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This article surveys management improvement initiatives in the federal public service during the 2000s and assesses their progress. It reviews eight key areas: management accountability; expenditure management; financial management; human resource management; grants and contributions management; project management and capital investment; internal audit; and processes to sustain public service values and ethics. Although not all of the initiatives have been equally successful, this article argues that general improvement has been realized. The article also considers factors behind the successes, arguing that improvements typically arise from a combination of political, organizational, cultural and economic factors including public service leadership and support at the political level. Recent budget pressures may affect the sustainability of continuing management improvement, but elements for moving forward are clear.  相似文献   

Abstract. The purpose of this study is to review the operations of the controls on foreign direct investment, as established by the Foreign Investment Review Act passed in late 1973, and to assess their immediate and long-term effects on the behaviour of foreign firms. To do so, the authors have drawn on data published by various government institutions, in particular by the Foreign Investment Review Agency. In addition, several interviews were conducted with officials of the latter and executives whose companies had been subject to the review process. Most of the interviews took place during the year 1977. Several conclusions emerge from the study. First of all, the recent drop in inflows of foreign direct investment can hardly be blamed on the legislation of 1973 and the setting-up of the screening Agency. Rather, its causes are to be found in world phenomena and, more particularly, in structural changes taking place in the u.s. economy. In the long run, the behaviour of foreign companies in the presence of controls will vary in relation to firm-specific factors, such as their particular motivation for expanding abroad and their internal organizational structure. Secondly, the Agency must be credited with tangible, though limited, achievements. It must be borne in mind that its effectiveness is closely related to the overall governmental policy toward foreign investors and that, on this account, no precise directions actually exist. Regarding its efficiency, the Agency is clearly in the process of learning how to deal with foreign firms and improvements in its bargainings are likely to take place as time passes. Finally, in spite of some positive aspects, there is a need to reassess the entry control system as it stands presently, in light of a (yet to come) coherent government industrial policy.  相似文献   

Abstract. Intergovernmental agreements represent one of the most significant yet least known or understood elements in the transformation of the Westminster system of government in the fédérations of Canada and Australia. They have come into being for a variety of reasons and to serve many purposes but their proliferation has been gradual, constant and silent. The central problem is the question of who is to be held accountable for the création and implementation of these agreements, to whom, and in what manner. For die most part such agreements are designed away from public scrutiny by the executive and implemented for fixed periods of time by methods which escape any searching analysis or debate in municipal, provincial, or national parliaments. Public servants are intimately involved in this process. This paper examines the reasons why intergovernmental agreements come into being, their nature and purpose, and the problems they have caused in the two countries. A number of solutions are suggested to overcome these problems before the situation becomes completely out of control. Sommaire. Les accords intergouvernementaux représentent l'un des elements les plus importants, et pourtant l'un des moins connus, de la transformation du systeme Westminster de gouvernement dans les fédérations du Canada et de l'Australie. Leurs raisons d'etre et leurs objectifs sont multiples mais leur proliferation, toujours progressive et constante, a été passée sous silence. Le principal probléme est de savoir qui détient la responsabilité de la création et de la mise en oeuvre de ces accords, a qui et comment il faut en rendre compte. lis sont, pour la plupart, concus par I'exeeutif, loin du public et mis en vigueur pour des périodes de temps définies, en se servant de méthodes qui les dérobent a l'analyse et aux débats des parlements municipaux, provinciaux ou nationaux. Les fonctionnaires participent de très près à ce processus. L'auteur de cette communication examine les raisons d'etre de ces accords intergouvernementaux, leur nature et leur but, ainsi que les problèmes qu'ils ont causes dans les deux pays. II propose un certain nombre de solutions pour surmonter ces derniers avant qu'il n'existe plus aucun moyen de reprendre la situation en main.  相似文献   

This article draws on the theoretical insights of Foucauldian governmentality scholarship to analyze a performance measurement system developed by the federal government in the 1990s to assess employment services for the unemployed. An examination of Human Resource Development Canada's Results‐Based Accountability Framework yields insights into contestation and incoherence in performance measurement, often overlooked in governmentality research. This argument is developed by detailing three obstacles to implementing the performance measurement system: dilemmas of technical coordination, contestation by actors invested in different terms of measurement, and widespread recognition of the ambiguities of the performance data. The paper concludes by calling for more variegated accounts of governance in governmentality scholarship.  相似文献   

