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社会资本研究沿着关系效用的逻辑发展,只关注其经济性,而遮蔽其社会性,这违背了布迪厄提出资本理论以破解结构与能动二元对立的初衷。资本是结构和能动视角的双重蓄能,社会资本不仅仅是人与人的关系问题,更是人与群的互动问题,社会资本不能仅仅被理解为个体层次的关系资本,而是源于占据了一个熟识关系制度化的社会网络,其网络身份让个人可以借用集体共有的资本和信用。社会网络的社会性即在于网络整体的不可化约性,网络整合人,人也同时占据网络。徐福敦另立门户的例子具体阐释了社会资本如何在道德化、制度化和总体化的过程中进行积累即再生产的。  相似文献   

船员社会保障问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
船员社会保障问题是一个复杂的法律问题。中国是船员劳务大国,拥有数量众多的船员。中国的船员社会保障立法比较滞后,伴随着《2006年海事劳工公约》的出台,我们应当立足我国国情,结合国际公约的相关规定,进行我国的船员社会保障立法研究,从而保障船员社会保障权益,激发船员工作积极性,维护海上安全,促进我国航运业发展。  相似文献   

In early modern Europe, popular hostility toward criminals could be expressed through the use of the pillory (a device in which offenders were restrained and publicly displayed). Modern electronic communications have facilitated the emergence of contemporary versions of the pillory. One such example is prodeathpenalty.com , a Web site created by supporters of capital punishment that permits members to post comments about particular executions. Most such comments are markedly hostile toward the convicted offender. But is the hostility random or patterned? A new theory by Donald Black predicts that hostility will increase with changes in social space, or the movement of social time. Testing Black's theory, we find that the number of online comments hostile to the killer and supportive of the execution increases with the degree to which the murder was a movement of relational, vertical, and cultural time. Moving beyond the electronic pillory, we argue that Black's theory has much to offer to law and society scholars.  相似文献   

社会资本解释范式下的集团腐败犯罪研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在描述当代中国腐败问题的动向时,一个突出的趋势是腐败问题呈现出某种具有内在结构的集团化倾向,而这种集团化腐败的产生与蔓延越来越多地与社会发展整体形成了某种密切的联系,越来越多地与社会资本发生了某种密切的联系,因而从社会资本的分析视角尤其是从社会资本的负效应出发能够较好地揭示出腐败问题所具有的更为深刻的社会结构要素.  相似文献   

企业社会责任的承担主体毫无疑问是企业,但是由于法学界对企业本质有不同的见解,形成了多种法人理论,因而有深入探讨的必要。本文通过对法人理论的三大通说的考察,论证了其共同点都主张企业社会责任的承担主体是企业。  相似文献   

拍卖业发展至今,拍卖企业只追求盈利这一价值观念正在发生转变,拍卖企业承担社会责任是拍卖业发展的新议题。尤其是在全球性经济衰退、市场竞争愈发激烈的今天,强化拍卖业社会责任的分析更具有实际意义。本文将论述强化拍卖业社会责任的必要性,并就强化拍卖业社会责任的路径、方法提出作者的看法和建议。  相似文献   

张雅光 《行政与法》2006,(9):116-118
长时间来,资本市场的虚假与欺诈已经让人感到触目惊心,法律的不断健全与政府监管力度的不断加大并没有使事情变得好转,人们开始重新审视法律规范与政府监管的效力,终于认识到“监管和法律并非万能的,都有其作用的边界。”[1]那么,如何才能从真正意义上规范资本市场,笔者认为在资本市场中强调企业的社会责任尤其重要,建立以企业社会责任为基础的自律性监管是规范资本市场的关键。  相似文献   

确保执政地位是所有执政党追求的基本目标之一。执政地位的巩固依赖于执政党拥有良好的执政品性和良好的执政能力。执政品性与执政能力的有机统一构成执政信用。以德治党是培植良好执政品性的必然选择,依法治党是增强执政能力的必由之路。只有将以德治党与依法治党结合起来,才能培植和增强执政党的执政信用,也才能确保国家的政治稳定。  相似文献   

