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王巢凤  林猤 《法制与社会》2011,(36):173-175
本文将从马克思的人生价值理论.行政人员的存在方式以及其独有的社会规定性对行政人格的内涵进行诠释,以便更好地理解行政人格。同时对行政人员行政人格的塑造必要性将从理论上及现实情况进行分析,最后将从行政人员自我调适,以及外部环境合宜性的改造两个维度提出相应的对策,以更好地塑造行政人员的行政人格。  相似文献   

行政文化视野中的行政人格塑造   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
曹芳  陈建斌 《行政与法》2005,(10):25-27
行政人格是指行政人员与社会其他成员相区别的内在规定性。本文以行政文化作为考究行政人格塑造的一个视角,以行政文化建设与行政人格塑造的契合作为分析的逻辑起点,深入剖析行政人格异化的行政文化因素,探讨如何以行政文化建设来推动行政人格的塑造。  相似文献   

本文阐述了我国目前行政人格扭曲的表现和危害,并着重从外部因素,如传统思想的影响、转型时期的价值冲突和制度脱节、社会环境和官场生态环境的影响、法律和制度的缺陷以及行政人员的职业特性和工作压力等方面分析了造成行政人格扭曲的原因,最后在此基础上提出了塑造理想行政人格的建议。  相似文献   

行政立法随着社会的发展逐渐成为政府实现其行政管理职能的重要手段 ,但是行政立法的泛化现象引发了人们对行政立法合理性及有效性的重新认识。从经济学的角度对行政立法进行成本与效益分析 ,是检验政府行为是否合理的有效途径之一。行政立法决策及立法程序这两个环节 ,是提高行政立法效益的关键。  相似文献   

确立行政强制执行权的归属与分配问题是建立行政强制执行制度的前提和基础。它既关系到国家行政管理活动能否顺利进行,也关系到公民、组织的合法权益是否会受到更切实的保障,因而行政强制执行权如何授予是一个值得深入探究的问题。本文试图以一个新的视角即从成本与效益的角度提出一些自己的观点。  相似文献   

行政立法效益评估——美国的做法及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王瑞 《行政与法》2010,(4):91-94
行政立法效益评估是美国自上世纪70年代以后逐渐发展起来的通过运用成本——收益分析或成本——效果分析方法对行政立法进行评估以改善行政立法质量的一种制度。目前行政立法效益评估已经成为美国重要行政立法的必经程序之一,有效地促进了管制政策制定的科学性和合理性,对于提升行政效能起到了良好的推动作用。本文从美国行政立法效益评估兴起的背景、主要做法及其对我国行政效能监督的启示三个方面对美国行政立法效益评估进行了阐述,文章认为美国行政立法效益评估中立法谦抑的指导思想,集中统一的审查机制和科学合理的评估方法对于我国行政效能监督建设最具借鉴意义。  相似文献   

辅助原则要求决策优先由市场或低层级政府机构做出。行政立法活动是一种经济活动,它在耗费一定资源的同时获取收益。按法经济学理论,辅助原则可以从不同层级政府机构之间的立法权力分配以及政府与市场之间的立法资源分配两个维度来提高行政立法效益。加大分权,在纵向上实现低层级行政立法、放松管制,在横向上让权与市场。同时,促进信息沟通之上的主动辅助和分权机构间的立法竞争。  相似文献   

“行政效率”与“行政效益”这两个概念常被学界所混淆。本文在对这两个概念进行区分甄别的基础上,通过人的“天性一致”定理入手,分析“经济人”注重投入产出比,追求个人经济利益最大化;而“政治人”的趋利却不在追求管理效益最大化,反之,他会以低效率和高成本的投入获取低效益并从中求得个人私利最大化。这是一个悖理,悖理的存在有其客观的原因,在理清原因的基础上,再进一步提出提高行政管理效益可采取的有效举措。  相似文献   

行政审批制度是国家干预市场经济行动的一种有效手段,行政审批必须公开、透明、便民;网上审批系统在遵守此原则的基础上是指通过先进的网络平台技术和设计构架,紧密集成办公自动化系统,建立政府与企业和社会公众之间网上办事的信道,构建完善的网上审批系统是电子政务体系的有机组成部分。本文从成本—效益角度着手,以政务管理中两个核心的价值:行政效率、行政责任为尺度,站在政府的视角下对网上行政审批进行分析。  相似文献   

行政立法是指有权的国家行政机关依法定职权和程序制定有关行政管理的规范性文件的活动,其中主要部分在西方有些国家被称为委任立法或授权立法。由于行政立法对传统的权力分立理论精神的冲击,其白诞生以来一直是各国关注的焦点。  相似文献   

蓝蓝 《法律科学》2006,24(3):48-55
人格商品化现象对人格与财产的二元权利体系造成了强烈冲击,由此也引发了诸多理论争议。当下,人格权观点与财产权(二元权利)观点、知识产权观点,分别代表了在人格权制度内部和外部解决人格商品化问题的不同思路。在这三种观点中,人格权与知识产权观点各有自身的不足或缺陷,只有财产权(二元权利)观点才是我国目前解决人格商品化问题的最优选择。  相似文献   