Transition teams are often used to help Prime Ministers and Premiers move into their new roles. At the municipal level, the use of transition teams is relatively new. As such, we know little about what these groups do in comparison to federal and provincial transition teams. In this article, we examine mayoral transition teams and find that the increased use of these groups is a reflection of the enhanced organizational complexity of Canadian local government. Additionally, local conditions and candidate experience often dictate the shape and function of transition teams. Overall, we argue that more resources should be devoted to the municipal transition process.  相似文献   

Abstract. Federalism poses special problems for the regulatory activities of the state. In Canada, federal and provincial governments have frequently disagreed over which could best exercise such controls, keeping in mind not only the public interest but also the needs of the private parties involved. The business of insurance is a case in point. The decisions of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council confirmed that the provinces had important powers to regulate the writing of insurance. Yet Ottawa argued that protection of policyholders and considerations of economy and efficiency required uniform national standards. The provinces pointed instead to the greater simplicity and responsiveness of local control as well as to the steadily diminishing sphere of constitutional authority possessed by the central government. This conflict came to a head between 1927 and 1934 when the Insurance Superintendents of Ontario and Quebec led the resistance to the activities of the federal Insurance Department. Support for the provincial bureaucrats came from reciprocal and mutual insurers, while the joint-stock life insurance companies backed Ottawa. Indeed, these private interests used the federal-provincial conflict to seek special favours from the regulatory agencies. The dispute ended because politicians concluded that little was to be gained from the continuation of bureaucratic competition. Sommaire. Le fédéralisme pose des problèmes particuliers pour les activités de contrôle de l'Etat. Au Canada, les gouvernements federal et provinciaux se sont souvent trouvés en désaccord au sujet de la question de savoir à qui il était préférable de confier l'exercice de ces contrôles, gardant à l'esprit non seulement l'intérêt public, mais aussi les besoins des intérêts privés en cause. Le secteur des assurances constitute un exemple particulièrement bien choisi. Les décisions du Comité judiciaire du Conseil privé ont confirmé que les provinces disposaient de pouvoirs importants pour réglementer l'établissement des contrats d'assurance. Ottawa a cependant fait valoir que la protection des détenteurs de polices ainsi que des considerations d'économie et d'efficacité nécessitent l'application de normes uniformes à l'échelle nationale. Les provinces ont, de leur côté, attiré l'attention sur la simplicité accrue et la rapidité d'application des mesures de contrôle local, ainsi que sur les pouvoirs constitutionnels de plus en plus restreints dont dispose le gouvernement central. Ce conflit a atteint son point culminant entire 1927 et 1934, lorsque les Surintendants des assurances de l'Ontario et du Québec ont pris la tête d'un mouvement de résistance aux activités du ministère fédéral des assurances. Les compagnies qui offraient des assurances réciproques et mutuelles ont appuyé les bureaucrates provinciaux, tandis que les compagnies d'assurance-vie par actions ont soutenu Ottawa. En fait, ces intérêts privés ont exploité le conflit federal-provincial pour essayer d'obtenir un traitement de faveur de la part des organismes de contrôle. Le différend a pris fin le jour où les hommes politiques ont conclu que l'on n'avait rien à gagner de la poursuite des affrontements bureaucratiques.  相似文献   

Based on work by Moon and Sayers on the assignment of ministerial portfolios in Australia, we use a new dataset on portfolio adoption across all ten Canadian provinces and the federal government from 1867–2012. This data set when analyzed shows four distinct patterns of portfolio adoption that point to key motivations behind the development of new portfolios. We show that much of the common wisdom fails to explain portfolio creation but that patterns of development may be better explained by a new typology. The work attempts to fill a gap in the understudied area of Canadian ministerial portfolios and comparative provincial politics.  相似文献   

