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建设服务型政府是我国发展市场经济的客观要求,是我国参与全球竞争的需要,是构建和谐社会的必然要求,也是人民的迫切愿望。服务型政府作为一种以公民为本的全新的政府治理模式,其构建及发展都离不开公民的有效参与。公民参与对服务型政府的构建意义重大,公民参与的效果直接影响着服务型政府的持续平稳发展。  相似文献   

随着我国公民社会的日益兴起,公众的主体意识、权利意识逐步增强,公共服务需求的内容及层次要求也相应地发生巨大变化,它们构成了政府公信力建设的外部环境与压力。如何将外部环境的要求与压力内化到政府管理制度及成员的行为规范之中,这是我国政府公信力建设需要研究的重要议题。确立以公民和社会为本位的价值理念,构建新型公共治理模式,在政治过程中实现与公民社会良性互动,是提升政府公信力的现实选择。  相似文献   

公民参与公共管理是新公共行政和强势民主理论强调的重要主张之一。它具有契合民主理念、确保决策品质、分担政府职能,培育公民自主与合作精神的优势,对目前我国服务型政府创建具有重要的价值与意义。把公民参与引入服务型政府建设过程还需要从提供基础条件、扩大参与形式和防范负面影响三方面入手。  相似文献   

"公民"一词是个舶来品,它最早出现在古希腊和古罗马.现代意义上的公民概念出现在启蒙思想运动中.公民是由宪法赋予权利和义务的法律概念,它既不同于"人民",也不同于"群众"和"老百姓".公民意识主要体现为权利意识和法律意识等.公民意识的提高是建设服务型政府的基础性因素.服务型政府理论的提出是一个创新,为我国行政学研究开辟了新的领域,同时也推动了我国的行政改革.作为一种理论它还有必要进一步地探究和完善,作为行政改革的一个目标它应是一种合理的制度设计.  相似文献   

蔡岚 《党政论坛》2010,(5):40-42
当前我国正处在构建服务型政府的进程中,新信息技术的发展使得广大民众对涉及民生、经济、政治等诸多社会问题的不满及其诉求能够得到及时的反映,但同时,新媒体的迅速发展也“弱化了政府对社会信息的控制力,使国家内政与外交透明度越来越高,受到的牵制与约束也随之增大”。在这种背景下,面对社会舆论的“井喷”、公众需求的“爆满”,政府相关部门以往面对公众舆论的“拖”、“等”、“删”、‘堵”等手段已经不再适用。  相似文献   

服务型政府建设过程中的互动关系探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
服务型政府建设是一项比经济体制改革更为艰巨的任务,政府在这项系统而复杂的工程中无可争议地处于"主角"的地位,但"主角"绝非"独角".服务型政府建设事业只有在党和政府、中央政府和地方政府、行政机关和立法机关、行政机关和司法机关、政府和社会的双向互动中,通过循序渐进的方式才能实现.  相似文献   

公民本位:构建服务型政府的价值思考   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
构建服务型政府已成为我国政府改革的目标选择,对其所蕴涵的公民本位之伦理向度与价值选择进行深刻而理性的思考,是一项基础性的任务。从不同语境中公民与政府关系的梳理、公民本位与服务型政府内在价值的逻辑、公民本位向度中服务型政府的原则考量和以公民为本位构建我国服务型政府的现实路径四个方面展开思考,有利于服务型政府的构建。  相似文献   

刘涛 《行政论坛》2009,16(4):24-27
社会资本是一种广泛而有效的社会资源,主要体现在社会资本理论中公民的信任与合作、有序的公民参与网络和公平正义的社会规范基础上.充分发挥这种资源的作用对建立社会主义服务型政府具有重大意义:一方面,服务型政府的建构依赖于公民的信任与合作;另一方面,服务型政府的实现离不开有序的公民参与网络;再者,服务型政府的运行依从于公平正义的社会规范及其价值理念.因此,必须大力培育以信任与合作为基础的社会资本,促进公民参与网络的建设,贯彻落实公平正义的社会规范,为建构社会主义服务型政府创造条件.  相似文献   

"治理"理论强调的治理主体多元性、合作互动性与服务型政府要求在建立有限政府、注重社会力量的培养等方面在价值追求上有契合点。从治理理论视角出发,通过对服务型政府内涵和特征的界定,探讨现阶段我国构建服务型政府的路径选择如下:要保证政府在整个治理体系中处于主导地位;促使公民社会的壮大,为服务型政府的构建打好基础;促进信息透明,加强法制建设,为政府与社会力量共治创造条件。  相似文献   

