse of violence and non-violence in South Asia. Most...  相似文献   

Journal of Indian Philosophy - The Sa?hitā Upani?ad [SU] is a little-known Vedic text that presents ‘typical’ Upani?adic teachings on the truth of identity...  相似文献   

Sixteen American Indian women requesting counseling for domestic violence at an urban Indian health center were interviewed using standardized measures. The majority of the women were not married, had low family incomes, and both the women and their partners abused substances. All of the women experienced increased depression and stress as a result of the battering. A mental health needs assessment survey of 198 American Indian women is presented for comparison. Women who reported a history of domestic violence on the survey were more likely to be separated or divorced and reported more problems with alcohol than the women with no history of domestic violence. The results of the domestic violence program interviews are compared to the mental health needs assessment survey and studies of battered women in shelters.  相似文献   

2004年国内法律史学的新进展,一是法律史学的机构设置与开展重要的学术活动;二是最新法律史料、教材、论著、译著的出版与简介;三是法律史学的热点问题研究与理论深化。从中可见法律史学在回应社会与学术挑战方面的活力与价值,也可见法律史学人的努力与贡献。  相似文献   

The article deals with some facets of the phenomenon of the underdetermination of meaning by (linguistic) data which are particularly relevant for textual exegesis in the historico-philological disciplines. The paper attempts to demonstrate that lack of relevant information is by no means the only important reason why certain issues of interpretation cannot be definitely settled by means of traditional philological methods but that the objective nonexistence of pertinent data is equally significant. It is claimed that the phenomenon of objective under-determination possesses among others two major consequences: (1) A strict separation between the exploration of the history of (Indian) philosophy and philosophical criticism is theoretically incorrect. (2) Transference of indeterminacy and vagueness to the target langue in translations of textual sources is not only legitimate but sometimes most appropriate. Presumably the relevance of the discussed issues is not strictly confined to the area of Indian philosophy.  相似文献   

This paper explores the place of Christian Wolff in the history of social science in English. The "Introduction" places Wolff in the context of the pre-history of modern social science. Samples are given of the great range of subjects on which he wrote. The importance of the German context is stressed. The second part is devoted to a sample of what the literature contains by and about Wolff. It emphasizes philosophy and science. Part three is a survey of works in the history of the social sciences that mention Wolff. He has a substantial place in political science and psychology, a much smaller place in economics and history, virtually none in anthropology, geography, and sociology. In the applied social sciences, he is found in the history of education. Possible reasons are given. Part four is devoted to the relationships of philosophy and philosophers in the pre-history of the social sciences. They were important in several different ways because they both shaped and reflected how many people thought about science and social problems. The Summary and Conclusion describes the present status. His contributions are summarized. He was a pivotal figure in the making of the German conception of social science. This is a preliminary study emphasizing the issues and problems that a more detailed examination would require. Several conventional judgments are challenged and possibilities for further research suggested.  相似文献   

2011年3月8日,由中国人民公安大学主导论证的公安学和公安技术同时被国务院学术委员会、教育部批准增设为一级学科,这在我国公安教育史上是一件可喜可贺的大事、盛事,具有开创性的里程碑意义。为了加强公安学一级学科的建设,我们必须高度重视公安学基础理论研究。俗话说:"基础不牢,地动山摇",对公安学整个学科建设来说,公安学基础理论是所有公安学科的基础和基石,公安学基础理论研究得如何直接决定着公安学其他学科建设的成败。因此,研究公安学基础理论具有非常深远的理论价值和实践意义。  相似文献   

Opium, as a tradable commodity, has a long history in the Indian sub-continent. This article offers a history of the production and distribution of both licit and illicit opium from 1773 to the present day in order to explore the lessons that the experiences of Indian and Pakistani can offer to contemporary drug policy. Four insights for contemporary drug control policy are developed from the historical analysis: (1) post-independence Pakistan and India illustrate the difficulties of controlling a regulated, licit, opium industry; (2) the relationship between Chinese and Indian opium production and exports may suggest that competition can be an effective impetus to production suppression; (3) developmental approaches to reducing production can limit the damages caused by opium suppression; (4) effective suppression requires alterations to institutional and structural conditions that facilitate production (i.e. reducing violent conflict, improving civil and criminal justice institutions efficiency or extending transport infrastructures).  相似文献   

