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刘长霞  傅廷中 《法学杂志》2013,34(2):94-101
对南海U形线外源自我国的水下文化遗产,除作为水下文化遗产的国家船舶及军舰外,《联合国海洋法公约》没有为我们主张相关权益提供明确的法律依据.《保护水下文化遗产公约》规定的通知报告义务及协调国制度,有利于我国在较短时间内知悉南海周边其他国家在其专属经济区及大陆架上对源自我国的水下文化遗产的发现及有意开发活动,并能参与相关水下文化遗产保护活动,但仅以此作为我国加入该公约的理由不够充足.当前,对南海U形线外源自我国的水下文化遗产保护,我国应着重于主张国有船舶及军舰的所有权、对区域内源自我国的水下文化遗产考虑与商业打捞公司进行合作、积极寻求双边条约或地区条约的签订.  相似文献   

赵亚娟 《河北法学》2008,26(1):143-147
水下文化遗产是文化遗产的重要组成部分,其包含的考古、历史和文化价值对人类掌握自身文明的发展历程具有重要意义。国际法对水下文化遗产的保护经历了一个从笼统地保护"文化财(遗)产"到专门保护"水下文化遗产"的过程。经过激烈争论,《保护水下文化遗产公约》首次对"水下文化遗产"作了界定,力图将大部分100年以上的水下遗存纳入保护范围。该定义对加强我国的水下文化遗产保护具有积极的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

联合国教科文组织2001年通过的<保护水下文化遗产公约>规定了两种保护水下文化遗产的模式,即沿海国保护模式和协调国协作保护模式,后一模式中的协调国如何产生,其权义如何,体现了哪些斗争与妥协?本文试作简要的分析.  相似文献   

论船舶优先权的法律适用   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
本文对有关船舶优先权法律适用的各种理论与实践进行了深入地评述,得出的结论是因行使船舶优先权而引起的船舶扣押程序和船舶优先权中依法院地之公法规定而产生的船舶优先权适用法院地法,船舶优先权的其他方面应适用船旗国法.建议中国<海商法>关于船舶优先权法律适用之规定做出相应的修改.  相似文献   

国际水下文化遗产若干法律问题研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
从法律定性上看,水下文化遗产不是无主物,也不是"人类共同继承遗产",而是沉没物,原则上归其沉没时的物主所有。当然,对按照一定的程序不能辨明物主的水下文化遗产,除文物和公共财产外,自其沉没时视为无主,适用先占制度。《保护水下文化遗产公约》对水下文化遗产的保护和管理已经作了公平合理的规定,我国有必要参加该公约。在相关的国际打捞案件中,我国完全可以根据国际法坚决地主张和维护自己的正当权益。  相似文献   

尹田 《法学杂志》2006,27(3):10-12
国家财产包括不能进入或者尚未进入民事领域的财产(包括为国家享有所有权的财产)与进入民事领域的财产两部分.国家通过投资或者拨款而进入国有企业或其他企业以及行政机关、事业单位的财产,除公有物及公用物之外,国家即丧失其所有权,财产所有权归国有企业等私法人或者行政机关等公法人享有,国家享有投资人或者设立人的权益.国家所有权或者由宪法或其他公法直接创设,或者关涉公共利益,故其性质为公权而非私权,不具备私权特征且基本不适用物权法的具体规则.民法为私法,重在保护私的利益,公法领域的国家财产应由公法加以规定和保护,"国家财产神圣不可侵犯"不应成为物权法的基本原则.  相似文献   

我国少数民族非物质文化遗产保护工作起步晚,与世界其他国家相比还存在着意识淡薄、投入不足、方式单一等问题,少数民族非物质文化遗产保护形势依然严峻.因时、因地地挖掘少数民族地区非物质文化遗产,加快相关立法,引入市场机制,加大资金支持,培养保护意识,扶持传承人势在必行.  相似文献   

