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While there is extensive American literature that examines the interface between elected officials and administrators in cities and municipalities, there is virtually nothing written about Canada, particularly for small and isolated cities and villages. Based on a survey consisting of twenty‐one operational questions conducted in the Thompson‐Nicola Regional District (TNRD) of British Columbia, the study fills that void. We found varying degrees of shared decision‐making between the two parties, but the respondents also reported incursions from their counterparties in a number of areas.  相似文献   

This article examines the relationship between local government economic development policy and multilevel governance, and investigates whether multilevel governance can be effectively implemented in key sectors, using two case studies of the aerospace and fashion sectors. This article seeks to answer the following questions: What inhibits the formation of multilevel collaborative governance institutions in these sectors? What implications does this have for urban economic development policy for the City of Toronto, and by extension, other cities across Canada? The case study evidence suggests that these institutions are forming in other cities such as Montreal and contributing to their success. So why is Toronto different?  相似文献   

This article examines the compatibility between performance improvement and compliance‐based accountability in the implementation of a new system of public health performance management in Ontario. Findings from this mixed‐method study show that only minor elements of performance improvement get incorporated into pre‐existing compliance‐based accountability structures, that reinforcement of accountability structures works to the detriment of performance improvement intentions, and that limiting managerial influence in developing performance measures and targets diminish the utility of information for improvement. The study concludes that achieving a better balance requires an alternative to top‐down decision making that goes beyond consultation to include partnership.  相似文献   

Refugee hearings perform an important function in migration management. They filter unwanted immigrants while offering possibilities for the protection of human rights for others. Building on insights from frontline decision‐making and migration studies, and from the standpoint of law and society, this article examines how Canada's refugee adjudicators assess the facts of a refugee claim. The data come from ethnographic research that combines observation of hearings, interviews with implicated actors and archival research. Going beyond adjudicators’ individual‐level attitudes towards refugee claimants, the article finds that hearing room assessments are shaped by adjudicators’ divergent approaches to fact‐finding, their interdependent relationships with lawyers, and their training.  相似文献   

Globalization, Europeanization and the End of Scandinavian Social Democracy?Edited by robert geyer, christine ingebritsen and jonathon w. moses. London: Macmillan. 2000. Changing Politics of Canadian Social Policy. By james j. rice and michael j. prince. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. 2000. Four Strong Winds: Understanding the Growing Challenges to Health Care. By michael b. decter Toronto: Stoddard. 2000. Now resident on Vancouver Island, the author was until recently a faculty member in the Department of political science at the University of Windsor.  相似文献   

Abstract: The issue of when, how and why the court may remedy the unconstitutional exercise of administrative discretion is largely unexplored. This study explores the relationship between discretion and the Charter and argues for a broader, more contextual approach to remedying the source of unconstitutional discretion. Guidance as to how to exercise broad discretionary authority comes in the form of “soft law,” which encompasses a variety of non‐legislative instruments such as policy guidelines and training materials, and which, more informally, extends to administrative culture. Administrative discretion involves choices and judgements usually shaped by a range of legal, bureaucratic, social and personal factors. Under present jurisprudence, the less precise a statutory discretion and the greater the reliance on non‐legislative guidelines, the more difficult that discretion will be to subject to constitutional scrutiny. This article challenges this logic and concludes that respect for governmental accountability and the rule of law require bringing soft law out of the constitutional shadows. The first part of the analysis examines the regulation of discretion generally and soft law specifically outside the Charter. The second part analyses the leading case law on the regulation of discretion under the Charter. The third section explores the intersection of discretion, soft law and the Charter. Finally, the fourth section considers the problem of remedying unconstitutional exercises of discretionary authority. Alternative principles are suggested for the development and application of soft law, which envisions a central role for the Charter in rendering the discretionary decision‐making process more accountable and just. A version of this paper was first presented at a workshop for the Twenty Years Under the Charter Conference, Association of Canadian Studies, Ottawa, 19 April 2002. The author is associate professor, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto. He is grateful to those who participated in that workshop for their suggestions and comments, as well as to Robert Chamey, David Dyzenhaus, Ian Greene, Nicholas Lambert, Ian Morrison and David Mullan, who commented on an earlier version of this paper. He is also indebted to his colleagues Sujit Choudhry and Kent Roach, who have shared their work on related themes. He would like to thank Laura Pottie and Aaron Delaney for their superb research assistance. He wishes to acknowledge the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, the Faculty of Law, University of Toronto, and the Connaught Foundation for their generous financial support of this research. Finally, he acknowledges the Journal's anonymous reviewers for their comments.  相似文献   