Abstract: Although we have fairly good knowledge of the impact of official bilingual‐ism at the federal level and of official unilingualism in Quebec on language practice in government, we know less about whether these changes in language policies have led to shifts in language practice in civil‐society organizations. The Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism carried out an extensive investigation of language practices in the private sector and in voluntary associations. Using the royal commission's work on associations representing the general interests of business, this article examines language practices of these associations three decades after the royal commission's studies were published. The authors argue that the cordiality found between French and English in general business associations in the late 1960s continues to be the rule in these types of associations today. This cordiality, however, is rooted in a change in linguistic relations. Federal‐level associations tend to have accommodated institutional bilingualism but retain English as their language of work. Quebec‐based associations have moved to conform to official unilingualism. Moreover, the number of non‐francophones in positions of authority in the Quebec groups has diminished, with executive structures now being dominated by francophones. Sommaire: Si nous avons une assez bonne connaissance de I'impact du bilinguisme officiel A I'échelle fedérale et de I'unilinguisme officiel au Québec sur la pratique lan‐gagiére du gouvemement, nous ne savons pas trb bien si ces modifications des poli‐tiques linguistiques ont entraîné des changements dans la pratique IangagèPre des organismes de la société civile. La Commission royale d'enquête sur le bilinguisme ct Ie biculturalisme a entrepris une recherche extensive sur les pratiques langagières dans le secteur privé et les associations bbnévoles. Grdce au travail de la Commission royale sur les associations representant les intérêts généraux des entreprises, cette ètude examine les pratiques langagières de ces associations, trois décennies après la publication des études de la Commission royale d'enquête. Les auteurs font remarquer que la cordialité observée entre le français et l'anglais au sein des associations cornmerciales vers la fin des années 1960 continue a être la règle dans ces types d'associations aujourd'hui. Cependant, cette cordialité est enracinée dans une modification des relations linpistiques. Les associations A 1′échelle féd érale ont tendance a satisfaire les exigences du bilinguisme institutionnel, mais conservent I'anglais cornme langue de travail. Les associations établies au Québec ont pris des rnesures pour se conformer à I'unilinguisme officiel. En outre, les non francophones sont moins nombreux à occuper des positions d'autorité dans les groupes au Québec, les structures de direction étant maintenant dominées par des francophones.  相似文献   

Although provincial and local governments bear primary responsibility for urban transit projects and operations in Canada, the Government of Canada engages intermittently in this policy field, mainly through research and short‐term funding programs. This article analyzes federal policy concerning urban transit over the period 2002‐2017, with a substantive focus on policy ideas—the cognitive and normative concepts that provide direction for, and shape the perceived legitimacy of, policy choices. Through a thematic content analysis of policy documents, this article explicates the paradigms, programmatic foci, frames and public sentiments that have underpinned federal urban transit policy over this 15‐year period.  相似文献   

Abstract. This paper investigates the implications for public policy in general and merger sections of the Combines Act in particular of the hypothesis that bureaus, when carrying out their administrative duties, attempt to maximize their private utility functions rather than the social utility function expressed in the legislation. The analytical procedure, given alternative utility goals of power, prestige, convenience, and security and the appropriate constraints, is to predict the behaviour of the Combines Branch (from 1960–71) and to test these predictions against actual Branch behaviour. The evidence on the Branch's behaviour (all cases prosecuted and discontinued) suggests that its conduct can be better explained by security maximization than by any alternative private or altruistic goal. However, it is not clear that this was a bad thing for public policy because it can be argued that the Branch's behaviour brought public policy in this area closer to the social welfare function implied in the legislation than would have been the case if the government had successfully maximized its private utility function. Sommaire. L'auteur de cet exposé enquête sur les implications, pour la politique publique en général et les articles sur le fusionnement de la loi sur les coalitions en particulier, de l'hypothèse suivant laquelle es bureaux, dans l'exercice de leurs responsabilités administratives, essaient de maximiser leurs fonctions privées plutôt que leur fonction sociale, telle qu'elle est indiquée dans la législation. La procédure analytique, étant donné le choix des buts: pouvoirs, prestige, commodité et sécurité, avec Ies limites appropriées, consiste à prédire le comportement du service chargé des coalitions (de 1965 à 1971) et à vérifier ces prédictions à la lumière de son comportement réel. Les faits relatifs au comportement de ce service (tous les cas amenés en justice et ceux qui ont été abondonnés) indiquent qu'il s'explique plus par une maximisation de la sécurité que par tout autre motif privé ou altruiste. Il ne semble pas cependant que cela ait été néfaste à la politique publique parce que l'on peut argumenter que le comportement du service a fait jouer à la politique publique un rôle plus orienté vers le bien-être social, comme cela était sous-entendu dam la législation, que ce n'aurait été le cas si le gouvernement avait maximisé avec succès sa fonction privée.  相似文献   

