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20世纪90年代以来,湄公河地区的经济合作取得了巨大进展.其中,泰国与越南表现突出.泰国和越南在充分利用GMS经济合作机制的同时,试图建立起以本国为中心的合作机制,以扩大其在区域经济合作中的影响力.泰国和越南在湄公河地区的合作或竞争,将决定该地区经济合作的未来.  相似文献   

大湄公河次区域经济合作的国际关系学意义解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以往对大湄公河次区域(GMS)经济合作的研究过多地注重了其经济意义,而忽视了其国际关系学方面的意义。事实上,冷战结束以来,GMS经济合作不但促进了GMS国家之间的经济发展和社会进步,而且促进了这些国家之间政治关系的良性互动,反过来又为其经济社会的发展创造了有利的外部环境。本文主要探讨GMS经济合作在冷战后GMS国家间关系的发展以及“和谐区域”建设中所起的积极作用。  相似文献   

经济走廊建设是推进大湄公河次区域经济合作(GMS)的重要发展战略,其核心是将次区域交通走廊的建设与经济发展相结合,把交通走廊转变为经济走廊。2008年6月,大湄公河次区域经济走廊论坛在昆明正式成立,标志着GMS交通走廊将逐步发展成为全面成熟的经济走廊。本文认为,经济走廊建设是新形势下进一步深化大湄公河次区域合作的重要路径和突破口,同时也是中国参与大湄公河次区域合作的重要形式,并将对中国与东盟的经贸合作产生深远的影响。  相似文献   

旅游合作是大湄公河次区域(GMS)经济合作的重要组成部分和先行领域,对推动GMS的全面合作意义重大.本文阐述了GMS旅游合作的进展,分析了面临的困难及需要解决的问题,对未来5~10年的合作前景进行了展望.  相似文献   

邓涵 《当代亚太》2019,(6):131-157
澜沧江—湄公河地区合作制度之间的竞争与合作正在日益复杂化。2018年作为"峰会年",可以为评估该地区的制度竞合提供有效的视角。通过提出参与成员是否具有排他性、主导成员是否为同类型国家、议题领域是否重叠、合作内容是否涉及"高级政治"、目标原则是否具有外向性这5个维度的指标进行系统评估,并对中国、日本、越南和泰国四个关键国家的互动进行案例分析,文章发现,澜湄地区合作制度之间的竞争被夸大了;澜湄合作与日本—湄公河合作互为主要的竞争对象,但前者是被动跟随而非主动挑起竞争;柬老越发展三角、柬老缅越合作与伊洛瓦底江—湄南河—湄公河三河流域经济合作战略也相互竞争,但后者正在取得优势;澜湄合作与大湄公河次区域经济合作、湄公河委员会之间不会出现"制度达尔文主义"。  相似文献   

冷战后日本的大湄公河次区域政策及其行动选择研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冷战后,日本通过各种渠道积极参与并援助大湄公河次区域(GMS)的合作,日本现已成为GMS最大的援助国和投资国,其对GMS五国的影响日益加深.本文论述了日本出台GMS政策的背景,对日本GMS政策及其行动进行了分析,并对其今后的走向做出展望.  相似文献   

2008年3月27~28日,"大湄公河次区域经济走廊:合作与发展"国际学术研讨会在昆明举行,会议由云南大学国际关系研究院主办.来自柬埔寨、老挝、缅甸、泰国、越南、印度、日本、韩国和中国的70余名专家学者,围绕着如何进一步促进大湄公河次区域(GMS)经济走廊建设和经济社会可持续发展进行了研讨,并就基础设施建设与经济发展、社会与环境、地区合作、国际关系等问题提出了自己的思路与对策.  相似文献   

如何和平共享越境水资源一直是跨国流域关系构建所面临的重要问题和挑战。历史的实践已经证明,合作管理是理性而共赢的选择,其不仅会促进国家间合作的拓展和深化,更会推动整个区域的合作,从而使国家间获益的程度和范围远远超过河流合作本身所带来的收益。在澜沧江—湄公河流域,水资源管理涵盖社会、经济、环境和政治等多维向度。作为最重要的两个次区域多边机制,GMS和MRC作用积极但成效有限,缺乏区域认同的制度安排仍是目前该流域水资源管理所面临的最大问题。未来在澜沧江—湄公河流域,需要提升流域一级的综合合作,加强高级别的政治参与。而中国作为上游国家,也需要从战略高度思考如何发挥地区性大国作用,对共享水资源进行更长远、更系统的管理。  相似文献   

