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《长日入夜行》是美国剧作家尤金·奥尼尔后期创作的极具自传题材的家庭悲剧,其剧作深刻揭示出了蒂龙一家四口隐秘内心的微妙斗争,集中体现了人物复杂情感的变化过程。全剧反复再现了人物间的爱恨交织,又着力挖掘各种矛盾背后的深层原因。以荣格心理学分析,从意识与人格面具两个层次剖析剧中人物矛盾的心理和行为,来挖掘这部家庭悲剧的深层次原因。  相似文献   

刘晗 《学理论》2010,(5):190-191
关联理论从认知角度研究语言交际,揭示了信息接受者理解和推断信息发出者真实意图的心理认知过程,并通过揭示语言理解的规律和原则来达到对语言应用规律和原则的认识。阅读理解也是一种必须经过从语言表层信息推知信息产生者深层意图的心理认知过程,本文运用关联理论来剖析阅读理解的认知特征与认知规律,论证其对对外汉语阅读教学的促进作用。  相似文献   

生命教育作为思想政治教育的重要组成部分,其重要性与紧迫性已逐渐显露。时代的发展呼唤着生命教育,大学生的思想政治教育必须回归到个体的生命世界中,使教育生命化。同时,促使个体在受教育与自我教育过程中,领悟生命的深层寓意,实现生命的价值。  相似文献   

郭丽鸽 《学理论》2009,(10):80-81
本文对《寒夜》进行文化学解读,认为《寒夜》的内容主题隐现出人情与人性双声话语的消长起伏;主要人物存在功能的互转;婆媳表层对立的深层蕴含着人物形象的互文关系,两人表层的对立背后是深层的隐形伴侣关系。《寒夜》写出了永久性的人性和终极性的关怀,有着对社会、对文化、对人性更大的涵盖,这是一部既具有共时性、又具有历时性的不朽之作。  相似文献   

腐败成因:一种社会文化心理的视角   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
社会文化心理是腐败形成的重要心理气候条件和文化生态环境,也是现阶段我国腐败现象屡禁不止的深层社会心理根基和思想文化温床。与腐败形成关联密切的社会文化心理主要有封建思想遗毒、社会文化失范、腐败社会认同和人情裙带观念等。因此,反腐倡廉需要从社会文化心理入手,开展文化建设和心理建设,尤其是开展深入的文化反思和深层的心理分析,才能从源头上消除腐败滋生的土壤与温床。  相似文献   

监所内押犯构成在不断变化,未成年犯的心理行为出现了一些新特点。家庭成员缺乏依恋亲情关系以及管教方法不当是未成年犯心理形成的深层动因,应试教育模式对未成年犯心理形成亦具有重要影响。  相似文献   

当代社会学的创始人之一爱米尔·涂尔干在他的《自杀论》一书中有力地证明了社会因素对人类自杀起到的重大影响。近年来,我国的大学生自杀事件时有发生,其深层原因主要在个人与社会间特有的平衡失去、原有的社会规则逐渐打破、社会转型期的制度错位等方面。面对日益严重的自杀现象,我们必须转变心理咨询和精神医学治疗的单一模式为强化生命教育的综合预防模式,让大学生热爱自己的生命,提高生命的质量,创造生命的价值,让生命焕发出光彩。  相似文献   

长期的心理咨询与治疗过程中,我们发现大学生心理障碍的产生总有各种原因,有现实环境的原因,也有个体本身的原因,对个体来说,其深层心理原因是导致心理障碍的核心根源。而深层心理原因中,大学生的"超相"人格则是重要的原因。这里的"超相"概念为作者首次提出,是根据大学生所反映出来的普遍深层心理问题结合国内外深层心理学思想总结出来的。  相似文献   

陈素慧 《学理论》2010,(20):99-100
佛制五戒其目的是为了凸显人生的本质、人生的价值,完善生命肋途径以及对其境界的理解。佛教五戒的内涵非常丰富,本文就侧重与在深入理解五戒内涵的基础之上,阐发五戒对于现代人类生命和生存,所具有的积极的启迪和指导意义。从而引导我们更好地解读五戒深层意蕴及其价值。  相似文献   

庄振华 《党政论坛》2008,(13):45-47
腐败现象的滋生、蔓延既有现实的经济、政治原因,又有深刻的文化根源。如果说造成腐败的政治、经济因素是显性的,那么,政治经济背后的文化,则是腐败不绝的深层因素。近年来从文化的角度分析腐败成为—个学术热点,现将其探讨的主要观点综述如下。  相似文献   

赵秦安 《学理论》2011,(5):220-221
在其整个体育教学过程中,学生随时都会产生各种心理矛盾。因此,它不仅要遵循人体生理机能的活动变化规律和体育动作技术形成的规律,还必须讲求心理学方法,遵循学生的心理活动规律,运用心理训练的手段,使学生不断克服体育教学中产生的心理矛盾,发展学生良好的心理品质和素质。主要论述心理训练在体育教学中的作用和意义以及体育教学中对学生进行心理训练的几种有效方法。  相似文献   

