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随着计算机、移动电话、电子嵌入设备的广泛应用,越来越多的犯罪活动遗留有数字痕迹(电子证据),例如手机信息、磁盘文件、存储数据等。为提高此类证据运用效率,武汉市于2006年12月建立电子证据检验系统,至今已检验各类电子证据70余起,物证120多件,在武汉市两起重大案(事)件中发挥了关键作用。笔者就电子证据检验技术的开展,介绍e-DEC系统建设情况。  相似文献   

电子物证检验   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
目的阐述电子物证检验技术的专业内容和组成,以及开展电子物证检验的作用和重要意义;方法研究美国、欧洲和国内电子证据及其检验鉴定的数据资料,结合国内物证检验技术发展现状和需求,论证电子物证检验技术;结果提出了电子物证检验定义、检验对象、技术方法、特点作用以及尽快在国内建立电子物证检验专业等观点;结论电子物证检验是关于识别、发现、提取、保存、恢复、展示、分析和鉴定电子设备中存在的电子信息(电子证据)的科学技术,其检验结果可以作案件侦查线索或法庭证据。开展电子物证检验可以有效提高犯罪侦查效率。  相似文献   

随着电子信息技术的发展,技术与检察工作实践的联系越来越紧密,继而电子证据检验鉴定在案件的侦破过程中所起的作用也越来越明显。对检察机关电子证据检验鉴定的实证研究表明,该研究有助于为制定有关电子证据的收集与运用的规则提供参考,为检察机关实际运用电子证据提供有可操作性的方案,为办案过程中如何搜集和运用电子证据提出有价值的建议。  相似文献   

电子数据鉴定工作在我国起步较晚,电子证据作为一种新型证据,由于其特有的属性,决定了证据的获取、检验、分析及展示均不同于传统证据,需要建立严密、科学规范的电子数据鉴定体系,保证电子证据的完整性、真实性及证明力。  相似文献   

电子物证检验中常用数据恢复工具对比研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的对电子物证检验中常用的数据恢复工具进行对比研究。方法在对数据使用不同破坏手段的条件下进行数据恢复。结果每种数据恢复工具有其自身特点,不同工具在不同条件下有其使用优势。结论在实际案件检验中,应该根据不同的需要,结合每一种工具的特点,灵活的、有针对性地选择,甚至可以把几种工具结合起来同时使用,以提高检验效率。  相似文献   

电子证据司法鉴定工作初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着计算机网络犯罪的增长。如何收集、检验、鉴定电子证据是检察机关在新形势下所面临的新问题。本文在阐述电子证据的特点、采集固定、审查判断的基础上。分析研究了当前电子证据司法鉴定工作的现状,并根据电子证据的独有特性提出检察机关开展此项工作的初步构想。  相似文献   

司法实践中,越来越多的案件需要从手机中提取各种信息,手机已经成为电子物证检验的新对象.本文结合手机取证的特点,讨论了手机犯罪、手机电子数据和手机取证的相关问题.  相似文献   

蒋莹莹 《法制与社会》2013,(32):112-113
电子证据作为证据的一种类型,在取证中需要遵守证据的一般原则,但因电子证据具有无形性、脆弱性、多样性等特征,决定了电子证据在司法适用过程中需采取不同于传统证据的一些方法。本文通过分析电子证据的特征,阐述了电子证据在取证工作中需要遵守的原则、取证流程以及取证中需要注意的问题,指出电子证据在司法实践中存在的问题并提出对策。  相似文献   

食品药品生产流通领域的信息化在各级食品药品监管部门的应用不断扩大,电子数据在食药监执法中的价值日益突出。由于当前我国行政诉讼领域中电子数据取证规则尚未明确,在行政执法实践中存在操作不够规范的问题。本文旨在探讨在现行法律环境下电子数据在食药监稽查取证环节中需要注意的问题,并提出相应的电子数据的取证规范。  相似文献   

电子技术的高速发展,给我们的生活带来了诸多方便,同时也为犯罪分子提供了新的犯罪手段,前不久笔者就接触到这样一个案件。某大学在储运冬季取暖煤时,发现电子汽车衡重量电子显示器数值不稳定,请厂家来检修时,在电子秤传感器检查口内发现一套与电子传感输出线相接的电子装置,于是报案,并要求对电子装置进行检验鉴定。经反复检验,深入研究,又进行了现场实验,掌握了此电子装置的结构、工作原理和用途,为侦破利用高科技手段盗取原煤的案件提供了科学证据。笔者就检验研究的一点体会叙述于后,以便同大家交流探讨。1送检电子装置(图1)的结构和工…  相似文献   

A few months after ICRI's 20th anniversary conference the European Commission adopted on 4 June 2012 a draft regulation “on electronic identification and trusted services for electronic transactions in the internal market”. The proposed legal framework is intended to give legal effect and mutual recognition to trust services including enhancing current rules on e-signatures and providing a legal framework for electronic seals, time stamping, electronic document acceptability, electronic delivery and website authentication. Yet, this draft Regulation provokes many questions with regard to the implicit “trust” concept on which it is based. Starting from their experience in the EU FP7 uTRUSTit project (Usable Trust in the Internet of Things: www.utrustit.eu) and in other ICRI research projects, Jos Dumortier and Niels Vandezande have analyzed the proposed legislative text of the European Commission and wrote a few critical observations. Although obviously not presented at the conference in November 2011, it seemed worthwhile to add this contribution to its proceedings.  相似文献   

