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Prison officers are exposed to violence and other safety risks at rates higher than workers in most occupations are, and indicators of workplace safety have been linked to a number of negative health and occupational outcomes among officers. Yet, few researchers have examined the sources of prison officer safety. Using data collected from over 1,800 officers working in 45 prisons, we apply a multi-level opportunity framework to examine the individual and environmental influences on objective and subjective measures of officer safety. Our analysis revealed that officer safety is affected by officers’ routines (e.g. frequency of contact with inmates) and characteristics that might reflect officers’ suitability as targets (e.g. age, race). We also observed that indicators of both micro- (e.g. coworker support) and macro-level (e.g. architectural design) guardianship influence prison officers’ safety.  相似文献   

程颖 《中国司法》2011,(9):38-41
当前,监狱押犯构成日趋复杂,长刑期犯、暴力犯、涉黑涉毒犯等呈持续上升趋势,暴狱、袭警、脱逃、行凶、自杀等危险性不断增加,维护监狱安全稳定的任务更加繁重。面对新形势、新任务、新挑战,我们必须改变过去主要以阶段性活动和非常态应急措施推动监狱安全稳定的工作方式,要通过规范监狱内部管理,强化基层基础工作,把安全稳定贯穿于监狱工作的全过程,使安全稳定工作的各项措施日常化,推动和实现监狱安全稳定的常态化。  相似文献   

监管场所尤其是看守所,因其监管对象的特殊性而被称为违法犯罪的"信息源"和"资料库",但这座信息库长期以来都未被真正开启。近年来,"侦审合一"、"监所归口管理"等公安职能的调整,使得各地公安监管部门开始思考、探索深挖犯罪等职能,监所深挖工作在全国监管系统迅速开展。监所深挖是新时期公安监所工作的一个重要组成部分,也是一项长期性、综合性的侦查措施和基础性业务工作,应根据其特点和优势,总结监所深挖的一般方法和机制建设。  相似文献   

Many countries and international organisations (for example, the USA, England and Wales, Japan, the European Union and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development) have developed measures of public safety and measures of the effectiveness of criminal justice agencies. This paper briefly considers the background to such comparative developments and relates these to the specific contextual conditions of Taiwan. We report the results of a study which reviewed the state of empirical indicator availability in Taiwan and sought to develop an indicator framework for those charged with the governmental task of ‘public safety’. The paper concludes by considering how such a framework can be implemented in Taiwan.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the choice of punishment levels where therapy and pure imprisonment are the two types of treatment. The incidence of a repeat offense depends on the offender's criminal energy in a stochastic fashion. Therapy increases the depreciation rate of criminal energy. A combination of the two treatment types is never chosen since they constitute strong substitutes.  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(6):888-918
Scholars and policymakers have called for greater attention to understanding the causes of and solutions to improved prisoner reentry outcomes, resulting in renewed attention to a factor—prison visitation—long believed to reduce recidivism. However, despite the theoretical arguments advanced on its behalf and increased calls for evidence-based policy, there remains little credible empirical research on whether a beneficial relationship between visitation and recidivism in fact exists. Against that backdrop, this study employs propensity score matching analyses to examine whether visitation of various types and in varying amounts, or “doses,” is in fact negatively associated with recidivism outcomes among a cohort of released prisoners. The analyses suggest that visitation has a small to modest effect in reducing recidivism of all types, especially property offending, and that the effects may be most pronounced for spouse or significant other visitation. We discuss the implications of the findings for research and policy.  相似文献   

This study examines recidivism among inmates who participated in prison industry programs during confinement and a comparison group of inmates who were not employed in prison industry. Industry participants had lower recidivism rates than nonparticipants, but when differences between the groups on other characteristics associated with recidivism were controlled, the recidivism rates of participants and nonparticipants were virtually identical. A proportional hazards regression model was estimated that showed that, net of other variables, the effect of prison industry participation on the probability of postrelease felony arrest was small and insignificant. The findings are discussed in the context of existing correctional outcome research and recent developments in prison work programs.  相似文献   