Abstract: Ethics has often been of central academic and policy concern but has also emerged as a central public and media issue in Canadian politics. In Toronto, there have been a number of scandals over the past few years that have brought the discussion of ethics in the municipal public service to the forefront as well. This article analyses some of the ethical problems that municipal public servants face and the institutional culture that allows ethics violations to occur. These are illustrated by the Toronto computer‐leasing and external contracts scandals, which were the subject of an inquiry, beginning in 2002, and subsequent report by Madam Justice Denise E. Bellamy, in 2005. The author looks at the case of Wanda Liczyk to illustrate how the decision‐making process can be corrupted and how this can lead to loss of public trust and inefficient and inequitable government. The challenge for urban governance is to create a municipal public service that is professional and accountable and that follows an ethical public‐service model based on ethical codes, leadership and an understanding of underlying ethical principles. This would help regain public trust and maintain a public service that is efficient and therefore better able to handle the increasing challenges of local government. Sommaire: L'éthique a souvent été une préoccupation fondamentale sur le plan de la theorie et de la politique, mais elle est également devenue une question d'intérêt public et une question médiatique dans la politique canadienne. Å Toronto, un certain nombre de scandales survenus ces derniéres années ont également porté le debat sur 1'éthique dans la fonction publique municipale à l'avant‐scéne. Le présent article analyse certains problemes d'éthique auxquels font face les fonctionnaires municipaux et la culture institutionnelle qui permet la violation de l'éthique. De tels cas sont illustrés par les scandales concernant la location d'ordinateurs et les contrats externes qui sont survenus à Toronto et ont fait l'objet d'une enquete à partir de 2002, puis d'un rapport par Madame la juge Denise E. Bellamy, en 2005. L'auteur prend le cas de Wanda Liczyk pour illustrer la manière dont le processus de prise de décision peut être corrompu et comment cela conduit à la perte de la confiance du public et a un gouvernement inefficace et inéquitable. Le défi pour la gouvernance urbaine consiste à créer une fonction publique municipale qui soit professionnelle et imputable et qui suive un modèle de fonction publique éthique fondé sur des codes déontologiques, le leadership et une compréhension des principes éthiques sous‐jacents. Cela aiderait à regagner la confiance du public et à maintenir une fonction publique qui soit efficace et par conséquent mieux en mesure de relever les défis croissants auxquels fait face le gouvernement local.  相似文献   

Abstract: Why are cabinet decision‐making systems designed the way they are? Traditional approaches to this question stress the importance of representational imperatives (i.e., region, language and gender), the need for managerial capacity and collegiality in complex organizations, or a particular government's fiscal or policy program. While these approaches have merit, they fail to pay sufficient attention to the fact that cabinet decision‐making systems are in the first instance very intimate reflections and extensions of the political instincts, personal aptitudes, and governing experience of first ministers. The author sets out to understand recent reforms to Ontario cabinet decision‐making in precisely this way ‐ how did Premier Michael Harris' sense of his government's mandate, his personal approach to decision‐making, and the practical lessons learned over the course of his government's first mandate influence the design of Ontario's cabinet decision‐making system between 1995 and 1999? This article begins with a short history of Ontario's cabinet decision‐making system, focusing on the period from 1968 to 1995. It then provides details of reforms introduced between 1995 and 1999 and concludes with some thoughts on how Premier Harris' political instincts, personal aptitudes, and governing experience influenced these reforms. Sommaire: Pourquoi les systèmes de prise de décisions du Cabinet sont‐ils conçus comme ils le sont? Les réponses traditionnelles à cette question soulignent l'impor‐tance des impératifs de représentation (c.‐à‐d. la région, la langue et le sexe), le besoin de compétence en matière de gestion et la collégialité dans les organismes complexes, ou bien un programme politique ou budgétaire particulier du gouvernement. Ces approches sont valables, mais elles ne tiennent pas suffisamment compte du fait que les systemes de prise de décisions du Cabinet sont, avant tout, le fruit de reflexions très approfondies et d'instincts politiques, d'aptitudes personnelles, et de l'expérience gouvernementale des premiers ministres. L'auteur de cet article essaie de comprendre, précisément dans ce sens, les récentes réformes en matière de prise de décisions au Cabinet de 1'Ontario: comment est‐ce que l'idée qu'a Michael Harris du mandat de son gouvernement, son approche personnelle face à la prise de décisions, et les leçons pratiques tirées de son premier mandat (1995–1999) ont‐elles influencé la conception du système de prise de décisions du Cabinet de l'Ontario? L'auteur commence par brosser un bref historique du système de prise de décisions du Cabinet de l'Ontario, en se penchant tout particulièrement sur la période allant de 1968 A 1995. Ensuite, il présente en détail les réformes introduites de 1995 à 1999 et conclut par quelques réflexions sur la manière dont les instincts politiques du Premier ministre Harris, ses aptitudes personnelles et son expérience du gouvernement ont influencé ces réformes.  相似文献   

The Canadian Health System . By lee sodekstrom . Toronto: Macmillan of Canada. 1978. Pp. 271. $19.95 (cloth); $9.95 (paper). Health Insurance and Canadian Public Policy . By malcolm g. taylor . Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press. 1978. Pp. 473. $18.95 (cloth) $7.95 (paper). The Health Care Business . By ake blomqvist . Vancouver: The Fraser Institute. 1979. Pp. 185. $5.95 (paper).  相似文献   

不当得利是指无法律上的原因而受利益致使他人受损害.不当得利请求权是民法上一项重要的权利.在公法关系上,没有法律上的原因受到利益的也可以成立不当得利请求权.在行政法的实践中,公法上的不当得利也日浙受到重视.本文将结合我国行政法的相关规定以及台湾上的研究成果,对公法上的不当得利制度进行分析.  相似文献   

