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论我国公益慈善事业管理机制的创新   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
伴随着经济社会领域的整体进步,我国的慈善事业步入了新的发展时期,取得了可喜的发展进步,但与转型期公益慈善事业呈井喷式发展不相适应的是,公益慈善事业的法制建设及管理机制还没得到及时的配套和完善,阻碍了公益慈善事业的发展进程。本文通过考察当前我国公益慈善事业管理机制的现状,剖析其存在的问题,借鉴发达国家公益慈善事业管理的先进理念,提出了创新我国公益慈善事业管理机制的对策建议。  相似文献   

This paper tests a model where governmentand private charity are perfect substitutesin consumption, but the cost of providingcharitable assistance differs betweenprivate and government suppliers. Theanalysis demonstrates that higher costs oftransferring through the government canaccount for the observed phenomenon of lessthan complete crowding out and theempirical results are broadly consistentwith that approach. Overall the evidenceis consistent with the hypothesis thatindividuals both care about the leakagesinvolved in transferring funds to the poorthrough government and respond in theirprivate giving to changes in thedifferential public cost.  相似文献   

This study contributes to the growing literature on differences in attitudes between public and private sector employees, particularly with respect to their receptivity or resistance to public management reforms. We begin by asking the question: to what degree does perceived self-interest play a role in accounting for attitudes toward public management reforms such as downsizing, privatization, and public spending? Using attitudinal data from Sweden, a social welfare state with a large public bureaucracy, a tension is observed both among public employees in different levels of government and between public and private sector employees. In the context of public management reforms, national government employees emerge as more right-leaning politically and more supportive of public management reforms than those working in local government. The analysis finds, particularly among national government employees, that while interest as measured here is strongly related to attitudes toward reform, status as a public employee and status as a public bureaucrat are not as significant as other components of interest in accounting for attitudes toward public management reform.  相似文献   

Household food insecurity status in the United States is ascertained by a battery of close‐ended questions. We posit that the monthly nature of benefit receipt from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) creates experiences of food hardship, which become salient in the context of SNAP receipt, and in turn exert influence on the response to food security questions. We test this hypothesis by examining answers to a 30‐day food security module in relation to when SNAP benefits are received. We find that for SNAP households near the end of or at the beginning of the benefit month, the probability of being classified as food insecure increases by 11 percentage points, over a baseline of 42 percent. We also find that the probability of responding affirmatively to any of the first five items in the module increases during this time. We discuss the importance of these findings for the estimation of food security and its implication on program evaluation.  相似文献   

In 1971, 44 percent of workers who had been currently entitled to social security disability insurance (DI) benefits for 1 year or more also received benefits from at least one other source. Their average disability insurance benefit was higher than that of persons who received only DI benefits. On the average, total benefits to those receiving multiple benefits were double the amounts paid to those receiving only DI benefits. The combined benefits for the former produced median replacement rates about 50 percent larger than the median replacement rates for the latter. High replacement rates--defined here as more than 80 percent of predisability earnings replaced by benefit--predominate among those with multiple benefits. Considering replacement rates based solely on disability insurance benefits substantially understates the extent to which benefits from public and private programs actually replace predisability earnings. Replacement rates based solely on DI benefits are generally higher for those receiving DI benefits only than for persons receiving multiple benefits. Limiting DI benefits to the replacement rate from DI benefits alone is disadvantageous for persons who receive only DI benefits, compared with those who also receive other benefits.  相似文献   

与传统的结合于基本人权、弱者救助的社会福利倡导观念不同,卢曼更看到了在当代社会中这种简单的福利观念对社会发展带来的负面影响和对社会矛盾的刺激。卢曼认为,社会福利问题的观察和解决需要借助于系统理论。政治、法律、教育、经济都是一个个封闭而自治的系统,相互之间的简单干预都会影响到彼此的正常功能。它们彼此之间的积极性的影响只能通过系统间的结构性耦合来实现。这些观点对我国当前的福利研究和制度设计会带来一定的启发。  相似文献   

The expansion of the welfare state is said to have led to the direct involvement of local government in the provision of social services. Increased participation of local government in welfare services would furthermore produce a centralisation of power. In this article, the above sequence of links is investigated in eight West European countries. One observes no strong correlation between the level of welfare provision and the level of state centralisation. But this absence of links results from two strong associations: one positive between welfare effort and local government involvement, and the other negative between the latter and state centralisation.  相似文献   

Although it is difficult for local governments to give support for social welfare recipients top political priority, there are huge variations in the support recipients actually receive among Norwegian municipalities. However, local governments representing different party ideologies may prefer to support different dimensions of generosity. Some municipalities could have a liberal attitude to eligibility rules but be strict on time limits and the amount of money provided. Others may be generous regarding time limits or amounts received once one is accepted as a welfare client. Data from the mid 1990s indicate the variation in support is related to different generosity dimensions for different party groups. While the total number of clients seems unrelated to politics and basically correlates with local social problems, the duration and amount of support are related to the political composition of the municipality assembly. Devoid of any large variation, both time limits and the amount of support increase in accordance with socialist leanings, and the total budget used for social welfare support also increases with the proportion of women in the municipality assembly.  相似文献   

Social science research had an important but limited effect on welfare reform, meaning recent enactments that imposed work requirements on family welfare. Policymakers sometimes ignored findings, but the features of research also limited its influence. Most academics did not accept the conservative goals of reform, many of their predictions proved to be incorrect, and research also lacked sufficient policy content to interest government. These features reflect the recent development of the social sciences. For research to have more influence, it must become more catholic about goals and more realistic, and it must offer more governmental content. Especially, inquiry should rely less on the statistical analysis of databases and more on field observation of how poor communities live and programs operate.  相似文献   

David Stoesz 《Society》1997,34(3):68-77

先秦儒家文化中蕴含丰富的慈善思想,它以"仁爱"为核心,以"民本"为出发点,以"重义轻利"为准则,以"大同"社会为最终目标,构成了完整的儒家慈善伦理理论体系。深入挖掘先秦儒家慈善思想资源,阐发慈善文化理念,对于培养人们的慈善意识,唤醒人们的善心善念,进而推动社会主义慈善事业的健康发展,有着重要的理论指导意义。  相似文献   

社会保障是指国家和社会对公民在生、老、病、残而丧失劳动能力或因自然灾害而面临生活困难时给予的物质帮助 ,以此来保障每个公民的基本生活需要和维持劳动力再生产而建立的一种制度。社会保障对建立社会主义市场经济体制意义重大。它是市场经济的重要支柱 ,是市场经济的“安全网” ,是市场经济的“助推器” ,尤其是社会保障对于扩大内需、启动消费所起的作用 ,我们应予以足够的重视。  相似文献   

Interstate Competition and Welfare Policy   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In 1996, the federal government terminated the Aid to Familieswith Dependent Children (AFDC) program and replaced it withthe Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program (TANF).Many powers once held by the federal government are now beingused by state governments. Will welfare assistance be redesignedand expanded or will states "race to the bottom?" This issueis investigated by examining state welfare policy choices duringthe latter years of AFDC(1976–1994). Because each stateunder AFDC had the authority to set the level of its welfareguarantee for families that had no income, it is possible toestimate the effects of interstate competition on AFDC guaranteelevels. By estimating a spatial autocorrelation coefficientwhile controlling for theoretically relevant variables and statefixed effects, this study finds evidence that states are sensitiveto the welfare policies of their competitors.  相似文献   

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