邬先江 《河北法学》2005,23(4):83-89
1976年<海事赔偿责任限制公约>将船舶承租人归入船舶所有人,赋予责任限制权利.但是公约未明确规定承租人的范围和可限制责任的索赔.海事司法实践中,需要运用适当的法律解释方法,析明公约规定的含义、正确裁判,以实现公约目的.通过解释,公约规定的承租人应当是光船承租人、期租承租人和航次承租人等的统称.船舶所有人遭受的直接财产损失不是可限制责任的索赔,船舶承租人无权对此限制责任.船舶所有人提出的船载货物损害追偿索赔,承租人仍有权限制责任.我国<海商法>的相关规定应当作相同解释与理解.  相似文献   

从“南海一号”事件看我国水下文化遗产保护制度的完善   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
“南海一号”古沉船从1987年被发现到拟定于今年发掘出水,前后历时二十年,这一漫长的过程暴露出我国水下文化遗产保护体制在遗产发现、遗产保护与发掘等方面的种种不足。在遗产发现问题上,我国应设立较为完善的报告发现和奖励机制,激励水下文化遗产的发现者向主管机关报告,杜绝或减轻私人盗掘;在遗产保护问题上,应当将就地保护确立为一项保护原则,例外情形下才可进行发掘;在遗产发掘问题上,应当允许私人力量在一定条件下介入遗产的发掘。  相似文献   

非物质文化遗产的法律保护——以知识产权法为中心的思考   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
李宗辉 《知识产权》2005,15(6):54-57
2003年联合国教科文组织第32届会议通过<保护非物质文化遗产公约>,中国于2004年8月加入该公约.保护非物质文化遗产既是维护中华文明之必须,也是我们所应当承担的国际法上的义务.非物质文化遗产,与物质文化遗产相对,是人类既有精神成果的重要组成部分,它与以精神成果为保护对象的知识产权法的关系如何,我国知识产权法对非物质文化遗产的保护怎样,知识产权法以外的其他法律在保护非物质文化遗产方面可以发挥怎样的作用,是本文着力探讨的问题.笔者也希望可以借助这种探讨促进理论界对我国非物质文化遗产法律保护的整体性思考.  相似文献   

In order to provide prenatal care and other health services, this final rule revises the definition of "child" under the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) to clarify that an unborn child may be considered a "targeted low-income child" by the State and therefore eligible for SCHIP if other applicable State eligibility requirements are met. Under this definition, the State may elect to extend eligibility to unborn children for health benefits coverage, including prenatal care and delivery, consistent with SCHIP requirements.  相似文献   

This final rule implements section 6411 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (the Affordable Care Act), and provides guidance to States related to Federal/State funding of State start-up, operation and maintenance costs of Medicaid Recovery Audit Contractors (Medicaid RACs) and the payment methodology for State payments to Medicaid RACs. This rule also directs States to assure that adequate appeal processes are in place for providers to dispute adverse determinations made by Medicaid RACs. Lastly, the rule directs States to coordinate with other contractors and entities auditing Medicaid providers and with State and Federal law enforcement agencies.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1983,48(247):56648-56649
This Notice is issued in accordance with Executive Order 12372, Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs as implemented by HHS in 45 CFR Part 100. The scheduled application due dates and funding dates for health systems agencies (HSAs) and State Health Planning and Development Agencies (SHPDAs) are provided below to assist States and other entities within a State in determining the comment period as required under 45 CFR Part 100.  相似文献   

论专属经济区军事利用的法律问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
专属经济区是海洋法公约创设的自成一类的新海域和新制度。沿岸国对其自然资源拥有主权并享有专属管辖权。其他国家在沿岸国专属经济区虽享有“航行、飞越”等有关军事利用的自由,但这种自由不属于传统的公海自由,其上覆区域也不是“国际空域”。因此,任何国家任何形式的军事利用活动,都必须尊重沿岸国的主权和安全,只用于和平目的,禁止一切非法活动。沿岸国和其他国家在专属经济区水体和海床军事利用权限的范围和程度上是有区别的。  相似文献   