论医师的说明义务--以"充分说明后同意"法理为基础   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
医师在医疗行为时负有说明义务,在“充分说明后同意”法理基础上对说明义务研究,考虑医事父权与病人自主权、医师说明义务与患者同意(承诺)、医师自由裁量权与病人自主权等影响因素,从而得出说明义务的类型、内容、判断标准以及违反的法律后果。  相似文献   

How have municipal governments in Canada been engaging Aboriginal peoples and First Nations? This project examined municipal Aboriginal relations offices and/or advisory committees across Canada and focuses on four cases in Vancouver, Edmonton, Winnipeg and Toronto. This study identified their mandates, size, locations and initiatives these offices and advisory committees have undertaken, which include: awareness training; employment strategies to recruit, hire and retain Aboriginal municipal employees; and improve Aboriginal representation on municipal agencies, boards and commissions.  相似文献   

Governments have made strides in “crowdsourcing” yet the concept has not been defined as a tool in either policy‐making or in delivering services. The article identifies different forms of crowdsourcing and argues that existing taxonomies for governing instruments insufficiently account for crowdsourcing as a strategic tool in its arsenal. Focusing on the most important types of crowdsourcing drawn from the federal, provincial and municipal levels, it explores the limits of crowdsourcing and issues it raises for governance and administration. The cases reveal how crowdsourcing can help the state meet needs by activating crowds into accomplishing tasks. Using crowds is more than a procedural novelty: it opens new venues for direct contact between the state and citizens that can affect the force and direction of decision making.  相似文献   

This article examines the relationship between council size and municipal expenditures in Quebec's largest municipalities. Two claims commonly found in the literature are tested: the professionalization and the law of 1/n hypotheses. Using cross‐sectional data, the professionalization hypothesis is confirmed: each elected official costs more in a smaller council. As for the law of 1/n, the effect of council size on total government expenditures is not significant. These results refute the cost saving argument for smaller councils and suggest that other aspects, such as quality of democratic life and efficiency in decision‐making, may be more relevant to the debate.  相似文献   

Quebec established a Health and Welfare Commissioner to shed a relevant light on the public debate and government decision‐making process to help improve citizens' health and welfare. Over the years, the Commissioner has developed an expertise in the performance measurement field based on the cross‐section of various knowledge and information sources, and that integrates ethics and citizen engagement. In this article, we present the Commissioner's approach, its results, and related issues and challenges.  相似文献   

城市恐怖主义是中外恐怖主义犯罪的基本现象,是世界各国关注的重点。目前,中国恐怖主义犯罪正在抬头,欧美国家在城市恐怖主义防范方面的经验和教训是形成中国城市反恐策略体系的重要经验来源,及时借鉴可以让我国的反恐工作避免走弯路。从欧美国家的经验来看,城市恐怖主义难以防范主要有两个原因:安保战线过长和防范心理的松懈。针对我国未来城市反恐的建议有二:一是尽快完成反恐法立法,二是重视各部门之间的协作配合。  相似文献   

Despite advances in research‐informed public policy, research remains underutilized in government. To develop a firmer understanding of governmental capacity to use research in decision making, we investigate Canadian provincial ministries overseeing education, higher education, and science and technology. The findings from semi‐structured interviews indicate that capacity to generate and access research is limited. However, we find evidence of a recent change in which provincial agencies sought to bolster capacity with research use strategies and by leveraging relationships with researchers. Leaders’ support for well‐coordinated research use initiatives also seems critical to instilling a culture of research‐informed decision making in government agencies.  相似文献   

中共六大前和六大上,周恩来对中国革命斗争实践中产生的一些问题作了深刻的思考,并对共产国际关于中国革命的指示提出了一些不同意见,为六大路线的制定作出了重要贡献。六大后,周恩来正确执行了六大路线,以"准备"为中心,着重在"争取群众"和组织群众上下功夫,而不急于去进攻中心城市;并对六大路线作了创造性的发展:逐渐将党的工作中心由城市移向了农村,为党和中国革命作出了卓越贡献。  相似文献   

The changing role of municipalities within the state action raises their concern for local civic engagement. Increased civic engagement benefits both local democracy and local governance, while exacerbating tensions between the two. If municipalities want to boost civic engagement, they have to understand all its dimensions and cannot reduce it to formal participation in decision making. This article proposes a typology of roles played by citizens in local communities. By segmenting local citizenship, this typology identifies and validates multiple manifestations of local civic engagement. It also reveals many challenges faced by local public management, which must focus less on what its administration does and more on the multiform contributions of its citizens.  相似文献   

公共政策的制定,可以而且应该预设两种基本的程序:一是技术程序,一是制度程序,而对于民主决策来说,更重要的是制度程序。所谓制度程序,解决的是按照什么样的预设规则使一定的社会问题进入决策程序并如何产生决策结果的问题。决策中的制度程序具有组织化的特征,即通过一定的组织规则,将人们的决策活动规范到制度程序之中,进而使决策符合民主的原则和要求。  相似文献   

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