在国家荣誉制度的立法过程中,应对其政治理念、宪法依据与宪制功能有深入的认知。荣誉制度作为连接国家与公民的政治纽带,一方面强化公民与国家之间的政治归属,促成政治认同与进行社会动员;另一方面则代表国家对公民进行教化与规训,经由英模塑造达成特定国家目标。中国宪法规定了国家荣誉与个人荣誉的双重主体结构与实现路径,国家荣誉构成个人荣誉的前提和基础,服务于国家任务的实现。此外,国家荣誉制度兼具重要的宪制功能,包括了对于政权合法性的建构、对于政治诉求的吸纳,以及引导主流价值观。国家荣誉立法应符合宪法所设定的原则,提高与增强国家荣誉的权威性和稀缺性,强调评审机制的独立性和参与性,并通过荣誉制度来培育公民的政治人格。  相似文献   

领导者权力性影响力是领导者有效管理组织的必要条件,因此,如何提升领导者的权力性影响力是一个值得我们研究的课题。近年来.随着竞争的不断加剧和环境不确定性的增加,社会资本在领导者有效管理组织中日益凸显其独特魅力.本文通过对领导者社会资本影响力的获取与权力性影响力之间关系的分析.认为领导者对社会资本的占有是提升其权力性影响力的重要途径.提出了领导者获得社会资本并借此提升其权力性影响力的建议.希望对领导者有效管理组织有所裨益.  相似文献   

《未成年人社会调查报告》具有相关性、专业性和科学性、应用性,属于专家证据。社会调查员应当出庭质证,接受双方当事人的询问。法官应当结合其它证据对《报告》的可信性进行审查,并综合全案对其证明力大小作出判断。  相似文献   

王进文 《河北法学》2002,20(Z1):200-206
法律移植是不同的文化之间及传统观念与现实之见相互碰撞融合过程,它对于发展中国家或后进国家吸收借鉴发达国家或先进国家的立法经验、技术以实现法制现代化具有重要意义。法律移植必须处理好传统与现实、制度与意识等全方位的关系,而它的关键则是文化和社会心理的认同。  相似文献   

Supply reduction efforts by drug law enforcement departments are a significant factor in improving the effectiveness of drug control policies. The performance of drug law enforcement departments is one of the most important concerns for policy makers. Therefore, improving the performance of these departments is crucial in order for governments to constrict illegal drug markets and prevent illegal drug distribution. The literature suggests that social capital may have significant impacts on organizational performance. Using survey data from 12 city law enforcement departments in Turkey, this study examines the effects of three social capital dimensions (structural, relational, and cognitive dimensions) on the perceived performance of drug law enforcement departments by using structural equation modeling. The results of this conceptually grounded and empirical study suggest that drug law enforcement departments should pay close attention to promoting social capital among officers in order to fight effectively against drug trafficking.  相似文献   

Trust is essential to successful business relations, particularly to the efficient operation of law firms. Trust fosters productive working relationships, favorable reputations, and a lucrative clientele. This paper contributes to research on law firm development through a consideration of social dynamics within law firms beyond traditional emphases on trading relationships and community solidarity. We introduce a social capital perspective on the evolution of trust and its consequences for commitment to the law firm. We argue that trust, specifically in the form of perceived distributive justice, is created and nurtured through social integration among law firm members. Yet, for women, who continue to be denied full access to these social networks and professional rewards, trust is undermined. Exclusion and emerging distrust prompt women to contemplate leaving their respective firms. This paper examines the bases of differential levels of trust and their impact on lawyers'intentions to leave practice.  相似文献   

School corporal punishment is associated with many negative outcomes. This research explores the antecedents to the practice and prevalence of school corporal punishment. A series of regression models indicated that two variables were significant predictors of a state’s practice of school corporal punishment: rate of evangelical Protestant adherents and social capital. A path analysis indicated that these two variables significantly predicted the rate of school corporal punishment in practicing states. The path analysis also revealed a significant and negative relationship between rate of evangelical Protestant adherents and social capital, but no relationship between rate of mainstream Protestant adherents and social capital. A mediation analysis indicated that social capital serves as a mediating variable between evangelical Protestantism and rate of school corporal punishment. Practical and theoretical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

领导干部的社会主义荣辱观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡锦涛同志提出的社会主义荣辱观,涵盖了爱国主义、集体主义和社会主义的丰富内容,指明了社会主义市场经济条件下人们世界观、人生观、价值观的核心所在,明确了当代中国的道德评价体系和道德评价标准。高屋建瓴,切中时弊,具有强烈的现实针对性。各级领导干部应准确把握社会主义荣辱观的内涵,充分认识树立社会主义荣辱观的必要性,为全社会作出表率。  相似文献   

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