健康的身体是一切教育的基础,但当前我们对中学生的身体心理素质培养仍然存在着不同程度的忽视。通过对健康及健康第一指导思想内涵的揭示,指出中学应树立健康第一的指导思想,推动中学校园体育文化的建设形成具有校园特色的中学体育文化。  相似文献   

Scholarly literature finds positive motivational effects of matching workers and missions. However, the psychological mechanisms behind this matching effect have not been explored. This article develops and tests a moderated mediation model of mission matching in which meaningfulness serves as an intervening mechanism that explains the association between mission matching and effort. It also considers how individual differences in prosocial motivation influence the intervening role of meaningfulness. Using a real‐effort laboratory experiment with monetary incentives, the article shows that matched subjects exert more effort than mismatched subjects, that this effect is mediated by increases in meaningfulness, that prosociality moderates the effect of a match on meaningfulness, and that the indirect effect of a match on effort through increases in meaningfulness varies as a function of prosociality. These results contribute to a more nuanced understanding of mission matching and suggest that matching may be particularly important for certain types of workers.  相似文献   

竞技体育不正之风主要是一种试图通过操控竞技运动结果,并借助其获得经济利益的手段和行为方式。我国竞技体育中出现的诸多不正之风,就其本质而言都是"异化"的表现。竞技体育自身的特性,使得竞技体育不正之风的隐蔽性更强。竞技体育不正之风的根源,既有竞技体育运动"求胜"特征导致的非理性价值观,也有竞技体育运动之外"求利"的过度诱惑。  相似文献   

Mass media explanations and criminological profiles of mass shootings focus on the perpetrator’s individual psychological traits in their search for motive and meaning behind such horrific events. We consider the broader social context to better understand mass shootings. We focus on three recent high profile mass shootings in the United States – Aurora, CO, Newtown, CT, and Santa Barbara, CA as examples of people responding to various experienced strains with violence, and conclude with some ideas to help prevent such occurrences from happening again.  相似文献   

张鹏 《学理论》2011,(35):66-68
运用再现理论对《人民日报》、《新民晚报》、《羊城晚报》的历史研究发现,媒体建构的农民工群体正在蜕去早期的形象,经历着从都市"边缘人"到成长中的"新市民"的时代嬗变。这对于正确认识真实的农民工群体,正确认识城市化过程中的客观表象及背后的社会心理变迁,揭示大众传媒助推农民工融入城市的作用具有重要意义。  相似文献   

This paper investigates, leveraging a simple two‐stage game with incomplete information, the motivation behind announcing unreasonable commitments in the manifesto by candidates and political parties. I analyse the expected communication pattern in an environment where legal costs are not imposed for broken promises and psychological costs related to lying are not incurred by candidates. I demonstrate that there is an absence of separation between a high‐type candidate and a low‐type candidate regarding the degree to which they indulge in “cheap talk.” This paper also analyses the introduction of a penalty for broken promises and establishes that an imposition of penalty has the potential to improve the behaviour of political parties by inducing separation.  相似文献   

This Viewpoint essay examines university research administration and the use of software systems that automate university research grants and contract administration, including the automatic sending of emails for reporting and compliance purposes. These systems are described as “robotic bureaucracy.” The rise of regulations and their contribution to administrative burden on university research have led university administrators to increasingly rely on robotic bureaucracy to handle compliance. This article draws on the administrative burden, behavioral public administration, and electronic communications and management literatures, which are increasingly focused on the psychological and cognitive bases of behavior. These literatures suggest that the assumptions behind robotic bureaucracy ignore the extent to which these systems shift the burden of compliance from administrators to researchers.  相似文献   

随着经济社会的改革和竞技体育的发展,竞技体育比赛中的不正之风,尤其是足球领域的"假赌黑",引起了社会的强烈不满和高层的关注。借助治理理论可以发现,中国竞技体育管理体制未能形成政府、市场和第三部门相互制约、相互合作的有效治理框架,这是导致竞技体育不正之风滋生、蔓延的重要根源和体制原因。治理竞技体育领域的不正之风,应改革现有"政府独大"的管理体制,树立"多元并存、相互制约、分工合作"的治理理念,探索建立具有中国特色的竞技体育治理体制。  相似文献   

Patrick Lin 《Astropolitics》2013,11(3):281-294
Commercial space travel is looking more like a real possibility than science fiction, but tied to that ambition we may be held back by the gravity of emerging ethical dilemmas. This viewpoint article surveys a range of social, economic, and political questions, and critically evaluates reasons why we should explore space. The usual ethical issues related to environmental and safety concerns are just the beginning, as there are other interesting questions, such as: what would be a fair process for commercializing or claiming property in space; how likely would a separatist movement be among space settlements who want to be free and independent states; and are reasons to explore space, like for adventure, wanderlust, or “backing up the biosphere,” good enough to justify our exploration of space? The point here that we should explore space; and if we are to move forward with our journey, which may be unstoppable anyway, then we should seriously consider these issues. At the least, this would give the public more confidence—amid questions of misplaced priorities and wasteful spending, along with an increased focus on ethics in science—that we are looking ahead before we take another leap for mankind.  相似文献   

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