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闵征 《中国监狱学刊》2007,22(6):121-121
李领臣在《法治论丛》2007年第2期上著文《“流氓软件”的法律规制》认为,流氓软件日益猖獗,反流氓软件的浪潮应运而生,但是效果不佳。遇此尴尬,主要是因为缺少直接对流氓软件规制的法律,流氓软件和反流氓软件都游离在法律的边缘。鉴于此,法律要明确界定流氓软件,首先,有利于解决对流氓软件的认定问题,明辨是非;其次,有利于为反流氓软件提供长效机制;再次,有利于建立和谐网络,净化网络空间。  相似文献   

流氓软件的发展趋势和恶意程度受到高度重视,引起了用户和媒体的强烈关注.流氓软件是采用特殊手段频繁弹出广告窗口,严重干扰用户的日常工作、数据安全和个人隐私.国内、国外虽然在理论研究和技术分析流氓软件上取得了一些成果,但是尚未形成系统的有关于流氓软件分析和防范对策.本文从流氓软件的背景入手,研究其国内外发展和治理现状、并探讨了治理流氓软件的相关法律问题,为相关部门有效治理流氓软件提供参考和决策支持,维护网络安全和互联网产业健康快速的发展.  相似文献   

近年来,中国互联网上形形色色的恶意软件横行无忌。只要打开网络,它们就不经同意强行侵入用户电脑,强行弹出广告,偷偷收集用户行为习惯,行为恶劣又无法卸载,与流氓简直无二,因而许多网民愤而称之为“流氓软件”。网民们近来还自发结成“中国反流氓软件联盟”,要代表全国一亿多网民用法律武器惩罚软件制造者、维护自己的合法权利。一时间,反“流氓软件”诉讼此起彼伏。而颇有戏剧性的是,一向被用来反击和拦截恶意软件的“雅虎助手”也陷入“流氓软件”的纷争之中。11月17日,北京市朝阳区人民法院就反流氓软件联盟诉雅虎中国一案以证据不足驳回原告全部诉讼请求。  相似文献   

凤建军 《河北法学》2008,26(6):24-29
流氓软件(恶意软件)是伴随计算机网络技术的发展而出现的新事物,在法律上对其的调整尚处于空白状态。现实中,流氓软件已经侵害了计算机网络用户的合法权益,这其中包括计算机用户的人格权和财产权,同时在巨大经济利益的作用下,流氓软件也易于导致软件企业及网络运营商们的恶性竞争,破坏了良性的网络经济秩序的运作。由于相关法律的缺失,法官在司法实务中也不知所措,因此,对流氓软件必须以完善立法为重点,采取多种措施进行综合治理。  相似文献   

“流氓软件”的违法性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“流氓软件”肆意猖獗、有恃无恐,“反流氓软件运动”方兴未艾、举步唯艰。规制“流氓软件”的基础是对其违法性的分析。本文以我国现行法律法规为依据,针对不同目的的“流氓软件”分别进行违法性分析和法律适用研究。  相似文献   

"流氓软件"伴随着网络的高速发展而产生,它的运作方式完全符合侵权行为构成要件.在本质上是一种侵权行为,严重侵害了用户的隐私权,需要通过法律进行规制。在参考西方发达国家就此问题采取的对策后,文章指出我国现有法律的不足,提出在加强隐私权立法的同时还要注重利用道德、技术等手段以更好地解决流氓软件问题。  相似文献   

高富平 《检察风云》2006,(23):58-59
生活在网络中的人们估计都有过“心烦意乱”的经历,电脑上不断弹出各种广告、网页甚至色情图片,不知道什么时候电脑中莫名其妙地多了说不清道不明的软件,还卸载不了!流氓软件肆意作祟,法律却似乎奈何它不得?本期大讲堂特作此讨论。  相似文献   

生活在网络中的人们估计都有过"心烦意乱"的经历,电脑上不断弹出各种广告、网页甚至色情图片,不知道什么时候电脑中莫名其妙地多了说不清道不明的软件,还卸载不了!流氓软件肆意作祟,法律却似乎奈何它不得?本期大讲堂特作此讨论。  相似文献   

生活在网络中的人们估计都有过"心烦意乱"的经历,电脑上不断弹出各种广告、网页甚至色情图片,不知道什么时候电脑中莫名其妙地多了说不清道不明的软件,还卸载不了!流氓软件肆意作祟,法律却似乎奈何它不得?本期大讲堂特作此讨论。  相似文献   

“流氓软件”,互联网的黑社会?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长期以来,由于对“流氓软件”的界定模糊,形成了电脑病毒和“黑客”之间的法律灰色地带。近日,一个民间组织以自己的方式吹响了向“流氓软件”宣战的号角,他们要以连续诉讼证明:互联网不是黑社会。  相似文献   

The article discusses the problem of interpretation in law. Are there some criteria by which we can distinguish a good interpretation from a bad one, interpretation from over-interpretation? It is argued in this article that there is always a choice in defining the meaning of a text and this choice can be seen as an ethical one. This article thus studies the question of limits of interpretation by focusing on the ethical elements of interpretation. It is argued here that legal interpretation contains a requirement of justice that shapes the responsibility that the interpreter carries for his choices of meaning. Therefore the ethical elements of interpretation are especially pressing in the interpretation of legal texts.  相似文献   