Abstract: A number of observers have suggested that there is a decline in the level of “traditional” federalism research undertaken in Canada. They contend that scholarly interest has shifted away from areas like fiscal federalism and the division of powers to newer areas of interest like social movements, identity politics and citizenship issues. An interdisciplinary review of a number of Canadian journals reveals, however, that studies in traditional areas of federalism are not in decline and continue to dominate the field in English‐language federalism scholarship. At the same time, the authors did not find a robust literature on federalism‐related issues in French for the forty‐year period under review. Sommaire: Un certain nombre d'observateurs semblent indiquer que le niveau de la recherche entreprise au Canada sur le féléralisme « traditionnel » a baissé. Us prétendent que les intelleduels se sont détournés des domaines comme le fédéralisme fiscal et la répartition des compétences pour s'orienter vers de nouveaux centres d'intérêt comme les mouvements sociaux, la politique identitaire et les questions relatives à la citoyenneté. Une étude interdisciplinaire d'un grand nombre de revues canadiennes révèle cependant que les études portant sur les secteurs traditionnels du fédéralisme ne sont pas en baisse et que ces secteurs continuent à faire l'objet de la majorité des bourses d'études en langue anglaise sur le fédéralisme. Par contre, nous n'avons pas parallèlement trouvé d'études importantes en langue française sur les questions liées au fédéralisme au cours de la période de 40 ans que nous avons étudiée.  相似文献   

Policing is an important element in the spectrum of services that impact living conditions, quality of life and social justice for Aboriginal communities. The ultimate policing goal should be to contribute to the realization of societies with safe living conditions and equal access to opportunities, health and happiness. In Canada, Aboriginal peoples were marginalized by colonization, becoming victims of social injustice whose significant effects on communities are felt to this day. This article explores how trust can be regained through improved communication, community engagement and empowerment. Trust building is critical for police and communities to move forward together. Truth telling, transparency and restorative justice may allow police agencies to align with the values of Aboriginal communities, support citizen empowerment, and better carry out the public will.  相似文献   

This article probes two aspects of women's ministerial careers in federal, provincial, and territorial cabinets from 1921 to December 2010. First, we examine whether the socio‐demographic profile of women ministers differ from female legislators of the governing party. Logistic regression analysis shows that women holding cabinet portfolios differ from female legislators with no ministerial responsibilities with respect to education, parliamentary experience, and age when first elected. Women legislators elected in Quebec, and more so at the federal level, were less likely to become ministers than women legislators nominated in other provinces. Second, we consider what portfolios women had over time, and how many different portfolios they were assigned to. The results are sobering: women ministers are still largely concentrated in socio‐cultural and socio‐economic portfolios, and most only occupy one or two of these portfolios. We conclude by identifying avenues for further research.  相似文献   