从UCITA论我国电子合同法律规制之建立   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
电子形式是一种商业交易载体 ,而区别于以电子形式签订的需要物流配送的合同的电子交易本身。电子交易本身与传统的实物和知识产权交易相较有不同的特征 ,我国电子商务立法应借鉴UCITA的经验 ,对电子合同的适用范围、电子代理、电子自助、电子错误、电子鉴证、一般零售授权、电脑程序的修改、系统使用合同以及电子合同的管辖权等问题 ,作出明确的规定 ,以完善我国的合同法  相似文献   

The personal ID card is a document carried by most Germans, but rarely used. This could change in the future: According to the new law on identification cards and electronic proof of identity (Gesetz über Personalausweise und den elektronischen Identitätsnachweis, PAuswG), the ID card, with its proof of identity, will gain a new functionality, making it applicable for diverse Internet transactions. Functionally, the electronic proof of identity corresponds to existing non-electronic personal proof of identity guidelines in legal and business connections. However, its concrete, technical application opens up many issues regarding contracts and data privacy laws. On both the legal and the technical level, the German approach departs from other European countries, as it strictly distinguishes the electronic proof of identity from the electronic signature function, which the new ID card also provides. It remains to be seen whether the various projects of the EU Member States will become legally and technically interoperable in the near future.  相似文献   

The ease with which business can be transacted over the Internet raises various issues, not least among which are writing and signature requirements. While it has been established that an electronic record is a functional equivalent of writing, the position appears to be less clear with regard to electronic signatures. This paper examines the signature requirement as it applies to electronic contracts, in particular the form of electronic signature that can serve the functional equivalent of a handwritten signature for the purpose of the English Statute of Frauds 1677 and its various re-enactments. Reference will be made to legislation, the relevant UNCITRAL Model Laws and UN Conventions as well as to the substantial body of case law on paper contracts for analytical and comparative purposes.  相似文献   

This article offers an interdisciplinary analysis of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the context of electronic identification schemes. Gov.UK Verify, the UK Government's electronic identification scheme, and its compatibility with some important aspects of EU data protection law are reviewed. An in-depth examination of Gov.UK Verify's architecture and the most significant constituent elements of both the Data Protection Directive and the imminent GDPR – notably the legitimising grounds for the processing of personal data and the doctrine of joint controllership – highlight several flaws inherent in the Gov.UK Verify's development and mode of operation. This article advances the argument that Gov.UK Verify is incompatible with some major substantive provisions of the EU Data Protection Framework. It also provides some general insight as to how to interpret the requirement of a legitimate legal basis and the doctrine of joint controllership. It ultimately suggests that the choice of the appropriate legal basis should depend upon a holistic approach to the relationship between the actors involved in the processing activities.  相似文献   

刘方权 《证据科学》2010,18(1):74-81
相对于传统的物证、书证而言,电子证据是一种纯粹的技术产物。对电子证据的搜查、扣押离不开计算机技术的支持。"肉食者"系统在美国所引起的争论,在某种程度上可以认为是计算机技术发展与法律规范之间的一种冲突,而"肉食者"系统的开发本身即是计算机技术在法律规范约束之下的结果。基于计算机技术的发展规律与法律稳定性的考虑,对电子证据的搜查、扣押可以采取法律规范与技术规范双重约束的模式,即通过法律规范约束来保证搜查、扣押的合法性,通过技术规范的约束可以保证搜查、扣押所得电子证据的客观性。  相似文献   

There remains concern among solicitors about the evidential weight of electronic documents, including document systems that are used to execute high value transactions. This article considers the meaning, in electronic terms, of document, book or paper, instrument, writing, record and map – both in terms of legislation and case law. Consideration is also given to primary evidence, original document and certified copies, the requirement that an agreement or communication be in writing and what is mean by a signature. The discussion then considers execution as a deed and the requirement for signing in the presence of a witness, including where the witness is remote.  相似文献   

随着计算机信息技术的飞速发展,电子政务在政府实际工作中已经发挥了越来越重要的作用,但随之而来的安全问题也显得越来越突出,构建安全的电子政务业务网就越发显得迫切。本文总结了传统电子政务安全模型,分析了数字水印技术,并给出了一种基于数字水印技术的电子政务业务网的安全模型和实现过程。  相似文献   

Security concerns with regard to the use of electronic signatures in the electronic environment seem to represent a potential barrier to their usage. This paper presents an empirical study that examines businesses' perceived security concerns with the use of the electronic signature technology for executing contracts and commercial transactions and whether such issues represent a disincentive for their usage. The findings of the study reveal that there are significant security concerns in the business community with regard to the use of electronic signatures. However, such perceptions seem to be primarily driven by a lack of awareness and understanding. Advising prospective users of electronic signatures about the kind of safeguards that could be put in place to minimise risks associated with their usage can be a useful step towards overcoming their fears and hesitance.  相似文献   

现代社会中电子商务活动日渐普遍,电子商务中知识产权的纠纷也逐渐增多。具体到知识产权纷争的解决途径,除司法审判和行政查处外,仲裁将成为解决知识产权纠纷的第三条有效途径。电子商务知识产权纠纷的可仲裁性,不但有程序法和实体法的依据,也有现实社会发展的紧迫需要。电子商务中涉及私权处分的知识产权纠纷,通过传统的书面仲裁协议或者在网络上明示并经交易对方认可的仲裁条款,都将赋予仲裁机关管辖权,使得该知识产权纠纷具有可仲裁性。在新的历史条件下,仲裁机构应当与时俱进地加以改革。  相似文献   

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