梁婷  王红光 《学理论》2011,(26):1-2
建设服务型政府是转变政府职能,推进中国经济社会发展的必然要求。服务型政府建设与社会组织发展是良性互动的过程,社会组织的发展将有力地推进服务型政府的建设。现阶段,社会组织在发展中存在着诸多问题和不足,推进社会组织发展需要从政府和社会等多方面进行。  相似文献   

The ever-growing body of literature on civil society can benefit from a return to the original theoretical articulation and defense of the concept in the work of G.W.F. Hegel. Specifically, this article suggests that Jean-Jacques Rousseau's influential critique of civil society remains unanswered and argues that Hegel responded with a sweeping and sympathetic institutional design that remains relevant today. Hegel agrees with Rousseau that commercial society aggravates the dissatisfaction of its members, and that educating individual desire through institutional design is necessary to solve this difficulty. However, modern states need not adopt Rousseau's extreme and impracticable solution. Hegel's concrete, market-based associations of civil society render desires satiable and elevate them to accord with the common good, while still maintaining the freedom and distinctness of a pluralistic modern society.  相似文献   

宋衍涛 《理论导刊》2006,(12):50-52
社会主义和谐社会是民主社会、法治社会、科学社会,它能够激发社会活力,促进社会公平和正义,增强社会的法律意识和诚信意识,维护社会安定团结。在构建社会主义和谐社会的过程中,要发挥政府的主导作用,主导不是统治,而主要是为社会和谐提供服务。  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to assess the Report of the Commonwealth Government's Taskforce on Reducing the Regulatory Burden on Business (the Banks Report), released in April 2006, and the government's response to the Report ( AG 2006a,b ). It focuses on the report's recommendations in regard to the system for making regulation in regard to business, particularly the regulation impact statement process (RIS), contained in chapter seven. This focus is chosen since it is the chapter in the report that addresses the underlying causes of over‐regulation.  相似文献   

Scholars argue that we cannot see civil society organizations (CSOs) as legitimate players in policy if we have no clear ways to define them and if we lack information explaining their functions. Thus, scholars and practitioners alike have encouraged the ‘mapping’ of civil society. Mapping civil society consists of gathering and collating information on CSOs and often making it publicly available. There is little scholarship about such mapping efforts implemented by government. This article compares new mapping efforts in two countries—i.e., registries of CSOs created by governments in Ecuador and Colombia. The article examines the intentions of civil society mapping by government, identifying three key goals: to collect data, to regulate, and to foster collaboration. It discusses the differences across civil society mappings by government and in comparison with other mapping projects. The article argues that registries are increasingly positioned as a link between government and civil society not only to collect data for transparency but also to implement regulatory measures and to foster various degrees of collaboration. Thus, greater research attention to civil society mappings by government and their possible implications on civil society development and civil society/state relations is needed.  相似文献   

Local government consists of elected community representatives, who serve on a part-time basis, hold office for a limited term and do not possess particular managerial skills. The chief executive officer (CEO) is appointed to manage the local government entity. Role conflict becomes an issue due to the competing values of the council and the CEO regarding resource allocation and the overall direction of the organisation. This paper looks at the underlying issues of the friction between the volunteer council and the paid staff and what strategies could be implemented to ensure the two functions are complementary and not conflicting.  相似文献   


The comparative strength of Scandinavian democracy is perceived to depend on its close connection with a widespread and membership-based associational life that cultivates orientations and behaviour in harmony with an active, egalitarian citizenship. However, at the end of the twentieth century, Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish governmental audits simultaneously revealed that the integrated Scandinavian model of democracy appeared not only to be diverging but threatened by individualization, segregation, and globalization. By a critical examination of various research findings, this article argues that Scandinavian civil society in certain respects is undergoing severe transformations that may explain more general tendencies of Scandinavian democracy. The changes of the civil society are not only internal, such as a shift from members to volunteers. Also externally, substantial changes are taking place, these partly due to governance structures and runaway parties, and causing some civic actors to move from the input side to the output side of the political system; others are shaping their critical role by speaking a global human rights language. Even though Scandinavian civil society has become more diverse, it is still undoubtedly embedded in Scandinavian democracy. However, its role as a trustworthy ally of an integrated democracy should no longer be taken for granted.  相似文献   

A call to Civil Society   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

政府、市场与公民社会的良性互动   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
20世纪80年代以来,西方国家在对市场失灵与政府失效进行纠错的基础上,提出了治理与善治的行政改革理念和模式。善治的实质在于实现政府、市场与公民社会之间的良性互动,以此来弥补政府和市场在调控和协调过程中的某些不足。治理和善治在一定程度上反映了公共行政发展的规律和趋势,借鉴和吸收其合理因素,对于推进我国的行政改革,促进我国社会资本的形成和转化,实现我国的善治具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

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