Previous studies, including those of Wind River Indian Reservation youth, indicate that native American adolescents have a relatively high rate of official delinquency involvement, Official rates may reflect, however, not only the actual incidence of delinquent behavior, but also other factors such as the manner in which the law is enforced. The findings of the present study are based on a self-report type questionnaire administered to students attending two high schools in the Wind River Indian Reservation area of Wyoming. The data point to little overall difference in the delinquent behavior of Indian and Anglo males, with the exception of a greater involvement of Indian males in delinquent activities centering around the school. The Indian female, however, appears to be considerably more involved than her Anglo counterpart in running away from home and in a variety of offenses centering around the school, theft, vandalism, and assault. When social class is controlled, there is a substantial reduction in the number of offenses for which there are significant differences between the two races, although a few differences are found on particular class levels which do not obtain for the sample as a whole.  相似文献   

Abstract. Western natural law theory emphasises the derivation of principles of right action said to be universal and objective from the application of practical reasonableness to the pursuit of basic human goods that are self‐evident or based on human nature. Critics say its methodology is inherently subjective. In contrast, the Vedic approach to natural law of the Bhagavad‐Gita emphasises the full development of a universal aspect of human nature—consciousness—to promote right action. A healthy person with a developed intellect, clear mind, balanced emotions and full perception is best placed to fulfil his or her society's highest ideals of ethical and lawful conduct. The Vedic approach advocates a supportive social environment and the use of meditation techniques to promote such development. Research has found that the Transcendental Meditation (TM) program promotes improvement in mind, body and behaviour. For example, offenders in Australia, the United States and Senegal practising the technique experienced decreased substance abuse and recidivism and improved wellbeing. From a scientific perspective, TM promotes these improvements by producing a unique psychophysiological state of restful alertness that dissolves stress that blocks the unfoldment of full potential in life.  相似文献   

The study of philosophical terms and doctrines in the Mahābhārata touches not only on important aspects of the contents, composition and the historical contexts of the epic, but also on the historiography of Indian philosophy. General ideas about the textual history of the epic and the distinction between “didactic” and “narrative” parts have influenced the study of epic philosophy no less than academic discussions about what is philosophy in India and how it developed. This results in different evaluations of the place of philosophical texts in the epic and their relationship to the history of Indian philosophy. While some scholars have suggested that there is a “philosophy of the epic” its composers wished to propagate, others have argued that “philosophy” is included in the epic either in a “proto” form or in a variety of doctrines (often presented is “mixed” or “unsystematic” ways) they deemed relevant. The article discusses these views and some of the heuristic assumptions on which they are based. It proposes to widen the scope of analysis by paying more attention to the interplay of narrative and didactic passages, the various ways in which philosophy is presented in the epic, and its connection to a larger spectrum of the reception of philosophy in textual genres and by audiences outside the expert circles of the philosophical schools.  相似文献   

中国法史学基础问题反思   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国现代法律史学是在传统法律史学和外来法律史学的双重基础上建立起来的。正确认识中国法律史学的学科性质,对完善这门学科的独立品格,促进这门学科的进一步发展具有重要意义。运用现代法学理论,特别是运用部门法理论去分析中国传统社会的法史材料,是中国现代法史学研究方法形成和发展的主要标志。但不应简单地用部门法理论、现代法理学的一般概念去比附评论中国传统法史材料,使中国法史学研究带上过分浓厚的现代色彩。应重视法史学研究的学术批评问题,提倡既非庸俗吹捧也非恶意贬低的高水平的独立评论。  相似文献   

The word buddhi is an important term of Indian philosophical discourse, but some aspects of its use have caused confusion and continue to occasion difficulties. This paper undertakes a survey of the usage of the word buddhi (“intellect”) in general Sanskrit literature from its earliest late Vedic occurrences up to the middle of the first millennium CE. Signifying fundamentally “awareness (of something),” the word “buddhi” is shown to refer often to a being’s persisting capacity or faculty of awareness (“attentiveness, mind, intelligence,” etc.) and also, often, to the content of a being’s awareness (“idea, notion, thought, disposition, resolution,” etc.). There are also instances where it is hard to determine which of these two kinds of reference are intended in our written sources, and there are other instances where both senses seem present simultaneously. Various examples attest to the use of the word to refer to an affective and volitional capacity in a being—and to affective and volitional content—as well as to a cognitive faculty and cognitive content. One feature that occurs frequently in the word’s use is that this faculty and, or, its content, regularly describe alterations of a subject’s knowledge of the surrounding situation, the transformation of surrounding complexity or multiplicity into a simpler and more manageable mental construct—an understanding, an interpretation, a decision, a plan, etc. As the word buddhi is related to the primary Sanskrit word-family used to describe the concrete experience of awakening—moving from no (or little, or muddled) awareness to clear awareness—it is not surprising that its more abstract usage would often incorporate a similar dynamic, a transition from less clear to more clear knowledge, a rendering of early knowledge to better and more useful knowledge, in short, a faculty of “intellect” that produces refined decisions, resolutions, and determinations. It is suggested that this element of its semantic profile contributed to the word’s eventually becoming the preferred word for the most important of the mental functions of beings in one of the most widespread philosophical psychologies of ancient India, that which ultimately became formally enshrined in the philosophical system “Sā?khya.”  相似文献   

