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Lessons Learned     
正Experts push for cooperation between world's two largest economies in post-COVID-19 world With the international community now facing the dual challenges of containing the novel coronavirus disease(COVID-19) pandemic and restoring the economy and social activities, international cooperation is needed more than ever to strike a balance between the two goals.  相似文献   

Lessons Learned     
Amonth before the PRC 60th anniversary celebrations in Beijing, I traveled back to the US as part of a group fromthe Chinese media to meet with former American president George H.W. Bush, on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Sino-U.S. diplomatic ties. The interview he granted us was for Chinese television and part of a larger series featuring various individuals recounting developments in New China that took place on their watch. Mr. Bush and the PRC have done more than just cross paths over the last 60 years. His particular story began back in the early 1970s when then President Nixon took notice of a young congressman from the State of Texas.  相似文献   

正DEVELOPMENTS since the launch last year of Shanghai’s Free Trade Zone(FTZ)illustrate once more that certain Western media still fail to grasp that China’s economic policy has achieved more than three decades of rapid economic growth.The signifi cance of the FTZ and the lessons to be drawn from it,therefore,merit an analysis of its development.China has famously developed its economic policy  相似文献   

组建国有控股公司是战后国外管理国有资产的一种有效途径。本文阐述了国外国有控股公司的涵义,讨论了其组建成因:政治方面的目的、参与国际竞争与跨国经营的要求、管理国有资产的代理机构、把国有企业转变为私有产权的工具,研究了其三种类型:国家独资公司模式、有限责任公司模式、股份有限公司模式,分析了意大利、新加坡、埃及和德国四国国有控股公司的组织结构,最后得出一些有益的启示。  相似文献   

Child welfare agencies implement practice models to guide their processes and practices, clarify expectations, and enhance service delivery to improve outcomes for children, youth, and families. Changing child welfare practices is a tremendous undertaking requiring assimilation of new concepts, policies, skills, and behaviors. The integration of a new practice model can be facilitated through tailored training and technical assistance (T/TA) grounded in implementation science. Based on qualitative analysis from a cross-site evaluation of Child Welfare Implementation Centers, this article provides an overview and lessons learned from 14 practice model implementation projects and the use of T/TA to support them.  相似文献   


The Internet has provided an expansive environment that enhances many existing teaching and learning approaches while facilitating new activities that are free of traditional constraints. As a result of the potential for instantaneous interaction without regard for geographic, political, racial, social, and gendered borders, an increased amount of activity is taking place online. In school settings, the need to regulate behaviors in cyberspace and minimize potential and actual risks to children has necessitated some governance over harmful interactions. Two recent cases in the United States will illustrate the emerging struggles of school systems to ensure the safety of youth online.  相似文献   

金融体制是一国经济体制的重要组成部分。金融体制健全与否,对一国经济、金融的稳定和发展具有决定性的作用。就泰国的金融体制而言,多年来一直存在严重的结构性缺陷。对这种结构性缺陷进行深入的研究,将有助于我国在改革开放的进程中更好地吸取教训,把解决金融体制上的问题放在优先的位置,从制度上消除金融危机隐患。...  相似文献   

Title: Capitals of Capital: The Rise and Fall of International Financial Centers, 1780-2009 Publisher: Cambridge Univer- sity Press Author: Youssef Cassis, Jacque- line Collier Pub date: March 2010 408 pages, Paperback, USD 50T HE financial world is plagued by cutthroat wars, but no bloodshed is ever witnessed. From the Asian financial crisis to the U.S. subprime catastrophe, a number of financial storms have swept the world in recent years. In the battle for profits, nobody is a permanent winner.  相似文献   

越南金融危机与亚洲金融危机的比较与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008年越南忽然爆发金融危机,人们在震惊之余,惊觉此次危机不管是爆发的背景、特征还是根本原因,都与11年前源于泰国的亚洲金融危机有着惊人的相似之处。对越南金融危机与1997年的亚洲金融危机在爆发的背景、表现、原因、国际环境和产生影响等方面的异同进行比较,能得出一些启示和教训,有助于我们国家能够更好地认识、治理以及防范金融危机。  相似文献   