联合国“2030年可持续发展议程”的不断推进和国际发展格局的变化,促使发展合作的参与主体日益多元化。作为新兴发展援助国,中国的对外援助日益引起学界的关注。本文将中资企业发展合作的测量指标设置为“企业履行”和“员工认知”,利用“海外中资企业与东道国员工综合调查”(OCEES)中湄公河流域五国中资企业的相关数据,从“企业履行”和东道国“员工认知”两个维度出发,探索中资企业在湄公河流域国家发展合作的成效和影响因素。研究发现,湄公河流域五国中资企业在促进当地经济发展合作的同时,也积极推动了当地社会发展合作。进一步的结构方程模型分析结果显示,企业规模和企业高管的学历层次是影响湄公河流域五国中资企业履行发展合作的主要因素,而东道国员工的岗位职级和入职年限则是影响其对所在企业发展合作状况认知的主要因素。因此,本文认为,在澜湄合作机制的背景下,中国增进澜湄合作需要突破以往从国家行为体出发的一元化发展合作思维模式,从中资企业主体视角出发,将承担项目转变为主动参与,充分考虑“企业履行”和“员工认知”两方面的影响因素,联动国家和国际组织,避免单一化的发展合作方式,为中国国际发展合作的多维度和多元化提供参考路径。  相似文献   

亚洲开发银行与湄公河次区域经济合作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
湄公河流域区域合作在20世纪90年代初重新活跃,并形成了众多国际组织和国家参与的合作机制.其中亚洲开发银行牵头组织的湄公河次区域经济合作是最有成效的一个.本文试图探究亚行在湄公河区域合作过程中的作用与挑战.  相似文献   

This article takes issue with the rhetorical construction of what constitutes a “regional market economy” that informs much official thinking around the Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS) Program. It is argued that this is a limited construction that privileges the unimpeded movement of goods and resources within the area. Missing from this construct are more fundamental dimensions of what constitutes a proper “economy,” such as production and the institutional foundation to support such activity. Without these, the GMS may be constrained in its future development, rising little beyond an entrepôt basis. If the Program is to realise its full promise, further initiatives will be required, particularly to firmly embed a productive capacity within the region and establish a coherent institutional framework in its support.  相似文献   

Lao PDR, located in a geopolitically strategic area of the Mekong region, has served as a “buffer state” without being placed under any one country's influence, contributing to the status quo of regional power balance. The skillful balanced diplomacy of Lao PDR has enabled it to keep this position. Yet, in face of growing Chinese presence, how long will that be the case? With an emerging regional economy across borders in the Mekong region as the background, Lao PDR, a small, land-locked country, has achieved relatively high economic growth rates and has started to attract foreign direct investment in recent years. In this process, Japanese companies have started to invest in manufacturing there, and Japan-Laos business partnership has been taking off. Looking for further development, Lao PDR has been consolidating its position as the “battery of the Mekong,” a net exporter of electricity. By improving its connectivity with neighboring countries, Lao PDR has also been making untiring efforts to become a “land-linked” country, aiming to serve as a “logistic hub” for the region, taking advantage of its geopolitical advantage, Yet, many challenges exist before this goal is achieved.  相似文献   


This paper introduces a special issue on contemporary neo-liberal development policy in Asia. The paper contextualises the current state of neo-liberal development policy as having moved beyond two earlier phases: one that intended to limit the state and unleash market forces and, subsequently, one that was oriented towards remaking the state in an idealised liberal market image. While building off its forebears, contemporary neo-liberal development policy – what we describe as “market building” – displays a new array of foci and modalities that not only continue to target the state as a site of reform (though often in novel ways) but which also regularly work around the state to directly cultivate private sector activity. Moreover, a product of its times, market building incorporates an increased emphasis upon risk and risk management, with risk to programme implementation and capital now central concerns within the neo-liberal agenda. However, just as with earlier phases of neo-liberalism, the market-building agenda is both subjected to and produces particular patterns of politics. As the papers in this special issue show, perhaps nowhere is this reality more interesting than in Asia, where new and emboldened patterns of accumulation are evident and, where too, nation-states are no longer as materially dependent on organisations such as the World Bank as before.  相似文献   