《Federal register》1992,57(225):54710-54712
This final rule deletes a requirement in Medicaid regulations pertaining to State survey agencies, which certify facilities as meeting the requirements for participation in the Medicaid program. Specifically, we are deleting the requirement that State survey agencies, when certifying facilities with deficiencies, must provide written documentation that the deficiencies do not jeopardize resident health and safety or seriously limit the facility's capacity to furnish adequate care. Because there are already other written requirements for documentation of these deficiencies, this revision eliminates an unnecessary administrative burden, while ensuring resident health and safety.  相似文献   

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) are amending their regulations to include as part of an organ those blood vessels recovered with the organ that are intended for use in organ transplantation (HRSA regulation); and to exclude such blood vessels from the definition of human cells, tissues, or cellular or tissue-based products (HCT/Ps) (FDA regulation). The purpose of this final rule is to amend the regulations so that blood vessels recovered with organs and intended for use in organ transplantation, and labeled as such, are governed by the regulations pertaining to organs. The regulation of other recovered blood vessels remains unchanged. We (HRSA and FDA) believe that this change will eliminate the burden resulting from an organ procurement organization's efforts to comply with both FDA and HRSA rules with respect to blood vessels (FDA jurisdiction) and organs (HRSA jurisdiction).  相似文献   

《Federal register》1991,56(177):46380-46387
Under certain circumstances, States are currently permitted to use voluntary contributions (donated funds) from providers and all revenues from State-imposed taxes, as the State share of the costs of the Medicaid program. There is now widespread use of State donations or other voluntary provider payment programs that unfairly affect the Federal share of Federal Financial Participation (FFP). This practice circumvents the States' statutory obligation to expend funds for medical assistance. Therefore, effective January 1, 1992, this interim final rule requires that the amount of funds donated from Medicaid providers be offset from Medicaid expenditures incurred on or after this date before calculating the amount of FFP in Medicaid expenditures. It also interprets section 4701(b)(2) of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990, which added section 1903(i)(10) to the Social Security Act. Section 1903(i)(10), precludes Federal Financial Participation (FFP) in State payments to hospitals, nursing facilities, and intermediate care facilities for the mentally retarded for facility expenditures that are attributable to provider-specific State taxes.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1998,63(83):23664-23665
It continues to be the policy of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to report to State Licensing Boards any separated physician, dentist, or other licensed health care professional whose clinical practice so significantly failed to meet generally accepted standards of clinical practice as to raise reasonable concern for the safety of patients. This document provides that, in addition, VA will report to State Licensing Boards any currently employed physician, dentist, or other licensed health care professional (one who is on VA rolls) whose clinical practice so significantly failed to meet generally accepted standards of clinical practice during VA employment as to raise reasonable concern for the safety of patients. Some health care professionals who are VA employees also provide health care outside VA's jurisdiction. Accordingly, the reporting of currently employed licensed health care professionals who meet the standard for reporting is necessary so that State Licensing Boards can take action as appropriate to protect the public. Examples of actions that meet the criteria for reporting are set forth in the text portion of this rulemaking. Also, nonsubstantive changes are made for purposes of clarity.  相似文献   

浅析国家豁免的几个问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
国家豁免泛指一国的行为和财产不受另一国的立法、司法和行政等方面的管辖。国家豁免是一项国际法原则,主权平等理论是其主要法律依据。国家豁免的主体包括国家及其政府机关、联邦国家的组成单位、国家政治区分单位、国家机构或部门和其他实体、国家代表。关于国家豁免范围,许多国家先后抛弃了绝对豁免的主张,转向限制国家豁免的立场。  相似文献   

《Federal register》1993,58(178):48455-48458
This document sets forth the policy of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) for reporting physicians, dentists, and other health care professionals to State licensing boards under authority of the act captioned "Veterans' Administration Health-Care Amendments of 1985" (the Act) and other authority. The intended effect of this policy is to cooperate with State licensing boards for the purpose of promoting better health care.  相似文献   

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