刘文娟 《桂海论丛》2010,26(4):78-82
通过反思世界各国在金融危机冲击下的种种表现,找出经济发展中深层次的矛盾和问题。金融是现代市场经济的核心,虚拟经济与实体经济的严重失衡是金融危机的根源;反思日本、韩国金融崩溃的经验教训,在新一轮产业升级中,遏制我国产业空洞化的势头;降低石油的对外依存度,促进我国能源结构多元化;正确认识金融危机下粮食危机的本质,把保障粮食安全作为国家一项长期战略目标;吸取东欧国家市场化改革的经验和教训,坚持走中国特色的社会主义市场经济道路。  相似文献   

a.你会打篮球吗?b.我会打乒乓球了。c.太极拳是中国传统的体育项目.d.你们赢了还是输了?1.体育2.锻炼3.运动4.武术5.太极拳6.传统7.打8.比赛9.赢10.输11.项目12.球13.篮球14.足球15.排球16.乒乓球17.冠军18.亚军19.跑步20.教练21.在22.当然23.觉得24.开始25.听说26.最近27.没关系小明:你还在学习太极拳吗?麦克:当然还在学习。小明:你觉得太极拳好学吗?麦克:开始的时候觉得有点儿难。现在不觉得难了。小明:听说最近有太极拳比赛,你想参加吗?麦克:…  相似文献   


This study first examined a model of the predictors and mediators of both suicidal ideation and violent ideation, particularly since both types of ideation were highly correlated (r = .55) among our young adolescent participants. The variables in the model were those identified in media accounts of the histories of the 10 high-profile school shooting cases, and that have also been included in our earlier model of the predictors of suicidal ideation, which we expanded to include violent ideation. Perceptions of competence or adequacy and social support from peers and parents predicted two mediators in the model, an adjustment/depression composite (self-esteem, hope to hopelessness, and affect, along a continuum from cheerful to depressed) and anger-induced physical aggression. These variables, in turn, predicted both suicidal and violent ideation. Secondly, we examined adolescents' reactions to vignettes that described harassing events, at the hands of peers and teachers simulating the type of audience-observed ridicule experienced by the school shooters. We were particularly interested in the emotional reaction of humiliation, an effect that has received surprisingly little attention in the emotion literature. Humiliation was related to other emotions such as anger and depression, consistent with the co-occurrence of internalizing and externalizing symptoms demonstrated in the overall model. Next we compared those who reported that they would respond violently to the events in vignettes compared to those reporting nonviolent reactions. Examining the variables in the general model, those who reported violent ideation reported markedly lower perceptions of adequacy, lower levels of social support, lower self-esteem, greater hopelessness, depressed affect, and anger-induced aggression. The violent ideators also reported higher levels of both homicidal and suicidal ideation. Discussion focused on the fact that thoughts of violence toward others as well as toward the self have similar psychosocial origins that should be considered in prevention and intervention efforts.  相似文献   

Fishing Lessons     
China will teach underdeveloped African countries how to provide for themselves China-Africa cooperation has gone through a growth spurt in recent decades. Non-governmental exchanges have been especially successful in encouraging people from both sides to learn more about the other  相似文献   

Latin Lessons     
正Integration presents challenges and opportunities for Chinese companies in Latin America On December 3 the Third Summit of Latin American and Caribbean States lowered its curtain in Caracas, capital of Venezuela, officially signing into effect the formation of the Community of Latin A merican and Caribbean States (CELAC) as the new leading regional bloc, which symbolized further integration of the region and a milestone after Latin America's independence fighters first raised the battle cry for a united Latin America 200 years ago. As the second largest trade partner and the third largest investor of the region,  相似文献   

Lessons for Life     
<正>A Beijing school struggles gamely to give migrant workers’children quality education Félicie,an orphan,dreams of becoming a bal erina.Though she lacks formal training,the young girl is determined to get enrol ed in a ballet school and runs away from her orphanage in rural Brittany to Paris.After overcoming a series of hurdles,she fi nally manages to be accepted as a student at the capital’s  相似文献   

Lessons for Life     
正Pioneering project for rural children strengthens educational reform In her recent photographs with ner little daughter,both of them wearing smart matching clothes in blue,Su Mingjuan looks affluent and confident.Its a far cry from her photograph in 1991,which became the face of China's largest charitable program Project Hope's drive for educational improvements in impoverished rural areas.  相似文献   

正Volunteers and policies go hand in hand to improve rural educationWhen Zhang Chengxiang, a teacher from a technical college in east China, recently went to Xiliushui Hope Primary School in Guizhou Province in southwest China to be a volunteer teacher, it was her second mission in that isolated area. When she first got there, she was daunted by the high mountains that encircled the vil age and cut it off from the outside world.  相似文献   

Lessons In Love     
正Age-appropriate sex education aims to make youths more responsible What comes to your mind immediately when we talk about sex?In a sex education class for primary school students’ parents in Dujiangyan, southwest China’s Sichuan Province,teacher Du Li asks this question and triggers an animated discussion on  相似文献   

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