The present paper defends a position advanced in Oetke (J Indian Philos 41:43–55, 2013 (= BS)) to the effect that a piece of reasoning allegedly advocated by proponents of Indian Materialism (Lokāyata, Cārvāka) does not deserve to be dismissed as a sophism but embodies a significant philosophical criticism. In addition the article argues for the contention that for this type of theoretical assessment consideration of history of reception possesses at best a limited relevance and is even apt to impede the attainment of an adequate evaluation of the matter.  相似文献   

张雷 《河北法学》2008,26(1):153-156
李大钊在史学领域卓有建树,其史学理论及史学思想不仅对中国史学发展有巨大的推动之功,还对近代中国法律史学发展具有深远的指导意义。他的唯物史观为考察法律现象提供了新的视角,开辟了研治中国近代法律史学的新路径。他不但对法律史的学科归属进行了界定,构建了新的法律史学科架构,而且提出了研究法律史学的科学方法,为近代中国法律史学的研究与编撰提供了宝贵的借鉴。  相似文献   

The use of teeth as an important resource in the analysis of forensic case history by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) or other related methods has been reported. However, a major drawback in using teeth has been that the DNA is present only in trace amounts, and the methods to recover DNA from the flinty material have not been efficient or cost effective. In this report, we describe a method to prepare DNA from the hard tooth tissues. Our studies show that ultrasonication of teeth samples yields sufficient amounts of good quality DNA useful for PCR-based diagnostic methods. The teeth could serve as a reliable source of DNA for amplification-based forensic methods in sex determination. DNA could be obtained from any tooth, regardless of the age of subject. Furthermore, by using the AMEL gene-based primers in PCR, we have shown that the AMEL gene serves as a good marker for sex determination in the Indian population. In our study, the PCR-based method was sensitive and proved to be successful for sex determination with a complete specificity.  相似文献   

中国政策科学发展的历程与成就分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中国政策科学走过了20多年的发展历程,大致分为两个阶段,即20世纪80年代的蕴育开创阶段和20世纪90年代后的快速发展阶段.取得了四大成就:围绕构建具有中国特色的政策科学理论体系发表了大量的学术论文,出版了许多学术著作;学科建设初具规模,研究队伍不断扩大;国内外学术交流日益频繁,学术气氛活跃;不少政策研究组织已经走向市场,产业化步伐加快,对推进决策科学化民主化起了重要的作用.  相似文献   

Before passage of the Indian Child Welfare Act in 1978, state, private, and federal agencies systematically removed Indian children from their families and tribal communities, placing them with non‐Indian families with little appreciation for the detrimental impact that cultural deprivation would have on these children. State courts often ignored the sovereign authority of tribal courts with regard to their children, and were, more often than not, unwilling to acknowledge the importance of the perspective of the child's tribe and/or extended family members. With passage of the Indian Child Welfare Act in 1978, Congress imposed upon state child welfare practices substantive and procedural requirements to which state courts must adhere, most notably the mandate that state courts must now give primary consideration to the placement of Indian children within their extended families and tribal communities. In addition, federal law requires state courts to recognize tribal court authority and jurisdiction over tribal children. This article reviews the history of federal, state, and private practices that propelled Congress to pass the ICWA, the changes that have resulted from this vital legislation, and the challenges that face courts in ensuring that state courts meet these requirements.  相似文献   

We report four cases of central pontine myelinolysis (CPM) that illustrate important features of the disorder. The condition is described mainly in the neurological literature and, to our knowledge, is not discussed in the forensic science journals. This disorder must be recognized and understood by the forensic science expert who addresses issues of liability. In cases of multiple motor deficits and death with a history of hyponatremia, CPM must be included in the differential diagnosis. Careful examination of the pons and adjoining structures must be performed. Myelin stains are advisable. The association of CPM with major illnesses, hyponatremia and the correction of hyponatremia by intravenous saline infusions is discussed.  相似文献   

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