The traditional theory of property and tort law generally denies personality interests in property. In recent years, legislative and judicial practices at home and abroad have turned to care for personality interests in property and to protect it. The property with personality interests can be classified into four categories, namely, (a) property with personality symbolism, (b) property with specific human emotion, (c) property originated from specific human body, and (d) intellectual property from specific human wisdom, the first two of which internalize external matters and the last two externalize the inherent self. Comparing with fungible property, the property with personality interests on the basic of facts and law shall be more protected in legislative and judicial practices. Zhou Qiong, Ph.D. of law, studies at Huazhong University of Science and Technology. She also serves as editor of the Private Law Review. Ms Zhou’s research interests focus on civil law in general and tort law in particular. She has released several articles on civil law and science & technology law, and she is also one of the co-authors of Science and Technology Law (Hep, 2006). Moreover, she got the title of Top Ten Academic Achievements from Huazhong University of Science and Technology (2007).  相似文献   

高等教育行政管理是高等教育管理的重要组成部分,在高等教育管理中具有主导性和决定性作用。法治原则是全部国家制度和社会制度的基础,作为一种观念和实践反映在教育管理上,就是把学校组织纳入法律调节的范围,因此实现高等教育行政管理的依法行政是提高高等教育管理效率与质量的关键所在。  相似文献   

乔雅琴 《行政与法》2006,(11):127-128,F0003
公司法人人格制度在具体运作中,出现了公司股东滥用公司独立人格和股东有限责任的现象,本文针对公司人格被滥用的现状,对公司人格否认制度确立的必要性、公司法人人格否认法理及其适用作了初步分析,以平衡公司与股东的权利和股东与债权人的风险,达到健全和完善我国市场经济的立法作用。  相似文献   


Although previous research has reported that the incarceration of sex offenders does not significantly reduce re-offending, there is no adequate theory guiding remedial programs for this population. The aim of the present study was to examine whether normal personality variation provides useful theoretical insight into the nature of sex offences against children. The Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO PI-R), a measure of the five-factor model (FFM) of personality, was administered to 64 males incarcerated for child sex offences. Sex offenders were categorised into different offender groups comprising incest within the immediate family, incest within step-family and extra familial offence. A comparison group of 33 non-offender males also completed the NEO PI-R. Results indicated that the sex offender groups were significantly higher in Neuroticism and significantly lower in Extraversion and Conscientiousness compared to the non-offender group. Significant differences between the sex offender groups and comparison groups for NEO PI-R facets were also found. The implications of these findings in terms of early identification and treatment are discussed.  相似文献   

当前依法行政推进中的问题与对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李刚 《行政与法》2005,(8):34-36
依法行政作为依法治国的重要组成部分,是我国社会主义法制建设的重要内容,是政府运作的基本准则。本文剖析了当前制约依法行政顺利、健康发展的主要问题,并提出相关对策建议,以进一步全面推进依法行政。  相似文献   

Reported levels of crime continue to fall, but fear of crime remains a significant social problem. Previous studies have identified several factors that predict fear of crime (e.g. age and gender), however, it is not obvious how this information can be used to help distinguish between individuals in larger groups. Personality is predictive of other lifestyle outcomes yet its relationship with fear of crime remains unknown. We examined personality correlates of fear of crime alongside other well-established predictors. A total of 301 participants completed the HEXACO-PI-R personality scale, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory and the Oxford Happiness Questionnaire. Higher levels of emotionality (r = .37) and lower levels of honesty-humility (r = ?.18) correlated with increased levels of crime-related fear; however, prior victimisation did not improve a subsequent model. While elucidating the relationship between fear of crime and personality, our results also raise additional questions concerning the measurement of crime-related fear in the general population.  相似文献   

This study investigated the impact of completing collaborative case formulations (CFs) on the professional relationship between Offender Managers (OMs) and high risk offenders with personality disorder (PD). It was hypothesised that collaborative CFs would result in significantly improved professional relationships, offender engagement and OM confidence. Seventy-seven OMs were randomised into control and formulation groups and randomly allocated a high risk offender with PD. OMs in the formulation group attended advanced formulation training and constructed collaborative CFs. No collaborative CFs were constructed by the control group. All participants subsequently completed a measure of relationship quality. OMs also completed a perceived benefits rating scale evaluating perceived offender engagement and OM confidence. OMs in the formulation group reported significantly higher overall relationship quality, a stronger working alliance and greater confidence. Offenders in the formulation group reported significantly higher degrees of trust in their OMs. Results indicate that completing CFs collaboratively with high risk offenders with PD may have a small, beneficial impact on the quality of OM/Offender relationships and increase OM confidence.  相似文献   

论服务型政府的行政领导力提升   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
行政领导力的强弱是决定政府管理效率高低的关键,探讨具有完善整合力和回应力、具有高度责任感和为民服务精神的行政领导力,对于适应社会发展和满足公众需求具有极为重要的作用。文章以新公共服务理论的视角,从行政领导力的内涵、服务型政府对行政领导力的要求、服务型政府行政领导力的评价标准、服务型政府行政领导力提升的对策等几方面对如何提升行政领导力做了初步探讨。  相似文献   

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