This article seeks to draw connections between a political ecology of global investment in resource sector development and a culturally informed understanding of rural out-migration across the Lao–Thai border. The author highlights how the departures of rural youth for wage labor in Thailand and the remittances they return to sending villages are becoming important for understanding agrarian transformations in Laos today. In the first section the author introduces the contemporary context of cross-border migrations across the Lao–Thai Mekong border. The second section shifts focus to a village in Laos's central Khammouane Province, where extended field research was conducted between 2006 and 2009. In this village, youth out-migration to Thailand has become a widespread phenomenon, with nearly every household involved. The segmented cultural and gendered features of this migration and its salience for understanding contemporary transformations in this locale invite a broadening of agrarian studies analysis. The final section expands upon how political ecology can provide such a broader analysis by drawing attention to how extractive resource projects affect local tenure rights and livelihoods, with significant rents captured by the state and resource firms. By making these connections, the author argues there are coercive underpinnings to contemporary Mekong migrations, which may be linked to governance problems in the Lao resource sector.  相似文献   

The struggles of poor communities to negotiate development processes have been documented increasingly in recent years. However, recognition of the agency of the poor should not preclude attention to patterns of oppression that may be intensifying in the face of top-down development processes imposed by increasingly well co-ordinated elites. Examination of patterns of violence in border areas across the Greater Mekong Sub-region suggests that integration facilitates the collusion of state actors in the dispossession of the poor in a manner that is deleterious to ethnic minorities, internal migrants and other vulnerable populations. National political processes are not offering mechanisms by which such populations can seek to contest this trend.  相似文献   

A global water crisis is widely predicted to occur in this century. China is both water-poor – in per capita terms one of the world's twelve most deprived (and increasingly water-polluted) countries – and, at the same time, also water-rich. This “blue gold” wealth makes China a potential water-power of “Saudi-Arabia” dimensions. While China's potential remains largely undeveloped, the country faces growing water pressures: highly uneven distribution between North and South, urbanization, population increase, degradation of the environment, and rapidly rising demands for energy, irrigation, and town water. The Three Gorges Dam project is the largest hydro-development project in the world and possibly the largest civil engineering project in history. This paper looks at less well-known development projects for the major rivers of China's South and Southwest including the Lancang (Mekong) and the Upper Yangzi. It also discusses the plans for a “Cascade” of dams on the Lancang, which will have a significant impact on Southeast Mekong riparian countries, plans to “transfer” water from the Yangzi to the North China plain, and the idea of a global “super dam” in the Tibetan Himalayas. The paper argues that the Chinese government favors the “modern” paradigm of water engineering at a time when that paradigm is being abandoned in the developed world in favor of safer, more economical, and more sustainable options.  相似文献   

泛北部湾区域经济合作的难点与突破   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
泛北部湾合作是在中国-东盟10+1框架下的一个海上次区域经济合作,与陆上的大湄公河次区域合作一起,构成了中国-东盟的全方位区域经济合作新格局。泛北优势在海,范围广,潜力大,但困难和挑战也大。合作的突破在项目。南宁-新加坡走廊、中国投资参与东盟东部增长区发展、北部湾经济圈等项目的推进将惠及所有泛北成员。广西北部湾经济区要主动和率先崛起,成为泛北部湾次区域的经济合作核心区。全球金融危机背景下,中国提出建立100亿美元的中国—东盟合作基金,为泛北合作提供了历史性机遇。  相似文献   

Japan's active engagement in the development of the Mekong region since the 1990s needs to be understood not only from an economic but also from a diplomatic perspective. Japan seeks to collaborate with ASEAN in facilitating multilateral “political dialogue” in the Asia-Pacific region and building an East Asian order based on “universal values” such as democracy and the rule of law, and the Mekong region could be the “weakest link” of ASEAN. After outlining Japan's twenty-year undertaking to cultivate Mekong-Japan cooperation, the author suggests that it is time to broaden the scope of the cooperation and accelerate Japan's “proactive contribution to peace” policy to cope with the changing security environment.  相似文献   

This paper explores the relation between the fair trade market in the North and producer cooperatives in the South. It specifically focuses on three agricultural cooperatives in Ethiopia, Tanzania, and South Africa to look at the way in which the fair trade market and the state have promoted or hindered alternative production in the global South. Fair trade has gained considerable popularity among Northern consumers in the last decade. For many consumers, the assumption is that buying fair trade ensures producers in the South receive a fair price for their goods. However, fair trade is much more complex than consumer choices or simply offering fair prices to producers. Does fair trade constitute an alternative trading system or is it an attempt to introduce fairer conditions within the current system? What is the role of the state? What is the role of the market? Are there other ways to ensure producers in the global South receive fair prices? These are the central questions explored in this paper.  相似文献   

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