Abstract. This is the first of three articles on the Economic Council of Canada. It attempts to cover the establishment, structure, and functioning of the Council between 1963 and 1974 in a consistent and comprehensive manner. It also deals with the approaches and influence of three chairmen of the Council. The ‘primary tasks’ of the agency influence the selection of its senior personnel. Each chairman has influenced the performance of the Council in a manner consistent with his previous research and policy-making experiences. Given the lack of clarity in defining the Council's role at its establishment, this study of career development within the system has been most helpful in deducing the primary roles performed by the Council. The second article deals at greater length with the Council's roles in relation to external research and policy-making agencies. It is a more analytical paper than the first and isolates several potential roles which the Council was expected to perform. It shows how effective performance of these roles has required different interorganizational strategies with respect to the Council's relationship with various influential organizations and governmental agencies including the cabinet and Parliament. The third article deals with the problem of goals-formulation, given the fact that the Council at different points in time has grappled with the problem of articulating or quantifying ‘performance goals,’‘achievement goals,’ and ‘performance indicators.’ All three articles deal with different aspects of the Council's role in the Canadian policy-making system. They present important perspectives on comparative public-policy-making. Sommaire. Cet article est le premier d'une série de trois sur le Conseil économique du Canada. Il essaie de traiter de façon complète et logique de la création de la structure et du fonctionnement du Conseil entre 1963 et 1974. Il s'occupe également des attitudes et de l'influence des trois présidents du Conseil. Les responsabilités premières de l'agence ont un effet sur le choix des cadres supérieurs. Chaque président a influencé les performances du Conseil dans le sens de ses recherches et de ses choix de politiques antérieures. Le rôle du Conseil ayant été défini peu clairement à sa création, cette étude du développement des carrières au sein du système est très utile pour en dégager les rôes principaux. Le second article traite plus en détail des rôles jouks par le Conseil vis à vis de la recherche extérieure et des organismes qui déterminent les politiques. C'est un exposé plus analytique que le premier qui dégage différents rôles potentiels que l'on attendait du Conseil. Il montre comment leur exécution efficace demandait des stratégies inter-organisationnelles différentes, quant au rapport du Conseil avec des organisations influentes et des organismes gouvernementaux, dont le Cabinet et le Parlement. Le troisième article s'occupe du problème de la formulation des objectifs étant donné que le Conseil, à différentes époques, s'est attaqué au problème de l'élaboration de la quantification des « buts de performance «, des « objectifs à réaliser « et des « indicateurs de performance «. Ces trois articles traitent de différents aspects du rôle du Conseil dans le système canadien de détermination des politiques. Ils presentent des perspectives interessantes sur la prise de decision de politique publique de façon comparative.  相似文献   

A survey of public interest group leaders suggests some reasons why few third parties have chosen to advertise in recent elections. It indicates that public interest groups abstain from election advertising not because of the strictures of the Canada Elections Act but for other reasons, notably cost and fear of losing charitable status or of jeopardizing their access to and influence with officials. While the significance of these findings is limited by the scale of the survey, the results do raise tantalizing questions that warrant further research.  相似文献   

Abstract: Joint cabinet meetings are increasingly used for inter‐governmental dialogue, at both international and sub‐state levels. Provincial governments in western Canada, in particular, have employed the joint cabinet meeting format, and, between 2003 and 2009, nine such joint cabinet meetings were held. The resulting inter‐provincial collaboration at these meetings produced over thirty inter‐provincial agreements. Using the details of these particular joint cabinet meetings as a case study, this article considers three questions: First, why do governments hold joint cabinet meetings? Second, are joint cabinet meetings effective mechanisms for inter‐governmental policy‐making? And, third, particular to the Canadian context, what are the implications of joint cabinet meetings for federalism and democracy? The author argues that joint cabinet meetings are designed to build relationships and trust between governments and to allow a “whole‐of‐government” approach for inter‐governmental policy‐making. The joint cabinet meeting model appears to facilitate expedient inter‐governmental policy‐making, but the effectiveness of the resulting policies depends on the political will of the participating governments. Furthermore, in the Canadian context, joint cabinet meetings have the potential of reinforcing regionalism and the undemocratic tendencies associated with executive federalism.  相似文献   

Abstract: This issue of Canadian Public Administration marks two landmarks. It is the 50th anniversary issue of the Journal, and it is the last issue to be published by the Institute of Public Administration of Canada. For this issue, we have not produced a “special issue” in the sense of commissioning particular articles. Instead, we have brought together a number of articles that were already in the “pipeline” but that the editors thought made a particular contribution to public administration in Canada. This introductory article, or editor's review, is a retrospective analysis of the content of the Journal. It would appear that while there has been a slight shift towards public policy and a greater concern with provincial and local administration, cpa has maintained an enduring interest in its core areas of administrative theory and political and legal institutions. The content is also compared with findings of the content of other journals and also other analyses of cpa . This review is followed by commentaries by former editors and associate editors on their experiences with the Journal.  相似文献   

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