定性变量指数的编制及其监狱安全事故评估研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在讨论单一现象动态总指数与多现象静态总指数分类的基础上,介绍了针对伴随安全事故发生的变量多为定性的非数值型变量的特点,怎样运用静态总指数方法编制监狱安全事故指数,并通过案例实证了运用指数评估监狱安全的实际意义,最后对研究成果的理论意义作出了客观评价。  相似文献   

公共安全标准化是社会主义和谐社会建设的重要内容,也是公共安全事业健康发展的必然要求,但是公共安全标准制修订环节已然不能适应社会发展的客观要求,公共安全标准的颁布实施与宣贯环节投入严重不足,公共安全标准化工作缺乏严密的保障体制和协调机制,缺乏有效的监督机制和反馈机制,因此必须要运用过程分析法对公共安全标准化的运行过程加以分析,厘清其逻辑关系,以期改善我国的公共安全标准化现状.  相似文献   

公共安全产品供给是政府部门的主要职能之一。农村地区目前面临的刑案、治安案件频发,邪教传播与封建迷信活动猖獗等问题,其主要原因是农村公共安全产品供给不足。创新农村公共安全供给机制,从培育农村公共安全文化、创新农村警务模式、理顺农村公共安全监管体制、创新公共安全产品供给主体等路径构建农村公共安全产品多元化供给体系,将从根本上解决农村公共安全产品供给不足的现状,为我国构建和谐社会及社会主义新农村建设提供坚实的基础。  相似文献   

按照国家突发公共事件总体应急预案的规定,突发公共事件可分为自然灾害、事故灾难、公共卫生事件和社会安全事件四类。本文论述了突发公共事件的分类方法,分析了各类突发公共事件的特点及安全状况。具体来说,自然灾害可分为两类,事故灾难可分为四类,公共卫生事件分为两类,社会安全事件分为四类。当前的突发公共事件分类主要侧重于事件的属性,符合公共安全事件的应急救援和安全管理的要求,利于划定应急管理的范围、指导救灾工作。对于突发公共事件的分类亦有不同看法,本文没有具体论述。  相似文献   

监狱检察的发展与监狱改革是分不开的,监狱改革势必会引发监狱检察理念和监督方式、监督制度的一系列变化.在监狱改革的背景下,应当大力加强和改进监狱检察工作,从调整监督内容和重点、推进规范化制度化建设、夯实基层基础工作、完善纠正违法和检察建议制度等方面改革和完善中国的监狱检察制度.  相似文献   

Public school systems in America have come under scrutiny due to the harsh treatment of students by School Resource Officers (SROs). Incidents of armed, uniformed police in schools affecting physical arrests in American classrooms seem to be ever more frequent in news cycles, likely due to the ease of capturing these events on video via cell phones of bystanders. Of particular note, visceral reports of “heavy-handed” SROs reinforce a consistent narrative from some media outlets suggesting that the simple presence of these officers inside schools leads to student arrests for behaviors that can arguably be dealt with by the school administration in a reintegrative manner. The apparent lack of school discretion and the presence of strict zero tolerance policies are at the root of an issue that has been termed the “School to Prison Pipeline” by mass media. SROs are often the exclusive focus of this issue, typically as a symbol of a school’s dedication to strict enforcement of rigid rules.  相似文献   

黄勇峰 《中国司法》2010,(9):104-105
文化是有地域性的。地域文化是指生活在该地域的成员,在既定的时间、空间,由于地理环境、历史传承、社会制度,以及民俗习惯、宗教信仰等多种因素而形成的一种文化形态。地域文化具有鲜明的地域特征,是地域之间相互区别的文化类型。即使在人类进入信息化的时代,人们以信息为纽带,结为“地球村”的条件下,也不可能消除地域文化的客观存在,不能消除地域文化对该地域成员在思维方式,价值取向和行为选择方面的深刻影响。  相似文献   

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