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《African affairs》1983,82(326):122
Professor Kenneth Robinson has written to African Affairs apologizingfora slip of the pen in his review of A. H. M Kirk-Greene'sBiographical Dictionary of British Colonial Governors, Vol.I (Africa) (p. 588 of the October 1982 issue): ‘I wrotethat ‘Sir Gerald Creasy did not accompany the Secretaryof State to West Africa in 1928 but the Parliamentary UnderSecretary, Mr Ormsby-Gore’. The visit was, of course,as the Dictionary correctly records, to Ceylon and Malaya. Ican only grovel.’  相似文献   

For some reason, the only corrections received in the last Quarterconcern the United Nations in its various forms. General Daubentonwrites to point out that the study of kwashiorkor, referredto on p. 3, 1. 19, of the present volume, was undertaken bythe World Health Organisation, as well as by the Food and AgriculturalOrganisation. A learned letter from Mr. F. R. Bray, of the InternationalLabour Office, points out the connections between the legendThe Deeds of Bokari, printed on p. 61, and the Polynesian legendof Mauitikitiki. This connection exists, but not in the originalversion, only in the mind of the teller, E. Bankole Timothy.Finally, Dr. Chalmers Wright complains of the reference to theUnited Nations publication on inquiries into household standardsof living, made in the Shorter Notices on p. 172, pointing tothe 40 columns of material provided for the inquirer. I shouldhave thought that this might have been surmised from the precedingsentence in the notice, which refers to a list of most of thefield investigation in the past decade or two. The criticismof the actual content of the notice still remains, in my opinion,valid.   相似文献   

《African affairs》1952,51(202):33
A number of errors from the last number have come to light.On p. 280, 1. Io, the site of the new Uganda land project cannotbe North-west of Lake Albert if it is to be in Bunyoro. theSources on p. 329 require a certain modification. For AfricanMorning Post, one should read Gold Coast Observer. For Bulletinde l'nstitud Centrafricain, Bulletin de l'Institut des ÉtudesAfricaines, for Congo Ocersee, Kongo Oversee. One should alsoadd the useful Books for Africa to the list for Britain andl'Egypte Contemporain for Egypt. It is also necessary to pointout thatmanysources found useful in the past have for one reasonor another, ceased to flow and cannot always be recalled evenby an act of memory. On p. 341, on the last line of the reviewby J. A. Barnes, external should read eternal. The principalcovey of errors comes however in a paragraph on the top of p.347. The title of the German book is Mythe, Mensch und Umwelt,it is published in Bamberg, one writer is Harald von Sicard,the Nyama beliefs are West African, nor can they be strictlycalled a cult. On p. 384, the reference to the Belgian guiderather misses the point when spelt with two l's. It should readTracelers, as it does in American English.   相似文献   











《African affairs》1951,50(200):225
Readers may have noted a number of misprints in the last number,caused for the most part by special circumstances at the timeof proof-reading. From the January number (p. 21, L 31), theNorthern Rhodesia and Nyasaland Joint Publications Bureau pointout that the 100 titles quoted are not all new, and that theyare producing an average of 12 new books a year, mostly of generalinterest for Africans. On the next page, 1. 22, MacMunn shouldread MacMinn. On p. 90, the figures at American Universitiesarenew arrivals only. On p. 108, R. A. Hudson was Secretaryfor Native Affairs in Northern Rhodesia, not Chief Secretary.On p. 113, the American offer to the Union was for $2m. of driedeggs and millr, the figure quoted being the cost of distribution.On p. 117, Lennox Kew Suwisa should read Lennox Ken Sivrisa.On p. 122, the figure quoted for Egyptian tobacco is the totalrevenue from indirect and direct taxes in 1949. No tobacco isgrown commercially. F. Crawford, in the introduction to theNorthern Rhodesian development tables, should have been describedas Director of Development. In the reviews, the initials ofMr. Puplampu are D. A., not A. D. (as will be seen from hisarticle in this number). On p. 172, the author of the AfricanAngelus was the Rev. Merfyn Temple, and the cost of the bookshould be changed to 3/6 (3/10 post free).   相似文献   

《African affairs》1951,50(198):34
A thorough-going protest has been made to the Uganda referencesin April (pp. 101–2) but on inquiry they boil down toan inadequate summary of the Kingdon report, which is acknowledgedwith regret. In the July number, the same correspondent pointsout that it is not the Police that has been expanded but thePolice Service Unit; while the special restriction on assemblyis limited to certain gazetted areas, at present 4 gombololasin Kyadondo County. Another mistake, pointed out by H. B. Thomas,is a reference on p. 283 to 5000 square miles being alienated,instead of 500. I have also been asked to say that the Rev.Michael Scott's passport has not been cancelled; the referencehere (p. 200) was based on a report of Dr. DQnges statementon the 27th April: "The question arose as to how the Governmentcould prevent the abuse of a cancelled passport as in the caseof the Rev. Michael Scott, who, when asked to hand in his passport,slipped over the border and took a plane from Rhodesia". Forhis part, Mr. E. B. Kirkman has complained of a reference toa transit welfare centre for miners in the Northern Gold Coast(p. 189). Although this was based on a statement by the Chairmanof a Mining Company, the opportunity is gladly taken of imputingno Macchiavellian intentions to the men who planned and builtthe centre.   相似文献   

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