腾讯QQ是一种具有即时通讯功能的计算机软件,和软件复制产品、电磁记录一样都属于计算机信息。盗窃腾讯QQ号码的实质是盗窃腾讯QQ软件复制品。计算机软件是著作权法的客体,而作为无体物的软件复制品和电磁记录却不能构成物权法的客体,只能视为动产给予保护。我国应该借鉴美国统一计算机信息交易法的立法经验,加紧制定计算机信息交易法以规范计算机信息交易,填补相关法律漏洞。  相似文献   

One of the ongoing conundrums in the field of IT law is the nature of software. Pragmatic solutions have been adopted, and lawyers and developers alike have become comfortable that contracts and licences can be drafted and concluded in relative certainty despite the fundamental conceptual problem. As Atiyah's Sale of Goods puts it:
?…?the key to the conundrum is not to get lost in metaphysical questions as to whether or not software is goods, but to focus on who is being sued in respect of what sort of defect, and to be clear as to the basis on which liability is being imposed. (Atiyah 2010, 78–79)  相似文献   

This paper tracks the interesting journey of software patents in the United States from both a historic and current standpoint. The U.S patent system has drifted from being strict in the 1970s to being fairly lenient in 1990s and now again strict since 2007. The revolutionizing and famous Bilski case that is redefining the boundaries of software patents is described, and the impact of this Court case on software patents is discussed. The challenges in issuing software patents in terms of proving novelty and non-obviousness are presented in an attempt to bring forward some of the questions in the software patent debate. The uniqueness of software as an invention is analyzed to understand why software should be considered differently compared to other industries. The advantages and disadvantages of software patents are discussed. The paper concludes by providing recommendations and proposing a balanced approach to software patents.  相似文献   

沈木珠 《政法学刊》2001,18(2):40-43
中国知识产权第一案2000年10月10日在广东省高级人民法院重审,由于案件的特殊性,有理由对此案的行政裁决及一审判决提出质疑并评析诉、辩双方的事实与理由,由此得出计算机软件的保护及侵权责任界定的意见和依据。  相似文献   

This article examines whether bad upbringing (or what is sometimes called a “rotten social background”) affects just or deserved punishment. There are two possible rationales for this claim. First, it may be argued that an offender’s blameworthiness for his choice to offend is reduced if he had a bad upbringing; second, it may be argued that fairness requires us to impose a less severe punitive burden on an offender with a bad upbringing, even if he is no less blameworthy for his crime. The article rejects both of these rationales.  相似文献   

为了解和掌握东城区中医医疗机构的执业现状,探讨如何规范中医医疗机构的执业行为,为下一步制定中医药发展综合改革政策提供参考,东城区卫生监督所编制了《东城区中医医疗机构依法执业调查表》,对东城区103家中医医疗机构进行了问卷调查。调查结果显示:参与调查的东城区103家中医医疗机构有34家存在使用异地执业医师、设立网站未经审核、医疗废物暂时贮存时间超过2天等不良执业行为。经数据分析,中医医院不良执业行为的发生率比诊所高且具有统计学意义。针对上述问题笔者提出应针对中医医疗机构实施分级管理,加强对中医医疗机构依法执业的培训,卫生监督部门应加大执法力度,建立官方权威中医宣传平台等防范措施,以促进中医医疗机构依法执业及中医行业的健康发展。  相似文献   

论市场文化与经济犯罪   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李锡海 《法学论坛》2006,21(3):5-14
犯罪是文化的产物,特定的犯罪类型必然与特定的文化形态密切联系。从这个意义上讲,经济犯罪是市场文化的产物。转型期的市场文化为经济犯罪的诱发提供了丰厚的土壤。具体讲,市场文化观念的负效应是滋生经济犯罪的温床,市场文化与传统文化的冲突是诱发经济犯罪的动因,市场文化建设中的不良倾向是诱发经济犯罪的重要条件。因此,提升市场文化,从各个方面加强市场文化建设,才能有效地控制经济犯罪。  相似文献   

季奎明 《行政与法》2007,(11):107-111
反向域名侵夺是一个与域名抢注同时出现却又远没有引起足够重视的问题,UDRP的制度和CNNIC的规定指出了反向域名侵夺的定义和常见形态,却没有具体给出认定标准。本文主要讨论反向域名侵夺的"恶意"判断方法,指出当前制度设计中的缺陷,建议在立法中加入保证金、暂停受诉等惩罚措施,在实质上防范域名争议解决程序的滥用。  相似文献   

Abstract: GeneMarker® HID was assessed as a software tool for the analysis of forensic short tandem repeat (STR) data and as a resource for analysis of custom STR multiplexes. The software is easy to learn and use, and includes design features that have the potential to reduce user fatigue. To illustrate reliability and accuracy, STR data from both single‐source and mixture profiles were analyzed and compared to profiles interpreted with another software package. A total of 1898 STR profiles representing 28,470 loci and more than 42,000 alleles were analyzed with 100% concordance. GeneMarker HID was also used to successfully analyze data generated from a custom STR multiplex, with simplified and rapid implementation. Finally, the impact of the user‐friendly design features of the software was assessed through a time scale study. The results suggest that laboratories can reduce the time required for data analysis by at least 25% when using GeneMarker HID.  相似文献   

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