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关于警务规范化建设几个问题的思考   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
警务规范化建设对公安工作和队伍建设的重要性是不言而喻的,深入进行警务规范化建设,必须认真研究和解决制约警务规范化发展的一些影响因素,探讨警务规范化建设的发展趋势。警务规范化建设要提高认识;把握内容的逻辑层次;处理好全面规范与重点规范、领导行为规范化以及警务规范化与警队现代化的关系。这些问题的解决对警务规范化建设的深入开展,起着至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

警队文化是一种以人为本、以团队共识为本的管理理论。为了更好地促进劳教场所警队文化的建设与发展,我们在借鉴香港惩教署警队文化建设的基础上,结合工作实际,对警队的管理、价值理念、人才发展等方面的文化建设进行探讨,以求为场所的长期规划提供一些参考。  相似文献   

监狱民警的公务员身份问题、职责问题、职业风险问题、执法权力问题、罪犯的属性问题以及激励机制问题,是当前队伍建设中备受关注的焦点问题。引导民警正确认识和对待这些问题,对确保警队稳定,提升警队建设,有着积极意义。  相似文献   

警风事关公安队伍形象,事关公安机关的战斗力,事关党群、干群、警民关系,事关社会和谐稳定。在新的历史条件下,加强警风建设具有特殊重要意义。公安机关要认真按照胡锦涛总书记关于加强领导干部作风建设的要求,下大气力把警风建设抓出成效,使广大干警切实做到讲政治、爱人民、守法纪、重  相似文献   

今年来,海阳市法院制定并实行了三项队伍纪律作风建设新规定,即《关于端正警风的规定》、《关于对违纪干警实行诫勉、降免职制度》和《关于  相似文献   

沈军  尹文平 《法制与社会》2010,(30):197-198
公安廉政文化是社会主义廉政文化的一个组成部分。党的十七大报告第一次明确提出"加强廉政文化建设,形成拒腐防变教育长效机制、反腐倡廉制度体系、权力运行监控机制"。加强廉政文化建设,是以胡锦涛为总书记的党中央从源头上遏制腐败的一项重大举措,对于党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争具有重要意义。面对新时期党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争的新形势,公安机关作为反腐倡廉的重要部门之一,应大力加强公安廉政文化建设,努力构建廉洁警队。  相似文献   

近年来,山西省高平市运管所通过开展党员先进性教育、学习实践科学发展观、党员创先争优和保持党的纯洁性学习教育等一系列活动,多举措促进全所党风廉政建设深入开展。一是健全完善了《党风廉政建设制度》、《政风行风建设制度》、《精神文明建设制度》等多项制度;二是建立了执法监督和责任过错追究机制,严明工作纪律,严肃责任追究;  相似文献   

警队核心价值观是警察文化软实力的灵魂,是警察文化软实力建设的重点。香港警队自1996年订立和实践其核心价值观以来,在实践理念、教学模式、社会协同、职业价值观测评等方面都有显著的先进性,回顾和总结香港警队在培育和践行核心价值观及其核心价值体系构建中取得的宝贵经验,有助于我们认识广东警队培育和践行核心价值观的现状、特点及成因,并为今后推进广东警队核心价值体系构建提出对策建议。  相似文献   

“从严治警”与“从优待警”犹如“车之两轮”,“鸟之双翼”,相辅相成,缺一不可。从严治警旨在使监狱警察队伍更有凝聚力、战斗力和政治生命力;从优待警则是为了暖人心,稳定人心,争取回报,开拓警源。前者的根本任务在于正警风,强警务,铸警魂;后者则着眼于知警情,连警心,解警忧。  相似文献   

邢军 《中国监察》2009,(6):38-38
加强高校反腐倡廉制度建设的根本出路在于深化改革,不断推进制度创新,使制度建设贯穿于反腐倡廉的全过程,形成有效防范腐败的制度体系。建立健全高校反腐倡廉制度体系,既要体现制度的科学性,又要体现制度的有效性;既要注重实体性制度建设,又要注重程序性制度建设;既要健全决策机制,又要健全办学管理制度。  相似文献   

A recent decision of the Danish Complaints Board for DomainNames addressed the issue of hyphenating words in domain namesto get around the word spacing problem, where the domain namein question conflicted with rights in a personal name.  相似文献   

何兵 《中国司法》2004,(8):39-39
律师向法官行贿并非新闻,暗地里向审判官行贿是讼棍们祖传秘术。让人拍案惊奇的是,这位律师竟然将历来暗地里进行的潜规则公开化,合了一句成语——贿赂公行。讼棍并非是我们时代的新产品,它是专制权力的“传家宝”。宋人在《戒讼录》中曾以歌谣的形式唱道:“些小言辞莫若休,不须经县与经州,衙头府底陪茶酒,赢得猫儿卖了牛。”为何赢了猫儿卖了牛?因为牛被松棍和贪官污吏们合伙吃了去。讼棍们是如何工作的?曹雪芹在其名著《红楼梦》一书中介绍了天下第一能干、漂亮的讼棍王熙凤的入道过程。做托的是馒头庵的老尼。案情是这样的:一个大财主的…  相似文献   

This essay is concerned to note the way in which successful trial advocacy seems to stem from the ability to convert legal discourse into a story form. These stories need to be ones with which a jury is familiar. These increasingly come from visual media, particularly film. It looks in detail at one trial where this process of relating a defence to the jury employed the structure of a Mafia film. The essay concludes by examining the reasons why the nature of the novel differs significantly from that of the film and how in the novel-to-film adaptation process a certain simplification is bound to occur.  相似文献   

This article is a contribution to the occasional series dealing with a major book that influenced the author. Previous contributors include Stewart Macaulay, John Griffith, William Twining, Carol Harlow, Geoffrey Bindman, Harry Arthurs, André-Jean Arnaud, Alan Hunt, and Michael Adler.  相似文献   

This case report describes a noncontact traffic accident involving a motor scooter and a tractor-trailer with a focus on the wind-drag effect. We used load cells to measure the drag force acting on a substantially similar motor scooter when a substantially similar tractor-trailer passes by it, taking into consideration various speeds of the tractor-trailer and distances between the two vehicles. A three-dimensional steady-state flow analysis was also performed by using the CFX program for computational fluid dynamics to examine the streamlines and the pressure distribution around the tractor-trailer at various speeds. From the experiment, for a separation distance of 1.0 m (3.28 ft) and a speed of 90 km/h (55.9 mph), the maximum resultant drag force is 124.5 N (28 lb); this constitutes a degree of force that could abruptly disrupt the stability in maneuvering by an operator who is unaware of the approaching tractor-trailer. In addition, a single equation that relates the tractor-trailer speed to the drag force that acts on the motor scooter was derived on the basis of the Reynolds number (Re) and the wind-drag coefficient (C(d)): C(d) = 1.298 × 10(-7) Re.  相似文献   

Abstract: At a recent bushland gravesite that contained a deceased male, a clod of soil displaying a striated toolmark was collected during the excavation of the grave. This clod was preserved, and the mark was cast using Mikrosil?. Shovels and a mattock, which had been discarded by the suspects, were subsequently found at another location. A toolmark comparison identified the hoe end of the mattock head as having produced the striated toolmark.  相似文献   

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